Friday, October 17, 2008

QE Thurs 10/16 - So many sorries in the house of smelly sombreros and Omar stinks too

It's pouring rain, meaning not only are the writers hitting us over the head with romantic symbolism but we know Alonslow and Lorena will have a tender moment. She agrees to spend the day with him tomorrow. He's so grateful he does a little happy dance after she leaves. Soto emoting? Incredible!

Vasco and Babs tell Jaime they moved out of Evil Acres and are looking for new digs. Vasco is Mr. Bitter. Jaimes swears Snorty is a different person, she's lost her business, her money, her power, and she has to sell the house. Vasco looks slightly less angry at the news.

Snorty tells her faithful staff, including the wretched maid who double-crossed her crony (Nana who is now working for Zulema), that she has to let them go because she's losing the house. Augusta decides to stay with her Señora Linda, doesn't matter about the pay.

Zuly and Diana share Lor's joy in spending the day with Al. Zuly wants to plan something special for the doctor. Diana is slightly more objective and seems to favor Chef Hawt, probably because she knows Dr. Dumb did Sara.

Ern comes home and his cute little niece shows him the drawing that Lorena did for her when she visited. Ern is impactado to hear Lor was there.

Al picks up Lorena and they talk stupidly with goo goo eyes about their day. He almost rented a plane to write her name like in a telenovela. She wants to go to the best restaurant, haha just a joke. Again with their stupid jokes. What she really wants to do is visit the Basilica of Guadalupe.

To the tune of Ave Maria they sightsee and visit the basilica and religious paintings. Lor silently thanks the Virgin of Guadalupe for leading her to her family.

Afterward Al tells Lor he prayed for the chance to fix his mistakes, she is the only one he's ever loved. Clearly she's falling for this crap. It strikes me that these two are very traditional and maybe they would be happy with the mundane existence their future together would bring.

More sightseeing, parks, fountains, and praying. He has a surprise for her and he carries her off by "force". How romantic...NOT! OK I admit I still don't like him. Can you tell?

It looks like they are on those boats that go by the island of scary dolls. She asks how did he know she's never been to Xochimilco? Because she once told him. He's chartered a boat named "Lorena" and he has a gourmet lunch with wine waiting. She thanks him for a great day and they toast. What else? He hires a boat of mariachis to play "Si Nos Dejan" for her, which is the traditional Mexican romance and/or proposal song. OK, it's romantic but if some guy stared at me the way he stares at her, stalkerlike, I would swim for shore.

Meanwhile Icky thanks Magdalena for turning Jaqui into a new person. She gives him her line, Jaqui's got the gift (of gullibility!) and a sensitivity to the Great Spirit. Icky agrees, that's why he has a donation, a moral debt as it were, in payment for Jaqui's transformation. He doesn't want Mag to tell Jaqui how much money he donated, it's dirty money. She tells him it will be purified the moment he hands it over, which he does. I'm not sure about this, I think he wants to donate just a bit, keep the rest, and not tell Jaqui.

Paula gives Bettina some motherly advice before driving her over to Ivan's house. She adds Bettina had better not mention to Uncle Al that she's at the house of Al's rival.

In the house stacked with sombreros Jaqui apologizes to Don Toribio for stealing Paula's husband and upsetting his family. Catalina gets annoyed and says she prefered when Jaqui sat in her room all day and watched movies. Like us she's sick of "sorry" and "forgive me". Tori tells Cat that he's also sorry about that Tai Chi thing. Cat says no more Tai Chi and no more of those other ladies and she accepts his apology.

Bettina arrives at Ivan's and everyone, the kids, Fanny, are thrilled to see her. Let's dance!!

Meanwhile Ern is doing his first show. "Why do people like to cook?" he asks. One of his dear students provided the best definition. She said cooking is an act of love, just like people kiss because kissing makes them both feel good. He dedicates this act of love to Lorena and he wishes she were there so he could prove it.

Zuly and Diana watch at home and Diana is impressed, Zuly not so much. She thinks Al is better for her daughter. Diana wants to tape the show for Lorena but Zuly resists. Diana finally agrees that if Lorena comes home as Al's girlfriend she won't tell her. (What, don't they think that every student at Lor's school will be dying to tell her?)

Ern finishes the show and he's a hit, the fans are calling in. Food Channel take note! Cute production chick Celeste invites him to out with some of the staff.

