Monday, July 21, 2008
Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., 7-21: Dínora's back and Juan is in the crosshairs

Marie Celeste, I also noticed the stand-in. The wig was not as curly as Mario's actual hair. Yup, the "Amor Prohibido" performance was a little disturbing, but I'm glad that Melissa finally realized what a mess she was getting into and got herself out of it. After today's episode, we see that your Dinora theory was indeed correct.
Shame on Olegario! He's not even that good looking, and now it turns out he has a babe in every stable! Hope he gets caught. If Dominga takes refuge at the Reyes house, there will be no hiding things. I think she'd actually be a good "pareja" for one of the fruit boys. She's too pretty for Olegario. Quintina may well forgive him, but if she does, I hope she gives him hell first. She's no shrinking violet and will know how to keep him in line in the future.
That Gabi is taking the old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" saying a little too close to heart. It will no doubt come to bite her in the butt. I figured the mere fact that Malcolm nearly decapitated Fernando would be a wake up call about the insanity of keeping those guys around, but it looks like she's too insane to see the truth. On the plus side, this means we still have many episodes to go.
Marie Celeste:
I completely agree about Olegario. ¡Que descaro! I did like him, but he's lost some points with this little stunt. I had the same thought about Dominga and the Fruit Sons. Hopefully she'll see there's greener grass at the Reyes' place, and Quintina will teach Olegario a thing or two & he'll end up sorrier but wiser.
So we now have Dinora "2.0". Strangely enough, I like the new hair (more the cut than the color, but as a whole, I think it works.) Talk about "mala hierba nunca muere"; she's it. I hope the Reyes & Elizondo clans modify their behavior a little better in light of the fact it's clear someone is trying to murder Juan. Since the police are of no help at this point, it would be a good idea for both the Elizondos and the Reyes' to watch their backs a little closer. We'll see how they do.
Nice to see Memo is back. He tells the waiter that he's doing terrible - 'me va como los perros en misa' 'It's going like dogs at Mass.'
Ok, I assume that Amor Prohibito was played because Leonidas is married. But we didn't get that tune when Juan and Norma got together and she was married. I don't see what would have been so 'prohibido' about Melissa and Leonidas, if Melissa had been interested. While mothers don't marry their daughter's ex-husbands very often, old guys dump their wives for a fresher model all the time.
Marie Celeste, once you said that Antonio reminded you of a baboon, I can't get that out of my head when I see him. ;-) How true!
Labels: gavilanes
I almost prefer the old Leonidas if the new one thinks that living his life the right way means drinking.
It was nice to see Memo hobbling into the bar (well maybe "nice" isn't the right word, but "interesting"?) I had been wondering if he got out of his body cast yet. Yes, I lie awake at nights thinking about these things. : )
Thanks also for the new recaps of La Traicion, Jean--I absolutely devour them! They are just great! And the pictures!
I laughed as Miguel and Manolo echoed my humor at the thought that Dominga and Quintina were going to get along really well! Who knows? They may well team up and take turns smacking him around for being a Casanova.
I love Juan, but riding in the dark to look for a person he knows is trying to kill him is just plain dumb. He was sensible enough not to go back to the torture shack, but had no problem riding around without backup out in the open. I know they think they're being brave, but sometimes they're just foolish. Incidentally, my knowledge of horses is pretty limited, but for those in the know, would a horse that got spooked by a gun enough to throw it's rider actually stick around? Wouldn't he run away?
Are los Reyes rich?
And I gather that the brunette lady who is always with them (not the maid with the ponytial) is not their mother correct?
I assume the brunette lady you are referring to is Eva, their housekeeper. She used to work for Gabriela (it's a long story).
You might want to order the DVD set of this show--you can get it from Amazon. It is highly edited but tells the basic story.
When Armando was encouraging Fernando to help Dinora carry out her vengeance against Juan, I almost froze when he said Fernando ought to be glad that Dinora wanted to murder Norma as well. What a sociopathic lowlife. I can’t stop thinking about your “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” remark, Margarita. There are so many creepy potential alliances here that it makes me queasy.
Speaking of lowlifes, the idiocies that Malcolm and especially Carmela continue to exhibit just defy logic. How these two would last even a week in any household is a mystery to me. Gabriela’s wrath gets going here soon, but they’re not going anywhere as long as Fernando is still on their side. With their larcenous pasts, I’d like to see Franco warn Sara to get the Elizondos' personal valuables locked away offsite, and yesterday.
Re: the Melissa/Leonidas/Conchita triangle, this is another case of drawn out conflict that could easily get cleared up if Melissa would just meet with Conchita and explain the basis of her relationship with Leonidas. If Concha refused to believe her, she could take advantage of the teaching moment and give her some suggestions in how to “rethink” her behavior toward her husband to keep from losing him, the way she convinced Leonidas to rethink his attitude toward Ruth & Antonio. Melissa clearly is not one to be intimidated and apparently can be persuasive; she just needs to apply a little more “grease” to this situation (which she may or may not do, depending on how long the writers want this conflict hanging out there.)
I’m glad to see Manolo & Miguel are looking out for Quintina. Wonder how long it’ll take the Olegario/Dominga situation to explode. If Dominga takes a bad fall, I hope there’s at least one Fruit Son there to cushion her landing. ;-)
Marie Celeste, my knee jerk reaction is that the sisters will stay, and eventually leave, as a set - as opposed to one by one. However, if one has to go first, I suspect it will be Norma as JD is in serious danger with Carmela not letting anyone watch him and not feeling safe on the road (you know, with random shooters and all). They may decide as a group that he will be safest at papa's house.
Norma's conversation with grandpa saying she doesn't want to leave him alone at the mercy of Malcolm and Carmela threw me for a loop. The boys have already invited him to come live with them (Oscar even sweetened the pot by saying they could have wild parties every night!), but he, like his girls, refuses to leave Gabi alone with Fernie. He's every bit as foolish as the girls and he's probably in more danger than they are because of his condition. Don't you just see Carmela hiring a "nurse Ratchett" type to keep him under her thumb?
I may be alone in this, and hope I'm completely wrong, but when Norma wanted to check on JD and Eva said to leave him, I had a sudden vision of Dinora breaking into the house to hurt him. Fernie already had that creepy scene with him a while back, and I can see Dinora having another. I don't think she's above hurting a baby that can't even walk.
Bit of useless trivia, Antonio's mom is named Concepción (literally means conception) and they are using the usual nickname of "Concha" (seashell, also the name of a type of bread - one we see plenty of in FelS actually). A few days ago, Melissa misspoke and called her "Coral" (same meaning in both languages) and Leonidas corrected her. Obviously the joke was that both coral and seashells come from the sea.
Speaking of Concha, that woman is crazy! At least she was sane enough to realize that a real gun would have brought her a lot more trouble than a fake one. She also doesn't listen when she doesn't want to. Ruth told her point blank that she doesn't want to marry Antonio before he finishes school. You'd think she would do a double take and say "wait, you don't?" or something along those lines. But no, she had her speech ready and by George she was going to use it. The off course, Leo got to see the consequences of taking her out of the store. On the one hand I think spousal abuse, on either gender, is wrong. On the other, this would give him excellent grounds for a divorce, especially if she does it again.
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