Tuesday, January 06, 2009
El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Tues., Jan. 6 - Andrés finds out who Isabel's lover is

PJ/S get propositioned by some working girls who are scornful when Rebeca picks him up.

PJ/S imagines that Valeria is playing the piano in the restaurant while Rebeca blathers on. He tells her that they can only be friends.

Whatever her name is tells Andrés that PJ/S is Isabel's lover.

Andres reacts badly to the news.

Isabel in bed with her picture of PJ.

Rebeca asks for a kiss and PJ/S is going for the forehead when with all the strength of her thwarted desires, she goes for the lips. PJ/S wrestles her off and is disgusted.

Andres mental health which was never that great seems to be in free fall once he got the news of who Isabel's lover is. He is about to suffocate her with a pillow when Rebeca comes into the room.

Then he gets his sniper rifle out.

Labels: cuerpo
So Andres knows who Isabel's smoochie is? But instead of taking out the interloper, he decides to kill his own wife. I'm waiting for him to get his just desserts.
I got completely off-track with the broadcast schedule & in an effort to get caught up, I apparently zoomed rather far ahead with the DVD's. CC, I haven't seen what Andres' just desserts will be yet, but as far as the state of his mental health goes, I just want to say that the upcoming episodes feature some really great work by Martin Karpan. Things start getting REALLY good here pretty quick...
For those that checked out the YouTube link to Mario Cimarro's song, "Soy Tu Deseo" included in my post yesterday, here's some more info, courtesy of the video creator herself. This link is another of her videos that uses the song above plus 2 more Mario tunes, "Amor Inmortal" ("Immortal Love"), and "Bendigo Mi Suerte" ("I Bless My Luck"):
Below is a link to the online music store where you can download his album at .99 per song. Interestingly, songs 4 & 5 are duets with Vanessa Villela. (Go figure.) And what in the name of everything holy is a "tribal" version??? (As a pickier than average music consumer, it's my opinion there's a special circle in Hades for whoever invented the "remix" concept. As a musician, I guess I should applaud their creativity, but...nahhhh; it's still smells of cop out to me. But if it works for others, so much the better for the artist, I guess.) Enjoy:
As for remixes it all depends on the artist..I'm a huge U2 fan and because I own just about everything they've ever recorded I have quit a collection of remixes by them and I do love them...but I couldn't vouch for any other artist's out there thats for sure.. ;))
CC ..eeeek is the call word!...Rebeca is so insane for him she can't control herself...(I can understand this concept..LOL ) but no, she's an all around horrid person and the cat-callers couldn't believe our doll-face was leaving with whistlers mother! What a hoot! .... Andres playing with live amunition is always bad ..uh oh!
Thanks Jean beauties every last one.. ;))
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