Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Querida Enemiga Tuesday Nov. 18, '08 A Sadder But Wiser Fafy Dies Of A Broken Heart....Or Does He?

"They that plow iniquity, and sow wickedness, reap the same." Job 4:8
Funniest Home Videos......NOT!
Anvils 'R Us

Good morning, folks. Sorry to be later than usual with this but the computer was out of commission last night. And poor Fafy appears to be permanently out of commission at the end of this episode.

But who knows? The writers love to fool us with these cliffhangers. At any rate, he knows the truth about Sara now, thanks to Ernesto's Not Funniest Home Video. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start back at the beginning.

We have a brief review of the tense scene between Bruno and Fafy where the latter asks him what he's doing in Fafy's place of business. Bruno , impactado at seeing Fafy still alive, treads water adroitly and tells him he's here to do some health checkups on Sara's employees for the insurance.

And the explanation for Fafy's miraculous presence? He stopped the car when he got a call from the client on his cellphone. They talked for a long time. When he finally started up the car again he pumped the brake and nothing! He steered the car into the curb and voilà he is, safe and sound. I owe him one (the client), Fafy adds.

Meanwhile, Sara, in high dudgeon, is blasting Alonso for having lied to her about Lorena.

Alonso: I never lied to you. I wasn't with her when we talked, but now I am. I could never love a woman like you. My only regret is that I went with you and hurt the love of my life.

Sara: How dare you!? WE love each other. How can you love THAT wretch?! You'll pay, both of you. You won't be happy for even five minutes. I'll be with you.

Alonso: What did Lorena ever do to you?

Sara: She robbed me of your love.

More shouting (I should probably just put "Alonso's lines, Sara's lines") and then he throws her out of the apartment.

Sara, of course, is just getting warmed up. Now she calls "Las Cazuelas", gets in an insulting match with Rossy in order to talk to Lorena, finds out the latter is off with Hortensia picking up the first payment on the auto assembly catering contract and heads off to do more verbal damage there.

Meanwhile Bruno and Fafy are still chatting about Fafy's guardian angel and "good star" but practical Fafy also thinks he needs to see about some actual security measures. At this point, Ernesto arrives and is instructed to come up with a menu for a special dinner for guardian angel client that evening. Ernesto promises to get right on it after he takes care of one little detail (putting a videocamera in some files in Fafy/Sara's office.

In the meantime, another cat fight with Lorena and Hortensia coming out on top. Sara's berating them for being losers and "muertas de hambre" and they're sneering at her because everything she's gotten is by trickery. And she has no love! No family! Sara gloats that she's enjoying Hortensia's house and business. Hortensia b****slaps her. Sara continues her verbal beatdown and this time Lorena busts her one. The sound effects are enormous on these slaps. Sara should be in the hospital but she only looks momentarily stunned.

Barbara, meanwhile, is showing us that she's now a serious, hard-working grownup . She turns down the romantic advances of one the Cazuela's clients, telling him firmly that she can't respond in kind. But if he wants to come in the office to discuss the banquet budget, she's all ears. He evaporates.

More bad news for Sara. She arrives at the office to find Fafy "vivito y coleando" (alive and kicking) and she and Bruno go into the office and position themselves conveniently in front of the camera to smooch, churn about Lorena and whine about Hortensia's recovery. I pushed her down the stairs but she didn't die! I was suffocating her with a pillow and then Lorena stepped in! I'd love to strangle them both! If only I had a pistol!

Bruno rightly observes that Sara is hysterical and offers a pill. Fafy and Ernesto arrive and he tells her about his miraculous recovery and then qvetches a bit about there being no Beaujolais in the place to accompany his client appreciation dinner. Sara oozes all over the old guy, assuring him she would die if anything happened to him and both Sara and Bruno advise suing the socks off the person who sold him the car. Fafy is all love and forgiveness since the owner of the agency is a friend of his.

They head off to the kitchen to check the menu preparation but first Fafy takes another Flo-Max bathroom break. He's been stepping out to the restroom frequently in these last few episodes, adding a note of realism, I must say. Ernesto uses this time to check his camera and Fafy catches him with it in the office. Ernesto makes up a pretty implausible story (he's not as good at this as Bruno) but Fafy lets it ride while they check on the menu. There's a tense moment when Bruno, seeing the camera, asks for it. Anxious music throbs in the background, but all he says is that he'd like to buy one like it. Oh, there are a lot better ones, mumbles Ernesto anxiously, as he takes it back.

