Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Guapos: Monday 8/18/08- "A Little Game of Pass the Baby"

I watched at this last night, not taking notes, thinking I’d do that when I rewatched the episode. However, I didn’t end up taping the show, I got the Olympics instead. So I could tell you all how China won gold on the women’s trampoline competition, but that's not why you visit this site. so anyway, going on memory, with very sketchy details, I’ll try to recap. Please fill in the blank spots:

After visiting her hospital room, Mili tells Rocky that Luciana hates her. The doctor scolds Mili for disobeying his orders and going into see Luci. He tries to tell her that the ugly things Luci said is because she’s detoxing (even though she said lots of ugly things before, when she wasn’t drying out).

Mother Superior tells Padre Manuel she’s dying of cancer and has only a couple of months to live. He wants her to tell the sisters in the convent, but she doesn’t want to worry them.

Mono and Damien meet up. Damien agrees to take Mono to see Sor Cachete. Which he does, but Mono takes off before Damien can “introduce” the two of them.

Florencia tells Alejandro that she’s leaving town and taking the baby. Al vows to fight to keep his child in his life. Flo tells him he can choose to have her and the baby stay or he can be free and get together with Mili. Al seems to have a little struggle here, but then he asks to kiss the baby goodbye. He has a little tender goodbye with the baby. Marisela lights into her sister after Al leaves.

Bobby and Al are at their office. Bobby shows Al the signs that Rocky made for their office doors, Al’s says “Alejandro Belmonte, President and Owner of Mili’s heart.” Al likes it so much he hangs it up on his office door. Bobby is a little worried this will make them look really naco, but Al gets him to hang his sign up and Rocky comes in and hangs his up on his door. They discuss how they aren’t going to be a stuffy company like Constancio’s. Speaking of the king of Rome, in comes Connie. There to check out the competition he says, with a laugh. He and Al have some words exchanged and Connie leaves, and is chuckling on his way out.

Karla tries to open up to Hugo about how different she feels with him. He’s not interested in sharing feelings and tells her he assumes she’s in this to get a little money. She says quite the contrary, she’s got genuine feelings for him.

Mili goes to pray at the church and runs into PM. She tells him that she and Al weren’t able to keep their promise they made to the priest. He assures her that’s okay and that now they need to get the roadblocks cleared so Al and Mili can be together. Mili worries that Flo’s going to try to keep Al from the baby (do we have a name for her yet?). Al shows up and confirms that Flo’s threatened to take the baby away.

Socoritto asks Gloria how's it going with Chamuco. Gloria tells her about another spell she's going to brew up. Soco says why don't you try the old fashion way of getting back together with him, tell him you are sorry and ask him to go out with you. Gloria ponders the alternative.

Damien meets with Perlata and they discuss who should become head of the party. Damien mentions that Connie had an affair with a servant and there is a child floating around out there somewhere.

Al goes home and appeals to Hugo, to grant Mili a divorce. Hugo says no way. Al says that Mili will never love him, Hugo doesn’t care, it’s about pride. Karla is outside, eavesdropping on the whole conversation. The boys continue to have words exchanged and then Hugo says that keep it up Al and I’ll make sure to exercise my husbandly rights, night after night after night with Mili (so she has no say in this, that would be rape Hugo!). Until we have a child, because I’d like to have a child. Al punches him and a brawl ensues. Damien tries to break it up and to find out what this is all about.

Val and Rocky discuss their relationship as they make out on the couch. Rocky is worried Connie will catch them. Val says nothing to worry, they are engaged. She compliments Rocky on his new business and suggests that they go shopping to get him some new duds. Ramses shows up and bothers Val and Rocky. Rocky threatens to rearrange Ramses’s face and that makes the model nervous. Connie comes upon the group. He sends Ramses away, telling him to return tomorrow, much to Ramses’s chagrin. He scolds Rocky on his behavior towards his new assistant (I’m fuzzy on the rest of this---help!).

