Friday, November 21, 2008

QE Thursday 11/20 (#105) - Bruto tastes Love Potion #86 and all the weiners get their neeners

From yesterday: Santiago tells Sara and Bruno he knows they killed Fafy. Sara tells him he's LOCO and she wants him to disappear from her life. Santi calls them murderers. Over at Televisa studios the supposed dumb blonde grabs Jimena's phone, calls the texter and hears Greta reveal that Jimena concocted the plot to make Lorena think Ernesto is still a womanizer.

Lorena, hearing Greta, immediately comprehends that Jimena has been tricking both her and Ernesto. She tells Jimena she can't believe she sank so low as to pretend to be her friend to try to steal Ernesto away from her. Jimena reasons since Lorena had the doctor she didn't need Ernesto. Interesting logic but Lor doesn't buy it, "my love life isn't your business". As the star of this show she gets to have as many men as she wants and Jimena gets nothing, neener neener neener. (OK, I paraphrased.) Lorena points out that Ernesto's not going to be happy to hear about Jimena's trickery and she orders Jimena to get out.

In a random scene Zuly scolds Matilde for forgetting the peppers. Matilde says she was distracted because she's so happy at the prospect of seeing Zulema cook. She rushes out to the store while Zulema gets ready to watch Lorena's show. Uh, OK.

The very bad Private Investigator tries to talk his way into the Televisa studios to watch Ernesto, it's for his work, uh, it's private business, but the receptionist who has heard it all soon wearies of him and tells him to leave. Remember how Juan Querendón could always talk his way into the Televisa studios? Well this guy's no Juan.

Ern and Lor get ready for their show by discussing Fafy's demise and the pair of wretches who no doubt helped him get there. Lorena tells him that Snorty mentioned Santiago was Fafy Cuenca's dear friend and Ern says he's suffering and he hopes he keeps his silence about Ernesto's involvement. Lor wants to talk to him about Jimena but they are interrupted by the director's countdown. These two are pretty cool about being on camera. If it were my show I would be a nervous wreck checking ingredients and psyching myself up instead of talking.

Omar watches the show while stuffing a fast food burger in his mouth. Oh how the well-fed have fallen. Another neener.

Over at casa pobre Zulema snacks on product-placed Bimbo colchones while Ernesto welcomes the audience to their second season and Lor thanks God that her mother came out of the coma. She wants to dedicate this first show to her. Zuly happily eats her colchones and remarks that Lor is cooking a dish that Zuly taught her. In his lonely room Omar is sad, heh.

Sara yells at Santi some more, he was nothing more than a toady to Fafy. Her mouth is a perfect claymation square (thanks Susanlynn). She bares all her teeth and spits insults at him. He gives it right back, calls her a harpy and a cursed witch; Fafy's message proves he trusted Santiago! Sara yells at him to leave. Santiago tearfully scrunches up his face.

Team Al watches the show and compliments Lorena's talent while Al sighs "how lovely she is". Tori comments that he loved eating Lorena's cooking and knew she'd be a chef. Paula tells Al he'd better get on the stick or Chef Ernesto will make him eat swine, i.e. steal a march on him. (This was an idiom that Paula used with the verb comer, a play on words referencing Ern's career, "comerle a alguien el mandado" = to spoil someone's plans and get an advantage over them by doing something sooner or better than them). Betina agrees that Al is too slow, it's time to do something drastic. Tori calls him a chicken and tells him to hurry up and take the bull by the horns.

Ern and Lor finish another successful show. He wants to know what's up with Jimena but they are interrupted by a call from Santiago who tells Ern that the autopsy came back...apparently Fafy died of natural causes. Ern is impactado. He and Lor are about to talk when Celeste tells Ern he has an interview right now with a gourmet magazine. Lorena invites him to stop by her house later tonight. Excellent idea.

Julian pays another visit to Toño the forger and this time Toño's at home. Julian tries to get Toño to help him get the goods on Sara but Toño refuses. It's not his problem and his business has taught him to be discreet. Sorry but he can't do something like that without implicating himself.

Sara and Bruno celebrate Fafy's demise with a drink and it doesn't take long for this greedy pair to start bickering. Sara says things are finally going her way. Bruno reminds her things are going their way. Sara keeps commenting about "her" money and Bruno keeps reminding her they're in this together, it's "their" money. He suggests opening a joint account where they can't spend the money without the other's consent. Sara hates this idea and informs him from now on she doesn't want to be stuck with him. He replies that he was thinking they would get married. She makes a sour face and he asks "don't you want to be Mrs. De Palma?" She thinks he's crazy. He says he's decided that's how it will be and can she think of a better plan? She looks at him with ominous loathing. I would say yes, she's thinking of a better plan.

