Sunday, November 23, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Fri., Nov. 21- You can take a country girl to the big city but that doesn't make her civilized

DB tells the bound and gagged Chepo that she is going to kill him by impaling him and he will die slowly begging her for mercy, etc. etc.

Santos and Gonzalo have a beer in a bar. Gonzalo is sorry for the mess he's gotten Santos into. He asks how Santos got released so quickly. Santos mentions Luisana and Gonzalo understands. Gonzalo says that sooner or later they will find out that he and Santos are old friends. Santos says he hasn't done anything that they can accuse him of. Gonzalo says that Santos is naive.

Antonio goes after Cecilia and Lorenzo. After he has gone, Marisela tells the three Altamira vaqueros that this is all the fault of "that pig face" (la cara de marrana esa). The three vaqueros hastily make excuses to leave the table and Marisela watches them go curiously.

As they wait to board the boat to San Fernando, Lorenzo has doubts about marrying Cecilia. He is concerned that Marisela is so opposed to the marriage and that Cecilia really loves Antonio. Cecilia says that Marisela will come around and although she does love Antonio, she loves the baby inside her even more and she needs to give the baby a stable home with a good father. Lorenzo points out that he hasn't been a good father and is not likely to live until the baby is born. Cecilia says that they will see what happens. She says that she does love Lorenzo in lots of ways other than sexually. Lorenzo says that it is up to her if she wants to go ahead with this. Cecilia says that she does want to do it but she looks wistful as the boat heads away from the riverbank.

Santos tells Gonzalo that if he continues to fight against the government here, all that will happen is that he and his comrades will be killed. He advises Gonzalo to flee while he still can. He can come to Altamira and Santos will help him get over the border. Gonzalo refuses. Santos says that violence isn't the right way to effect change. "What is the right way?" asks Gonzalo.

With the terneras and Melesio, Marisela considers the possibility that her aunt will now be her stepmother. She doesn't think this will end well.

Melendez has found out that Santos and Gonzalo were at school together. He wants Chepo to go to the hotel and get information but his lieutenant says that Chepo hasn't shown up. Melendez tells him to find Chepo.

Melquiades and DB transport Chepo out of the rooming house in a large box. Melquiades loads the box into a truck. As he is about to leave to go back to El Miedo, the secret police arrive looking for Chepo. DB and Melquiades leave without being observed. However, DB and Melquiades have made themselves conspicuous in the place and the other residents describe them to the police.

DB goes shopping.

Santos is meeting with an engineer in a restaurant about having a study done to see what would be involved with building a highway to Progresso. In comes DB and from the very beginning, she embarrasses Santos. She uses inappropriate language. She speaks too loudly, is too affectionate. Then bad goes to worse when Luisana and two friends come into the same restaurant. It turns out this restaurant was a favorite of Santos and Luisana when they were together. DB is annoyed that Luisana is looking at their table and wants to confront her. Santos tells her not to.

The secret police raid the 'safe' bar when Gonzalo met Santos and arrest the members of the group there including the bartender who knows all about where the group meets.

Melendez keeps hearing about a beautiful woman who was at Chepo's rooming house and was with Santos. He can't believe it could be DB since Chepo told him she was dead. "It can't be," he says, "I'm sure it's not her."

In the restaurant, Luisana sends a bottle of champagne to Santos' table. When Santos won't let her send it back. DB takes the bottle, opens it and pours it on Luisana. Santos comes over and says to DB, "Aren't you tired of making me look ridiculous?" Luisana asks Santos to control his savage peasant woman (campesina salvaje). Santos has to physically restrain DB. Santos and DB are asked to leave the restaurant. "He's mine, he's mine!" yells DB as Santos apologizes for her and hustles her out.

Santos takes DB back to the hotel and leaves her there. He is furious and wants to be alone to think. She sees Melendez' men stake out the hotel.

Antonio almost kills his horse trying to get to San Fernando.

DB sees Melendez and his men arrive at the hotel. She says that she has to flee. She is too late to go down the stairs and runs back to her room.

Cecilia and Lorenzo are in a judge's office and he starts the ceremony. Cecilia fantisizes that Antonio is with her.

Gonzalo and his two remaining rebels decide that it's time to leave the country. They will reunite in a city close to the border and start the fight again.

The judge declares Lorenzo and Cecilia to be husband and wife. As Cecilia signs the register, Antonio appears. "How could you?" he says.