Icky comes home all hangdog because the Japanese businessmen don't want his sombreros. She's sick of her house looking like a warehouse and the damn hats stink! He begs his mamita linda to make him something to eat, kiss kiss. Blech.

Al's back to his stalking ways. He shows Lorena a scrapbook featuring pictures of him in Quebec. He turns the page and he's pasted pics of her next to him. She thinks this sick scrapbooking habit is delightful. He says he never stopped thinking of her, even when he was boinking her sister. (OK, I added that last bit.) He puts a stupid stone bracelet on her that signifies a bunch of crap. They start to kiss...

...No, she pulls away. What she had with Ernesto was very intense. She needs time. She's got it, the pizza arrives.

Bruto pays a surprise visit to Sara, it's a thinly veiled attempt to beg for sex. She says there are more important things to think about, his ex-family for example. He hisses that they will pay for all their humiliations, starting with Diana.

Lor tells Al she loves her rock bracelet and all it signifies. He smiles like a dope.

Paula picks ups Bettina and she and Ernesto discuss the kids. They are in complete agreement that kids need to respect each other, they think Ivan and Bettina are pretty good kids. After she leaves Ern asks Ivan if Bettina mentioned her doctor uncle. Ivan scolds his tio, does he want Ivan to be his spy?

Zuly, Diana and Rosy discuss Al and Lorena. Rossy says he's going to have to bend over backward to get Lorena back. (Hacer meritos = to do everything one can/bend over backward.) Diana comments another miracle would be if Julian put the baby to sleep.

Awww, Vasco and Julian are watching the bebe. They're talking seriously when a nasty smell pervades. Sniff sniff over the diaper. who's gonna change it? A ti!! Julian loses.

Lor comes home and shows the girls the bracelet that Al gave her, every stone symbolizes a promise Al made to her. Diana's bummed because she's voting for Ern. Lor and Vasco have a reunion hug, primos! Julian wants to chow and Zuly makes a crack about Omar being late as usual.

Cut to Greta in bed and Omar who feels incredible. Blah blah. Greta tells Omar she loves him and doesn't want "this" to ever end. Gah, 'nuff said.

Al goes to Paula's, he's in a good mood because of his date with Lorena.

Jaime and Snorty talk business. They are practically in the street. Jaime has something else to tell her of a more personal nature, he's going to get married. Snorty asks, to Babs? No Ma, to Maruja, she used to be your Sous Chef. Snorty's impactada.

Snorty's not thrilled but she's not going to make the same mistake she made with Omar. She even suggests having the ceremony at Evil Acres as a sort of farewell. Not gonna happen because it's a double wedding and Zuly won't step foot in the house.Snorty gives him advice on how to get Zuly to forgive him, starting with don't give up before you start.

Omar the Guilty arrives home and Zuly's awake in bed. She hugs him and smells the scent of a woman!

Next morning Jaqui and Icky discuss his donation. She wants to approach Sara so she, too, can cleanse her dirty money. They need to show her the love, especially now that the business is kaput. This is a surprise to Icky. Jaqui feels they should return all the money they embezzled from the company because Snorty needs it now. Icky tells her not to be stupid, they'll answer to a higher authority when they all end up in jail.

Jaime visits the lesser house and asks Lorena what she thinks of him. She hugs him...Tio! She calls Zuly who's surprised to hear him called Tio. Lor says she forgave Snorty, why not her Tio? They shake hands and Zuly admits she does it for Maruja. He tells them they lost the business and the house.

Babs complains to Vasco about the hotel. She'd rather live in a cottage, not in la Colonia but in a colonia "mas nice". Oops, she's being snotty again. She promises to try to like wherever Vasco chooses. They hug and give the over-the-shoulder doubt look.

Al shows up at the busy lesser house. He's all breathy and gazes at Lor. Zuly passes by, huffs and puffs and becomes short of breath. She promises to see Al tomorrow. Lor wants to stay home but Zuly pooh poohs it, Diana will be home soon.

On the way to the movies Al tells Lor about the marvelous bariatric surgery. Lor is interested.

Jaqui, in a sari type thing, runs into Sara and blesses the Divine Light for putting Sara in her path. She says Sara has a black conscience and Sara calls her an idiot. Jaqui tells sara it's time to repent, she knows everything, it's time for Sara to ask Snorty for forgiveness and give all the money back. Sara asks is Jaqui on drugs and leaves in a huff. Jaqui yells after her that if Sara doesn't tell then she (Jaqui) will tell the truth for her! Uh oh, welcome to the hit list Jaqui.

