Monday, September 08, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday Sep 8 - Chef Ern cries a lot

Chef Ern is trying to figure out a way to use his niece and nephew to score with Lorena when he gets the call that his sister and brother in law died in a car crash. He asks Lorena not to leave him alone. They all get in the car and head back to his house. He leaves Lorena in charge of the kids while he goes to the morgue to identify the bodies. He tells Lorena to call his other nephew Ivan, who gets out of school later than the little ones, and to call Raimundo and fill him in.

Arturo finds Valeria on the street and tries to sweet talk her, she gives him the hand and tells him to keep on walking.

Jaime finds Maruja and they chat, she gives him a big hug and then thinks she is being too intimate, Jaime says except for Vasco that was the first hug in a looooong time that he has received that had any real feeling behind it. They go inside somewhere and chat for a while, Jaime says he’s getting divorced and starting over, which includes Maruja’s friendship, if she allows it. Maruja has a look that says she’ll allow more than that but she’s trying to appear demure.

Lorena calls Ivan, who is pretty rude to her and tells her “whatever lady I’ll come home later don’t call me any more.”

Alonso makes promises he can’t keep to Florencia, then fumes about it in his office. Valeria tells him to chill out and tells him that it’s working out well for her and her kids staying at Paula’s house.

Ivan shows up at Paula’s house and is told that the little kids are Bettina’s cousins. Ivan and Bettina talk about Lorena and can’t figure out if she’s cool or not.

Chef Ern returns home and has a good cry. When he goes to the other room to see the kids, the doorbell rings and it’s Monica. I guess Raimundo filled her in too and she’s here to take advantage of Ern’s state, I mean, she’s here to help. She immediately kicks Lorena out of the house. I guess she can’t carry out her inappropriate seduction with her there, right?

Vasco and his mother interview a nurse, her previous experience is in a psych hospital. Vasco thinks she’s all wrong until Barbara tells him that Sara is crazy, maybe this lady will recognize it and be able to protect Hortensia. Vasco buys it and they hire her. Nurse Ratchet has even less personality than Alonso and she walks like a robot. I predict that Sara will make short work of her.

The director lady of Clinic #23 calls in Alonso, she tells him that she made a big mistake before giving Bruno the promotion, as of right now Alonso is the new boss. Alonso’s expression doesn’t change AT ALL. I mean not even a twitch. Maybe if she made him a bad sandwich she could get a reaction. Nothing. He looks as confused and constipated as ever. He goes back to his office, where Sara is fuming that he had the nerve to not just stay chained to his desk. He needs to dump her, and quick. He proudly tells her of his promotion, she immediately craps all over it saying that it isn’t as good as being a director or going to a hospital, but whatever. He manages to emote his annoyance in this scene, so he is alive after all, not a robot. If this were a real life buddy, this would call for the old take him to a bar under false pretenses and spend hours hammering into him that he needs to dump his girl treatment.

Monica is very unsympathetic to Ern, who wishes she wasn’t there. Eventually Ivan shows up and Ern takes him to the other room and tells him his parents died in an accident. He stops being a typical pain in the ass teenager for a minute to look impactado.

Ivan has quite a meltdown, directing much of his anger at Ern. Understandable considering his age, his bad attitude about everything, and the situation. Raimundo eventually shows up and saves Ern from Monica, he takes her home with him.

At the restaurant, Rosy and Lorena talk about how bad it is for these little kids to lose their parents this way. On a side note, I have to say this is the calmest restaurant kitchen of all time. I have worked in some aspect of the restaurant business for most of my career and let me tell you – no kitchen on earth is like this. Even when it’s a slow day, there is noise noise noise. Usually there is some horrible Mexican music blasting away from the dishwashing/prep area, then lots of yelling between the kitchen staff and wait staff. I guess that wouldn’t fit in right with the scene, so they didn’t keep it real.

Sara tries to tell Alonso about her big plans for Hort coming home and how she’s all that and everything else too, he is starting to get tired of her and it’s obvious. She tries to distract him with some nookie but he says no thanks, and leaves. She fumes. I would congratulate Alonso on waking up but I’m not sure he really is waking up, he’s just tired of her because she doesn’t fawn all over him all the time.

Lorena comes to Ern’s house after closing the restaurant, he’s up in arms about what to do with the kids. Ivan comes out and confronts him again, did he tell the younger ones that their parents are dead? He swears that if Ern doesn’t tell them, he’ll do it himself. Much crying from everyone. Ern’s crying isn’t ugly at all, Ivan’s is a good 6 on the scale. He’d be higher except he has a damn good reason to be crying. Stay tuned for some blubbering that ranks higher on the scale.

