Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Tues., Oct., 13 - Female hearts are in a flutter - the "Quita Dolores" is in town

DB tells Santos that she is putting up the fence to create the barrier that he said was between them. She won't go to Altamira unless he asks her to and she'll find another guy. Later Antonio says tht Santos should be happy. He's got the fence he wanted without spending a dime and DB is out of his life. Santos agrees but without any enthusiasm.

Federica makes her conquest of the last ranch hand at Altamira, Maria Nieves. Later she will tell Josefa that he was a machine gun, firing everywhich way. Josefa tells her to concentrate on her objective - Antonio.

Once again, Antonio tries to tell Santos about his relationship with Cecilia and once again Santos misunderstands in a way that makes it impossible for Antonio to do so.

We have some 'time passing' scenes...
Cecilia and Antonio fool around at the school and he leave flowers there for her much to the amusement of the students.

DB does witchcraft at the Well of Sighs.
New plot developments:
Dr. Arias is running for mayor of Progresso against Pernalete and is seeking allies like Santos. Pernalete has the Doña and he cheats.
New plot developments:
Dr. Arias is running for election mayor of Progresso against Pernalete and is seeking allies like Santos. Pernalete has the Doña and he cheats.

Marisela believes that Santos has gotten over DB but he is still mooning around for her. When Melquíades tells DB that he saw Santos go to the Well of Sighs, she is ecstatic. She believes Santos will come back to her on his knees.

Marisela reads the news to the terneras that a hearthrob, Florencio "Quita-Dolores" translated as the "Heart Mender" is coming to San Fernando. Pernalate decides that getting this Florencio to come and perform in Progresso will be good for his mayoral campaign.

When Pernalete and Mujiquita are in SF to get Florencio, Mujiquita sees that "El Iluminado de Barinas" is in town. He is a faith healer. He is also one of DB's rapists.

Federica's efforts to get a sperm donor are in vain. She isn't pregnant.

The "Quita-Dolores" is interested in coming to Progresso for the money and to meet Doña Barbara, whom he has heard of and who he calls: cacica del arauca - indian chief (female) of the Arauca.

Santos hears that a naked woman has been swimming at the Well of Sighs. Melquíades tells DB that Santos has gone there. DB waits for Santos at the Well.


Poor Marisela- her pain isn`t over!
She has to witness Santos love(?) for DB. Unlike all the other senioritas, Quita Dolores does not seem to impress her.. which points to the fact Marisela has a pure love for Santos and suffers. Young
QD has noticed Marisela in the meantime. The story may get interesting.

Yes, La Doña is certainly playing Santos like a fine violin!

I'm somewhat frustrated with Antonio's repeated attempts to tell Santos and Cecilia's inability to do so. This definitely seems off somehow in the supposedly present-day time frame; i.e. would there STILL be such a class barrier between them?

Was momentarily overjoyed at Federica's failure to be impregnated only to have hopes dashed by the cunning Josefa advising her to "adelantar" her symptoms.

I think the Fiestas Patronales plot is fun. I'm enjoying the egotistical Quitadolores, who definitely has his eye on both Bárbara and Marisela. Although his attraction to Marisela may be more genuine and that for DB an act for the one who holds the pursestrings.

The scene with DB swimming in the pozo was truly magical. Santos was right; she did resemble a Goddess.

I agree novelera, Antonio & Cecilia are surprising. Santos has no trouble having an affair(?) with DB & Tia Cecilia has all the trouble in the world admitting her love for Tonio. Yet there is even
more of a bridge between Tonio/Ceci
if we speak of education, than with
Santos & DB.
As for Marisela, Santitos is always harder on her (education, good manners,focus etc..)-for her own good & his own surprise-1 Fine day !
Unfortunately out here, we are still 48h behind ..so cannot appreciate yet the scenes you describe. But I bet you Marisela
would be more of a Goddess, if she
were given the time & day! She is
younger & more beautiful..her body
has no ugly mark as DB`s, as seen
by SL (sorry-sad but true!).

I agree Santos needs to admire
marisela`s G-given body. She is
preciosa; maybe a scene in a playa or piscina would help ?
How can DB be a goddess when she
apparently has marks on her boobs/chest ? Why celia & antonio have trouble telling santos of their love is unclear. Celia seems at ease with the class barrier, and the lack of education of antonio but is shy or ashamed to
admit it to santos; maybe she is not sure her couple will last.
Viva la fiesta.

I think Cecilia and Antonio don't have the least idea of how horribly Santos is going to react to their relationship. Santos is very backwards, macho and jealous of all the women around him, specially those he considers as his property. So I think they are making this delay on purpose in preparation for a dramatic moment. Santos will probably kick Antonio out of the ranch, thinking that he has taken advantage of his "tia santa sagrada". And it will be bad for Antonio and Cecilia, because after all, Santos is the one who supports them economically. Antonio will have to get work at another ranch and Cecilia will have to live on his income (It is something Antonio is not considering really, he doesnt seem to have ambitions). But now Federica's fake pregnancy is going to complicate things further.

Santos hears a naked woman has been swimming at the Well of Sighs Melquíades tells DB that Santos has gone there. DB waits for Santos at the Well- I thought
Santos imagined that whole scene!!
Poor Devil -not about to forget his DB. Who is Melquiades= do not recall.

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