Sara decides she'll run around town looking for the Beaujolais Fafy wants (2004 or 2005) and wants to buy a dress for the dinner as well. And who better to accompany her and give her advice but her sensitive, fashion-forward friend Bruno? Fafy gives them his blessing and off they go to plot their next murderous move.

Fafy then instructs Ernesto to follow him into the office and he says he'll be there after checking a couple of details in the kitchen (and popping into the bathroom himself to check the recording). We did it Lorena, he exults, we did it! He has the goods on Sara now. How will Fafy react?

After the ad, we see Bruno and Sara in the car, planning to adulterate one of the Beaujolais wine bottles with a slow-acting poison. Subtle enough so that no one will be able to pin the death on them. At the same moment Fafy is confronting Ernesto. Are you some kind of voyeur? Or committing industrial espionage with that camera? No, replies Ernesto. I was only interested in filming one person....Sara.

We're on the edge of our seats, but the writers flip us back to Barbara, re-reading Chalo's final love letter, misspellings and all, and tearily reminiscing about the one great love of her life. (Seriously, how long do you think that affair would have lasted had Chalo lived? Oh well, let's not be cynical.) Vasco comes in, catches her crying, but congratulates her on her new-found independence, work ethic, and ability to fend off unwanted romantic overtures. Mom has grown up!

Back at the lesser house, Hortensia and Lorena have convened the family and Joel, the under-sized lawyer, to plan how to put Sara in jail. Surely together they can come up with enough evidence to put her away. Particularly now that Ernesto overheard the conversation about poisoning the food for the banquet. Eventually everyone in the family except Julian is there (even Alonso shows up) but lawyer Joel pours water on every thing they put forward. It's just their word against Sara. No real proof that will stand up in court.

But Fafy has all the proof he needs, thanks to Ernesto's video. I thank you from the depths of my soul for breaking my heart, he tells Ernesto sadly. For the first time in my life, I fell genuinely in love. But looking back, I realize that all my loves have been "bought". But let's keep playing it like we don't know about Sara.. We'll see how far she'll go. Ernesto warns him to be very careful, and especially vigilant about his medicine. Fafy agrees.

There's a poignant scene following this, where Fafy, all alone with a tumbler of cognac in his hand, calls Santiago. His little pal, hurt by the fight over the ruined golf clubs, refuses to answer the phone....for the first time ever. So Fafy leaves a "making amends" message, recognizing that Santiago was the only human being who ever truly cared for him. The golf clubs weren't important. His genuine friendship was.

Fafy, like Barbara, finally grows up.

On the other hand, Bruno and Sara are still at it, snarling at each other in the car. Phone rings. It's Fafy. Where are you? Looking for the wine took a long time. Get home. Click! He hung up on me! announces Sara.

Another sideline story...really annoying in my opinion, about Bettina's love triangle. Gramps is giving her advice and basically confirms that Jorge is a creep and she needs to telephone Ivan and clear things up. Of course when she does, Jorge answers the phone, lies that Ivans out with a girl and tells Ivan it was a wrong number. Yawn.

Back at the lesser house, Joel is still letting the air out of everyone's legal strategies against Sara, saying that even if Toño the forger were willing to testify (unlikely) the trial would be very long and the case hard to prove. Our folks are beginning to believe Sara has a pact with the devil. Is there no way to get her!?

Whew...a little buff break for us ladies. Ernesto, still being trailed by the obvious private detective, has planned to meet a buddy, change clothes with him in a store dressing room, and throw off the tail. His pal thinks it's woman trouble (lio de faldas) again, and Ernesto says, "Well, something like that". Nice shot of Ernesto's manly deltoids, pecs, triceps etc. (trying to look at this like the fitness professional I am) but alas, the scene is all too short. He's off to the lesser house to show the group his latest contribution to the bring-down-Sara strategy.

Sara and Bruno finally arrive at the mansion to find it crawling with security guards. One of them even demands to look in Sara's purse. She's furious and stomps up the stairs to confront Fafy.