In bed, Zulema and Omar talk about what a disappointment Sara is. Zulema tries to start something up with Omar who (I’m not kidding) physically pushes her back away from him. Obviously, she is offended by this and says he doesn’t find her attractive any more and she feels horrible. He tries to kiss up to her but she isn’t having it and she turns out the lights.

Valeria is with the girls, crying about leaving home. She is worried about harming the kids, the others say the kids will survive, they are the voice of experience with divorce. Greta tries to steer the conversation to pity about her own divorce but Maruja very adroitly nips that in the bud and calls her out on being a drama queen. They are here for Valeria today, not for Greta. They all pledge their support to Valeria.

Meanwhile, Arturo is in his t-shirt and pajama bottoms, on the phone with Jackie telling her that he isn’t going to come meet her. She gets bitchy and he tells her to quit calling him and hangs up on her. Stupid blonde mother comes in, pulling an 8 on the ugly crying scale, whining about the kids being gone. I hope this isn’t the beginning of an attempted redemption of Arturo – he defends Valeria, saying she wouldn’t ever keep the kids away from them, and that she is right and he is wrong, he’s stupid, etc. Oh no you don’t – no sympathy from me you dirtball.

I guess Vasco didn’t tell Sara that they were hiring a nurse, because Sara is getting info from Alonso about taking care of Hortensia. Of course Sara just wants to kill her so I guess she wasn’t thinking about a nurse. Alonso says she needs to hire someone, it’s a big deal to take care of her. He gets an emergency call and leaves, Sara worries about him being so distant. Um, maybe because you are an evil, self-centered bitch? Just a thought. Sara walks out to the front desk, Vasco is there. Let me recap this conversation old school style –

Sara – ok I have the papers to take Grandma home. If you have a problem with it tell the doctor.

Vasco – nope, no problem.

S – ok I’ll take her in my car.

V – ok, I’m coming with you.

S – Enough already!

V – No it isn’t enough. You are capable of doing anything, like pushing her out of the car and saying it was an accident. I’m coming with you and staying at the house. I won’t leave you alone with her for one single minute!

S – You’re coming back to the house?

V – Yes, why so surprised? Did you think you’d get rid of me that easily?

Vasco does a good job in this scene – he has the upper hand and he knows it. He’s calm and cool. Sara just flares her nostrils and fumes.

Barbara moves back into the mansion and is glad to be home. The maid asks about Jaime, Barb says he has other plans.

Jaime gets turned down for a job, he’s overqualified. He says he doesn’t care, he’ll take whatever. Is he being turned away because of all the nasty business? The guy, who looks like a troll, says no no nothing like that, hey if I find something I’ll call you, good luck. He didn’t add “don’t let the door hit you on the way out” but it was there, unsaid.

Zulema tells Maruja that she thinks Omar has another woman, because they almost never get busy. Maruja asks a bunch of questions, like does he come home late, is he wearing cologne, is he trying to look younger? No, no, and no. Then he isn’t cheating! This makes Zulema even sadder, because it means he just isn’t interested in her.

Omar appears to be having trouble at work, he doesn’t know how to use a computer. His smarmy boss talks down to him and makes him feel stupid.

Hort finally comes home. Vasco and Barbara wheel her into her room, with Sara close behind. The nurse presents herself, Sara is more confused than ever. Vasco and Barbara present a united front – they hired her, she is in charge of Hort 24 hours a day. Sara stomps off, looking like she’ll start crying. After she’s gone, Vasco tells the nurse that Sara isn’t allowed near Hort for any reason.

Sara yells at her empty room, Vasco comes in and tells her to shut up. She gets indignant about him hiring the nurse, he says her protestations make her look that much more guilty. She says she won’t allow him to keep accusing her, he says he won’t allow her to kill Grandma!

Ern has finally broken the news to the little ones that their parents are dead. The little girl is crying like her REAL parents are dead, I wonder what they told the poor girl to make her cry so realistically. Ivan looks on from the other room.

Sara finds Chalo in the mansion, she wants him to leave but he wants to live there. Barbara comes in and sees him, Sara says he’s some guy looking for work and Chalo butts in saying that Sara already hired him, he’s the new chauffer. Sara looks nervous, Chalo looks satisfied, Barbara looks suspicious. I would be too, most people don’t go looking for jobs in shirts open to their belly buttons like Chalo’s shirt.

Tomorrow – Alonso wants to dump Sara (woo hoo! Please go through with it), Chalo squeezes Sara some more, Sara threatens Lorena not to tell about her and Chalo but Lorena isn’t afraid of her. Looks like Sara’s web of lies is slooowwly starting to unravel.


Ha, how ironic that you got stuck with the crying episode. I must say that little girl impressed me, she almost made me cry she was so convincing. She's like the Margaret O'Brien of telenovelas.