After the commercial he tells her end of discussion, he wants her, then he calls her "gatita" which truly irritates her. He says he'll call her whatever he wants because she's his woman. Oh and he wants her to wear a negligee, now! As he swaggers upstairs he turns and tells his ga-ti-ta to pour him another class of wine. She glares daggers at him and her cogs and sprockets start, yes!

Jimena shows up at Ern's house and learns that Lor hasn't spilled the beans on her yet. She tells Ern they need to talk.

Over at Moth-Eaten Estates Catalina misses her grandkids and gets mad when Icky says he wants to call Valeria tomorrow and borrow money from her. Of course he's lost all their money and wants to go sniveling back to Val. Cat doesn't like the idea because she's convinced Valeria will revel in their misfortune. He hopes Val will forgive him for forgetting the children. Cat snarls that he couldn't call them, that's different from forgetting, but she wonders what excuse he'll give Val for not calling. She also thinks he needs to be careful of Sara. Icky pines over Val and says it would be very lucky if she gave him another chance. Dude, she is so over you. Neener.

Tori's at the clinic looking for Al. He comments he probably knows where Al is but he wisely does not reveal it to Val. They say tact skips a generation. He ends up chatting to Val and she mentions she and the kids are very happy and she hasn't heard a thing from Icky. No she doesn't think it's weird because they are used to his absence. She lets slip that her kids think Al is the best man in the world. Tori chuckles knowingly and Val looks busted.

Ern is irate at Jimena. He tells her he doesn't hate her but he feels very disappointed. She admits it was love for him that drove her to play dirty. However she has some advice for him, judging by Lorena's reaction she still loves Ernesto. He should go and find her now, don't waste any more time. She tells him that a woman in love cannot be just a friend, goodbye forever. Eavesdroppers kids and Fanny rush out and urge him to go to Lorena.

Over at the jewelry store Al is busy picking out an engagement ring for the most wonderful, noble and real woman in the world. She's not his girlfriend but she's the woman he loves. The clerk pretends to care.

When Lor gets home Snorty compliments her on her show and Zuly is on cloud nine because of Lor's on-air message to her. Lor tells them she invited Ernesto over for dinner which Zuly thinks is a great idea but she gets all in a flutter, whatever will she cook for this great chef?

Snorty asks Lor if she invited Ernesto because she's decided on him? Lor smiles shyly and tells her abuela that he's coming over to discuss the death of Fafy Cuenca, they need to develop a new strategy to trap Sara. However, she admits she has revised her opinion of Ernesto. Snorty advises Lor to use her heart to choose between Al and Ern. Lorena says it's hard to decide...same old.

Back at the only joyería in the DF Al's got his rings lined up. Who should walk in but Ern who wants a special ring for a special woman. The two rivals size each other up as the kooky music plays.

Sara tells the wine bottle that if Bruno wants a glass of wine he'll get it. At first I thought we might be seeing some product placement but she pours white wine out of a bottle of Louis Latour Beaujolais-Village Chameroy. Eh? Isn't the Beaujolais-Village a red wine? Oh never mind. She pours a glass for Bruto, hides the bottle, then pours herself a glass from another bottle. He calls to his gatita and asks about his wine. She gleefuly hands him his glass, calls him her little beast and toasts to their brilliant future swimming in gold. He flashes his most odious grin and she smirks affectionately. Bruto's about to be 86ed as they say in the kitchen.

Lorena tells Snorty it's hard to listen to her heart. Snorty tells her to imagine the rest of her life, who is it she wants to spend every day of her life with? Lorena gets a funny smile. Is it love mixed with hunger I hope I hope?

Sara wants to toast their partnership, a toast to Sara and Bruno...until death parts them. They chug their wine and she smiles, working her jaw oddly like a mantis who has just bitten the head off her mate. Bruto gives her a funny look, does he suspect?

No, after drinking through the commercial all he can think about is rolling in dough. Sara strokes his ego by saying she looks forward to having a real name instead of an orphanage name. He wants to travel to Paris. "Whatever you decide my love," she coos. He says it's the best day of his life because today he stops being a loser starts being be a millionaire. He kisses Sara goodbye and says he's off to help with Fafy's arrangements. Sara happily mutters, "What's stopping is your existence, you said yourself the poison is slow but sure."

Bruto gets in his car, surveys the house and congratulates himself on the power that all his millions will bring.

