Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #160 - Monday 9-8-08 The power and the money, the money and the power, minute after minute, hour after hour

The title is a shoutout to Constancio, Damian, Federico, Flor’s dad whose name I’ve forgotten, and now Rosario/Rosela, who have spent so many months obsessing over both and using them to destroy the lives of others. Lyrics courtesy “Gangsta’s Paradise” by Coolio, which I heard about one hundred and seventy thousand times from the stereo of the guy upstairs during my freshman year in our poorly sound-insulated gothic tower dorm (also: eight floors, no elevator).

Also, I am not your usual Monday recapper. My name is Julia, and this is my very first recap ever. I am by no means fluent in Spanish, so everyone please fill in any important or interesting details I miss.

We begin by rejoining Luci and Ros in the little house. Ros is prepared to avenge herself for the fab life she’s missed out on by not getting to marry Constancio those many years ago. Luci fills her in on just how fab life with Connie has been, implying that she should just be glad it wasn’t her. Ros ain’t buying it. She wants to get even with Constancio, and she’s got the means. Connie, with all his power, should fear her.

Well! Look who is at the door! It is Constancio, and he wants to see Mili. Ros is standing right there in plain view, but with her back to the door, but when he asks who she is, Luci says she’s a neighbor and he goes for that. Now, I’d be a little suspicious. Who resolutely faces the other way from everything that’s going on in the room? Anyway, Mili isn’t there and Luci doesn’t want to talk to him. Luci says she’ll come to his office later, and he leaves. Ros doesn’t want Connie to know she’s alive (she doesn’t know it’s too late for that). Luci, who now acts like a sane person, can’t understand why Ros won’t just tell Mili the truth, but she reluctantly agrees to keep quiet.

Karla is dancing in the club, still in the maid costume, poor thing. She doesn’t even get variety?! Not even a harem outfit now and then? HomelessHugo is now sitting in the club, drinking and whistling and drumming on the table, looking like every wannabe hippie drum circle guy the whole world over. Also he is very into Karla’s dancing. Might he be interested in her after all, now that she passed the giving-money test?

The young gentlemen plus Horacio (who is young at heart, and also doesn’t have any friends his own age) hang out in the street. I don’t know where they’ve been, but apparently they’re outside Bobby and Lina’s place and they have strict orders not to intrude on the women’s get-together upstairs. I think they decide to go play billiards, and Bobby calls Lina to make sure that’s okay with her. Then, in accordance with the laws of dudedom, the others must tease him about being whipped.

Meanwhile, upstairs, all the ladies are having a convo. They are discussing their new business. Hey! The previous blatant hints were not deceiving! They want to start a women’s wellness place like Candy’s. But BIGGER. Val wants a good spa, Gloria is into the dance classes, there is discussion of food and consulting with Candy. The guys can build the facility! Meanwhile, weird wordless maid stands at the corner of the table staring at them all. That would drive me nuts. The maid’s name is apparently Kimberly, and since she is now in the opening credits, I’m thinking she will have a bigger role at some point. Socorro once again laments the unknown dondeabouts of Karla. She needs this kind of help! And a swift kick or two besides, but they don’t say that out loud.

While Mac sings, Karla sits down at HomelessHugo’s table. He talks in a weird growly voice. She wonders why he is in there if he has no money. He asks why she gave him money on the street. Lo and behold, Karla now grasps the Golden Rule! She says that could have been her on the street if she hadn’t found a job, and she did for him what she would have liked for someone to do for her. Soy muy impactada. HH wants to pay her for a private dance, but she tells him he should use the money for food or something. He says he has everything he needs. He will come back tomorrow and she will dance for him like a spinning top (pirinola). She tells him to bathe.

At ABR, Ros brings some drawings, and they have a contract ready for her to sign. Now, I don’t see how they came up with a contract without having the site information and a thorough discussion of what she wants, but whatever. Anyway, she loves the tacky sign on Al’s office door. Rocky gloats, and Bobby still thinks it’s awful. I’m with Bobby. These guys are having a hard enough time being taken seriously.

Luci drops by Connie’s office and gives him crap about the sexy new secretary. Alas, Connie is not hitting that; Damian hired her and thus has first dibs. I think it’s only a matter of time until they’re sharing her, too. Getting a woman who hasn’t already been passed around the family is way too much trouble. But, getting down to business, Connie is a little sobby. He wants his family back! Luci is surprised.

