Monday, September 01, 2008

Querida Enemiga #50 Monday Sep 1 - Oops Ern did it again

This week’s experiment – writing the recap from the YouTube videos. No captions, so it’s a real test. The plus is that I can get it done sooner.

Sara goes ALL the way to the lesser house to say “forget about me forever.” This reminds me of people on internet message boards who go to such lengths to post messages stating that they are ‘never posting here again’.

Julian is delivering food, the woman he is giving it to recognizes him and he tells himself over and over that he’ll keep his cool. Instead the woman brings a prettier, younger woman outside to see him. I think she was on the quiz show, she looks professional. The ladies eye him like a piece of meat and the younger one invites him to a casting for sportswear models, she thinks he’s good for it. Imagine how jealous Rosy will be now!

Arturo tells Jackie he has a plan to import vitamins or something from another country to help the company make money. Talk of money gets her horny. Blech.

Paula is trying to find another movie to snare Raimundo with, when Greta shows up, crowing about being the happiest woman in the world. Last night she was with Rai! Paula remembers Rai bailing on her with an ‘emergency’ the night before, now she knows he left to go see Greta. She is upset, of course, and tells Greta to get the hell out of her house. For once I agree that Paula has a reason to be upset.

Meanwhile, Rai brags to Chef Ern about how he went out with both ladies the night before. Ern of all people (Rai also thinks he’s the last one who should be saying this) warns him against two ladies at the same time. If only Rai knew the storm Paula is sure to bring down on him. Nice knowing you, Rai.

Paula finds Toribio in the park and spills her story to him. I’m getting the impression now that Greta made it sound like she and Raimundo hit the sheets, while Raimundo told Ern that nothing like that happened. I think what Rai told Ern is closer to the truth. Anyway, Toribio tells her that really she should only be mad with Rai for seeing more than one girl, not with Greta who didn’t even know Paula was out with him. Toribio’s new girlfriend shows up and is introduced to Paula. There is some little joke that they all laugh at but I didn’t understand it.

Bettina and her friend talk, Bettina gripes about this dude who is blowing her off. Who should come along, but said dude. Bettina stands up to talk to him, but he walks away. Bettina runs off upset and the friend calls the dude over. She asks him what’s the deal, if you won’t talk to her tell me and I’LL tell her. He just gives her his basketball and runs off after Bettina.

It’s junior high school time again, Sara thanks Alonso for ‘always believing in her’ (I think he is just doing whatever he can to avoid her tantrums) and when she sees Lorena approaching, she starts deep tongue kissing Alonso, which looks gross. Lorena rolls her eyes and continues her conversation on her cell phone with one of the nuns from the orphanage, who says Sara’s new boyfriend looks a lot like Lorena’s boyfriend. Lorena says it’s him, I’ll tell you about it tomorrow. There is also some talk about the documents. She walks past the 8th graders making out under the bleachers with her head held high into the school. These two are making out for a solid minute. Who does that in public after age 15? I mean really? I have kissed my wife plenty of times in public but we never stand in front of the door of a busy building and make out like we’re getting ready for sex. Give me a break.

Dude catches up to Bettina, who tells him to take off. In ten seconds they both say they acted stupid and Dude wants to be friends. I didn’t think that was what either of them wanted, but who knows what 12 year olds think.

Some uber-hottie shows up at the restaurant and asks if it is Ern’s place, Monica comes up and says no it’s not his, he’s just a cook here. Hottie says cook? No way lady – he’s one of the best chefs in Mexico. Back and forth, Monica putting him down, Hottie eventually saying he’s so awesome in bed. I wonder why all his exes feel the need to tell the world about having sex with him? I’d think it would make him feel like a piece of meat except, well, he has an army of totally hot women telling everyone how great he is in bed. I guess that would make things easier for him. Anyway, Monica tells Hottie that Ern isn’t there and Hottie leaves. No don’t leave! Come back and model swimwear! Damn. The hostess lady who surprised Julian the other day asks Monica why she said Ern wasn’t there, Monica says something but really it’s just because she’s a bitch. Hostess lady says but what if he really is so great in bed? Monica says she doesn’t care. Whatever. Hostess lady must be one of you ladies here, because she says it wouldn’t bother her one bit to find out if it’s true.