Ern shows the kids his ring. They think he'll win Lorena for sure and Ern seems confident by the look he saw in Lorena's eyes. Just then Bad Hair Jorge strolls in and pulls a bunch of food out of the refrigerator without even saying hi. What a leech. Ern scolds him and tells him to have respect, even his nephews ask permission first. "Fine, eat your popcorn," Jorge sasses, putting the popcorn and lemonade on the table. (May I say he at least has good taste in snacks? As a kid I regularly made myself sick by injesting too much popcorn and lemonade, one of my favorite combinations to this day.)

Ivan decides to go get the snacks himself and stupidly leaves his laptop open. A message pops up, "We need to talk", presumably from Betina. Jorge takes over and composes a quick response, "I'm not interested". He smiles nastily.

On the receiving end Betina is very upset. She tells Pau that Ivan deleted her from his contacts and wants nothing to do with her. She cries on mom's shoulder and Paula reassures her that Ivan is immature, maybe one day they will recognize their mistakes and reconnect, eh?

Ivan comes back with the snacks and tells Jorge he was rude for grabbing the food, all he had to do is ask permission, duh, get a clue and some manners. Jorge accuses Ivan of being a child. Ivan notices that Betina's no longer one of his contacts. Jorge pretends to look and cheerfully notes she must have deleted Ivan. For a young kid he's pretty smarmy.

Stupid Al happily shows Val the ring he bought for Lorena.

Over at the lesser house there's lots more Bimbo product placement, apparently that's all Zuly and Lor want to eat because they're really macking on a mountain of colchones. Both Lor and Diana want to help Zuly cook but they're relegated to setting the table. Lor tells Diana that someone else will join them, Ernesto's stopping by. Diana gets super excited, he's a part of the family, hooray! but Lor says they have a lot to talk about. Diana stuffs a colchone in her mouth. OK, they're yummy, we get it, I'm going to buy a bag tomorrow to see what the big deal is. I'll report back. Zuly asks if Al is coming over. Lor looks incredulous, having them both there would be a time bomb!

Bruto starts to feel the effects of the poison. His hands get numb. He thinks back in horror...he poisoned the wine, then he drank some wine. The poison! Damn that Sara!! He pulls out his cell phone but he's fading fast. Gasping for breath he calls an ambulance.

Sara calls the PI and tells him his services are no longer needed. Now that Fafy has died she cares about nothing. She caresses the poison bottle and cackles at Bruto, he should be feeling the effects by now. Bwaahaahaahaaa. She grabs the poison bottle and glass, time to get rid of the evidence.

Zuly has made platters of colchones appetizers and she's on cloud 9. She woke from her coma, she's not fat, and now Rosy and Julian are back together. Diana says it's too bad papa's not with them, maybe they can invite him? Zuly's not on board with this. Diana can't stop her mouth, dad's really remorseful and he's not with that woman any more, can't Zuly consider forgiving him? Nope. Mom leaves the room and Lor gives Diana The Look.

Snorty asks Vasco why he insists on being with Paty, he obviously doesn't love her. He admits it but he's fond of her. Better to be with Paty who loves him that wait around for Diana all his life. Snorty asks what would he say if she told him she knows Diana still loves him?

Felipe shows up with a present for the baby. Diana tries ten different ways to get rid of him but he won't take a hint. He even tries to invite himself to the party. What a pest. She finally tells him to quit insisting, she's not interested. But she does take the present.

Bruto has made it to clinic 23, he gasps out an order that Al inject him with 10 cc's of fluoverax, an antidote to the poison Sara gave him. He admits he used the stuff to try to poison Fafy but the old guy died on his own. Whether they save him or not he'll renounce Sara right now. He hears himself flatlining, a fantastically macabre touch there. A nurse runs in, there's no antidote! What??? Horrified, Bruno remembers this is one of the medications that he himself sold off on the cheap. Ahhh, it's divine justice of the most twisted sort. Al tells the nurse to get some from another clinic or pharmacy, quickly! Bruto, amazingly clear headed considering his dire situation, announces there's no time to write his admission so they'll have to record it, he instructs Val to use his cell phone which has video. Val's no cinematographer since all we can see in the phone are his nostrils. Bruto admits that he and Sara planned to kill Fafy, he injected some wine bottles (yes he said bottles..with an "s") with neuropandol, they poisoined the Armendariz guests and he sabotaged Zulema's operation so she'd go in a coma. Al was innocent, he did it because he always envied him. He gasps "tell Diana..." His head flops back, we hear heavenly singing and it looks like Bruto kicks the bucket. Val's got it all on the cell phone. Awesome scene! Somebody give that bad boy an Oscar.