Ros signs the contract with a great flourish. She is left-handed. Al still can’t get over his qualms. Why us?, he asks. Oh, your granny said such good things about you, so honest, so talented. Al is not convinced. Um, I want to help you and Mili. Why, lady, what is your game? He knows she is hiding something.

Meanwhile, Mili and Lina have dropped by and are in the lobby. Mili pops into the meeting just in time to overhear Ros admit she wants to destroy Connie’s business. It was always the most important thing to him, much more than love or family, so that’s what she’s taking. Back in the lobby, Mili is sad, but won’t tell the others why.

Connie is still ranting about how lonely the big house is now that he’s driven everyone out. He wants them to come back. Everything will be different now, I promise! She is flabbergasted that he really thinks they would want to live with him. He is all, not fair! Not fair! Connie whines about his ruined party, then tells Luci that Rosario is not dead. She is surprised that he knows, but, unknown to him, not actually surprised, of course.

Al tells Ros they need to wrap up the meeting; he and his betrothed have a soccer match to get to. Ros is very interested that Mili plays. Al says, if granny told you so much about her, how could you not know she plays? It is her passion! He manages to look all swoony talking about Darling Mili, like a proper young gent in love. Ros says, okay, I lied, I hadn’t been writing with Regina, but you and Mili have to trust me! Really! You won’t regret it! Trust me! If Al wasn’t already really suspicious of her intentions, he should have been after that. People are usually trustworthy in inverse relation to the amount they try to convince you they are. By the way, Ros’s clothes are somewhat less trampy today, but not more flattering. The tunic and leggings thing is not working for her, and she needs to fire Paolo for letting her go out like that.

Luciana and Constancio are still fighting. Luci recites the same old rehash of his sins, with the added twist of: if Rosario is still alive, she will never forgive all that. Connie cries, saying, “wasn’t me. Daddy did it.”

Back at the manse, Hugo (now in normal clothes) signs some papers, and Damian gives him a check. What!?! That is not the direction the money flows! Oh, Hugo is selling Damian his shares in the business. Still, I’m surprised Damian is actually giving him money for them. Hugo jokes about whether the check will be any good. Damian tells him now he can devote himself to painting, or travel (like he’s really been going to work anyway). Hugo says he’s got other plans. He admits he’s still thinking about Karla; Daddy Dearest advises him to forget she exists. “That leech (sanguijuela) will never change.” Hugo says to himself, “That’s exactly what I have to verify.”

Karla is crying in an empty club, wondering why Hugo hasn’t come back. Mac advises her to go back home; she says she can’t; she doesn’t matter to him. What about your mom? She lied to me, and she’s better off without me.

Mili and Al are at the soccer field, talking about Ros and her plot. Al wants her to promise not to tip off Constancio. She agrees but isn’t happy about it. He says Ros must have a good reason to hate Connie so much, and he’s not exactly a “blanca paloma” (white dove, innocent). He’s desperate to get married; she says be patient. Why is it that they have to wait a year? He thinks kisses will help him wait. Smoochy-smoochy.

Damian and Constancio talk about rich lady Ros and her need for construction. Apparently the land is some they had thought of buying, in a very good location. She already signed with our archrivals, says Damian. What?!? She is a friend of Peralta! Connie is impactado.

At the game, there is soccer action. The whole fan club is there spectating. Ros is also in the stands, with her own hair instead of the wig and without glasses, but wearing the same outfit she wore in the office. Brilliant disguise, lady. Padre Manuel recognizes her from the convent, and she takes off. He chases. The kids win the game and do a goofy dance.

Constancio is very angry. He wants Al to come back to work (begging, with his tail between his legs), and to come back to the house and bring Mili. He won’t let Val leave; he’ll offer Rocky a job as a messenger. He wants control of his family back! Control! Oh, Constancio. Ruthless dictatorship is such hard work. You and Fidel and Kim Jong Il and that Burmese dude should form a support group. Connie is confident he can steal Ros from AB&R.

PM catches up with Ros on the street. My child, those hideous dominatrix hooker shoes are ugly as sin, and you should burn them and repent immediately, he says. Well, he should have.

