Sunday, January 25, 2009
El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Jan. 19-23- PJ/S plans for future happiness go terribly wrong
Once Andrés is buried, the main thing that happens is that Simón finds out about PJ/S and Valeria and naturally he is very upset.
Isabel tells Walter that she doesn't need his services now that Andrés is dead and he should resign or she will fire him.
PJ/S comes to speak with Simón. He tries to tell him that he didn't know that Simón was also in love with Valeria. He convinces Simón to go back to work but Simón says that their friendship is over.
PJ/S tells Gaetana that he wants to leave as mysteriously as he arrived but with Valeria.
Walter threatens Isabel with going to the authorities with the truth about their 'happy' marriage if she fires him.
Walter opens his 'private collection' of stolen stuff and says that if he has to leave the Donoso house, he can sell some of it to live on. Isabel capitulates to his blackmail.
Isabel is told that the police are opening an investigation into Andrés' death. She tells Valeria that she has to back her up and goes over their story again and adds more lies. Valeria says that she will try but she doesn't want to lie to the police.
Valeria calls PJ/S and arranges to meet him but Rebeca is listening.
At a restaurant, Valeria agrees to run off and marry PJ/S without telling anyone.
Rebeca, in a ridiculous disguise, watches them and is devastated.
PJ/S drops broad hints to all and sundry that he is taking off. Here, he is talking to Antonio and drinking a toast to his grandchild.
Rebeca goes postal on Valeria.
When Isabel finds out that Valeria and PJ/S are planning to run away, she tells Valeria that she and PJ/S are lovers.
Gratuitious shower scene as PJ/S prepares to meet Valeria.
When PJ/S comes for Valeria, he is confronted by Isabel. They meet in the attic to talk but PJ/S doesn't know that Valeria is listening.
Isabel asks if PJ/S feels anything for her. He says that he does love her but he's giving her up because he will end up getting hurt.
Isabel shows PJ/S that Valeria has heard the whole thing.
PJ/S is impactado. Valeria says that she hates PJ/S.
Valeria collapses.
PJ/S gets Excedrin headache #20 - too many women! and passes out while driving, which nearly causes an accident.
Gaetana advises PJ/S to forget about Valeria and move on with his life. PJ/S tells Gaetana that Isabel called him a coward but he swears that he will show Isabel that she was wrong. He won't give up on having Valeria.
Isabel tells the delirious Valeria that PJ/S never loved her and that she should die.
Both PJ/S and Cantalicia have the same dream. PJ/S doesn't seem to remember that this is what happened to him before he got Salvador's body.
Labels: cuerpo
I guess PJ/S got sidetracked and thought he and Valeria could live happily ever after. Even if they did manage to get away, how long did he think it was going to last? The two of them don't seem to have a lot in common except for the music and they certainly won't be playing the piano all day long. Besides, Valeria doesn't seem domestic. I wonder if she can cook.
Good news--we finally got high-speed Internet!!! So no more whining about how I can't watch anything and how I missed all the good stuff! I have been trying to catch up on all the PdG and LT I missed. I watched the first episode of LT, and bits and pieces here and there, but then have been on a quest to catch all I missed of PdG. From what I can tell, I think I joined that show at about episode 36, just after Oscar and Jimena were married. So I started at the beginning and have been going in order, skipping over the bar stuff, etc. and focusing mainly on Juan and Norma. Of course without captions I get kinda lost, other than knowing what the general storyline is, what was included in the DVD, and picking up a few words here and there. But I want to see every single scene with Juan and/or Norma. I love Norma so much I'll watch her with or without Juan. (I like to see what she's wearing, etc.--she's so gorgeous!)
Also, I wanted to post the link to a YouTube video my son and his wife made me for my birthday. It's a takeoff on the novelas they know I love--they'd seen enough clips when visiting to know what they're like, and they put this little spoof together for me as a surprise. It cracked me up! It is only a minute long, but if you like Cuerpo and/or Mario, you'll appreciate this!
Here is the link:
Cuerpo started about 10 mins late on 1/20 because of the inauguration and I think I missed some at the end because my TiVo stopped recording at 2pm and it was still going on.
I agree with you about PJ/S and Valeria, CC. They are most unlikely couple ever. PJ/S and Isabel never talked either but at least they seemed to be having good sex. Whenever PJ/S kisses Valeria, she looks like she is forcing herself to respond.
Loved the set-up Isa had for PJ/S. His blue, iridescent shirt looked like it glowed on my TV set. Contrasted well with his dark long hair.
Oh well, looks like he'll have to give up his plans with Valeria. Anyway guess the original purpose of PJ being brought back to life was to somehow vindicate his relationship with Isa.
Congrats on your high-speed Internet, Cindy. Welcome to the treasure trove that is YouTube! Your son & daughter-in-law's video was hysterical. Very cute. ;-)
As enjoyable as PJ'S's shower scene was, I had to giggle. Gratuitous is definitely the word, Jean. I swear, if they ever show Mario taking a shower in a stall with walls, it would surely mean that he stumbled onto the wrong set. ;-)
I actually thought last week was pretty action-packed. Rebeca was ridiculous as usual. When she went postal on Valeria, I couldn't believe Valeria didn't just haul off & start beating back. Everytime Rebeca grabbed her hair, I thought, "That's IT!! Now she's let her have it!!!!", but nothing. Pity.
I LOVED Isabel's set-up of PJ/S, especially PJ/S's reaction. Priceless. (He was a little too smug before his fall.) I can't believe he's just rolling over & giving up on Valeria that easily, though. Not that I mind; they were a silly couple. I'd like nothing better than for her & Simon to just fade into the sunset together, happily ever after. Still, the scenes with her were some of the few times in this show that Mario has flashed his famous open smile. (Kudos, Jean, for the gorgeous smile photo here. Mario in the gold/bronze-y shirt & tie was a feast for the eye as he was, but that smile shot was the crowning glory.) Now that he's going back to Isabel, I suspect we won't be seeing the smile for a while. It'll be back to more scowls, brooding stares and muzzle-licking. Dios apiade de nosotras...
Just got a chance to check out your youtube video and I have to congratulate you on having a such a thoughtful, loving and tech-savy family who would give you such a thoughtful and unique present. It was too cute.
Good luck with PdG. Mario and Danna's version is my favorite. I just can't get into FELS.
Oh, and happy birthday.
love him d old man""" am 22 may he marride me? ha really so my eamil is
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