Back to the lesser house. Ernesto arrives. Alonso has already been sulking everytime Ernesto's name is mentioned. Now he's incensed that Ernesto is here in the flesh (hmmm, thinking back to that dressing room scene am I?) and pouts some more when Ernesto pulls out the incrimiating video. But little Joel once again dims the lights, telling them a video can't be used in court. Well, one effect anyway, is that Diana is so disgusted with Bruno's behavior, she wants to see about changing their son's last name. (paving the way for Vasco, no doubt.) The troops are fuming, wanting to get Sara and get her now, but Ernesto advises waiting. Fafy's in the know. Let's wait a little longer.

Sara, great at smoke screens, is still arguing for throwing the security guards out. They're looking at me with lecherous glances. Am I supposed to change clothes with this goon staring at me!? Fafy tiredly waves the guard out of the bedroom, but not out of the house. Sara keeps trying to get him to have at least a sip of the poisoned wine but he declines. Are you going to reject me? she coos. "There's always a first time, he replies quietly. And goes to sleep.

The next morning, Sara awakens, leans over to rouse him and......nada. Has Fafy met his Maker, unaided by Sara and Bruno? Tune in tonight to find out.


lio de faldas = woman trouble

los tiempos que corren lo ameritan = with things the way they are, it's necessary (Fafy talking about security measures)

más sabe el diablo por viejo que por diablo = experience counts (Toribio explaining why Bettina should trust his advice)

trabas = obstacles, difficulties (all the things lawyer Joel brings up)

maridaje = combination, "marriage" (in a cooking sense)

hinojo = fennel (one of the kitchen help was working on a "crema de hinojo"


I'd like to make an addition to "negging". When I was in elementary school,a cute girl moved in two doors down from me.She was from Gray's Harbor,ME. The family ate a lot of fish,we only had it on Friday.
I figured, Maine ,fish I guess that was a favorite food. Anyway, one day I was in the yard at her house and she went in for lunch. Later when she came out,I could tell she had fish! I didn't know anything about girls then and still don't. But I tried to say something to show her I liked her ,
so I blurted out"You smell like fish!" Meant as some kind of compliment. She stomped her foot,turned around and stomped into the house. I stood there thinking to myself I only tried to convey that I liked her, what did I do wrong . It wasn't too bad for she latter moved back and I never saw her again.

So perhaps women don't always understand what men are trying to convey.

I used to answer a lot of singles ads and after meeting them. I'd often ask "Have you ever thought what it's like being a guy?" None of them ever gave it a thought. After giving them an example they would say they never imagined it was like that.


Thanks for the great recap. judyb. Ahh, what a tangled web Sara has woven. It was very helpful that Sara and Bruno stood right in front of the hidden camera and went through a top ten litany of their dirty deeds. It was kind of like watching a Barry Manilow special in which he does a medley of his greatest hits ...''And then I wrote Copa Cabana,,,'' I was a bit nervous that when Ernie showed Fafy the video, Fafy who seems so enamored of Nasty Sara[or mucho whipped ???] might have destroyed the evidence. I love to watch Sara's little mouth as she is screaming at someone ...It's like watching Claymation. So, has Fafy passed peacefully away to a better place and Sara and Bruno will be accused of murdering him because of Ernie's home movies or is Fafy playing possum?????

Ah bring up such an important point. (and by the way, good to hear from you again). We women can spend so much time nursing our wounds, we never give a thought to how men must be feeling. And honestly, sometimes it's hard to imagine unless you guys give us a clue...our perspective on life is often so different.

In our counseling classes we are always told "Don't mind read!" And at least on this line, we don't have guys have been wonderfully honest about some things.

My favorite marriage therapist writer, Willard Harley, does a good job of contrasting men and women's different views and expectations of marriage. And points out that when women are on some kind of testosterone therapy, they suddenly understand the frustrastions men face every day!

So keep talking and we'll keep listening (generally we ARE good least I hope so.)

Hey, amiga Susanlynn...missed your comment while I was answering Mark. Yes, I too wondered if Fafy was playing possum (in actuality he would have been blue and cold...but forgive me for those grisly details)...and I was tempted to Youtube the next episode to see....but that would be spoiling the fun. Will wait and see what comes up tonight.

Love the Barry Manilow comparison. He's so smarmy but I love to dance to his music...especially It's a Miracle and Copacabana...the rythym section on that one is fabulous. Play it on my deathbed please, and I'll arise like the phoenix!