Mili tells Lina and Gloria about Ros’s evil scheme. They don’t know what to do, either. Protect Daddy, because she cares about him even though he killed Mommy? And betray Al?

Ros tells PM that she needs vengeance before she tells her daughter the truth. Priests usually encourage that sort of thing, I’m pretty sure. Especially if you can find a way to blaspheme and fornicate at the same time.

Mili goes to the big house to tell Connie to be careful. He looks confused.

And that’s where we leave off.

Avances: Al dramatically rips up the contract, saying he won’t do business with someone who is trying to destroy them. Ros asks, “would you do business with Mili’s mother?”


Outstanding recap, Julia!! I love your humor. You should be a regular recapper. What a great debut!

Rosella told Luci that Luci owed it to her to keep her secret and once again, I don’t see that Luci owes Rosella anything, because Luci didn’t take anything from her, but Luci nodded like “that’s true.”

I wonder what money the girls are intending to use to start up a business, and even build a building for it… I guess Mili’s, but she moved out of the house and so she’s not keeping with the stipulation in Regina’s will. I’m sure Vale’s credit cards don’t have that high a limit.

I wish Rosella would go shoe shopping. Besides, those heels are so high they make her taller than just about everyone else.

Really excellent, Julia, thanks! I so admire the ability to recap - I'm sure it would take me an entire week for one show! By the way, I loved "dondeabouts".

Rosela does look incredibly trampy. When I mentioned that to my husband he said "I thought that was a requirement for telenovelas". He might have a point. Even our lovely Val has been wearing sequins lately.

With all the passion Rosela has for destroying Constancio, you know she will probably end up completely under his Rat-Bastard spell. Maybe she will help reform his Rat-Batard ways.

Hi, Julia! I don't watch this show, but I noticed this was your recap and wanted to check it out. Congrats on a fantastic debut!

Thanks, everyone! It was fun.

"Dondeabouts" wasn't my invention; I think it was a Becksterism but I thought it was funny so I stole it.

Also, I don't know how to tag the recap so it appears in the del.icio.us list. Can someone do that or tell me how?

I also wondered where they're getting the money for the business. If Mili's given up her fortune and Luci was flat broke after Damian took advantage of her weak state, none of them has any money. Probably Connie will eventually do the right thing and give the money back to Mili, but they can't count on that, and he won't give it up without major strings at this point in his limited development.

Julia...that is a fantastic recap. It's like you've been doing it all your life. Nice blend of personal comment, translation of unusual words (pirinola and sanguijuela) and telling the story.

Hope you will do it again. In fact I think this time slot is going to need a Tuesday night recapper when Beckster switches to Fuego, so I hope you'll become a "regular". You've got what it takes and more.

I agree with JudyB, Julia!

Julia, thanks for the great recap. You should definitely sign up for a slot on an upcoming show.

I tagged your post. To do the delicious tags, you have to have downloaded the delicious buttons to your toolbar (by going to the delicious website). You also have to log in using the Caray user name and password, so it will be bookmarked to the Caray list.

Now back to fashion. Maggie, you noted the shoes. Everyone on the show now seems to be wearing those super high heeled shoes with various clunky-looking straps. But I saw the new issue of Vogue and the New York Times fashion special, and all the shoes are like that now!

Julia: Thanks for the great, snarky recap. You write like a pro. Hope to read more of your 'caps.

From lower Ala

Thanks for filling in for me Julia. You are a natural recapper, and I agree with the others, you should think about doing it regularly. :-)

My monitor should be here today, so I'll be doing next Monday's recap and I realize it will be my last Guapos recap. Sob, sob. I'm going to miss this show.

This comment has been removed by the author.

About tagging – I had a hard time figuring it out because I got stalled at the “internet button” part, and poor Melinama kept having to tag my stuff. I asked my computer whiz friends and they didn’t know what an internet button is. Finally I figured out that I just needed to save the delicious link to use each week for tagging. In my msn program, that’s called “save to favorites.”

.So, Julia, you go to http://del.icio.us and log in using caray for both the username and password. I think you click “post” – I can’t get this screen to show for me because I already have a cookie that puts me on another screen. Anyway, save that link and it lets you post each week.

