Friday, October 24, 2008
Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Oct. 23- DB hatches a new plan to get Santos; Pernalete hatches a new plan to get Antonio to marry Federica
DB and Santos both end up in San Fernando - she to buy a wedding dress as part of her plan to make Santos jealous by marrying Quita-Dolores (QD). Santos is in Fernando to complain to the Governor about Pernalete's treatment of Antonio. Pernalete had him arrested and savagely beaten. Pernalete sends DB a telegram asking her to help him against Santos' accusations. While Santos is talking to a judge (played by the guy who was Calixto on PdG), DB has gone to the Governor and given him a bribe. Santos sees DB leaving when he goes to see the Governor. He gets no satisfaction out of the Governor who is holding DB's bag of money.
DB and Santos are both sleepless that night in adjacent rooms in the hotel. Finally, Santos goes to DB and once again he can't resist his desire for her and they have a night of pasion. The next morning DB finds the telegram that Pernalete sent and he is furious. DB blames the way she turned out on having had to live in the rough world of the Arauca while Santos had it easy in the big city. Santos says that the city has bad people too. He says that he realizes that DB will never change and that there is a great chasm between them that sexual desire alone cannot bridge.
Meanwhile Federica is at Altamira taking care of Antonio who Santos managed to get out of prison and who is recovering at Altamira. Federica does nothing but talk about her pregnancy and suggest that Cecilia is menopausal. Furious, Marisela brings the experienced Casilda to look at Federica while she is taking a bath. Casilda can see right away by the condition of Federica's breasts and nipples that she isn't pregnant.

Marisela throws her out of Altamira.

Mujiquita discovers Pernalete in bed with Josefa and now he knows that the whispers were true.
Santos has met Nestor, a journalist in San Fernando, and he is bringing him to Altamira to expose the evildoings of Pernalete and DB. Does the actor look familiar? It took me a while but that is the actor who played Leandro in PdG! Here is a picture of the actor as Nestor in DB

Cecilia says that she believes that Antonio didn't get Federica pregnant.

Mujiquita is now secretly working against Pernalete. He starts to tell Santos and Nestor things that Pernalete has done.

Balbino Paiba tells QD that DB has money hidden in the walls. QD goes into the witchcraft room and sees the picture of the rapists and recognizes Chepo, now a fake religious healer. He gets caught searching in DB's room. When DB gets back, she expresses her displeasure until she finds out that he knows Chepo. Then she gives him a second chance.

Marisela's mare has a colt and that prompts Marisela to contrast the way the horse takes care of the foal with the way her mother abandoned her. Santos tells Marisela that it was DB who was the loser since she didn't get to know her beautiful, intelligent daughter. Marisela is moved that Santos thinks of her that way.

Pajarito tells the terneras that the well of sighs is a magical place where DB swims to keep herself looking young. The terneras go there to swim and the Altamira vaqueros get an eyeful.

Labels: barbara
i read your blog on a regular basis.
you keep it real.
and it brings lots of laughter.
keep up the good work
input- very much appreciated indeed.
I always watch DB and read the summaries/comments, even when I have to travel and don't write in. This is one of the best novelas I've seen so far...
I just want to let you know that I rarely comment, but I do read your re-caps, and I appreciate all your work. DB is currently my favorite novela; I also watch QE and Abrazame Muy Fuerte on Telefutura. I used to watch FEL, but I could no longer take the tedium of it. Thank you for your hard work. You make DB all the more enjoyable.
MC,in CA
In contrast, I think Christian Meier is absolutely adorable and believable as whatever character he portrays. I was enchanted with him in Zorro and am enjoying his portrayal of Santos. DB is the novela I'm enjoying the most since Pasión. I don't think it's only because I'm reading the book at the same time. The thing just roars along in plotting and pace. I even like the music more than any other novela!
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