When they leave, Rosy pokes her head out and sees that the coast is clear of Hurricane Monica. Julian is there and she surely doesn’t want to get yelled at. Julian says he got a job, she’s happy, then he says it’s modeling, she’s not happy. He says he’ll skip it if she doesn’t agree, she’s not happy about ladies recognizing him all the time again. Finally she says it’s ok, but she’s going with him. I was going to ask what’s the deal with women being this jealous but I realized the comments thread might devolve, depending on who has been cheated on, so I’ll let it be. Let me just say that this goes both ways, before any man-bashing begins. Let’s move on.

Dude is named Ivan – now I remember (uh and someone said his name). He was at Bettina’s house, I guess Paula is being nicer, he leaves and says they’ll chat online later. Paula says you like that boy, right? Bettina says yes, is she allowed to have a boyfriend? Paula says I guess times change. Bettina wants to know how many boyfriends Paula had, she says Dario was the first and only and they got together when she was much older than Bettina is now. Cheer up mom, you’re young and you have Raimundo. Nope, he’s just a friend. Bettina continues to try and cheer up Paula, who as usual has managed to make the conversation about her, not whatever it started as.

Rosy cries like a spoiled little brat, this does not reflect well on her, wanting to leave work to go with Julian. Monica tells her no, you have to work, your personal stuff isn’t my problem. I agree with her (if not her manner), restaurants can’t function when short-staffed. I have worked in all levels of restaurant, from dishwasher to management, so I guess on this one I side with Monica, though she doesn’t have to be such a bitch about it. Then of course Rai comes in, immediately blames Monica for whatever is going on, and tells Rosy to go ahead and go. I want to see what he’s going to do when the restaurant is full and he only has one waitress, but I guess that’s on him. Monica goes off on him, he always goes against her, she should have never come back to work here. Ern overhears the whole thing, now he’s going to be sympathetic towards her, sorry everyone I think this marks the beginning of Ern and Monica, sittin’ in a tree… She says that when her mom died Rai sent her away, he says to get an education, but she says he doesn’t show her any love or loyalty. She tells him she hates him. Ern shakes his head and goes back to the kitchen. I’m sure now he’s going to be nice to her or something and win her over. I’m not happy about that either, I’m not in love with him like you ladies are, but anybody but Alonslow would be better for Lorena, he’s such a loser. Especially for being a good/nice doctor, he’s STILL a complete loser. That’s not easy to do.

Pretty lady who hired Julian takes pictures of him, Rosy is unreasonably jealous. Ugh. How ugly. Julian knows her, because right away he says if she has a problem, they can go. She says no, that Rosy is gone (she hopes). Well, I give her points for trying. He wants her to wish for luck that whoever the boss is likes his pictures, she crosses her fingers but thinks that she hopes they DON’T. How selfish.

Raimundo comes out of a theater and makes a phone call, leaving a voicemail saying he can’t believe she missed the date, he missed her. I assume it was Paula, she must have stood him up and isn’t taking his calls.

Back at the restaurant (did Rosy just need to come to work a few minutes late? I might change my mind from earlier if so) Rosy tells Lorena all about the pretty lady and Julian’s photo shoot. Lorena, being sensible, tells her she better get over it. Lorena stops by the kitchen on her way out, looking for her bag. Of course Chef Ern is there and wants to plead his case for her again. He says he can’t pretend to just be her friend and see her every day. Lorena says she can’t just be his lover, she knows how he is and he won’t ever change. She leaves, he eyes the junk in her trunk sway out, then says to the empty room how she’s wrong, he can change for her.

Rosy sees Lorena and asks what’s wrong, she tells her about her conversation with Ern.

Ern runs into Monica on HIS way out. Suddenly she’s nice to him and invites him to have a glass of wine. He admits overhearing earlier and suddenly she is normal and smiling at him. No way are we supposed to believe she is the same person. Ha ha ha oh they are laughing and talking. She says she’d be nicer if her father had more faith in her and she really does think his food is good. He cheers her up. He hopes after tonight she thinks better of him. She jumps him and they start making out. SORRY ladies! But you all knew it was coming. Not this soon though, I wasn’t expecting it.