Al blabs on and on about the details of gastric bypass surgery to Lor. It's not complicated and is recommended for people who can't lose weight. (Oh REALLY?) Lorena comments that he's in the wrong gear and he asks where did she learn to drive? She recalls Ern yelling at her while trying to teach her. She says she started but she had a bad teacher. (Oh sure fine, bad driving teacher but an awesome cook, tender lover, easy on the eyes, interesting guy, good with kids, wide range of facial expressions, but a bad driving teacher. Oh by all means dump him now.) Al wants to teach her. Fine.

Ern visits the lesser house and friendly Diana greeets him. She tells him Lor went out. Chef Hawt asks Diana to tell Lor he came by. Diana checks out his fantastic behind as he leaves.

Of course Al is a patient driving teacher and Lor isn't nearly as stupid as she was when Ern was teaching her. Frankly, Al is the stupid one for not teaching her in a parking lot, but OK it's a quiet street. She stops the car at her house and jumps out with a cramp in her leg. Al runs over to massage it.

Ernesto, sitting in his car, sees this interaction and sadly tells himself he's lost her forever.

Tomorrow: Ernesto and Jimena run into Alonslow and Lorena, Bruto screams at Sara there will be an investigation of the poisoned meat, and Ultimas Semanas!!

I couldn't get the tune out of my head so I translated it. It's really a beautiful song and I hope I didn't mangle the translation:

Translation "Si Nos Dejan"
If they let us
We will love each other for a lifetime
If they let us
We will live in a new world
I believe we can see
The new dawn
Of a new day
I think that you and I
Can be happy still

If they let us
We'll look for a corner in the sky
If they let us
We will make the the clouds velvet
And we'll be together there
Near to God
It will be what we dream
If they let us
I take you your hand my love
And there we go

If they let us
We'll forget all the others
If they let us


Gosh...let me think...who do you favor, Alonso or Ernesto? Can't tell from your recap. HAH!

The only thing worse than seeing Sara undermine people is seeing Alonso and Lorena get back together. Ugh!

Thanks for relieving the stress by giving us those great links to the basilica and other sites shown in this episode, Sylvia. You always educate me.

Thanks too for the "hacer meritos" idiom. I was in such a funk last night I didn't take any vocabulary notes.

Did enjoy seeing hot-to-trot Bruno get blown off by Sara (forget that parejita crap!) and anytime crazy Jaqui does her "luz divina" number, I'm laughing. Know a number of those in real life so sometimes I'm laughing till I cry!

Perhaps Slo will perform gastric bypass surgery on Zuly.
Sara & Bruto will figure out someway to cause Zuly's demise,getting revenge on the Lesser House and Diana.
Lor will then blame Slo.

Slo probably forgot a step or two in the procedure since Canada. Since he hasn't brains enough to come in out of the rain,one really can't blame him for an honest mistake.
La Doctora will then remove him from the staff in disgrace giving Sara her revenge. Bruto will be happy because he helped to cause pain and sadness for Diana.

Zully won't have to forgive Omar for his indiscretions and he will be free to carry on with Greta.
Lor will run back to Ern, but too late he has fallen for Jimena and Lor is out in the cold with her Slo Teddy Bear.
Wondering why me?
All the others will live happily ever after.
M in Westlake

Yikes...M in Westlake...stop! You're scaring me! Glad you left a few survivors to "live happily ever after!.

Anyway, thanks for some chilling scenarios. You should be a telenovela writer...(there was an American soap opera writer commenting from time to time on another show).

PS Must say, after all my pre-telenovela whining, this one has been entertaining and apart from some truly terrible nights (which always seemed to fall on Tuesdays! when I recap) I've enjoyed it.

The length is right...ultimas semanas is coming in a timely fashion before we run out of patience with everybody. Unlike Fuego which seems to be stretching into painful eternity.

Hello To All, Just read on Youtube that my favorite actress,Angelica Vale, is returning to a novela...Yeah,I'm so happy..Now I'll watch...

Hooray...hope it's a telenovela we recap 'cause we miss you, Export Red.

Well there I was whining about the rain then all of a sudden Jean posted some amazingly HAWT love-in-the-mud shots from El Cuerpo del Deseo. Did y'all see them above? I don't see our Alonso engaging in such...ENGAGING activity. My oh my I think I need a cool shower. Heh heh.

