Sunday, December 07, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Friday, Dec., 5 - Santos is exceptionally dense when it comes to Marisela until he gets a revelation at the well

Gonzalo tries to tell Marisela that it is impossible for her to get Santos. He is her cousin and he is hopelessly in love with Marisela's mother. He says that of all the men around her, she has fallen in love with one who is forbidden to her. Marisela says that the only thing forbidden to her is to kiss a man that she doesn't love.

DB tells Melquiades not to bring Melendez to her. It's too dangerous with Santos in the house. Melquiades says that he will take care of everything. Melendez is so close to El Miedo - it's now or never. DB repeats that she said no. She will tell him when where and how to do it.

Santos angrily tells Casilda that it is impossible that Gonzalo is in love with Marisela. She's just a girl. Santos storms out to see Lorenzo and says that he has to talk to him about Marisela and Gonzalo. Like all the other sentient beings at Altamira except for Santos, Lorenzo is aware that Gonzalo is in love with Marisela and he is fine with that. Santos is surprised that Lorenzo is being so permissive with Marisela. Lorenzo replies that if he doesn't let Marisela be with whom she wants, she'll do it anyway behind his back. Lorenzo asks what is bothering Santos. Does he want Marisela to be in love with him her whole life?

Marisela tells Gonzalo that DB has bewitched Santos and someday he will realize that and she will be waiting for him.

Santos tries to convince Lorenzo that it isn't that he doesn't want Marisela to fall in love with someone. It's just that it should be someone other than Gonzalo who is being pursued by the police. Lorenzo says that Marisela has to choose the life she wants to have. If she wants Gonzalo, then he is welcome. Santos says that he can't talk to Lorenzo.

Melendez tells Pernalete and Mujiquita that he is sure that Santos is involved with the rebels because Santos went to school with Gonzalo (Mujiquita chokes because he too was in school with Gonzalo.) Melendez says that he arrested Santos but he had to let him go because he had influential friends. Melendez asks Pernalete to go to Altamira and look for any trace of the rebels. If he can find any of the rebels at Altamira, no one will able to protect Santos. Mujiquita asks for permission to return to Progresso to catch up on his work. Pernalete says that they will go back together but Mujiquita's question has aroused the suspicions of Melendez.

The terneras tell Marisela that the only one who doesn't know that she is in love with Santos is Santos, himself. Marisela doesn't want Gonzalo to be the one to tell Santos this.

Santos has ridden after Gonzalo. Gonzalo tells Santos that he is formally courting Marisela. Santos replies that if he hadn't noticed, Marisela is a child. (Marisela is watching them.) Gonzalo asks how she can be a child with the body she has... Santos tell him not to be disrespectful. Gonzalo replies that he would never be disrespectful to the woman he is going to marry.

Antonio comes looking for Pernalete's papers at his house. Federica tells him that the papers are in the safe and she doesn't have the combination.

Gonzalo repeats to Santos that he is serious about Marisela. Santos replies that Marisela doesn't love him and Gonzalo acknowledges that is true. She loves Santos. Gonzalo tells Santos that it is unseemly that the daughter of the woman he is in love with is in love with him. Santos needs to open Marisela's eyes to the truth once and for all. Santos says that he doesn't want to lose another friend and so they had better leave the matter and Gonzalo should stay away from Marisela. "In your dreams," says Gonzalo as Santos rides away.

Santos is looking for Marisela but he finds Cecilia. When she indicates that she approves of Gonzalo, Santos says that he can't believe that she wants Marisela to end up with that old guy, Gonzalo. Cecilia asks Santos what is his problem with age. First, he sees her as too old to fall in love and now he sees Marisela as an adolescent who is incapable of wanting to look at a man. She reminds him that he, Antonio and Gonzalo are all the same age. Are they old men or not? She says that she and Santos' mother are to blame for spoiling him and turning him into a monster of egoism. She says that Santos wants all the women around him to adore him 24 hours a day. He is like a dog in the manger - he doesn't eat and he won't let anyone else eat either.

The terneras manage to turn the conversation around and tell Marisela about the well that Pajarote convinced them made those who bathed in it irresistible to all men.

While he changes a tire on the way back from San Fernando, Mujiquita tries to think of some way to get to Altamira and warn Santos and the rebels. However, Pernalete tells Mujiquita to go to Progresso and bring the police to Altamira.