Paula gets Rai’s voicemail and fusses about him. The doorbell rings and it’s Dario. Right away he sees she’s upset and comforts her. She thinks that the truth would make him tease her, so she says she’s upset that Bettina wants a boyfriend. He tries, but she just cries harder. I think she just doesn’t want him to stop holding her. She asks him to stay, unless his woman has a problem with it. Dario rolls his eyes and says she’s busy with her interminable work -

Which consists of grossing us all out, as her work appears to be about having sex with Arturo. They must be at a hotel or something, they aren’t doing it on a desk this time. Or maybe at her house – Art says he has to go before Dario comes home. Is that what he said? He said later he’ll get an apartment for them to meet at. This guy (well Jackie too to be fair) is shameless.

Lots of making out, Chef Ern and Monica are still going at it. Extremely fake looking kissing.

The next morning, Lorena is making muffins to apologize to Ern for being rude. Rosy teases her. Lorena pleads innocence. Lorena is excited when talking to Maruja, hoping the nuns know something about her family.

Sara is in bed with Chalo, pretending to like him while thinking nasty thoughts about him. He wants her to stay, she has an excuse not to, as always. They play a game of “do you love me?” Chalo wins.

Ern wakes up in bed, oooops looks like he did the deed! He’s not happy with himself.

Florencia seems to be getting worse and worries, Alonso tries to comfort her. He says they will fight the illness together!

Ern starts the whole “hey we’re adults, we were lonely, the wine….” conversation. He says these things happen. She says yeah to YOU these things happen. He doesn’t beat around the bush, he tells her it was a mistake and he just wants to be friends. Wait – you can say that AFTER sexing somebody up? Maybe when you look like Ern, not for the rest of us normal humans. She seems disappointed but doesn’t argue with him. She wasn’t asking him to marry her. I think she was hoping for more sex at least.

Sara tells Chalo to wait and then leave after her, he wants her to give him her car, she says just use your motorbike.

Ern got away with it, but he won’t shut up and keeps trying to explain about the wine, etc. He says see ya later, she seems to be expecting a kiss, he waves like a little kid. She doesn’t hide her disgust as she leaves, he yells at himself for a bit.

Dario and Jackie yell at each other about getting home late, then about Bettina having/not having a boyfriend. They are a disaster. Jackie manages to make a crack about Paula in the process and Dario defends her. When Dario leaves, she immediately gets out her phone to make a call.

Arturo eats with his horrible mom, then his hot wife Valeria comes down and his phone rings, it’s Jackie of course. She says she’s at home, ALONE. Arturo takes the bait and immediately says he has to leave. Valeria doesn’t look happy. She is wearing a very nice red outfit. Now that they have let Paula explore her hotness – it’s time for Valeria to get a job modeling with Julian or something. Quit keeping her wrapped up in a lab coat. Valeria gets a call on the house phone, it’s from the school and they need Val and Art to come to a conference or something. Horrible mom says no just YOU go, he’s so busy at work etc etc. Val says no, we both have to go.

Vasco is excited that the nuns are coming to help share Jaime’s guilt with Hortensia. Jaime doesn’t care, he’s guilty, whatever.

Barbara talks to a lawyer about getting divorced. The lawyer is asking about Jaime’s money and salary, Barb says it all belongs to his mother. He says ok then, your divorce goal is freedom. She says no, she wants money! Ugh this woman. Lawyer says good luck, if he doesn’t have any money don’t know where you’re going to get it. Barb is disappointed.

Art yells at Jackie for calling him at home, they get to ‘business’. He’s a little bit nervous about being at her house like this, she tells him to shut up.

At the restaurant, Lorena shows up with her apology muffins. She wants to be friends. She thinks he is acting strange, is he confused? He says uh yeah…. She says friends, let’s shake on it. He eats a muffin when Lorena leaves. Monica comes in and says she can pardon a lot, but not him saying last night was a mistake.