Val hands a stunned Al the phone, she recorded the whole thing. Al can't believe there's such evil in the world.

Over at the bitch house Greta whines some more to Jimena. She still singing the same song, Omar only left her because he feels sorry for the fatty. Jimena tells her to give it a rest, her tricks didn't work. Anyway, she only came to say goodbye because she's off to Florence. (Ha! Did we call this one or what?) Greta is shocked, Jimena her only friend is leaving her? Greta wants to know are they really friends or was Jimena just using her? Jimena tells her they are friends of circumstance, Greta lost her true friends when she decided to live with Omar. Double neener for the nasty girls.

Cut to sad Omar, he calls the lesser house. Zuly answers but Omar says nothing. She hands the phone to Lorena, still no response from Omar. Lorena inadequately "hangs up" the phone and the receiver slips off unnoticed to the ladies. In anguish Omar listens to their happy chatter, Zuly looks wonderful in her new dress, she's beautiful and happy, blah blah blah. Today her whole family will be with her, reunited. Omar sighs, this was, and could have been, his life but due to his weak character he lost it. Julian and Diana arrive and they all hug and laugh because Zulema is beautiful and once again the queen of her house! Omar's eyes tear up and he bites his lip. He's the Ebenezer Scrooge of the DF.

Later the other guests have arrived and they clap at Zulema's grand entrance. The doorbell rings, it must be Vasco. But no, it's Ernesto hiding behind two huge bouquets, one for Lorena and the other for her mama. He's pleased to have been invited to their family gathering and to the first time that Zulema cooks for her family since her coma.

Vasco and Patty get ready for the party. She says he's acting odd. He says he's been thinking about them. Of course, she says, we're novios so we're always thinking about "us". Just yesterday she was thinking about having children. He's somber and tries to speak but she keeps interrupting him with forced pratter. He insists they have to speak. She doesn't want to keep her future family waiting.

Ernesto quickly fills Lorena in on how he got proof of Sara's perfidy and Lorena compliments Ernesto on his detective skills.

Zulema has an announcement. Today is her dream, to be able to cook for her family again, now eat up! But wait, Ernesto is happy to see the family together because has an announcement, he reaches into his pocket. But wait, the doorbell rings and it's proponus interruptus for poor Ernesto...a somber Al has arrived and sees a party to which he was not invited. The galans glare at each other momentarily until Al speaks, "Sorry I didn't know there was a party but I have bad news. Bruno arrived at the clinic, Sara poisoned him." Caras Impactadas spread through the gathering and Zulema rushes to Diana. The camera rests on Ernesto's grim face.

No preview for tomorrow, darn!


Thanks for the recap Sylvia and great title. Wow, things are moving briskly. Sara lost no time in getting rid of Bruno. And the medical irony surrounding his death was perfect justice for his crimes.

I was surprised Jimena fessed up but I guess she had no other choice. Now that Greta is alone do you think she'll take Ferro's advice and jump off that bridge ;)

Though we on team Ernesto have had a set back with Bruno's death and Al's appearance at the party, I'm still hopeful we will win.

Sylvia, as soon as I saw the title, I knew it would be a great recap. Your writing is so fluid and so much fun: "She makes a sour face and he asks "don't you want to be Mrs. De Palma?" She thinks he's crazy. He says he's decided that's how it will be and can she think of a better plan? She looks at him with ominous loathing. I would say yes, she's thinking of a better plan." And so she did...

The ink wasn't even dry on Fafy's autopsy before being used to sign Bruno's death certificate.

I hope someone discovers that it was Sara who murdered Chalo. Outside of Barbara, he was completely alone and I hope there is some justice for him in the end.

I'm glad Ernesto wasnn't able to propose to Lorena before bad-news Alonso arrived. Not exactly the ideal moment for an engagement. Let's hope it happens, but under much better circumstances.

I'm off next week and while I am able to read the recaps from my home dinosaur of a computer, a script error message prevents me from posting. So, thanks in advance to everyone for what I know will be excellent recaps and comments. I'll be reading and looking forward to posting on December 1st after the Grand Finale. I'm hoping for a happy ending all the way around, especially Ernesto and Lorena. Diana in MA

Really great recap, Sylvia, thanks! Loved all the neeners!

Wow. We are certainly hurtling toward the end of this one. Bruno's end was really well written, very satisfying.