Mili goes to talk to Flo. Mili asks to hold the baby and she starts to coo. Seeing Mili with the baby and probably thinking back on Al with the baby, causes Flo to do a 180 degree turn. She tells Mili that she’s giving her the baby to care for awhile, says she needs to go find herself. Mili tries to talk her out of it, but Flo’s mind is made up. She goes to pack up the baby stuff. Marisela tries to talk Flo out of it, Flo tells her the decisions been made—Mili and Al will be better parents to the baby than she will. Mari calls her sister selfish and she suspects that this all has something to do with Rigoberto. Flo says that she thought her maternal instincts would kick in, but she just doesn’t feel it. Perhaps she only got pregnant as a way to cement herself to Al, but that didn’t work. Flo takes the baby’s stuff out to Mili and sends her on her way. She has Mari go with her, since the streets of DF aren’t safe. Before going, Mili again tries to appeal to Flo about not abandoning her baby, to no avail. Flo gets on the phone to Rigoberto and tells him they need to leave tonight before she changes her mind. END OF EPISODE.


Cathy: Thanks for the speedy recap. You have a great memory. I can add a few things:

Connie threatened Al, Rocky and Bobby with a "..don't even think of trying to steal my clients ..." message.

One of the funniest scenes in this episode (at least for me)happened when Ramses sat down next to Rocky while Rocky and Val were making out. Rocky looks at Ramses and says something like "...what the hell are you doing here..." ROFLOL.

From lower Ala

I agree--Ramses is hilarious, especially with his faux-hawk hairdo.

I noticed also that when Connie came to the office, he scoffed at Rocky's sign (because it referred to Valeria), but the writers pointedly had him avoid reading Al's sign, which referred to him as the owner of Mili's heart. Thus Connie neatly avoids finding out about Mili and Al again.

Great memory, Cathy. You did a great job with the Olympics competing for our attention. I'm watching a lot too. I'm lucky to be on vacation this week, so I can stay up late watching. NBC ran a funny news item about how many people are staying up late and staggering in to work.

I will add the detail that Madre Superior, when she tells Padre Manuel that she's dying says that she's not afraid of dying, she's afraid because of some secret that she knows (dun, dun, dun) that she won't tell him about until the time is right (dun, dun, dun).

That was a pretty darn comprehenive recap for just one watching!

Hi, 5ft. With the show ending soon, we have to beg you again to post your photo. Don't leave us hanging!

Ooooooh, what is MS's secret? Mili's mom didn't really die; the woman Mili has venerated her whole life really ran off and abandoned her child and got MS to tell Mili she died? Or, maybe she switched or mixed up Mili and Gloria when they were babies, and Gloria is really Constancio's daughter. Or, Rosario and her baby both died, and Mili is the MS's daughter, and she gave her Rosario's medallion and story to cover that up. Or, she was in on the robbery with Mono and Macarena or whatever her name is. Or, maybe she's been embezzling money. Or, something lame, like she goes to the movies sometimes when she says she's visiting the sick.

I agree with Bobby, those signs are way cheesy. They look like they belong on dressing rooms at the circus or something. But, no harm in putting them up for awhile for fun, then taking them down later. And honestly, even with the signs that place was still way classier than the major, respected design firm I work at, where we had the place decked out as "The Nightmare Before Christmas" for the holidays last year, with skeleton reindeer glowing in black light. Among other things.

Yeah, the scene with Ramses was hilarious. What a mondrigo. I loved the look Rocky gave him, like "...and people think _I_ have no class..."

Cathy - thanks for the excellent recap from memory! Very impressive.

I must be on empathy overload right now because I felt bad for Karla opening up to an uncaring Hugo. I felt bad for hateful pitiful Luciana tied to the bed. I felt bad for Flor because she must seriously be messed up - like several of you have said maybe postpartum depression, coupled with the death of her father and finally facing the truth that Al will never love her. This show really yanks my emotions! I've only been watching telenovelas for a few years, but this is the first one to leave me so conflicted about my feelings for the characters.