Barbara is chasing Arturo around the offices, Valeria is sitting in his office and he is quite surprised. She wants to know why he didn’t answer the phone and he makes some lame excuse. Just then Jackie busts in saying “we need to talk” just like Barbara did. Ooops the wife is here.

Some kid is waiting outside clinic #23 to find out what’s up with Florencia, without verifying at all who is he, Alonso tells him everything about Flo’s condition. Way to stay confidential, doc. The kid’s name is Sergio and he appears to be Flo’s boyfriend or something, though he stammers out that they are friends. He’s upset at the news.

Arturo says he has to leave and go with his wife, Barbara actually has the nerve to say right in front of her that company business is more important. Finally Art says he’ll be down in the car in two minutes. Then Barbara tries to make Jackie leave, she finally does. Then Barbara goes even further – she actually pouts and complains that he considers his wife more important than her. Uh duh? I know he’s a slimeball and everything but what does she expect? Jeez. He tells her to shut up. She’s upset that she can’t get rich by getting divorced and tries to kiss up on him. Right here in the office. And he KISSES her back! Jackie spies on the whole thing. Art tells Barb no, it’s over. Barbara gets all weepy and crying, it’s pitiful. Jackie continues to watch through the crack in the door.

Bruno is looking at a new apartment, Mr. Big Shot says “yeah it all looks great” and doesn’t care about the price.

Jackie’s phone rings, it’s Dario complaining about something domestic. She hangs up, but then pretends to be on the phone with him all lovey when Art can overhear. He drags her into the office to talk. He tells her it’s over with him and Barb and actually manages to talk his way out of it! They start kissing and he leaves. Jeez this guy, wtf. Jackie is all hot and bothered after he leaves.

Lorena brings the short nun home to Maruja’s house. She tells her how awesome Rosy and Maruja are and how disillusioned she is with Sara. The nun can’t believe it either. She serves the nun some coffee and muffins. The nun gets serious and says she knows who her parents are. Lorena wants to know, no matter if they are poor or not. The nun shows her a paper to read herself. It says she was found in a garbage can. I guess we’re supposed to feel bad for her, but not for Sara, who really WAS found that way. I guess it’s ok because Sara is a bitch. I guess.

Ok so that was the great YouTube experiment. It went ok I guess, total recapping time about 2 hours, that’s just as good or better than watching and then typing or whatever. I might do this again.


I don't think I could work from a YouTube video, but I do use the Esmas summaries to get an idea of what's coming up. It helps me avoid getting bogged down recapping some scene that ends up going nowhere.

Boy, that Raimundo... what a jerk. I guess Monica does have a semi-reasonable excuse for trying to make his job as hard as possible (though obviously I disagree that she should be taking it out on Ernesto).

As for Ernesto... I had really thought at first that it was going to turn out to be a dream. But then there was Monica was the next morning. Yi.

Lightening fast and great recap Ferro, thanks!

My electricity went out and missed the last quarter so it was really nice to read it right away!

The title says it all - Oops!
What a jerk! Right after talk with Lore, "getting ready" to change for her - oops!
Well, probably the "15 minutes" Moni's talk with his ex had some effect - like Ferro mentioned - everybody tries to check if it's true, and Monica after a few drinks - hey she is human, isn't she? I'm afraid that now she will get her worst out - after being rejected for the second helping.

I'm not sure if Rai was a guilty part - he actually was complaining to Ern that Gretta tricked him and he doesn't like her because of her tricks. And he definitely likes Paula. Hmm, now when Dario became kind of regular guest in Paula's house - who knows where everything is going?!

I'm a little bit lost with Icky-Jackie-Barb business - he gave Barb the good bye kiss? I don't think Jackie knew anything about Barb before, but now - did Icky got anything from her after she found out?

Great preview for tomorrow - Lore will catch Sara kissing Chalo!