Ahoy, Cap'n Sylvia and thanks. Wow!!! I did not see that coming...Fafy isn't even buried , and Sara has claimed her next victim. Sara is an unmarried Black Widow spider. Sara picks out a guy, gets him under her spell by using her ''powers of persuasion'', has him do her dirty work, and then BAM ! poisons him..first Chalo, then smarmy Bruno. Let that be a lesson...hormones can get you killed. The writers are quite good and keep us guessing about what will happen next. I enjoyed Alonslo and Ernie shopping at the same store for the same girl...say it with me...I R O N Y.

I was horrified when Ernesto nearly pulled the ring out of his pocket. The time wasn't right for such a thing. In a way Al might have saved the situation for Ernesto.

Diana, have a great week off. We know you'll be with us in spirit rooting for Ernesto. You were one of the very first to jump on his bandwagon.

I don't think we've seen the last of Toño the forger. He was quite upset at Chalo's demise. I hope he gives it some thought and figures out a way to help bring Sara down.

This was a truly fun episode to recap, so much juicy stuff. Bruto's hospital scene absolutely rocked.

Thanks y'all!

A very satisfying episode. Finally Sara's chickens are coming home to roost. I loved Bruno's realization of what happened to him. And the fact that he had sold off his potential antidote, priceless. I wonder if Bruno fully appreciated the irony of it all. As for the little ratbastard Jorge, I think he has a bright future as a trial lawyer, hedgefund manager, or perhaps CEO of an auto company. Carlos

Yes, Jorge has "successful guy who everyone around him wants to kill" written all over him.

Great recap of a great episode - Bruno's death was very well acted. Until now, his best acting was the smug bastard half-smile he used all the time when he thought he was putting something over on someone.

I'm ready for Vasco to dump Paty - just because the whole we keep getting interrupted when I'm trying to kick you to the curb thing is getting old. Twice now. It's Ultimos Capitulos, no rehashing! It's time for the customary breakneck finish.

I know Lorena can't decide which guy to go with, but I wonder if she's stalling even more because she knows that whichever guy she doesn't choose is out of her life completely. Jimena was right about that one thing at least, you can't just be friends with someone you're in love with. Not possible. You are being friends, you're just biding your time, waiting for the other person to change their mind.

Carlos and Ferro~~~I agree that Jorge has a bright future in some devious endeavor. My daughter works with a lot of jorges in the financial industry [big surprise here, right???] in particular [Jeremy]..I get daily emails from her about him. I feel like I know [and hate] him even though we've never met. Also, I've had about 25 jorges at a time in detention hall. And, if you're still a jorge by about age 17...the die has been cast. However, I've seen some guys get the jorge knocked right out of them by joining the military . Those are the guys that come back to school to apologize for their bad jorgelike behavior. So, a good drill sargeant might be able to turn our Jorge into an upstanding citizen.,,I'm just saying. Sylvia, I must say that your recap was topknotch. I especially enjoyed the ''proponus interruptus'' for Ernie. Poor guy has been having nothing but interruptus in everything he tries to do lately. This show has turned out to be very good. I've enjoyed the clever, unexpected twists and turns of the plotline. The scene of Omar listening to his happy family while he sat in his tiny rented room was sooooo satisfying. Brilliant. Bravo to the writer who thought up that scene. And I think that in real life, some guys have second thoughts when they get older about having left hearth, home, and family in pursuit of someone of somethimg lying in what looks like greener grass . Que lastima, Omar. Let's see, who could you blame for being outside that warm , cozy family scene....ahhh.... you.

Great recap! I always thought Bruno (although a terrible person), was a very smart doctor. He brilliantly caused Alonso to be blamed for Zulema's coma, and actually gave good medical advice and treatment a number of times on the show. And he was even able to recognize the poison's effects and get to the hospital in time to record his denunciation of Sara.

Once again, Attorney Joel is probably going to say they can't use the cell phone recording in court, but again, that would be wrong, because deathbed statements are usually admissible (that doesn't mean they prove anything, but at least the jury or judge can hear them).

Minor detail - "decepcionada" is usually tranlated as disappointed, rather than deceived (Ernesto was not mad at Jimena, but very disappointed).

Sylvia, you are soooo funny! Dang, you were in prime form with this one! I’m looking forward to the colchones report. Terrific recap, thanks!

“Interesting logic but Lor doesn't buy it, "my love life isn't your business". As the star of this show she gets to have as many men as she wants and Jimena gets nothing, neener neener neener. (OK, I paraphrased.)” ROTFL!!! Doncha love our new, assertive Lorena? She’s still pretty saintly but she’s got such spunk.