Thanks for recap and vocabulary JudyB. I like how your mind works (see your comments on Ernesto's quick change). Since I know you sometimes post on Cuidado I wanted to ask do you find it interesting that William Levy's clothing fits him very nicely but good Dr. Al's fit very awkwardly? Maybe its that Cuidado had a better budget but its odd to me how poor Al's (I'm on team Ernesto) clothes do not help him.

Thanks for your story Mark. I too don't know about the male mind at all.

Mark~~~It seems to me that men and women really are from different planets. As for ''negging''...I think back to junior high school where my friends who were boys were always teasing me about something . I guess boys do it so girls will notice them, but girls often do not appreciate this teasing or questions like ''What are your measurements ?'' On the other hand, I dated a guy in high school who was always full of flattery [and also full of something else] . He was the prince of hyperbole and liked to throw around phrases such as ''luscious dame'' and was always checking out other girls [''Her perfume is too strong. I like yours.'' or ''She's shaped like pear.''] I ended up marrying a guy who never critcizes me but who is also not big on giving compliments. I guess it's a tradeoff. An old beau once paid me a compliment at a class reunion. When I asked hub why he didn't answer him, he said, ''Well, I didn't hit him, did I ?'' Negging should stop at the 8th grade.

JudyB: Wonderful and witty recap. Although your title captured the essence of the episode perfectly, "Anvils "R Us" was a terrific second.

Fafy was really crushed. His message to Santiago was very touching. I'm afraid Fafy is dead (unfortunately).

The way Lorena greeted Ernesto last night showed she is clearly in love with him. I thought she simply melted into his arms. Did anyone else think so? I thought Ernesto sitting on the couch in the midst of the family and Alonso standing was very telling as to what may happen.

Chris, thanks for your great recap of Monday's episode too.

Diana in MA

So nice to hear from all my blogger buds so early in the morning. I was most frustrated with the computer situation last night...I like to get these things in the hopper post haste but it just wasn't possible "anoche".

Thanks for mentioning the vocabulary Diana. When no one does, I wonder if it's necessary. As long as even one person likes it, I'll keep doing it.

Mark and Susanlynn...yes...the teasing thing. Sometimes, even now (I'm waaaaaay past junior high) guys in my classes will make teasing comments to me that I consider rather "rough". But I realize that's how they talk to each other, so I settle for being "one of the boys" and dishing it right back. Fortunately I had a really sarcastic younger brother, so I grew up getting plenty of practice (and still do with him).

Karen, how well you know me! I have been amazed...and how well William Levy's pants fit him. (Nooooo...not the obvious...I mean the back view). The man has a delightfully molded tush....and torso...and his clothes fit him like lycra. Long live the wardrobe department folks!

And yes, Alonso's duds (hmmm...interesting word to apply to his wardrobe) do nothing for him. He's okay with his shirt off...Susanlynn's "lumpy" critiques notwithstanding, but we seldom see him that way...except with skanky Sara.

So yep, we're not only on Team Ernesto, Karen, we're definitely on Team Juan Miguel.

And speaking of torsos, I'm working my way through the Amor Real DVD's and was surprised to see a long sequence of the rebel leader's bare torso. Why? 'Cause he was totally soft (didn't make sense if he's a tough campesino). And his waistline bulged gently over the bandage they had applied after the latest soldado wounding. Why do an extended scene like that if he's not buff to kill? Well, maybe that's just more of Carla Estrada's unusual approach...but really, he should have been more muscular, just to fit the part he was playing.

Oh and Diana...good point about the Lorena melt-hug and the positioning of Ernesto in the center of the family while Alonso sulked on the outskirts.

If that's "product placement", I'm all for it!

Judy: I can't imagine how much time and effort including the vocabulary takes but please know that they are read, enjoyed and greatly appreciated. What a generous spirit you have. Diana in MA

JudyB, thanks so much for the awesome recap. Although I watched last night's episode I was busy flitting around the house cooking dinner, cracking crab, making chili bug sauce and enjoying untainted wine.

What an ironic twist it would be for Sara to get busted for killing Fafy when in reality he dies naturally! However it looked like he had a smile on his face. I also thought he might be bluffing, either that or he died thinking happy thoughts of ways to get even with Sara. He may have inadvertently done just this.