No way is Arturo going to get any sympathy from me! He's way too odious and unctuous. I agree with the earlier assessment of him has a narcissist and sex addict. Maybe he should go to rehab like SOME PEOPLE do. Even if he did I wouldn't want Valeria to take him back. She deserves way better.

The last scene with Barbara, Chalo and Sara...Barb looked suspicious but she also looked interested. Chalo = new meat? Ewwwwww!

Excellent recap Chris, thanks!!

Thanks for a fast and incisive recap.

I agree with Sylvia; that Barbara looked very interested in Chalo. Eww is right!

When Monica arrived at Ernesto's house and found Lorena there, I thought she said something about Lorena not making any points, and then sent her back to the restaurant. I just don't see Ernesto ending up with Monica, who is an unsympathetic character. And although she lost her mother when she was young in an accident, she didn't seem at all concerned with the children, but with making points with Ernesto. I know he can't wind up with Lorena --by telenovela rules. But even though he's a womanizer, I find him to be a sympathetic character. Maybe he could end up with Valeria, who is one of the only nice available women.

Nice scene between Maruja and Jaime.

I know Hortensia was in a coma, but why can't she speak? I think Sara will find the nurse a very formidable opponent. Sara will probably have to kill her first to get to Hortensia --unless Sara is able to buy her off.

This is getting interesting...NJ Sue

NJ Sue, how was your vacation? (Do I remember correctly, you went on a trip?)

I like your pairing of Ern and Valeria as he would end up with FIVE kids!

Yes, how did I end up with the crying episode? How come I didn't get the bikini chicks episode? Somebody at Univision isn't aware of which day is my turn!
Yeah Sylvia Arturo really is horrible, I just have this horrible feeling like they are going to try and make him a nice guy or something like that. With Dario it wasn't too hard to make him a nice guy, he wasn't ever a complete tool in the first place.
Anyway, I'm glad things are happening. This was also the first time Chalo showed up without making me want to turn off the show. He's WAY more interesting as Sara's enemy.

Good recap, Ferro and you are soooo right about the unreality of the kitchen scenes. There should be lots of noise and stress and yelling (has anyone ever read Kitchen Confidential?) and this is like a garden party.

Agree with you that the little girl's crying was disturbingly real. Either she's a great actress or somebody pinched her really hard!

I find Monica's voice so annoying that even if she'd been saying the right things to Ernesto (which she certainly wasn't!) it would have been annoying. Her tone is grating at all times.

Thanks Ferro - very good recap!

It was a very "crying" episode - at least we have some actors and actresses ( even very young ones) who could look really emotional!

Alonslow amazed me again ( and again and again) - do we know for sure that he is not a robot? The scene in doctora's office when she broke the news about the BIG promotion gave me another doubt about the robot thingy.

Vasco is a real stopper for Sara - she just can't get around him!

And Chalo is great as "me reyna's" enemy - this looks like a battle of equals.

Monica only at the end ( when her dad showed up) looked like she came to the grieving friend - at first, with her smiles and some innuendos - oh, I hated her! She is the one who lost her mother - did she ever went thru the grieving process at all? Or she always had some kind of problem with accepting what happened. She probably needs some counseling herself!

I agree that Arturo should not be rehabilitated. It's not just that he had affairs with two women while lying to his wife, he also took her life savings and invested in a stupid import business that went broke, and he's always trying to use substandard quality in toys, food, etc. to save money.

But Chalo's appearance at the mansion opens up a lot of possiblities. If Sara can't get past the nurse, maybe Chalo could? With either threats, or maybe a little sweet talking! Wait, that's even worse that Chalo and Barbara!

If I'm not mistaken, Ernesto has just become Uncle Bill from "A Family Affair."

Now we need a Mr. French!

I also thought Ivan did a good job of bringin' the grief. They all did, but Ivan's reaction was more complicated and I felt that he really nailed it.

And speaking of nailing, I wanted to reach through my TV screen and smack Monica from rushing up to Ivan and giving him a big hug before he even knew what was going on. She seemed way too eager to get the misery underway.

Sylvia; Thanks for asking. I went on a cruise to Canada and the Northeast --and it was horrible!!Three thousand people on a ship and lines everywhere. Remnants of
Hurricane Hannah and a canceled port visit to Newport. And the worst was that a passenger had a heart attack and died on board...It could have been a terrible etapa in a telenovela. Glad to be back to unreality and pretend problems and tragedies.

Are they going to have to make Ernesto really horrible somewhere down the line so we poor viewers will accept Lorena and Dr. Robot??
But I hope before that happens there will be some loving between Ernesto and Lorena, who by the way doesn't seem to miss Alonslow any more...

NJ Sue

Ferro, you’ve done it again with a spot on recap and just the right amount of snark, given the serious theme of two decent folks getting killed off by the writers. Thanks!