“Remember how Juan Querendón could always talk his way into the Televisa studios? Well this guy's no Juan” ROTFLLLL!!! Spot on, Amiga!
“Omar watches the show while stuffing a fast food burger in his mouth. Oh how the well-fed have fallen. Another neener.” LOL! I felt a little sorry for Omar, but only because he has been such a fool. He couldn’t see the forest for the trees. What a good deal and good life he had before he trashed it all by himself. Okay, maybe not by himself—with help from Greta.

“She bares all her teeth and spits insults at him. He gives it right back, calls her a harpy and a cursed witch;” Our new and improved Santiago is a breath of fresh air. He’s far from a toady now. Too bad Fafy couldn’t live to see his friend now.

“Paula tells Al he'd better get on the stick or Chef Ernesto will make him eat swine, i.e. steal a march on him. (This was an idiom that Paula used with the verb comer, a play on words referencing Ern's career, "comerle a alguien el mandado" = to spoil someone's plans and get an advantage over them by doing something sooner or better than them).” Wow, great dicho, and thanks for doing the research on that.

“he asks "don't you want to be Mrs. De Palma?" She thinks he's crazy. He says he's decided that's how it will be and can she think of a better plan? She looks at him with ominous loathing. I would say yes, she's thinking of a better plan.” LOL! Bruno’s probably toast soon. If Chalo was a liability to her plans, even more so Bruno.

“Icky pines over Val and says it would be very lucky if she gave him another chance. Dude, she is so over you. Neener.” LOL! And she is so on to the next one…if it ever works out that Alonslow speeds up a little. However, that’s so unlikely that we can hope a better opportunity presents itself soon. We’re running out of time here and Ferro is happily married, so Val will have to find another. OTOH, maybe there is hope that Toribio will spill the beans about his observations and push Slow that direction. As a fervent Team Ernesto member, I am hopeful! Still, he did show Valeria the ring for Lorena. Stupid, stupid Alonslow.

“They chug their wine and she smiles, working her jaw oddly like a mantis who has just bitten the head off her mate.” LOL! That’s exactly what she looked like! Imagine this, two dead mates! All in a week’s work……

“His head flops back, we hear heavenly singing and it looks like Bruto kicks the bucket. Val's got it all on the cell phone. Awesome scene! Somebody give that bad boy an Oscar.” LOL! That was definitely Bruto’s best scene. How nice the writers gave him a chance to come clean before kicking off.

“Omar's eyes tear up and he bites his lip. He's the Ebenezer Scrooge of the DF.” LOL! That’s exactly what he is. What a super loser. Do you all think he might be forgiven before the end? I wonder if the writers are just going to let him drift off into never-never land.


Yes, poor Valeria. My current marital state prevents me from saving her from mooning over the blind idiot doctor. I'm so sorry Valeria, but I can't help you. Just don't take that call from Arturo that is surely coming soon.

Hey Diana. We'll miss you and look forward to your comments later. Have a nice holiday. I look forward to reading your comments in the future. Take care.

That video is the commercial for the next episode. Doesn't say much, but it looks like everyone starts confronting Sara. Let the good times roll.

I agree, that was a five-star exit from Bruno.

I hope Omar does get forgiven eventually, but I also hope he does something to earn it.

We don't have a lot of Mexican groceries where I live. I've looked for Bimbo stuff (more out of curiosity than wanting to buy it) but I don't think I can get it locally. What's a colchone?

Funny how Fafy's death has transformed Santiago from a useless sidekick into an actual human being. Of course, his life is still all about Fafy for the time being... maybe it always will be. Maybe he'll create the Fafy Cuenca School for Wayward Boys or something.

Wow Julie - where do you live? I admit my view may be skewed by being in the Chicago area, we have one of the biggest Latino/Hispanic (whatever the PC term is) populations in the country, but I thought there were Mexican stores everywhere. Maybe you are in a more rural area, or maybe I need to get out more? We have Mexican stores every time you turn a corner, even in areas that don't have a lot of Latinos living there. I'm glad for it, myself. Nothing better than homemade tamales for sale in one of those stores.

Hombre, thanks so much for the translation assistance. I've fixed Ernesto's feelings from deceived to disappointed.

Re Mexican food, the Food Lion chain here has nearly one side of a whole aisle devoted to that these days and it's been growing over the last couple of years.

But, dang it, they still don't have huitlacoche!!

Oh yeah, Carlos, you're dead on with your prediction of young Jorge's future life. Our daughter's a paralegal, though, thankfully, not any more.

Is there a good translation for "scumbag?"