I'm with Diana in Ma who notes that Lorena literally melted into Ernesto's arms. Al seemed quite alarmed and annoyed at the sight. It was great. He's toast.

JudyB, in addition to your witty recap and wonderful vocab I also appreciate your professional assessment of Chef Hawt's body beautiful. I almost missed that part, thank goodness for Tivo rewind, rewind, rewind. He's clever in addition to being muy guapo, not that it takes much outsmart the DF's dumbest PI.

About Amor Real's rebel leader, the actor is Rafael Rojas who later gained quite a bit of weight and eventually played the fantastically odious and lecherous Don Maxi on Duelo de Pasiones. He was wonderful and was a highlight of the telenovela. He died by getting skewered on a poker.

Diana, JudyB, and Sylvia - Yes I too saw Lorena's greeting of Ernesto. I loved the looks on Diana and Rossi faces; I think theywere convinced as well. And poor Al really saw how Lorena reacted to him. I think our team might win!!

Yes Judy I'm definitely on team JM. It just strikes me as odd that Televisa can have JM's shirts fit quite well and flattering when his upper body seems similar to Dr. Al's. Yet, as Susanlynn observed, Al looks lumpy especially in clothes.

On the JM/Alonso issue, could it simply be that JM actually emotes and radiates sexiness, making us aware of everything about him (including that incredible physique) but as Alonso neither emotes nor radiates, we notice nothing about him? I'm more tempted to open a book with a beautiful, interesting cover. Just sayin'. Diana in MA.

Alonso/Gabriel Soto is an enigma. I saw ads for him in a daytime soap where his hair had blond streaks and he seemed sexy as all get out!

So who knows? maybe Gabriel is a genius of an actor who knew how to turn down the temperature so we wouldn't mind Lorena ending up with another galan. (HOPING, HOPING, HOPING).

And that you mention it, I realize that rebel leader Rafael WAS the odious Don Maxi on Duelo. Well, you could see the softness and lack of muscle already...guess it was destiny catching up with him.

Several folks seemed to have gained weight since Amor Real, including the lovely "Matilde"...but she was TOO thin in that one, so I like the extra weight...but not the stupid character...that she plays on Fuego.

And I'm not usually weight conscious (we all have our own struggles) but telenovela galans all seem to be unbelievably buff and muscular.... so Rafael really surprised me. Still love his crazy light eyes though.

And hey, who wants to go to bed with someone who looks better than you do?.....Hmmm....noooo...I take that back.

Thanks for the recap and the vocab.

I don't think Attorney Joel is right about the fact that they have no case. I think there are many possible cases, both criminal and civil. Hortensia was an eyewitness to the two murder attempts, and could sue for assault, or criminal charges could be brought. And Ernesto overhearing could be admissible. Even the tape, although obtained without the peoples' knowledge, can be admissible in various circumstances. Of course, I'm speaking of U.S. law, and the story takes place in Mexico, so it could be different.

But it'll be much more fun if our heroes set some sort of trap for Sara and Bruno, than some boring trial!

JudyB, loved your recap as always. "Flo-Max bathroom break"...what an opportunity for some product placement.

Boy, was Ernesto ever looking especially hot last night. And Alonso just looked like a peevish child. Ernesto has got to win.

Thanks for the fabulous recap JudyB ;) I think the reason more folks don't comment on vocab is that we don't want anyone to feel obligated or guilty for not doing them. If you have the time, inspiration, etc. to do one, know that it will be read and appreciated. OTOH, if you are busy, tired, etc., know that we will understand and just be grateful for the labor of love you and the other recappers put into this.

I will join the chorus that the Ern/Lorena hug was very telling of more to come and yes, the already constipated Alonslow looked like he was seeing the writing on the wall.

My money's on dead Fafy, but I wouldn't mind him waking up and looking at Sara and asking why she's so shocked to see him. I also had hoped that Fafy would get a chance to write Sara out of his will, and maybe donate his money to charity and give the Armendariz family their stuff back.

Toribio is so sage, I really hope we can resolve the little Betina/Ivan/Jorge triangle and move on to the business at hand: getting Ern and Lore together and having large anvils fall on Sara and Bruno (and maybe one on Jimena 'cause she deserves one). Alas, there's no indication that Ickturo will get his just desserts, but ya never know...