Holy lighting recap Batman! Hey, if you don't mind looking a the small images on YouTube, you'll get no complaints from us for posting the recap so soon after the episode Ferro! Loved your Britney Spears title ;) The joke about Amalia (I mistakenly called her Maria on another comment) was Pau asking Toribio "Not you too?" (meaning getting smitten). He replied that Cupid hasn't hit everyone in the family (though even little Beti seems to have the love bug at the moment).

I was right there with you Ferro wondering what the heck 'Slow was thinking giving Flo's info to some kid after he promised not to tell her own godmother! Guess the kid had an honest face....

It will be interesting to see what Monica 2.0 will be like. Will she be gentler after Ern's advice (and other stress relief activities) or will she be so annoyed about the way he treated her that she'll be even harder to live with? I just hope she doesn't take it out on Lore. Ern needs to start exercising some restraint if he has any hope of ever dating Lore. As to Monica, she's not a child, and would have probably been ok if he'd simply said "I only do this casually, and rarely repeat it with anyone, but I hope it doesn't get in the way of our newly acquired friendship." Or how about, "I'm trying to stop this casual sex thing, but hope we can still be friends instead..." or something like that. Then again, I'm not sure there is any good way to tell someone you've just slept with that you don't want to do it again; especially when you have to see them almost every day!

Way to go, Ferro...excellent youtube idea that Schoolmarm used in an emergency but can really help us all out....AND force us to rely on aural comprehension only.

Love the song title...perfect for this segment. I must say Monica's relationship skills suck. She always uses " harsh startups" to discussion, which will guarentee "harsh endings" as well. And moving in so quickly on Ernesto, just because you heard some gal rave about how good he is in bed...recipe for disaster.

Glad I got the full-screen version of this episode though. Ernesto has great deltoids and biceps and we got a wonderful shot of those when he woke up in the morning. Mmmmm good....

Thanks for a funny recap, and I agree with you, Valeria is one of the best-looking, if not THE best looking on the fact she looks a little like YOUR wife, Ferro, you lucky dude.

Thanks for the great and funny recap! As for Monica and Ern....well, yeah, they are both adults and should have thought of the consequences of doing the horizontal and then having to work together. Monica shouldn't be so upset....she used Ern, too! And yes, he looked very nice!!!!!

Raimundo blew it...he wanted to juggle girls like Ernesto....

Arturo is so creepy!! He must have something special to get all those redheads to like him. eeeew

And poor Lorena...all we can do is wait and see Sara's schemes blow up in her face someday.

Thanks all.

Becky T, we are guaranteed to see Sara's stuff blow up in her face someday, I hope we get to enjoy it longer than just the second half of the Gran Final though. Sometimes these shows drag on for months and then wrap up way too quick. I'd like to see some drawn out suffering for the bad guys.

Eve - thanks for filling in on the preview, Lorena seeing Chalo and Sara together should open up many good possibilities!

I was a little disappointed when Lorena saw the phone call history between Chalo and Sara and then didn't follow up on it in some way. (Granted, she may have better things to do with her time.) Hopefully seeing them together will get that mental hamster wheel running again.

Have you noticed that Sara had some negative thoughts about what to do with Chalo - he somehow is getting in her way, and she's already used him as much as she needed.

Great job, Ferro, from YouTube! Lack of captions apparently doesn’t cramp your style a bit!

Qué the heck? Import vitamins and make tons of money? I saw that scene and couldn’t figure out why Ickturo thinks there’s big money in vitamins. If he imports them from someplace where there’s no FDA-type regulation, they’re likely to have lead in them. He reminds me of my first husband. He always had a new get-rich quick scheme in mind. His favorite one was not paying income taxes. One more reason we’re not married. The idea of jail didn’t appeal to me.

“She is upset, of course, and tells Greta to get the hell out of her house. For once I agree that Paula has a reason to be upset.” Agreed! I’m glad Raimundo wasn’t so taken with Greta’s “emergency” that he clearly saw as a trap. He said he left quickly, if I understood correctly. He prefers Paula, it seems, and Greta is determined to hook him, whatever. Greta is no friend. I think it won’t be long before the trio breaks up and Valeria forms the third.