I live in New Bedford, MA, where the Portuguese-speaking community greatly outnumbers the Spanish-speaking community, and the very small Spanish-speaking community is overwhelmingly not-Mexican (mostly Dominican and Guatemalan, I believe).

Near as I can tell, the closest thing we have to a Mexican store is the Price-Rite, which isn't Mexican at all but is your best bet for finding Mexican stuff.

I can get Goya, La Preferida, Badia, and Vigo at one place or other, but no Bimbo that I know of.

...and we don't have Food Lion, although I remember them well from when I lived in FL.

If I want a copy of People en Espanol (I don't, but if I did) I'd have to go way out of town to find one.

Interesting, Julie. I guess even members of my family who live in other places (California) have the same stuff available that I do, so my lazy thinking was that it was everywhere. In Chicago area at least we're spoiled with products from a company called El Milagro - I don't know how far and wide they distribute, but they are in Chicago and make the best tortillas, chips, and assorted other stuff.

One other Mexican product note - Valentina hot sauce is the BEST. We actually considered that name for our future daughter because it's pretty, but realized with so many Mexican friends, neighbors, schoolmates, and even family, she would get teased mercilessly for having the same name as a sauce. Like naming your kid Heinz or something.

I've never been able to find fresh huitlacoche. I've had it canned (black and slimy but still tasty) and I've seen it frozen which is probably better than canned. I've told my friends who grow corn that if they see hideous black stuff on their crop to save it and call me. Other than huitlacoche I can find pretty much find anything I need at any of the numerous latino stores around here and even the local gringo Lucky market has a whole rack of Bimbo bread products. To me the colchones look like dried rolls, or rusks as we scandihoovians call them. Anyway, clearly they're doing a big promo on them so I'll have to pick up a bag and check them out. The big Mexican food store chain out here is the Mi Pueblo market. The best places though are the one-off stores that include a bakery...fresh pan dulce to die for. Hermanos Reyes eat your hearts out!

Ferro, how about Valeria for your daughter?

Pretty name, with or without reference to QE.

PS: started stockpiling the Pampers yet?

Mike - Valeria is a good idea, but a relative has a young daughter with that name already.

Yes we have started stockpiling. Some size 0, some size 1, some size 2, so we aren't stuck buying a truckfull at any given time soon. Thank God for grandparents, my parents moved nearby just this year and bought the nursery furniture for us and I'm sure will be contributing heavily to grandkid care. As it was at least 50% of the reason they moved, I won't turn it away. They have been waiting a long time for a baby girl, my niece is almost 16 and I have 3 brothers. My mom's baby girls have been extremely few and far between and she's not going to waste the opportunity.

Ferro (btw, do you prefer "Ferro" or is there something better?) I'd also recommend getting maybe a dozen cheap tea or hand towels to put over your shoulder when you're feeding her. Before I got wise to that, all my shirts had formula spit up stains from the left shoulder halfway down my back.

Also highly recommended to have on hand: Gripe Water. We found that in England after #3 was born. Cures colic in two heartbeats. Not sure if it's available here but can be brewed up at home.

We are blanketed up like you wouldn't believe. To the point my wife suggested returning some, I said no way. I was old enough when my brother was born (almost 8) to remember that there was a full load of laundry every day just from him, from clothes, blankets, etc.
For some reason my wife doesn't remember all the details from when my son was born almost 9 years ago, but she lived with her parents then and maybe some things just got taken care of around her.

Our grocery stores do not carry a lot of Mexican products even though we have a growing Spanishspeaking population. I should ask my syudents if any small local markets carry them. We have a large Syrian population , so it's pretty easy to find little markets that carry hummus, tabbulleh , etc. I think that Zully will take Omar back because she is a sweet, kind human being and her daughters want her to let him come home. Omar, if she does, the rest of your days should be spent thanking your lucky stars and giving Zully mucho hugs and kisses each and every day. Ferro, good luck on your name quest . It's a fun and exciting thing to do. Little girls are great. I have a Jana Michelle and a Julianne Ellen. Bueno Suarte !!!

Our grocery stores do not carry a lot of Mexican products even though we have a growing Spanishspeaking population. I should ask my syudents if any small local markets carry them. We have a large Syrian population , so it's pretty easy to find little markets that carry hummus, tabbulleh , etc. I think that Zully will take Omar back because she is a sweet, kind human being and her daughters want her to let him come home. Omar, if she does, the rest of your days should be spent thanking your lucky stars and giving Zully mucho hugs and kisses each and every day. Ferro, good luck on your name quest . It's a fun and exciting thing to do. Little girls are great. I have a Jana Michelle and a Julianne Ellen. Bueno Suarte !!!

