Sunday, February 15, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Feb. 12 - Santos gives Marisela a serenata
As Juan Primito is led to the cells, DB protests that everyone knows that wretch is incabable of harming anyone. Antonio responds that JP knows who ordered him to buy the stuff at the hardware store and that is what they want to find out. Antonio goes on to tell DB that everyone in Progresso knows that she steals land and cattle. DB protests that she has been the victim of cattle theft and now cattle poisoning, too. She demands that Mujica come and see her poisoned, dead cattle just like Don Encarnación's.
We see Melquíades preparing to poison DB's cattle. He says that sometimes you have sacrifice two to win four. (Since he isn't using DDT but some poison plant, let's hope CSI Progresso can figure out that the cattle poisonings were done differently.)
DB demands that Mujica come to her hacienda to inspect the dead cattle. Antonio wants Mujica to interrogate JP. DE says that the two things can be done at the same time. As president of the cattlemen's association, Santos should be there. Naturally, DB doesn't see why Santos should be present. She suggests that Fausto Borrego and his boss are responsible for the poisoning. Antonio says that the only one who knows something is JP and he demands that Mujica question him unless, like the former jefe civil, Mujica is protecting someone. Mujica denies this indignantly. He says that he is an incorruptible public official. He orders that JP be brought in.
Marisela and Santos between kisses-
M: What are we doing?
S: I believe we are kissing.
M: Why?
S: Because I owed you these kisses a long time ago and I want to bring my accounts up to date.
Don't you remember the saying that, "he who wants to kiss, look for the mouth?" I find these lips delicious and I don't want to stop kissing.
M: I never imagined it would be this way.
S: What way?
M: You're melting me.
Pajarote asks Genoveva if she really doesn't remember what happened yesterday. She replies that she doesn't know what he is talking about.
Antonio asks JP who ordered him to buy the stuff at the hardware store. He doesn't answer and when Antonio threatens to have him taken to the cells again, he cowers behind DB.
Marisela and Santos between kisses-
M: It's hot isn't is it? Why am I sweating so much?
S: Because love is like that, Marisale. It always gives off a lot of heat. And the more you love, the more heat is generated. You are all smiles and beautiful.
M: Um hm. We shouldn't.
S: You don't want me to kiss you?
M: The Virgin... She is looking at us.
S: Oh, You're right. That's too bad. Excuse us, ok? (They move away.)
Los Mandragon and BP discuss how JP was taken to the police headquarters. They are sure that after the way that they threatened him, he won't say anything. DB comes and orders Los Mondragon to leave the bar.
Antonio comes to Cecilia's house to see his baby and tells Casilda that he feels bad that he had JP arrested.
DB lashes out (literally) at Los Mondragon for being so stupid to involve JP in the cattle poisoning. Leon says that they are sure JP won't talk after the the way they threatened him. DB says that if JP talks, Los Mondragon will go to jail and she won't protect them. They will have to pay for all their crimes. Leon replies that if she abandons them, they will have no choice but to say that they poisoned the cattle on her orders.
Marisela and Santos between kisses-
M: Santos? I wanted you so much. I woke up at night dreaming about you... But no, no. We shouldn't. I don't think this is good.
S: Right, I know. All this has been confusing and abrupt even for me. But I love you and that's the only thing. Marisela, do you want it?
M: Hmm?
S: Do you want me to love you (Quieres que te ame)? [I assume this means he is asking if she wants to have sex.]
M: Yes.. No, I don't know. I can't think about that now. Don't do this to me, please. I can't decide.
S: Only you can decide this and I want you to be very aware of what we are doing. You are an innocent and pure person. You know nothing of life and I can never take advantage of my experience.
M: That is incredibly arrogant. Are you going to give me classes in this? Are you going to tell me how proper ladies should kiss?
S: Well, you have to realize that, well, in this matter, I have a little more knowledge than you, right? The logical thing is that I would be your guide, as always.
M: As if it were so difficult to learn to do this. For your information, Santos, I learn very quickly in this and in everything I decide to do.
S: Oh really?
M: Yes. I could give you some classes on how I want you to kiss me. Because it's not as if you kiss that well.
S: No? You don't like how I kiss? Well you pretended very well because you were quite passionate. And how would you suggest that you want to be kisssed?
M: Like this..
They kiss passionately.
[Once again, something has been skipped during the credits and commercial because when we come back, Marisela is angry at Santos.]
M:.. take me to the poza and make love to me like you did with her?
S: Fine. I swear that I will never take you to the poza.
M: It's not the poza, animal. It's you! You use the same words, the same kisses. Since I am the daughter, you can fall in the love the easy way, right? Only I'm younger, stupider.
S: Listen to me, sunshine...
M: Don't call me that! Hypocrite! What did you call her: my moon, my star, what?
S: I didn't call her anything like that. Stop comparing yourself to your mother. You are very different from her. What I feel for you is also very different.
M: But you said the same thing to me that she said you would say.
S: What did you say?
M: Oh forget it! It isn't worth repeating. Don't you understand that we can't be together? You were my mother's man. You and I together is disgusting. It's sick. Stop bothering me Santos. I don't want to know from you!
Santos is confused.

DB tells Los Mondragon that as usual, she will have to take care of things so that their crime is not discovered. Leon says that it is right that she should watch out for them so that they can watch out for her.
Cecilia tells Marisela that JP has been arrested.
Antonio tells Santos about JP and Santos wonders what DB gains by doing this.
DB shows Mujica her dead cattle. She endeavors to divert attention from means to motives. She suggests that Fausto Borrego's boss had motive. How better to get control of the haciendas than by ruining their owners? She tells him to investigate Borrego and his people and release JP right away.
Marisela demands that Acosta release JP. Santos comes in and they argue about who should be getting JP out of jail. She says that she doesn't need him to resolve her problems. Mujica returns and tells Santos and Marisela that JP won't speak and since he won't cooperate, there is nothing that Mujica can do.
Marisela comes to see JP. He says that it is dark and cold and he is afraid.