I've joined the I don't like Ros club. She alone through all the years knew what loathsome Freddy did. She had been close to Regina and could have contacted her. She even must have known when the old dictator kicked off since she married into rich and powerful. She is hung up more on revenge against Connie who is not guilty of what happened to her then she is in getting to know her daughter.

I also don't like Al telling Mili to say nothing to Connie about that woman planning to destroy him. Granted he has his problems with Connie but shouldn't get between Mili and her father.

We still have plenty of time left so I'm betting, in his desperate attempt to get his family back, Connie will pull at least one more dirty trick. He is slow to learn.

I also find it hilarious that every time someone has any kind of revealing conversation with poor padre manuel they remind him of the secret of the confessional. I keep wonder when and if he will tell Al that is his uncle.

Does Al not know that PM is his uncle? I thought he knew that PM and Nestor were brothers. Maybe just Luci found out, and per usual form for this family didn't bother passing on that highly interesting tidbit.

Decie, I'm in agreement on Ros--I don't get her. She's in terrible sorrow at the loss of her baby--so what does she do? She goes to Italy and marries a very rich man? How did that happen? She was still a maid. I suppose Connie's father gave her money, but that has never been made clear.

I was also wondering about overuse of the confessional privilege. Don't you actually have to be confessing a sin? These people are just gossiping about other people and then swearing the poor Padre to secrecy. Something tells me this is a misuse.

Welcome aboard Julia! Thanks for an awesome recap, you snark like a pro ;) Loved the “laws of dudedom” crack. Especially since, after teasing Bobby for getting permission, Rocky tells him to ask Lina to ask Val if he can come too ;)

I have no idea where the girls plan to get the money for this endeavor. I think Val has an account with money Connie adds regularly, and I suppose Horacio and Socorro have savings that haven't been invested in the company. I still can't imagine it being enough though, and technically Mili no longer has any $$ since she left the manse, but maybe she's been saving from her monthly allowance (the one she was getting before she married and got full control) and has an account in her own name (as opposed to the largest remainder of Regina's $$$). Come to think of it, they might be looking to get a loan, and use the house as collateral or something.

Julia, I don't know if Al knows PM is his uncle. I don't think they've had that conversation yet. I do agree with NinaK and Decie, they are definitely abusing the seal of confession, and our poor PM is stuck 'cause he can't just tell them to go to heck.

As for Ros, I think she told Brau that Fred shipped her away to Italy with some $$ for school or something and a new identity. The meeting her new hubby happened after she got there. I do think she should have made an effort to contact Regi, and especially Brau once she found out Fred died, but maybe she figured it would be too painful? We do know that she didn't start on her revenge and search until after hubby died, so maybe she didn't want to burden him with her problems? Just a thought. Either way, I agree that she should be spending the time she's spending on her revenge spending time with her kid. Losing them is proving to be a bigger punishment than anyone (including Connie himself) thought.

Howdy =)

After Maggie was kind enough to post a quick tutorial in tagging, I was able to tag a DB episode and thought I'd do the same with a stray Guapos episode I thought I remembered. Alas, it looks like the episode for Tuesday, 9/2, seems to have gone poof! Am I hallucinating and there was none? Could happen, I've remembered weirder things that never happened. If not, and whoever was kind enough to recap it in the first place still has a copy, can it be posted again? I guess it's not a huge loss in the grand scheme of things, but it would be nice to have them all. The comments, alas, would be gone for good.

Take care,

Here is the link. I found it on the Caray Caray September page. This link includes the comments.


Julia, Congratulations on a superb first run and welcome to the recappers paradise here on CarayCaray. I also didn't watch much of this show until near the end and I seldom post but like Julie, I wanted to stop by to pay my respects and welcome you aboard. This is fun and I hope you recap many more wonderful episodes. It is a great learning tool and you will find your Spanish comprehension growing exponentially. Hang on to your hat!

I found that episode (9/2) and tagged it. I always access the recaps by going to the "manage posts" area of Blogger, so I can see all the recaps. But only the recappers can look at that list.

Thanks to anon 5:38 and especially to NinaK who tagged the missing epi. I've never gone to the "manage posts" page. Usually just go straight to the main page to look for a post that doesn't get tagged. Now I know another way ;)

you have the password and username for delicious postd publicly, did you know?

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