Thursday, January 15, 2009
El Cuerpo del Deseo, Tues, & Wed., Jan. 13 & 14 - Whack, whack, glug, glug, bye bye Andrés

Back at the house, Valeria is concerned.

Isabel thinks she has killed Andrés. But he's not quite dead. More whacks, then dump him overboard and cleanup.

Isabel returns to the house and reluctantly tells her story to Valeria. She says that in the boat, Andrés attacked her, lost his balance and fell in. She waited around but he didn't surface. Valeria wants Gonzalo to search but Isabel doesn't want to do anything or tell anyone what happened.

It looks like Andrés comes back to kill Isabel but it is just a dream.

Simon manages to get Isabel's address book from Rebeca. PJ/S and Simon decide to go to the house where Isabel and Valeria are staying.

Abigail catches Rebeca fondling PJ/S's old chauffeur uniform. Then she throws it on the floor and stomps on it.

Gonzalo finds Andrés but he's a floater.

Isabel comes up with a story for the police to that Andrés left the house without she or Valeria being aware of it and then committed suicide. Valeria reluctantly agrees to support this version of events.
Rebeca goes to see Cantalicia and tells her not to give up on PJ/S.

PJ/S and Simon arrive at the house. Isabel tells them that Andrés is dead. PJ/S goes to see the body (those are his excellently tailored legs.)

PJ/S has a flashback to Isabel saying that she is willing to do anything for love. "You had the guts to do it," says PJ/S, "You murdered him."

Labels: cuerpo
I don't know who's crazier, Andres or Isabel. But boy can she swing those paddles? Just one nitpick though; did no one noticed all those nasty bruises Andres got from being hit?
Why is PJ/S so surprised that Isabel did it? He drives her crazy with sex then gives her an ultimatum. That's pretty powerful motivation. Of course now that leaves the little matter of happily ever after with Valeria. Too bad she wouldn't go for a threesome. Then again, I don't think Isa likes to share.
On a related note, I'm in LT withdrawal. Please, please update soon?
CC - Valeria did notice the bruises and asked Isabel about them. Isabel said he must have gotten whacked against a pier or something when he tried to get out. Having said that, the body is still in police custody, so they obviously suspect something. No idea on whether they'll figure it out or not.
Well Isa's gone ahead and off'd Andres. PJ/S seems to have a hard time believing that she went through with it. Plus he's probably feeling the guilt for encouraging her to do it.
Unbelievable... Anybody else finding it hard to like anyone in this show anymore? I was getting used to sympathizing with Isabel as a victim (sort of), but her stupidity here sort of ends that. PJ/S's manipulation of her makes him little better than her & Andres. I had to agree with Gaetana, who when told of the circumstances surrounding Andres' death asked PJ/S, "Where is your conscience?"
Jean, I think we have to start calling you "Scherezade" (sp?). Seems your serial LT recaps have everyone begging for more! :-) You should be justifably proud of your work. What a public service you're providing!
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