Monday, February 16, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Mon., Feb. 16 - It's Mother vs Daughter for the hacienda and Santos- the trial begins

Santos drags DB off to talk to her alone.
Melesio tells the terneras about how he gave a serenata to his future wife and got a shower of water. Altagracia thinks it would be romantic to receive a serenata. Bartolo hears this and runs off to oblige.
DB asks if Santos has any shame. Her bed is still warm from his body and he's rolling around with DB's daughter. Santos replies that now she wants to call Marisela her daughter while for her whole life she denied Marisela affection and insulted her. DB says that Marisela seduced Santos with her sad story. Santos says that on the contrary, it is he who is pursuing Marisela and she, who out of loyalty to DB, is trying to keep her distance.
Marisela finishes teaching her class but she is thinking about Santos singing to her.
Los Mondragon and BP try to provoke the Altamira vaqueros into a fight.
Santos asks what Marisela did to make DB hate her so much since the day she was born. DB says that the only person she wants to give a child to is him. Santos says that it's too late for that. She destroyed his love and his confidence. DB says that he is lying and that Santos never loved her. It was all a lie. Once again Santos tells her how he loved and desired her until it all disappeared as quickly as it had arrived. He says that the day it happened was when Marisela refused the gift of DB's hacienda. Santos says that right then he knew that DB had done something to keep Marisela from accepting the hacienda. DB says that whatever Marisela told him about that is a lie. Santos says that now she has confirmed that she manipulated the situation so that Marisela would refuse the gift.
Don Encarnación tells Antonio that they still don't know who poisoned the cattle. Antonio says that he is sure that it was DB but DE points out that Juan Primito won't talk. It could have been Fausto Borrego. Antonio replies that this type of sabotage is typical of DB. Antonio says that he has a plan to get the information from JP.
DB tells Santos that he betrayed her. She believes that he persuaded her to agree to the cession of La Barquereña with kisses and promises of love. Then he ended it with her and went after Marisela. DB says that he and Marisela will pay for their betrayal and Marisela will pay the higher price because Marisela is a worse monster than DB. DB tells Santos to enjoy her daughter while he can because she believes it won't be for long. Santos asks if she is threatening him. "Take it any way you want," says DB.
El Sapo seduces the judge who will preside over the hearing on the transfer of the estate with pretty girls in what appears to be a luxurious resort. The judge says that he is all ears to what El Sapo wants.

Fausto gets jumped by DB's men. DB says that she wants the truth from him.

Santos comes to Cecilia's house to talk to Marisela. He tells Marisela about the fence incident and that DB threatened her. He says that DB half confessed to him that she pressured Marisela to refuse the gift of La Barquereña. He wants to know what DB threatened Marisela with. Marisela refuses to tell him. She says that she isn't sure that she wants to continue with the fight for La Barquereña. She feels sorry for DB. Santos tells her that she has to continue. He says that DB is a person who only knows how to use force on other people no matter who they are, even her own daughter.
DB tells Fausto that all those who have tried to betray or fool her aren't around to talk about it. Fausto says that he hasn't done anything. At that moment, someone comes along and Fausto makes his escape. DB says that Fausto won't talk. They'll have to kill him but it's not the right time.
Antonio finds JP. At first JP thinks that Antonio is going to take him to jail again. He calls for help but Antonio reassures him that he won't hurt him. Antonio tries to trick JP into saying who ordered him to get the DDT by playing the 'hotter/colder' ('frio-frio caliente-caliente') game. Unfortunately for Antonio, JP isn't stupid enough to reveal what he knows by playing the game.

Santos tells Marisela that he is glad that she remembers all the things DB did to her because if their positions were reversed, DB wouldn't hesitate to take everything from Marisela. Marisela says that she knows this but she can't avoid remembering that DB is her mother. She can't help thinking that maybe DB is incapable of feeling anything for anyone. Santos takes the opportunity of changing the subject. He wants to talk about his feelings for Marisela. Marisela replies that she wants Santos to tell her about his former feelings for Luisana and DB.
Josefa gives DB the picture of his boss that Fausto left there. DB does not recognize the man in the photo.
Marisela says that Santos is like a weathervane (veleta). Every days he wakes up loving another woman, the first one who walks in front of him. She asks if he is a Don Juan? Santos squirms uncomfortably and tells her not to say that. "I love you," he says, "The truth is that I love you." Marisela asks Santos to leave her alone and forget about her forever. "You want me to do all that? OK. Then tell me that you don't love me. Tell me that." Marisela tells him to stop saying stupid things. "Fine," says Santos, "I agree. I won't come near you but you will know about me every day, every single day. You will see, Marisela." He leaves. Marisela tells Cecilia that nothing happened between them.
Santos has a low opinion of Antonio's attempt to get information out of JP. Carmelito calls them and shows them the empty DDT cans that he found behind the house. Santos and Antonio wonder who could have put them there. Santos concludes that someone is trying to drive Santos and Antonio apart. He doesn't think it could be DB.
And it isn't DB. It was BP on Fausto's orders. BP is doubtful that Santos' friendship with Antonio could be broken by putting the cans there. Fausto says that doesn't matter. What is going to happen will cause Santos and Antonio to suspect each other. When they least expect it, Santos' organization of the cattlemen will be destroyed.
DB is packing up to go to San Fernando to get a lawyer to protect what is hers. She repeats that she thinks that Santos wants her hacienda to enjoy it with her daughter. She says that Marisela isn't going to get her hacienda if it costs her life.
Genoveva and Gervasia are teasing Marisela about the serenata when she gets a telegram.
DB gets one too and it sets the date for the trial about the hacienda.
We have a time passing montage of scenes. DB hires a lawyer, Andrés neglects his wife to study the law, María Nieves tries to steal a kiss from Altagracia, Santos tutors Andrés, Antonio plays with Toñito, DB shows her gun and her money to her lawyer, Marisela finds a daily rose and note from Santos

and Bartolo gives a serenata to Altagracia.

DB's counsel makes his opening statement saying that DB owns La Barquereña legally and Marisela's claim should fail.
Mujica gets a telegram. He tells Acosta that, "this is the kind of thing that drags me down into an ontological and existencial doubt comparable only to that of Hamlet. To do it or not to do it? I will do it. This man has already had too many misfortunes."
Mujica comes to see Pernalete at the moment when he is trying to walk again.

Mujica says that he can't walk. He has to be in bad shape. Mujica says that the new government is investigating the corrupt officials of the former regime. They have asked for Pernalete's file and if he sends it, they will want to know if he is capable of being tried and sent to prison for life. Federica and Josefa tell Pernalete to stay in his wheelchair.
DB's lawyer calls Santos as his first witness.

Labels: barbara
I enjoyed Santos scene with DB. He really made his point that he DID love her very much and that what killed his love was realizing that she'd pressured Marisela into renouncing the hacienda. He didn't say it, but I remember how thrilled and happy he was when he thought she was giving the hacienda to Marisela.
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