JudyB - thanks for the recap, and I always love the vocabulary! Sometimes real life gets a little hairy and I don't have time to comment or express my thanks, but I always take the time to read the recaps (especially nice if I've missed part or all of an episode) and your efforts are always greatly appreciated!

Well, thanks you all. I'm feeling ESPECIALLY loved and appreciated today.

If Fafy is dead, too bad...'cause I'm sure we could work Flo-Max in there on a regular basis. As a lady who had her last baby at 40, I've got my own issues but they're not caused by the same phenom!

Just appreciated that real-life detail in Fafy's script and glad you enjoyed it too Julie.

Now back to my Kegels.

Whoops...Hombre de Misterio...I agree...Joel seemed way too negative to be realistic. But guess a trap will add more dramatic fun, so why am I complaining?

I am also finding Joel to be a real disappointment. I'm surprised Snorty didn't fire him sooner. I'm sure there are other lawyers who would be happy to take a crack at Sara.

I'm also hoping that Fafy's faking, but it's not looking good. She didn't take his pulse or anything - she just touched him and pulled her hand away. He must already be cold. Too bad. I'm glad he had that little smirk on his face, though.

I hope he had a chance to change his will in the short time between seeing the video and hiring all those guards. Or maybe his will has some kind of built-in protection to prevent Sara from getting anything under certain circumstances.

Sara doesn't even know that he was onto her, so I'm not sure she realizes how guilty she's going to look.

Well, you have to admit, poopy Joel and doofus Alonso notwithstanding, the writers know how to keep our interest.

Is Fafy really dead?
Did he change the will?
Will Lorena end up with Ernesto?
Will Alonso fall in love with Valeria so we don't have to watch him sulk any more?
Will Ernesto's niece EVER get her two front teeth in? (they've been "out" for a whole year now, no?)
Will there be room in the Unverse's trash compactor for Sara, Bruno, Omar, Greta, Jimena and little Jorge?


I'm with you Mark - I also ask female friends if they have any idea what it's like to be a guy in social situations. Most of what I hear/heard from them are basically complaints about men not being psychic and knowing every detail about them and what they like and what they want, all before having a single conversation with them. But of course it is the man who has to go hunt, while the women sit back and complain to each other about how stupid the men are. Modern sitcoms on TV don't help much, every show has a really hot totally capable mom and a complete retard dad. There might be an exception, but in general that's true. Simpsons, According to Jim, King of Queens, even my current favorite Big Bang theory has a quartet of dumbass men and a sharp as a tack girl.

what was I talking about again? Thanks for listening.

Great recap Judy, I got sidetracked after reading Mark's comment and never addressed the episode!

The theory at my house after watching it last night was that Fafy changed his will after seeing the video tape - changed the beneficiary to Santiago. After his apology message it made sense. Plus, if anyone could get a lawyer to do that work at night it would be El Rey del Jet Set Fafy Cuenca.

Ferro, you bring up a very good point. Men, especially fathers, on TV are portrayed as idiots. Not good. I know we need to get past the fluff of pearls, high heels and a frilly apron/Doris Day era but still.....not good.

On the other hand, I am often saddened by the great athletes who at Senior Day at our university thank their mom for working two jobs and slogging away in a factory because Dad took a powder early in the process. THOSE women have a right to complain. The rest of us, no....not so much.

Anyway, keep giving us the male perspective, guys. We appreciate it.

Hey Chris, missed your second comment while I was typing mine. Sidetracks are good and so is male solidarity. And female solidarity.

Anyway, now that I've covered all the bases, sure hope you're right!...and that the Rey de los Playboys HAS left all his dinero to Santiago.

But I hope Hortensia can get the mansion back, so she can hold big family parties with lots of servants and even more grandchildren. Viva la familia.

In "Family Guy," Peter Griffin is literally retarded.

So, yeah... actually it is annoying from the female perspective too, because the dumb dad/smart mom phenomenon is mostly restricted to sitcoms, meaning that we're supposed to see it as ironic and hilarious. "Look! The woman is smarter than the man! Haw haw! It's like watching a monkey play the violin!" Grrrr.