Santos is at the hospital. The doctor tells him that DB ran out of there without signing any papers. He says she was very agitated. Santos agrees that she has a strong personality. The doctor gives Santos a prescription for medicines for DB's anemia and information that she had asked him for on how to get pregnant. [the doctor uses the verb 'quedar' which means, among other things, to remain or stay. But I don't think DB is pregnant so I assume that it means 'to become' in this case.] Santos is impactado. "Barbara pregnant?" he says. (He didn't believe her when she said that she wanted to have Santos' baby when they made love in the hotel?)

DB is hiding on the balcony of her hotel room as the secret police search the room. Melendez is opening the door of the balcony as the credits roll.


For anonymous who asked the following about Santos' conversation with in Gonzalo in Tues. episode: Didn`t he just have some uncomfortable twitch when Gonzalos asked for M`s hand to Santos ? what was their exact conversation & did G say he would go to Altemira ?? Santos seemed so annoyed with G at first, referring to la ninia, then parted as fiends with G... Sorry I unfortunately do not speak Spanish & miss out on so many details.

Gonzalo first asks Santos about his beautiful cousin, Marisela. Santos recalls that Marisela told him that she met Gonzalo in San Fernando and didn't like him. Gonzalo says that it is a short step from hate to love. He recalls Marisela's beautiful chestnut eyes. He tells Santos that he is formally asking for Marisela's hand in marriage. Santos does not respond but he doesn't see very happy about the idea.

Gonzalo changes the subject to Santos and Luisana. He wants to know the details of how Luisana left him at the altar. Santos says that gentlemen don't remember such things. Gonzalo says that Santos must have another woman, then. "You're not involved with Marisela yourself, are you?" asks Gonzalo. This is where Santos gets angry. He dismisses the idea since Marisela is a child.
He reluctantly tells Gonzalo about his involvement with DB and that DB is Marisela's mother. Gonzalo likens Santos' situation to a Greek tragedy. They part amicably.

Wow, this novela is SO good. Of course La Doña is going to get out of that hotel room without being captured or, if captured, will be saved somehow, but great suspense. I really enjoy the political aspect of Gonzalo and the rebeldes.

I'll do a post going a bit further in the novel.

The next chapter after the last time I posted is entitled "La Doma" or The Horsebreaking in English. This was shown in the telenovela, but is wonderfully written in the book. On the first morning after Santos’ return to Altamira, Antonio says to Pajarote, Carmelito and Maria Nieves that Santos would need a mount. Antonio selects the best looking, most spirited horse for Santos.

Also, Carmelito had decided to leave Altamira because he thought the new "patron" was too citified to run the place and compete with all the rustlers. Antonio convinces him to stay just a few days until he can find a replacement vaquero. But it's plain from this conversation that what Antonio really wants is for Carmelito to have a chance to see Santos in action.

While Santos is walking to the corral he overhears an angry conversation between Antonio and Balbino Paiba, who is trying to convince Antonio that the horse Antonio selected is really the foal of a mare from El Miedo, thus DB's property.

Santos shows up and immediately puts Paiba in his place, asking him why he wasn't there the night before as mayordomo of the hacienda to present his accounts to the boss. Santos’ quick taking charge of Paiba immediately energizes the vaqueros, who think: “Wow, the city dude has some guts!”

Paiba starts to walk away in disgust. Then the vaqueros rope and drag the beautiful horse onto its side. There is lovely language describing the animal and how fiercely it resists. They manage to get what is described as a training saddle on its back. Just then Venancio, the horsebreaker, is ready to get on the horse's back when Antonio calls out to Santos: “Remember when you used to break horses for your father?" Santos immediately understands what’s at stake and tells Venancio to stand aside, that he'll ride the horse.

Paiba stays around to witness the arrogant city man get thrown. As Santos demonstrates that he can stay on the horse, Carmelito thinks: “I was wrong about the man.”

A wonderful scene of Santos riding the horse over the vast savannahs ensues; he finally rides his exhausted new horse back to Altamira and the author writes: the horse neighed arrogantly for, if he was no longer free, at least he had a man on his back.

Txs so much Jean for your answer.
It puts me back on track.
When DB buys presents for M - is she faking it to mellow Santos, or
is she sarcastic at M ? I do not think M will accept any gift from her, nor Santos. I thought the cat fight between L & DB were really funny. I think L may still be a bit interested in Santos. I hope to see more of Mauricio & L..maybe to help Marisela get to be more
the chic city-girl Santos likes.

Have a good week !

I'm pretty sure every gesture DB makes toward M is meant to impress Santos and that is her only motivation.

Thanks for the update on the novel, novelera. It illustrates the difference between film and literature. Events that can be described in pages of lyrical prose translate to a few minutes of video.

I will do last night's episdode this afternoon.

Another good show, with some action and suspense! I so appreciate the summary and also the novel input. The book is always better than the video, but this one is doing a good job of taking me there...

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