Saturday, February 14, 2009
El Cuerpo del Deseo, Wed. & Thurs., Feb, 4 & 5 - Reaction is mostly negative to the announcement of PJ/S and Isabel's engagement
Isabel and PJ/S announce to the other residents of the Donoso house that they are getting married. The rest of the episode is everyone's reaction to that news. Their reactions are negative ranging from Rebeca and Simón who are vehemently against it to doubt and confusion from others. Only Antonio tries to defend PJ/S.
Here he gets the call from Isabel to come to the house.

PJ/S tells Gaetana that everyone is against him now.

Rebeca is inconsolable and Walter tries to turn her grief into hate.

Antonio goes to see PJ/S. In spite of being warned that surprises were coming, Antonio is concerned about PJ/S's behavior. PJ/S advises him that worse is to come.

Rebeca comes to see Cantalicia and is about to take her to tell her story to Isabel when Felipe interrupts them. He throws Rebeca out.

Rebeca goes to see PJ/S and calls him (right out on the loading dock with Simón watching) an opportunist and tells him to leave Isabel alone. PJ/S points out to her that when she wanted to marry him, she didn't feel that way. She threatens to tell Isabel about his sordid past. PJ/S says that is ok with him.

Rebeca asks to borrow Walter's gun.

PJ/S tries to explain his conduct to Ángela (who looks so much better and more mature without the bright yellow eye shadow) but she doesn't understand or trust what he is doing marrying her enemy right after he threw Valeria over.

Driving home, PJ/S gets the spasms of pain that indicate that Salvador wants his body back. "Not again, please God," begs PJ/S.

Labels: cuerpo
Marie Celeste - Rebeca on the shipping dock was too much. As a matter of fact, I've had enough of Tia Rebeca. I don't need any more scenes with her for the rest of the novela.
Happy Valentines Day everyone.
Can someone who understands Spanish and has seen the bloopers please explain to me the scene between Mario and the psychiatrist Isabel calls to the reception? It sounds like someone's talking in the background but I have no idea what's so funny.
Actually, I'd love to know what happens in most of the bloopers. They look hilarious but I can't enjoy them. Oh well, if someone ever translates them, let me know.
A bunch of my cousins and I made a fake novela in homage to all telenovelas this past Christmas holiday. We hope all fans of novelas will enjoy!
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