JudyB, I've never been to Xochimilco but I've seen the place several times on the telenovelas and I'd really love to go. It looks pretty cool, whaddya want to bet that when I finally make it there I'll end up on the Lorena boat?

Thanks Maureen, we'll keep our eyes peeled for our beloved Angelica.

I couldn't get that song Si Nos Dejan out of my head so I added a translation to the recap. It's quite a romantic song really. I feel a bit softer toward Alonslow after this little exercise, but I think I'll snap out of it by lunchtime!

Hey Sylvia...I tried to breeze right past those steamy photos...otherwise I'd find myself all dressed up and no place to go.

Thanks for including the lyrics. My favorite love song is still the one from Fea....Besame en la boca. And there's another one that accompanies a Fea scene on Youtube...Quedate....which is also awesome.

Cap'n Sylvia: As soon as I saw your title, I knew I'd be smiling through your entire recap. So many great lines but agree that: "Diana...seems to favor Chef Hawt, probably because she knows Dr. Dumb did Sara". Appreciated and supported your more than obvious preference of Ernesto.

I hope there are no fatal casualties in whatever hideous schemes Sara and Brutus concoct. But, if I were a betting woman, I'd say it will be Jacqui as needless to say Sara does not react well to threats as we saw with Chalo.

Each night I keep thinking that this is it - Alonso and Lorena are getting back together for good. But tonight's previews appear to show Lorena exhibiting quite a bit of jealousy when running into Ernesto at the nightclub. Can't say I blame her - that man is hot, hot, hot...Wishing I had a cool facecloth here at work. Diana in MA

Hah. When I go to Xochimilco I'll end up on the BERTHA boat with El Guapo. ("Heridas de Amor" reference)

I was also shocked to see Soto emoting. Maybe the director told him to think about cake.

I also decided last night that if I'm going to watch people go out on a date, it has to be the kind of date that I would enjoy. I have nothing against churches, but I'm not sure I'd want to go to one on a date. Even a spectacular one.

Neat, though, how despite the fact that the place was totally packed, they got a whole section to themselves.

I love Ernesto, but I don't think I could watch a cooking show where the guy was yappin' mush about his woman the whole time.

Thank goodness we're in Ultimas Semanas. I've enjoyed this telenovela (in a sometime sick and morbid way), but I truly feel that it's best to quit while you're ahead.

As I was driving to work it occurrred to me that Si Nos Dejan is probably the most requested, overdone song that Mariachis sing. How like Alonslow. Besame en la Boca leaves it in the dust. I think one of my favorite requests is Cuando Caliente el Sol.

Anybody have any other favorites?

Cuando Caliente el Sol is great and has a real driving beat to least in the Luis Miguel version I know.

I love El Amor Acaba and Mi Almohada by José José...but you sure wouldn't want to play either one of these to a someone whose heart you were trying to win!

Wouldn't mind playing El Amor Acaba for Greta and Omar though!

The lyrics to El Amor Acaba are lovely, poetic and very cynical (or realistic, depending on your point of view). To my surprise it was written by a woman.

I 've missed all my friends here over the past 6-8 months...Las Fea Mas Bella was an unforgetable novela that kept most of us spellbound for nearly two years,even to the point that some commentators here flew from California and other states to the Cristina on Univision taping in Miami at the end of show..What stories they shared wth us...Those were the days,mi amigas...

Just to think Angelica Vale will be returning to a novela lifts my spirits today,as she is a multi- talented actress...It would be wonderful if we had a new novela with Angie & Jaime about the life of Lety & Fernando,after we saw them married in that rush,rush wedding..Any thoughts on that...?

Where's Jeanne? Is she doing recap on Fuego?

Thanks for the recap, and the translation of the song. My happiest moment was when I saw "Ultimas semanas!" It's not that I don't like this show (I like it), but sometimes it's very frustrating, and knowing a resolution is coming is comforting.

I was disappointed that Toribio apologized to Catalina, who is a bit controlling.

Ickturo really is something, with his never-ending money making schemes. It's a good thing Valeria left him (although I'd like her to come back).

Omar is really in trouble now. I don't see how the writers can salvage him, unless maybe he's in some accident (maybe caused by Sara), because we always forgive someone who's in the hospital, or in a coma, etc.

