Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Tues., Jan. 6 - Marisela is being followed and DB intiates version 2.0 of her plan to kill Meléndez
Cecilia tries to get Lorenzo to eat some oatmeal (aveda) that she made but he doesn't like it. Jeez, the poor guy is dying. They should let him eat whatever he wants. 'Heart healthy' stuff isn't going to make much difference now.
Marisela thinks she is being followed. You'd think after growing up like a wild animal in the forest, she might be more wood-crafty than to let soldiers stomping around in boots scare her like that.
BP tells DB that Danger had legal problems in 'gringoland' and needed the money from the La Chusmita deal to pay lawyers. BP asks DB if she is going to reward him by making him a partner in this business. DB says that he will receive a reward for saving her life. She tells BP that they will dump the body in the swamp.
Santos tells the rebels that they are going to leave for the border that night. He will go with them because he is responsible for them and because Meléndez is looking for him too.
Don Encarnación is annoyed that Antonio has to go away for a few days right then. Lucía tells her father to let Antonio go. If he says it's important, then it is. Antonio vows that he will come back. There are very important things here he has to return to.
Marisela bursts into the kitchen at Altamira in fear at being followed but she says nothing to her father about it.
BP and DB thow Danger's body into the swamp (pantano). (This place doesn't look much like a swamp.)DB says that she will miss Danger and hopes that he understands that she didn't kill him. BP looks at her, "His death is yours," she says. Danger sinks into the swamp just in time. Soldiers are patrolling. DB says it's time to go. This job is done. ("Este arroz ya se coció," literally, "This rice is cooked.") Then she says something that is sort of equivalent to the English saying, "Life is for the living." ("El muerto al hoyo y el vivo al gozo," literally, "The dead to the hole and the living to pleasure.")
Marisela is very jumpy and Cecilia demands to know what is going on. Marisela tells her that she is being followed.
Guerrero reports to Meléndez that per his orders, Marisela is being followed day and night. Guerrero says that he doesn't understand why. Marisela is not a disident. Meléndez tells Guerrero to follow orders but having sex with Federica seems to have blunted his fascistic tendencies. He accuses Meléndez of abusing his authority by harassing the locals and persecuting DB for personal reasons. Meléndez orders him to be put in jail until he is court martialed.
DB returns to El Miedo and tells Eustaquia to hide the papers she got from Danger. She tells Eustaquia that the papers are about being rich, really rich. She can't deal with it until Meléndez is out of the way. She says that everything is ready for his execution. Eustaquia warns her about Santos finding out. DB says that Santos won't find out what she is doing.
DB tells Eustaquia that when things have calmed down, she will have the documents translated because they are in English. Eustaquia says that Santos could do that but DB doesn't want anyone, even Santos to know about the documents. She tells Eustquia that Danger found that there is something very valuable, she doesn't know what, undernealth the infertile soil and the bad smells of La Chusmita. DB tells Eustaquia that his ambition killed Danger.
The idiot Gonzalo is running around outside. He gives Juan Primito a note to take to Marisela.
Santos is packing up to leave for the frontier. DB says that she will go with him. Santos tells that she can't go with him.
JP gives Marisela a terrible fright by coming up behind her. He gives her the note, which asks her to meet Gonzalo at the well of the spirits when it gets dark that night.
Santos tells DB that she has to stay at El Miedo and wait for him like the other women. DB says that she isn't like other women. If her man is in danger, she want to protect him and take care of him. She asks Santos to wait one more night and she will solve all their problems. Santos says that their problems have a name: Nicolás Meléndez. How is she going to solve them? He accuses her of planning to kill Meléndez. DB says that she won't touch a hair on his head. But she says that he will pay. She says that sometimes one has to do hard things to survive and there's no choice with Meléndez - it's him or us. Santos trots out the old violence isn't the way and there are laws. DB is dismissive of the law. She says it is only paper that can be burnt. Then she tells Santos that she won't do anything, that he has won the argument.
Well, I guess DB was just fibbing with Santos because the first thing she asks Melquíades (who is getting weirder and weirder about DB)
is whether he has figured out a way to kill Meléndez without leaving a trace. Melquíades says that they have to get him alone. That's the problem says DB. Melquíades says that recently Meléndez has been sleeping with Josefa.
DB and Melquíades come to town to implement their plan.
Santos comes down to the cellar to get the rebels to find that Gonzalo is gone to see Marisela. Santos is furious.
Cecilia tells Lorenzo that with all the soldiers around, Marisela shouldn't leave the house. Cecilia ends up telling Lorenzo about Marisela's belief that she is being followed. Marisela appears and says that she is going out. Lorenzo forbids her to leave the house.
Josefa has an appointment with DB in the hotel bar. DB says that she has a job to propose to Josefa that will be very profitable to her and useful to DB. Josefa says that what they want her to do is dangerous. If she is found out, she could be shot. DB tells her that with the money DB will give her, she can be independant of men, start her own business and DB will never tell that she helped her.
Naturally, Marisela has disobeyed her father and left the house.
Santos finds Juan Primito and learns what Gonzalo's note said.
DB's plan is as simple as the El Miedo vaqueros starting a fight in the bar and Josefa telling the guards outside Meléndez' door to go and help stop the fight. DB and Melquíades get into Meléndez' room. Apparently, they still aren't just going to kill him outright but are going to incapacitate him and bring him somewhere.
Antonio is accosted by soldiers. They asks what is doing alone at this hour.
Marisela is grabbed by soldiers as she walks to the pozo. They put a bag over her head and drag her off.
Santos finds Gonzalo waiting for Marisela and punches him.
DB and Melquíades may be waiting for a while in Meléndez' room. He has got Marisela tied to a chair in some remote place.
Labels: barbara
I was actually touched a tiny bit by Balbino Paiba. When he told her he shot Danger because he loved her, I think he was telling the truth, but she wouldn't believe it.
And I was very impressed with Guerrero's behavior. He has been fascistic, all right, but I think he was just being a "good soldier". He apparently really believes the rebeldes are a threat to his country and wants to catch them for patriotism. He doesn't like Melendez using the Government's resources to carry out a personal vendetta. I had to admire the way he stood up to Melendez.
Can't even imagine how Marisela is going to get out of this one. I can't believe they'll have him rape her. I don't think I could stand it!
I also wonder if Guerrero is truly an honorable guy after all. Maybe it's like Novelera thinks and he was just misled and has come to realize there is something wrong with what Melendez is doing. OTOH, maybe sex with Federica made him realize there is life outside the military. Perhaps he was just frustrated before ;)
I'm with you Novelera, I really hope Melendez doesn't rape Marisela. She did something stupid (going to meet Gonzalo in the dark by a pond when she thinks people are following her and he's a wanted man) but she doesn't deserve to suffer that fate. Her mother didn't either, but that was essential to the plot.
As for the age difference, in the TN (though perhaps not in the novel) Santos left town before Marisela was conceived. If so, he's got around 15 years on her (or more), making him at least 33 (if she's also shy of 18 in the book). We know that in the TN there is supposed to be an 8 year difference between Santos and DB, so again, he'd have to be at least a decade older than Marisela.
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