The dumbass dad only works in comedy because all us men are thinking "wow how in the world did he pull that hot woman" while the women are thinking "ewww how can she have sex with that guy." In drama it would be too distracting and ruin everything.

Perhaps the Fafy Cuenca will was changed to Hortensia - maybe as someone guessed earlier, she was a former lover and is downplaying it, perhaps he is even the father of Omar and Jaime. This is Novelaland after all.

Ouch! The other perspective. Grrrr indeed. Okay, if we keep on with this, we will all be totally empathetic and tuned in with "the other tribe". Do you think this will help our love life? Sure hope so.

No Judy - only if our significant others also join in on this conversation! Otherwise we all agree and it does none of us any good at home.

Whew...this is like instant messaging (not that I know how to do that). I like the idea of Hortensia being in the will and Schoolmarm brought up the fact that there may be more of an intimate connection between those two than we thought.

But I want Santiago to get something also. Just to make up for what seems to be a pretty empty life without Fafy to adore.

Yikes...I can't keep up with you. Chris, I'm just going to assume you two are deliriously happy at home anyway.

In my ménage, the rule is "You be nice to me, I'll be nice to you." Punto.

Oh no! They can't kill off Fafy! I was hoping that he and Hortensia would get together. And Mark, I can't imagine what went wrong. "You smell like fish" always worked for me. Carlos




Ha, you folks are hilarious.! Too bad I'm busy at work and don't have enough time to chime in, darn.

JudyB, flo-max and kegels indeed, what a hoot.

Wow~~~Lots of interesting comments and theories since I left for work. That'a a sign of a good telenovela...or sometimes a bad telenovela...plenty of conversation. I agree that Lorena did seem verrrry glad to see Hot Chef...She scampered right up and gave him a verrry big hug while Alonslow looked like it was Christmas morning and he got underwear and socks while his hermano Ernesto got a bright, shiny, red bike. Que lastima. Carlos~~~Funny !!!

Ah romantic you! Actually if Fafy and Hortensia got together it would be quite a vindication for us old broads.

Ann, thanks for writing in all caps. It's like a large print book (although fortunately I still don't have to use my reading glasses on this line).

Hope your theory is right, my dear, and that Fafy is just teasing. I do like the guy and had a very tender feeling for the age spots on his hands when he had them around Sara's throat.

Wow, interesting episode, and thanks for the terrific recap, JudyB! You are so faithful in giving us the vocabulary, too—it’s a really great resource!

“More shouting (I should probably just put "Alonso's lines, Sara's lines") and then he throws her out of the apartment.” I just loved watching our normally wimpy Alonslow throwing Sara out.

“The sound effects are enormous on these slaps. Sara should be in the hospital but she only looks momentarily stunned.” LOL!! The writers and directors really got their money’s worth out of those taps. It was so satisfying to see Hortensia and Lorena tag-team slapping Sara. I hope they both get some of the action when it’s time for Sara’s ultimate demise.

“Sara and Bruno advise suing the socks off the person who sold him the car.” That’s pretty stupid. Suing the guy would result in an insurance investigation that would reveal exactly why the brake fluid leaked—it looked like a slightly cut line to me when they showed us the line dripping under the car. Or, if I misinterpreted what I saw, an investigation could still reveal fingerprints on something that was unscrewed.

“Fafy takes another Flo-Max bathroom break. He's been stepping out to the restroom frequently in these last few episodes, adding a note of realism, I must say.” ROTFL!!!

“We're on the edge of our seats, but the writers flip us back to Barbara, re-reading Chalo's final love letter, misspellings and all, and tearily reminiscing about the one great love of her life. (Seriously, how long do you think that affair would have lasted had Chalo lived? Oh well, let's not be cynical.)” LOL! Not long, but Barbara was just enough in love when he died to think it would have been forever.

“Hortensia and Lorena have convened the family and Joel, the under-sized lawyer” LOL! Every time I see this guy I wonder how he thinks they’re going to take him seriously in court.

“But Fafy has all the proof he needs, thanks to Ernesto's video. I thank you from the depths of my soul for breaking my heart, he tells Ernesto sadly. For the first time in my life, I fell genuinely in love. But looking back, I realize that all my loves have been "bought".” Sounds like what Hortensia said about her son’s father (or what someone said about Hort buying her husband). Is that how rich folks arrange their lives? Fafy’s call to Santiago was too little, too late—but may provide some evidence for police later or something.