Sylvia, Thanks for the very entertaining recap and for all the links. I went to the Basilica of VOG twice in January and have gone to Xochimilco the last two trips to Mexico. I love both. It is wonderful to see families coming to these colorful places on Sundays, enjoying some free or inexpensive fun in beautiful settings. Both are not to be missed sites while in the DF.

I really disliked this telenovela at first and couldn't watch Sara being so mean without experiencing pain in my heart. Now that she is known to be a malicious killer and consumate schemer, I can enjoy the other characters. I missed some of the HawtChef love scenes while in Spain but also think Soto has it in his contract to get the girl so why struggle against the inevitable. They are both eyecandymen in my book so I am happy. Also relieved to be in Ultimas semanas, wish we could be saying that about FELS.

Thanks so much for the recap Sylvia. I know reality says I should just resign myself to Lor and Slo but hope springs eternal. The date was nice but with Ernesto would have been better.

Sylvia your comment about Diana and Ernesto (Dr. Dull do Sara) was priceless.

HA!!!! I can't believe it!!!! You got ultimas semans!!!! Lucky YOU!!!!! I loved your leave him now rant. that was great...

I'm trying to remember the name of my trajinera, I think it was the Magdalena...I'll look it up...the divinity of that namesake would definitely be welcomed by me anywhere near those creepy dolls...those things were freaky...

Export Red...Jeanne is traveling right some conference. Very busy Fall for her at schooland with her work. When she recaps, she does Friday for Querida Enemiga, but Maricruz filled in for her last weekend.

Hopefully life will slow down a little for her in a month or so...but probably not! I can well understand how educators long for Summer and find that it passes much too quickly.

Thanks, Capn Sylvia. Dr. Dull and Lorena on a hot date to the cathedral. Fa Fa. At this point, I think that they just might be right for each other because if Lorena can resist Chef Boy-RU Hot's many charms ...well then...FA FA. All I can say is that I would like some hot chef to give a shout out to me on a tv show...maybe dedicate a strawberry shortcake to me. Okay then...I am hoping that there will be some equal opportunity dating , and we will get to see Ernie and Lor having hot, muddy, monkey sex in the rain....wait...I'm getting my novelas mixed up.

Hey I actually watched this, Al that is just so wrong. What a boring tool.

Fill me in..who was Greta, besides the hawt secretary? I mean what is her story in this?

Thanks for the great recap

Thanks for the awesome recap and the links Capn'. Those dolls were creepy..., no idea why they'd stick them in the middle of an otherwise romantic ride.

On mariachi songs, my personal favorite was always "Mi Ciudad" (my city) but it's not exactly romantic. For romance I like "Usted," "Parece Que Fue Ayer" (it seems like yesterday), "El Motivo Eres Tu" (you are the reason), and "El Dia Que Me Quieras" (the day that you love me), although the last is better as a straight ballad without a mariachi (it was my wedding song!). One that I never understood was people who like "Cucurrucucu Paloma" (roughly it's supposed to translate to the sound of crying doves - written years before Prince wrote his tune) as a romance song. The song is all about pain and suffering and anguish over lost love. Still, a lot of people think it's incredibly romantic and play it at weddings. I guess it's only slightly less inappropriate than "Every Breath You Take" by the Police.

Beckster - you may have figured this out if you saw today's (Friday) episode, but otherwise, Greta is the third musketeer in the ex-wives club with Paula ('Slow's sister) and Maruja (Rosy's mom). Off course, Paula relapsed when she went back to Dario and Maruja will be married again soon, but the group will stay tight (until they find out about the Omar affair and snub her for doing what was done to all of them).

I want to see Omar's epiphany when Greta becomes Regreta. [I had a friend who changed her dog's name to Regreta after she [Greta] ate the French soap and box of Godiva chocolates that were under the Christmas tree.] Women like Greta give women a bad name. I hope Zully gets an opportunity to tell her off.

I'm not defending Greta for a minute but let's remember...she doesn't know Zully, she never made a promise to Zully to be loving and faithful (as did Omar) and Zully, heretofore, has not suffered anything because of Greta: whereas she has because of Omar (kidnapping of daughter by his mother and brother and also, overall rejection.

So the one who deserves telling off is Omar. Zully gave her heart to him and he betrayed it in the worst way possible. Greta doesn't know her from a hole in the ground.