“Jaime says he’s getting divorced and starting over, which includes Maruja’s friendship, if she allows it. Maruja has a look that says she’ll allow more than that but she’s trying to appear demure.” LOL! She did look a bit eager, didn’t she?

“Monica….I guess Raimundo filled her in too and she’s here to take advantage of Ern’s state, I mean, she’s here to help. She immediately kicks Lorena out of the house. I guess she can’t carry out her inappropriate seduction with her there, right?” LOL! She’s not letting any grass grow under her feet or giving him time to mourn in peace or anything like that.

“Nurse Ratchet has even less personality than Alonso and she walks like a robot. I predict that Sara will make short work of her.” I dunno, Ferro, I have high hopes for Nurse Ratchet.

“Alonso’s expression doesn’t change AT ALL. I mean not even a twitch. Maybe if she made him a bad sandwich she could get a reaction. Nothing. He looks as confused and constipated as ever.” ROTFLLLL!!!! He is, that’s why he looks it. His father’s way more fun and way younger than he is.

“If this were a real life buddy, this would call for the old take him to a bar under false pretenses and spend hours hammering into him that he needs to dump his girl treatment.” ROTFLLL!!! And no doubt once he was hammered you wouldn’t mince any words. False pretenses get them there, but the truth will set them free.

“Usually there is some horrible Mexican music blasting away from the dishwashing/prep area, then lots of yelling between the kitchen staff and wait staff. I guess that wouldn’t fit in right with the scene, so they didn’t keep it real.” Plus, it would make it darn hard to recap. I’m just saying.

“Zulema tries to start something up with Omar who (I’m not kidding) physically pushes her back away from him.” Omar reminded me of my second husband—the one I always grouse about. And to whom I’m no longer married. Yet another reason….

“Greta tries to steer the conversation to pity about her own divorce but Maruja very adroitly nips that in the bud and calls her out on being a drama queen.” Ya gotta love Maruja. What a terrific person!

“Stupid blonde mother comes in, pulling an 8 on the ugly crying scale” LOL! Seeing her try to cry makes my stomach churn. She’s a royal pill.

“I hope this isn’t the beginning of an attempted redemption of Arturo – he defends Valeria, saying she wouldn’t ever keep the kids away from them, and that she is right and he is wrong, he’s stupid, etc. Oh no you don’t – no sympathy from me you dirtball.” LOL! Well-said! He deserves to go down with his own ship.

“Sara says he’s some guy looking for work and Chalo butts in saying that Sara already hired him, he’s the new chauffer. Sara looks nervous, Chalo looks satisfied, Barbara looks suspicious. I would be too, most people don’t go looking for jobs in shirts open to their belly buttons like Chalo’s shirt.” LOL! I couldn’t help but wonder how long it will be before Barb is doing Chalo. Or vice versa.


"Yes, how did I end up with the crying episode? How come I didn't get the bikini chicks episode? Somebody at Univision isn't aware of which day is my turn!" ROTFL! Ferro, you are too much!

Julie, you're right--that boy who plays Ivan really did a stellar job of being a teenager who has just found out his parents died and has to rail out at someone. What a scene that was!


Thanks for the awesome snark Ferro!

I can't believe I totally forgot about Ernie's sis and BIL dying until I read Maricruz' recap and went DOh! THAT was the funeral she meant!

Sue, I don't think they need to make Ernie do anything wrong. TN logic dictates that we love who we love, so if Ernie picks dumbass over Chef Hawt, that's just what the TN gods dictated. I like the idea of Ernie and Val getting together and starting a Brady Bunch of sorts. As for getting a Mr. French Julie, I guess that falls on poor Fanny's shoulders. Maybe he'll hire a butler as well since the mess will grow exponentially with two kids and a teenager in the mix.

Excellent recap as always, and I thought the episode was very well done. I think Sue has a great idea -- I'd love to see Ernesto end up with Valeria. That would be far far far far far better than Ernesto and mean, useless Monica.

I remember thinking to myself last night that Lorena's ultimate goal has been to become a chef and find a guy to settle down with and "form a family." Well, she could easily do that with Ernesto, given that he now has three orphans on his hands, who would be a better mom for three orphans than someone who understood this herself? I was hopeful that the writers would let this happen.

But, it's TN rules, not mine.


Does anybody know if the viewers in Mexico prefer Ernesto too?

Julie, without giving out spoilers - the only answer I can give - yes, the do!
I'm participating at Univision forum where I try to avoid reading anything related to QE but headings can get something out sometimes ( I don't like this at all).

Chris, I'm so glad you mentioned the too-quiet kitchen. Even the most organized kitchens are noisy as heck as you pointed out.

How is this nurse supposed to watch Snorty 24 hours a day? Is she a robot, or doesn't she get to sleep?

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