I thought of something else to add: in the scene where Mili and Al met with Padre Manuel, PM was going even more overboard than usual in finding special dispensation for the illicit Mili/Al relationship.

I dunno if there is spousal rape in Mexico..that one hasn't been around that long in this country. Being that the laws are rather iffy on regular rape, I suspect marital would be a moot point.

Really the next part is bound to be drag out time..Flor wants out, Mili can divorce Hugo even if he doesn't want it. Val is of age and can marry who she wants..

Now drag out time...

Yeah, I noticed that too. "Padre, Al and I have been totally gettin' it on, despite the church's teachings and your specific request which we agreed to."

"Oh, well! Young love! What a beautiful thing! Ditch your spouses already!"

I mean, I totally think they should get together, but I would expect the priest to be a little more particular about wanting them to be divorced FIRST, or at least suggesting some sort of penance.

That being said, I do love the way almost all the characters on this show are such a mix of good and bad, sense and nonsense. Speaking of nonsense, I think they should spend more time on Gloria trying to get Chamuco back, and less time on boring party politics. She's so funny.

Thanks for the recap Cathy, I'd say your memory is quite impressive =) I like your title too.

My two centavos worth: although Flor is doing something very selfish in ditching her kid, it's somewhat selfless of her to because she's actually doing what's best for the kid. In her current state, Flo has proved to be a lousy mother (spending as little time with the baby as possible) and I suspect she resents the little one for not magically making Al love her. OTOH, Al and Mili will love and care for the baby (and maybe actually name her!), and Mili's been more of a mom that Flo has (except for the breastfeeding). My vote is on Regina being the name, although Mili suggested the name "America" when picking names for Lina's kid (obviously a reference to her favorite soccer team).

The only item I can think off missing is that Rocky told Connie he's getting lessons in manners from a great teacher, and Val was dismayed to realize he meant Mili. I think she may try to become the new teach.

In the previews, we see Damian promising Mili he'll talk Hugo into divorcing her if she gives him all her dough.

My thoughts on Damian's bribe and Karla's eavesdropping - Karla's not exactly the nicest person in the world, but maybe she'll get herself pregnant so Hugo has no choice but to divorce Mili and marry her. With Mili on her side, you know she'll make Hugo take care of his baby, and maybe he'll be able to devote his obsessing on someone other than Mili (poor kid). Then again, Karla could simply bug the room (for a fee to Mili off course) and give her the evidence she needs to get her divorce.

Margarita, I agree; giving up the baby is the best thing for Flor to do. Otherwise I can totally see her being one of those women who drowns the kid in the bathtub or abandons her in a shopping center or something. She has no interest in that child.

Those little gears were definitely turning in Karla's head; I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to get pregnant. This is the third time she's tried to snag Hugo, after all--maybe she thinks that's the charm.

Cathy – I agree with the other commenters. You did an amazing job just from notes.

My addition: When Hugo told Karla he was thinking of somebody else when they were making love, Karla said it’s okay because she got something out of it too: It was something to make her feel less alone. That was poignant.

It looks like Karla is being set up for redemption. I’m trying to figure out who will suffer the hellfires of telenovela fate for their wrongdoings and who will be redeemed. Most of all I’m wondering about Damien because he’s done so many dastardly things and yet he’s a comic figure at times, so what is in store for him?

Speaking of such things …. Julie, you could have a bright future as a telenovela writer. I love all your plot concepts for the MS.

What does “mondrigo” mean?

"Mondrigo" means useless or worthless. I finally did a little research and figured it out a few weeks ago after hearing it used repeatedly for a month or two on various shows.

I'd love to be a telenovela writer. Must work on my language skills. Actually, my sister and I are developing a telenovela, but in English, just to amuse ourselves. And it does amuse us, greatly.

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