Marisela says that she wants to help him but he had to tell her the truth. She asks if it was DB who ordered him to buy the cans. JP says that it wasn't DB. Marisela asks him to tell her who it was but JP can't speak.
Los Mondragon are worried about JP talking. Melquíades listens. They suggest that they should kill JP and ask to borrow Melquíades' blowpipe. [I've now learned the word for blowpipe, cerbatana. I'm sure it will come in very handy in conversation.] Melquíades tells Los Mondragon not to be idiots.
Mujica tells Santos and DB that he can't do anything. DE and Antonio have made a complaint against JP. Antonio comes in and withdraws the charges.
JP is realeased.
Santos and Antonio -
S: Of course I'm confused. Marisela is driving me crazy. We were kissing and and she jumped up like a wild animal and began to insult me because I said something to her that I had once said to DB. I don't know what she wants me to say. They are the same words. I can't invent a special language for Marisela. She's right. It isn't good what I want from her. I was her mother's significant other and that is immoral. I don't recognize myself. Me, with a juris doctor, Santos Luzardo, the different Luzardo, pursuing a minor. What happened? I'm not that way. I have a moral code and values. I'm sick. I'm crazy. That's what I am. I fell in love with the mother and now I'm hitting on the daughter. It's not normal. There's something wrong in my head, Antonio. The best thing is to leave things as they are and not go near Marisela. That 's what I'm going to do. That's it. I'll forget about her and leave her in peace. I've lost her, Antonio. I've lost my sunshine forever. Why are you looking at me like that? What's the matter?

A: What's the matter with your class of people? You are idiots, cowards. What does ethics and morality have to do with love? I listen to you and its as if I was listening to Cecilia: the same fears, prejudices and stupidities. Antonio tells Santos that Marisela is the first woman who hasn't fallen at his feet. He has to fight for her.
DB tells JP that he has done very well. She tells him that as a reward he can have whatever he wants. He says that he wants to go to the city so that he can come back nice and intelligent like the 'girl of his eyes.' Naturally, this does not go over too well with DB.
In her closet, Marisela finds one of her old dresses that she wore when Santos first came to Altamira and the terneras gave her a bath so he would find her clean and pretty but thanks to Danger, she got all dirty. "Santos, I fell in love with you from the first moment. I fought so much for your love. I dreamed so much about your kiss. Now that we have kissed, you make me so angry. You make my body tingle so much all over that I think I am going to faint. I have to be strong. Santos won't win me over so easily." She says that if Santos really loves her, he will fight for me like she fought for him. As the saying goes, "If you want a blue sky, it will cost you."
Santos asks Antonio if he thinks that Marisela will relent one day. Antonio tells Santos that it won't be easy. Marisela has a little Luzardo blood. She can be very stubborn. Santos has to attack the fortress with tactics and strategy. Antonio says that the battle will be hard but Marisela is worth it. "Marisela deserves an all out war, Antonio," says Santos and raises his bottle in a toast, "To good wars!"
Mujica is stressed out from his job and hasn't been able to get his little birdie to fly for Federica on several occasions.

DB catches Mujica with his fly down.

DB tells him that while he is not doing his job Josefa and Federica are doing theirs. DB tells them that she wants all the information they can get about Fausto and especially who his boss is.
Santos tells Antonio that he will take the fortress (fortaleza) by attack (asalto), by seige (asedio) from all sides (por todos los flancos). Antonio says that he knows the theory but in practice he was the worst. The Altamira vaqueros and the ternera husbands come in. Cósme tells Santos that he has bought the materials to complete the fence. Antonio offers a toast to Santos' victory against the fortress. Santos does not want his love life to be discussed but Pajarote says that they have known about him and Marisela for a long time. They drink to Marisela.
Marisela tells Cecilia that she wishes she could be the innocent girl she was when she wore that dress. Cecilia says that Marisela is all woman beautiful and educated (culta) but she can't fool Cecilia. At base, she is the same little girl that Cecilia met at Alatmira. Marisela says that she isn't the same. She is confused and defensive and every day she believes less in love. Cecilia laughs and says that is the biggest lie she ever heard. Marisela loves Santos. Marisela tells Cecilia about kissing Santos at the shrine of the Virgin of the Tree Bark. But she says that was the last time.
Melquíades is spying on Fausto and sees him go into the whorehouse with Josefa. Then he sees Santos with flowers, musicians and a bunch of drunk guys.
Melquíades tells DB about Fausto and then he volunteers that he saw Santos on the way to Cecilia's house to give Marisela a serenata.
Santos comes to Cecilia's house. He announces that he loves Marisela. He loves her more than anything and without her, his life means nothing. For that reason, he has brought her some flowers and is asking her to be his girlfriend (novia). Cecilia wakes Marisela up saying that she has never seen Santos sing in her life. Santos sings to Marisela. (I don't think that was his voice or if it was, it had been recorded earlier and he was lip synching.)

Labels: barbara
Antonio hit the nail on the head - Santos is used to women falling at his feet. He'll value Marisela more if he has to fight for her. Good advice on the serenade, but maybe too much drinking before. Wasn't Christian a singer before he did the novelas? Nice turn in the story...
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