“Nice shot of Ernesto's manly deltoids, pecs, triceps etc. (trying to look at this like the fitness professional I am) but alas, the scene is all too short.” ROTFL!! Spoken like a true fitness professional!

Great comments, everyone!


Diana in MA, I totally agree about the hug Lore gave Ernesto last night. Alonslow looked like a sulky middle-schooler, which wasn't good for his image at all.

Maybe Fafy didn't have gas after all last Friday. Maybe he had a little heart attack and with this added stress of knowing what an evil b***h Sara is, he just went peacefully.

I'm on team JM, too, for Cuidado even if I don't comment. I'm there every night for Wm. Levy!

JudyB, ROTFL about Gina's teeth! Yes, indeed, they've been out for a whole year now!


Jeanne, I agree about little Gina's teeth. Guess it's easier to age adults than little kids...

I'm hoping Fafy pulled a 'Romeo' on Sara - took something that would make him appear dead so he can hear for himself what she says about him. (Having already written her out of his will, in case she decides to make absolutely sure he is dead.)

JudyB, thanks for the recap and the vocab. I probably won't remember much of it but it helps to read it aloud a couple of times.

I don't understand men all that well, but Mike and I explain things to each other that are important and let the rest slide. Works for us - our 35th anniversary is this Sunday. Go us!!

Oh yeah, and Ernesto changed his shirt waaaaay too quickly!!

Hooray for Emilia and Mike!! Happy Anniversary you two.

Happy 35th Emilia and Mike !!!!

Thanks for your recap, JudyB. I'm reading and enjoying these comments, and I'm not even watching the show!

Hombre de Misterio: did you know the name of the Pickup Artist is "Mystery"? He apparently used to be a magician. He makes money by giving courses to social misfits, and the disturbing thing is that he wants to transform them into macho pickup artists rather than just normal socially ept people who could get a regular girlfriend or wife.

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Anon 4:39, please do not reveal spoilers or plot lines here. QE may have aired in your area but it has not aired where I live. They are called spoilers for a reason.

Thanks for all the kind wishes, y'all! Sixty one years on the planet and thirty five years with a good woman who's put up with a lot, not the least of which was twenty years of being dragged around the Air Force. I am a lucky guy.

And it's been especially nice these past months to check in here every day and "see" our new friends.

Right back atcha Mike. It was a happy day for us recappers when you and Emilia appeared on the scene. We've really enjoyed getting to know you, as well as the rest of our regular commenters and supporters. You're all part of our "virtual family room" group and we love it. Congratulations and may you have many more years of joy and happiness.

Mike and Emilia, huge congratulations on your éxito! A happy and long-lasting marriage is awesome and tends to be rarer these days.


I must echo the congrats to Mike and Emilia. With so many couples splitting up, etc, it's always nice and hear about couples that make it through.

OOoooh I hate spoilers - my own story here - I'm a big Chicago Bears fan. Unfortunately my wife and son would not miss football if it disappeared. As such, I have to work my viewing into the greater schedule. I hear of men laying down that law "On Sundays from 12-3 I am not available!" but I'd like to know what f'ing fantasy world they live in. Any married man who thinks they get any control over the weekend schedule is fooling himself. So - I set the DVR for the game and my understanding wife doesn't complain when I come to bed late from watching the game in the evening. Plus, I get to watch it in about half the time from fast forwarding through commercials. Anyway, as you can guess, I avoid all sports TV or anyone who might tell me what happened in the game until I get a chance to watch it. My family (dad, brothers) all know the deal, nobody says anything to me about the game. One Sunday I had to run to the store for something, the guy behind me in line says "so you catch that Bears game?" UH OH DANGER DANGER. I quickly tell the guy that no, not yet, I have it taped, so DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING. "well all I'll say is... " DID YOU NOT HEAR ME - DON'T TELL ME ANYTHING!. Yes I was borderline yelling at this guy, in a panic. "... the Bears never should have let Brian Griese go." I turned around in disgust and purchased my stuff and was grumpy the rest of the day. Of course his statement was enough to tell me that the Bears lost. Thanks a lot asshole. Anon, I'm not calling YOU an asshole, but really please be careful.

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