Sunday, November 09, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Wed., Nov. 5 - Chepo digs himself into a hole with DB; Toño and Cecilia have problems

Things are going badly at Altamira- Marisela lies to Santos and says that DB is sleeping with QD. When Santos tells her to butt out of his business, she threatens to leave Altamira if Santos brings DB there.

Meanwhile, the Marisela/Santos fight causes Cecilia to delay telling Santos about her relationship with Antonio. Antonio is frustrated and says that they don't need Santos' approval. Cecilia says that Santos is her only relative and she wants his blessing.

QD comes to see Chepo at the bar and addresses him by his real name. Josefa is confused since he gave her a different name. Melquiades forces QD to invite Chepo to El Miedo without telling him DB's name.

Chepo comes to El Miedo and gets a nasty shock when he sees DB. QD doesn't understand what is going on. DB orders him to go to his room.

Santos tells Antonio that he is jealous of QD and that he can't get DB out of his mind. Antonio tells DB that he has been bewitched by DB. He says that Santos' obsession with DB is blinding him to what else is going on around him. There are other people who need him and he isn't there for them.

Lorenzo thanks Cecilia for putting up with him and for helping Marisela. Cecilia asks what she should do with him and he replies, "Be in love with me again?" Cecilia says that she has discovered that there are different kinds of love.There is the love of friendship. She says that Lorenzo is her best friend. They embrace and, of course, Antonio walks by and sees them.

Gervasia fights BP and bites him. He hits her and knocks her out. He decides that if she doesn't want him, he'll see how she does with others.

At breakfast at Altamira, Santos is in a bad mood. When Cecilia comes down and she is in a bad mood too, Santos asks if she is upset by the conversation he had last night with Marisela. Cecilia says no. Santos isn't the center of her universe. She has her own problems and they don't matter to him at all.

While the El Miedo vaqueros dig a hole, DB toys with her victim. She also wants information on the other two rapists.

QD wants to know what is going on with DB and Chepo. He knocks Melquiades out and escapes from his room. QD sneaks up and witnesses what is going on with DB and Chepo.

Marisela has convinced herself that Santos will bring DB to Altamira so she has decided to leave. Lorenzo comes in and says that they can go together.

Antonio and Cecilia have a spat about the fact that Cecilia was embracing Lorenzo. Antonio says that Cecilia is using Santos as an excuse not to marry him because she is in love with Lorenzo. Cecilia is furious that Antonio spied on her and says he is behaving like a child. Clueless Santos comes and asks what they are arguing about.

The Altamira vaqueros grab Juan Primito to find out what is going on with Gervasia. Juan Primito tells them that BP won Gervasia in a card game and then tied her up.

DB has Chepo buried up to the neck and then leaves him there to cook during the day.

Marisela and Lorenzo return to La Chusmita. Santos goes after them.

QD abandons his friend and makes a run for it but Melquiades finds him and returns him to El Miedo.


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