Hombres like Omar give men a bad name. He wasn't drugged and bound, after all...he went along with it once he got over his fears about performance.

Though I've got to say in real life, Susanlynn...often the "other woman" is the gal's best then, when it's the husband and best friend...well, I guess it "gives humans a bad name!"

Now I'll get off my soapbox, querida amiga.

OK JudyB, now that there's room on the make an interesting point, but I expect better behavior from my sisters, whether they know me or not. Life is tough and we women need to stick together. Greta may not be Zuly's friend but she knows who Zuly is. Greta, sensing that Omar was in a weak and insipid frame of mind, stalked him. This may be sexist of me but I expect more from women than I do of men (sorry amigos). She is a defector to her sex and I want to see her pay. I'm stepping off the soapbox now.

"Regreta"...hahaha! That's what I'm going to call her from now on.

Yes, trust our Susanlynn to come up with a great name..."Regreta" is perfect.

And yes, Sylvia...I admit,in my heart of hearts, I expect more of women too. Because they are "my tribe" I impose higher standards.

Well, whatever...both Omar and Greta suck. But Omar will be forgiven and welcomed back into the family, Greta will be out in the cold. I don't dislike her, actually...I hope she'll find someone....just NOT someone married to somebody else.

ITA with you Sylvia. I expect more from women (not that we are better than men) but I just have higher expectations for us. And in this storyline, Greta has been the victim of this behavior which makes her that much more despicable to me (I'm not letting Omar off the hook; he's dead to me). I can't believe after you've lived through the pain of infidelity yourself and with friends you would do that to someone else.

Watch any "Dr. Phil" and when the wounded wife finds out, more anger is always directed towards the other woman. I get it when she is best friend, sister, mother...but when she is perfect stranger? Men always skate as "You know Men". Maybe it is cause if you married the fool, then you look bad too for picking said fool. Therefore it must be that he is really just weak and the woman took advantage of him. Or maybe it is the whole Adam is stupid, Eve is wily. Cause when you find out a woman cheats on her husband, it is usually that she is a huge slut that cheated on husband, plus brujaed some innocent other man.

Hey fans remember LaFea, Lety was the other woman and we all rooted for her (well until that whole Alonso, can Angels be Tools? thing). See every story is different.

This said I do think Greta is a skank & Omar is an Asshat

Amen. I think we can all agree with Beckster's last sentence.

Go in peace and serve good now, y'all.

With you there girlfriend!

Omar will probably be forgiven in the end so that Lorena can have the happy family unit she was denied. Alternatively, maybe Omar and Greta will stay together and open up a car repair garage, a svelte Zulema will catch Raimundo's eye and partner with him in the successful restaurant biz saving it from Monica's terrible management, Monica will be banished to a charm school/rutabaga farm in Siberia, and Lorena will decide two boyfriends are better than one.


I REALLY like the charm school/rutabaga farm in Siberia idea for Monica. What a strangely fertile brain you have, Miss Sylvia!

Go Bucks!

Wow...I go to the mall for a little while and lots of interesting discussion occurs. I am equally ticked at Omar and Regreta [shout out to my bud Genevieve who is responsible for that witty name...for her dog]. Greta reminds me of those mujers who just think ANY man is fair the ones who flirt with a hubby in front of the wife. You want to say, ''Hey, I'm standing right HERE'' as they touch hubby's shoulder and remark about his obvious Viking heritage. Omar is a weak worm, but I really don't think that he would have gone looking for trouble if Regreta had not thrown herself at him one of those yippy yappy little dogs who never give up. [It put me in mind of Nasty Antonia in Amor Real who finally won Manuel's affections by getting into the bathtub with him. HELLO. ] I think that's the way a lot of affairs start,,by women coming on to married men. Except my friend Pat whose miserable ex went out looking for the ladies. Yeah, Jerry, you enormous jerk...I'm talking about you. Strange...Pat has managed to forgive that oxygen waster, but I haven't. And Pat is beautiful. When we taught together , male teachers AND students came on to her all the time...but.... guess what ...she didn't cheat because she loved her honey...who turned out to be Omar...but worse.

Hi Susanlynn...your friend Pat sounds beautiful inside and out. She didn't cheat on the worm because she had integrity....and integrity shines on no matter how much temptation and opportunity is thrown your way.

Glad you had such a great friend...and sorry she had such a lousy husband. Life isn't fair but one hopes the universe will even it out sometime down the line.

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