DB tells Eustaquia that she can't get the thought of taking vengeance on Melendez out of her mind.

Antonio is in the bar wondering if he has fallen into a trap of Pernalete's. He wishes he could ask Santos's help. In comes Santos to the bar. Antonio offers a toast to former friends and their pride. Santos offers a toast to friendship that doesn't exist anymore. Antonio agrees that it doesn't exist because if it did, his friend would be helping him right now to resolve a question about land titles. Santos asks what the problem with the signatures is. Surely, Antonio has the copy of the documents he signed. "Copies?" aks Antonio. Santos tells him that a property owner has the right to a copy of the title deed. When he understands that Antonio not only doesn't have a copy of the title deed but didn't read what he was signing, he tells him that he should be worried. He has been tricked by his father in law.

Santos goes on to tell Antonio about his concern that Marisela is getting involved with Gonzalo. He doesn't understand why everyone thinks this is ok. Antonio says that the problem isn't Marisela, it's Santos. He should reflect carefully and decide who he really cares for, what he really feels. He says that Santos is more tangled up than a hank of oakum (una madeja de estopa).

A drunk Gonzalo gets on a horse and tells it to go El Miedo.

Mujiquita tells Antonio that Santos is in danger. He explains about Pernalete going to Altamira to look for the rebels and tells Antonio to warn the folks at Altamira.

Melquiades tells Juan Primito that DB isn't the same. Since Santos came, she been tamed (mansa). DB comes in and tells Melquiades to get up and go find out everything that Pernalete learned from Melendez. As he leaves, JP says, "She doesn't seem that tame."

Just as Lorenzo is talking to Cecilia about the rebels, Pernalete comes in. Pernalete says that he has come to see Santos and if he isn't there, he will look around. He says that Don Encarnación has made some complaints about robberies. Lorenzo says that they have nothing to do with that. Pernalete is about to go look around when Cecilia insists that he have some coffee or juice. Reluctantly, Pernalete agrees and Cecilia goes off to give the order. "How do feel about the current political situation, Barquero?" asks Pernalete. "I'm just a poor invalid, Pernalete," replies Lorenzo, "and here at Altamira, we never talk about politics."

Meanwhile Cecilia tells Casilda to warn the rebels in the caney to hide at Melesio's house.

Antonio rides toward Altamira saying that he has to help Santos.

Santos, meanwhile, is riding around looking for Marisela. He finds her bathing naked in the supposedly magic well where he first saw DB bathing naked.


Thanks Jean ;)

Methinks that Santos may finally realize Marisela is not a child!!!! Luckily for our rebels, they'd already gone to Melesio's to court the terneras, so I'm guessing the person Pernalette finds in the barn is either Casilda or Antonio looking to warn them and they can make some excuse. I'd hate to see the boys get killed so soon, or at all. I also hope Pernalette didn't give Melendez Mujiquita's info, lest he too end up in the claws of the tyrant. Off course, by then, Melendez could be in the claws of Melquiades instead, and I can't say he doesn't deserve it.

Thanks for the great recap, Jean. I'm sure Ferro will check in at some point and appreciate the photos of Marisela!

Here's another chapter from the novel, entitled Los Derechos de "Míster Peligro" (the rights of Mister Danger). He called himself William Danger and said he was from Alaska. He is described as being a great mass of muscles, with a red face, blue eyes, and hair the color of linen, which I think means a sort of white blonde. He's said to have come with a rifle on his shoulder to hunt jaguars and alligators. He loved the region because it was as barbarous as his soul. He also felt he could win out over the people there because they were inferior to himself. When he arrived the people hoped he would bring improvements, but he erected four posts and a palm roof, with a hammock inside - and this on land that wasn't really his. Many felt that his name wasn't really Danger, that he took that name for its effect. In the book he also makes many grammatical mistakes when he speaks Spanish.

In payment for his silence about something DB built his house and corrals. He pretty much left her alone after that until he heard she was planning to take away even La Chusmita and its piece of land. He told her he was there to defend Lorenzo's rights and would administer his land. Thus "los derechos" of Lorenzo Barquero only passed from the hands of one usurper to those of another. Danger began buying bottles of aguardiente, keeping Lorenzo in a state of drunkenness. One of his reasons was that Lorenzo's patch of ground was on the way to "The Lick", a place where cattle were attracted to a salt lick. It was easy for Danger to capture unbranded cattle on their way to the salt.

