Tuesday, January 27, 2009
El Cuerpo del Deseo, Mon. & Tues., Jan. 26 & 27- Uh oh! The PJ isn't in Salvador any more.
Simón tells Ángela about PJ/S and Valeria. Ángela confronts Isabel and tells her that she has no right to interfere in Valeria's life and that PJ/S can fall in love with whomever he wants. Isabel replies that she was just preventing Valeria from making a terrible mistake and that Ángela doesn't really know PJ/S.

Felipe tells Cantalicia that Andrés drowned under mysterious circumstances and that she should stay away from the Donoso house.

PJ/S tells Gaetana that he is going to see Valeria. He needs to be persistent.

PJ/S sneaks into the house through the basement as usual and into Valeria's room. She reacts badly on seeing him. He tells her that he didn't know she was ill and asks what is the matter. She says that she hates him.

Gaetana's landlord come to say that he has sold her house to a local thug. Gaetana tells the thug that he has to speak to PJ/S.
Isabel comes into Valeria's room. Isabel says that she needs to speak to PJ/S.

Isabel tells PJ/S that he has made fun of her. She kept her promise (killing Andrés) while he plotted to run away with Valeria and jilt her. She says that she should have killed PJ/S like she did Andrés. "And Pedro José Donoso," says PJ/S. Isabel tells him not to mention PJ's name. PJ/S says that Valeria will never forgive him and he is not the man for her. He was made for a woman like Isabel. PJ/S says that he will comply with her demands. Isabel replies that she isn't the only one in this relationship. PJ/S tried to escape from her with Valeria but no one can take him away from her or erase her from his mind.

The psychic wind sounds and PJ/S flinches in pain.

PJ/S admits that if he came back, it was for her, just for her. He says that he has to complete his mission if it's the last thing he does and he shouldn't hurt innocent people. He kisses her.He swears by all that is holy that if she has completed her promise, he will complete his.

During the night, PJ/S wakes up and calls Cantalicia as Salvador. She hears his call. He falls back asleep wondering what is happening to him.
The next morning PJ/S is dressed to go to work but he has lost his table manners and is not interested in Gaetana's problem with her new landlord.

Outside, more psychic wind sound, PJ/S has some kind of a seizure, turns around... and a pugnacious expression and some more eye makeup indicates that PJ isn't in Salvador's body anymore.

The thug landlord and his thug employees show up and since Salvador doesn't have PJ's martial arts skill, they beat the snot out of him. When he wakes up, he says that he doesn't know who they are or where he is.

Gaetana figures out what has happened and tries to keep Salvador under control with drugs.

She tries a seance with Camilo to contact PJ.

But Matilda breaks the spell and Salvador escapes from Gaetana' house.

Labels: cuerpo
Marie Celeste - loved your comment: "I suspect the way to PJ/S's heart lies a little further south than his stomach".
Just wanted to mention something that really bugs me everytime I see it - the scene they show so often when Salvador, the farmer, has his attack. After he falls to the ground, he's laying flat on his back but his legs are crossed at the ankle. After a while he lifts his legs, uncrossed them, and then kinda kicks them back to the ground. Don't think someone who has fallen from an attack like that would have the energy to lift his legs and kick them like that. But then again, I'm no expert here. So, maybe it is possible.
I hadn't noticed about the leg-crossing thing, Prinny. That does seem strange.
Speaking of not having energy, I also got a kick out of Valeria looking so glamorous when PJ/S walked in on her. Here she was lying there all depressed and practically in a coma and you'd think she wouldn't have the will to shower and put on makeup, but he sits on her bed and calls her name, and she's all made up. (Wouldn't it be nice to look like that all the time?)
Excellent comments, Jean; just spot-on. "We hear the psychic wind"...cracked me up, and "The next morning PJ/S is dressed to go to work but he has lost his table manners...". I had the EXACT same thought. The reappearance of Salvador caught me completely by surprise, but I thought Mario did a nice job with the contrasts so I got a big kick out of all the little switcheroos. The breakfast scene had me a little confused, though. The table manners were definitely of Salvador Cerinza, but the words & personality still seemed to be PJ Donoso. They seemed to be co-existing there for a bit, and I was scratching my head... I don't know how PJ/S thinks he's going to be able to continue his job at the factory. What would happen if "Salvador" decided to pop in during a board meeting, or anywhere for that matter? PJ really needs to let Antonio know what's going on, so that someone in the family/business will have a clue as to what's going on if he flips out on them.
I'm happy to see the PJ/Valeria thing is over. If she can't get over PJ/S's having been Isabel's lover & prefers instead to be serenaded by the piano stylings of a "ghost" (who was also in love with Isabel, I would add) then good riddance to her. That's one less woman messing up PJ/S's head! Still, he did blow her over pretty easily. Also, I found it weird how he completely snapped back to Isabel, after she confessed to killing Andres. To me, rather than it proving her loyalty to PJ/S, I thought it just made her more loathesome & thought he'd be repulsed as well. Go figure...
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