Oh and Ferro is fine. My first name is Chris, but Ferro works fine. There may be another Chris posting/commenting out there somewhere, but I'm sure no other Ferros.

Thank you Susanlynn for the well wishes! We have pretty much decided on a name by now but we aren't unleashing it on anyone until after she's born so we can make sure the name fits.

Good idea Ferro, way to hold it close.

I think Zuly will forgive Omar. I hope she does. A couple of weeks of hangdog have softened me toward him. That touch with him listening in to the happy family gathering was brilliant and did wonders for my attitude toward him. He's proving himself by not running back to Greta just because things are difficult for him. (Although it's probably easier to stay away now that he knows she's a wack job.) It's not like his infidelity was a pattern, it's more a one-time insanity that seemed totally out of character. However if I were in Zuly's shoes I'm not sure how forgiving I would be.

That's what I keep coming back to - yeah he seems to be genuinely sorry and I think he would be a good husband forevermore, but what if the person who got screwed over was ME? I would certainly never trust him/her again. Luckily I haven't had to deal with that, at least not as a married person, so I don't have a real answer. I suspect in reality it would take a long time and maybe never before I changed my mind.

Ferro~~~Good idea to try the name out after you actually see that little face to see if it fits !! I have 2 words for Omar : Midlife Crisis. I don't know if I could forgive infidelity for any reason , but I'm pretty sure Zully will so that Lorena can have the happy family she was denied as a child...including the abuela who was responsible for everyone's pain. I can't believe the reformed Horty. But then again...I like happily ever afters no matter how unrealistic. ~~~Susanlynn, hopefully romantic and pragmatically optimistic

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for the recap, I have been trying to find one for a while and finally find this one, and great recap!!!! I missed it last night, so thank you again!

Welcome Vero - stick around, we are here every day!

You're so welcome Vero! Thanks for finding us.

Really good recap and I agree, what a fantastic death scene for Bruno. Thank you for mentioning that Bruno sold the antidote because I didn't pick up on that. A perfect macabre detail.

I've been sure for a while now that Ernesto is going to win Lorena. Thank goodness. Alonso is well-meaning but so goofy. All he wants is a pretty woman who smiles at him. He'll be perfectly happy with Valeria once it sinks into his dim brain that she loves him. Go Ernesto.

OK, I'm so much slower than Alonso! I just figured out Love Potion #86. Yikes!

I really enjoyed the recap, Sylvia, especially the neeners. And the 86, although that one took two days!

One would think that if Lorena couldn't choose between her two ardent swain(s?)maybe neither is the one. Just sayin'...

Also, Valeria is so sweet and smart - does she really want to be saddled with a robotic, clueless, ummm, hunk? Maybe she can jump-start the old boy!

I hope Omar the Repentant is welcomed back into the fold. Not sure if I'd forgive a man who betrayed me, maybe in Telenovela Land.

Hi Emilia, I've been told I have a tendency to be obscure, I think LP #86 is pretty obscure. The great thing about telenovela land is that we can "do" things we normally wouldn't in our own lives. It's easier for us to forgive Omar because we can see how deeply he's suffering, something we probably wouldn't see in real life. And yes, I think Valeria is just the lady to jumpstart our 'Slow's battery. I think she's had enough turmoil in her life. Maybe a boring, steady family man who happens to be a raging hunk is just what she needs, and she's clearly gaga over him so there you are.

Last night's episode was stunningly awesome. Did I ever mention that, with the possible exception of Pasion, this is the best telenovela I've ever seen?

Not necessarily my absolute favorite, and not necessarily the prettiest or fanciest or cutest or most star-studded or most glamorous. But it's the best-written, most cleverly plotted of all of them. It's nice to be kept guessing, and it's great that they're actually spreading out the resolution over the ultimas semanas instead of stalling through to the last two nights.

Wow Julie, that's really saying something. I couldn't agree more about the plots and writing. Things are moving right along without the usual delays that come at the end. One of my favorite things about this telenovela is the casting. It's been an outstanding cast, they work really well together, and most of the acting has been superb and believable, even when characters do a 180. QE will be a hard act to follow.

Perhaps we got a peek at Alonso's kink when he seemed to pause while wiping the spilled tea off of Valeria's foot and ankle. Maybe a nice pair of open toed heels or a pair of Doc Martens would light his fire.

Hee hee...Mike who knew?. All it took to excite our dull galán was a pair of shapely feet.

thank's for your information ^___^
very nice post !

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