Danger shows up during one of Santos' visits to Lorenzo. He tells Santos that Lorenzo has sold Marisela to him and that he will take her to live with him when Lorenzo dies. This convinces Santos to take Lorenzo and Marisela to live with him at Altamira.

There is another part of this chapter that describes the historical background of the scene in the telenovela when Santos discovers DB and Danger digging. We are led to believe it will be Apolinar, but the bones of a horse show up. I hesitated to describe this scene, as wonderful as it is, in case it will be shown as flashback in the actual novela and want to avoid spoilers.

It sure has taken Santos a long time to realize that Marisela isn't a child. You wouldn't think considering what Marisela normally wears that he would have to see her naked to figure out she is a woman now but when it comes to women, Santos is wilfully blind.

Assuming that we have to have all five terneras married off by the end of the novela and there are only three Altamira vaqueros, I think that Cósme and Andres will be ok.

Melendez is so powerful and so dangerous to DB, Santos, Gonzalo and Mujiquita among others, it would be nice to see him begging for his life while hanging over a bunch of pirañas or something.

Thanks for the update on the novel, novelera.

You guessed that I was thinking of Ferro when I posted the pics of Marisela bathing.

Speaking of La Chusmita, I just sort of assumed that was the name of the house or the area and that it was on DB's land. But from your summary of the novel, La Chusmita must be a separate property. It was property belonging to Lorenzo that DB didn't take?

In the novel, La Chusmita is land with palm trees on it and a patch of quicksand also. It was a no-man's land. The grandfather of Santos divided Altamira into two portions, one to remain Altamira and the other given to his daughter and her husband, Sebastián Barquero, the father of Lorenzo. The language describing the boundary was "the palm grove of La Chusmita" and both José and his brother-in-law disputed the boundary and litigated over it. The settlement was that this land would belong to neither. A cow mired in the quicksand was disputed by the two and José shot his brother-in-law over the cow.

Thus, La Chusmita was the dividing boundary to the two haciendas, belonging to neither. This is where DB sent Lorenzo and Marisela to live, apparently not ceding ANY of Lorenzo's property to him as a place to live. The novel doesn't say how Lorenzo came to have legal ownership of it.

Thanks for the info on the novel and for the clarification on La Chusmita Novelera ;) For what it's worth, we’ve seen the dig scene, so you gave away no spoilers. DB told Santos they were digging up their familiar because she’d accidentally buried it on the Altamira lands and this had started bringing her bad luck. The truth is that they were digging up Prieto (more specifically a medal he was wearing so they could put it elsewhere), but he was a little further down in the ground than the mare appeared first ‘cause it was taller or something, so Santos left without knowing he'd been right all along.

Yes, Margarita, I do remember the digging scene. But what's in the novel is the exact description of how Apolinar ended up in the hole with the familiar, and I was afraid that could be a spoiler. The telenovela didn't show precisely what happened to Apolinar, and I thought maybe they might have been saving it for a flashback close to the end.

Great photos, again!

Wow, the power of denial is strong in Santos. Got to agree with Cecilia on Santos being self focused. But, I think that dip in the well may have left him impactada and opened his eyes.

Really enjoy reading about the novel! It seems that so far the novela has followed the novel pretty closely, which is why it's so good...

Hi Novelera,

Actually, in the TN we saw DB shoot Apolinar while he was holding the mare, right in front of Danger (which is why she's stuck with him as an ally). Dunno if the novel goes into more detail, but there is no question that she killed him. She justified it by saying that she couldn't control Apolinar (none of her spells or potions worked on him) and he was trying to steal El Miedo from her (he and Pernalete had made her sign a bunch of papers saying he loaned her the money to buy Barquereña and used it as collateral). Last but not least, we saw him offer DB to Danger for the night. As someone who was almost sold and then got raped, this did not sit well with her, so there were many reasons why she killed him.

Thanks, Margarita. DB shooting Apolinar in the telenovela had erased itself from my memory! In the novel, she sticks him in the back with a lance. Danger is described as just wanting to see the "barbaric rite" of the live burial of the familiar. DB gets Apolinar stinking drunk over a dinner the three share, then refuses to take any of the ranch hands along, even though they dug the hole. When Apolinar is swaying on the edge of the hole, she sticks the lance in him. Danger mounts up and flees, not wanting to be involved. But he does take advantage of his knowledge to get money and land from DB.

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