“I’m getting the impression now that Greta made it sound like she and Raimundo hit the sheets, while Raimundo told Ern that nothing like that happened.” EXACTLY! Greta is playing with fire! If Paula ever gets to compare notes with Raimundo, Greta’s cooked.

“Sara thanks Alonso for ‘always believing in her’ (I think he is just doing whatever he can to avoid her tantrums)” Absolutely! I’d be tempted to avoid the tantrums, too. Her tantrums are world-class.

“She walks past the 8th graders making out under the bleachers with her head held high into the school. These two are making out for a solid minute. Who does that in public after age 15? I mean really?” ROTFLLLL! It was a gross as a telenovela gets, wasn’t it?

“Anyway, Monica tells Hottie that Ern isn’t there and Hottie leaves. No don’t leave! Come back and model swimwear! Damn.” ROTFLLL!!!

“Rosy pokes her head out and sees that the coast is clear of Hurricane Monica.” LOL!

“I was going to ask what’s the deal with women being this jealous but I realized the comments thread might devolve, depending on who has been cheated on, so I’ll let it be. Let me just say that this goes both ways, before any man-bashing begins. Let’s move on.” LOL! Probably a wise course of action.

“She leaves, he eyes the junk in her trunk sway out” ROTFL! That’s a new one! Very descriptive, though.

“She jumps him and they start making out. SORRY ladies!” Yeah, really. I was SO disappointed in him for taking the bait. He was just trying to help, I’m sure.

“They play a game of “do you love me?” Chalo wins.” Yeah, that struck me as poignant and sad. This guy has been “settling” for whatever Sara has been willing to throw him as crumbs for so long! I don’t like Chalo, think he is bien creepy, and yet felt sorry for him at least for a second or two.

“Now that they have let Paula explore her hotness – it’s time for Valeria to get a job modeling with Julian or something. Quit keeping her wrapped up in a lab coat.” LOL!


I wonder if Icky's plan to do something with vitamins (he probably wants to market/sell them through Snorty's company) will in some way overlap with Bruno's plan to bring in cheaper pharmaceuticals from dubious sources.

Interesting - those two guys are the only people who don't know each other, I think. This would be a way to throw them together and go down in flames together.

It would be great to see Bruto and Ickturo go down in flames together, both with get-rich-quick schemes that overlap. I'd enjoy that nearly as much as I'm going to enjoy seeing Sara go down in flames, followed closely by Chalo.


"No don’t leave! Come back and model swimwear!" Really funny!

The whole recap was funny and informative, thank you. I have a better idea now what was going on with the Raimundo/Greta/Paula situation. Also thank you for explaining about Arturo and the vitamins. I knew he had some hairbrained scheme but I didn't catch what it was.

I wish this show were slightly less predictable. I'm sure Dario and Paula will end up back together. It would be nice to be surprised, maybe Paula will marry Raimundo and Dario will realize he made a mistake when he divorced her. Well, we'll see.

Thanks, Ferro^^^ Very funny recap. I liked the ''apology miffins''...nothing says lovin' like something from the oven. Ern seems to be the kind of dude who just can't say ''N - O'' when it's offered. Jackie doesn't seem to care if she gets caught with Icky . I realized that they were in her bedroom when I saw the elephant picture. Jackie is not very pretty [how ODES she get her hair to do that Jetson flip ???] , but she is horny and available...which seems to be a winning combination for the equally morally bankrupt Icky. Wow...two women fighting over Icky...that's...icky. Valeria is much too good for him. She deserves a good guy.

I really should proofread my posts...''how ODES..'' should be ''how DOES'' Sorry for being lazy and's only 7 pm here, and I am half asleep already.

Neat and sweet, Ferro. Thanks!

What? One minute Ernesto is going to change his ways for Lorena and the next he's doing the deed with Monica? And he blames it on two sips of wine? Sounds like me in college. Oops, did I say that? Well anyway, he is a babe and there's no denying it, but my opinion of him fell a few degrees last night. The foolio.

Great idea about Icky and Bruto getting hooked up in some illicit scheme. Those two are meant for each other.

Thanks Ferro, and sorry for posting my comment so late! I think I am exactly 24 hours behind the power curve here.

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