Saturday, April 18, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Fri., Apr. 17- For Santos, it's one lie and you're outta here for Marisela
Santos ties the furious DB up to a chair and Dr. Árias takes a blood sample.
Marisela tells Gonzalo that it is over between them. She says that she tried to love him but she couldn't. She gives Gonzalo his ring back and leaves.
DB threatens to kill Dr. Árias if he does the test. The doctor tells Santos the results of the test: DB is not pregnant. DB says that it's a lie. Santos calls her the most despicable person he has ever met and walks out of the doctor's office leaving her tied to a chair.
Celeste's not very vigilant brothers and cousins finally notice that she didn't come to dinner and isn't in her room. They go to find out where she is.
In a great scene, a furious Santos returns to Altamira, dumps all of DB's stuff into a bedspread and throws it off the balcony. He is even mean to Eustaquia. DB arrives and tries to explain but Santos won't listen. He says that both she and Eustaquia lied and deceived him. [I love the camera angle of this shot.]
Marisela gives Genoveva her job and says that she is going to be with Santos.
María Nieves, Carmelito and Cósme find fault with the way Pajarote has handled the situation with Genoveva. When MN tells Pajarote that he has been like a 'dog without a master' ('perro sin dueño') about Geno, Pajarote denies that he is in love. He says that he had a good time with Geno and he would think about her for hours or days afterwards but he isn't in love. Gervasia arrives with lunch for the workers.
The Mondragons find Celeste at the hotel being given advice about men from Federica and Josefa. They demand to know who she was with.
Cecilia advises Antonio to consult with his lawyer about the DE situation. They run into Marisela who says that she is going back to Altamira.
DB tells Santos that Marisela knew that DB lost her baby. Santos says that it is impossible that Marisela would lie to him. Having found a weak point, she presses it and says that she gave birth to Marisela so they are the same and they both lied to him. She, Eustaquia, Melquíades and Juan Primito leave Altamira.
Marisela explains to Antonio and Cecilia why she didn't tell the truth about DB to Santos. Antonio tells Marisela that Santos is going to be furious that she lied to him.
Gervasia and Carmelito have a conversation about how wonderful their future will be. [I hope I'm wrong but this suggests to me that Carmelito is going to get killed.]
Los Mondragon come for Pajarote. Carmelito and the other vaqueros drive them off. MN tells Pajarote to keep his zipper closed ('mantén la bragueta cerrada') and not to push his luck ('no le busques la quinta pata al gato,' literally, 'don't look for the fifth leg on the cat'). He asks if there aren't enough women in town that he has to shack up with Celeste.
Gonzalo yells at Genoveva for transferring a call to him when he had told her not to. He calls her a stupid peasant ('campesina bruta'). Antonio overhears. He tells Gonzalo not to insult Marisela or his friend Santos.
DB et al return to El Miedo. Melquíades tells DB that she should have let him kill Santos. DB says that she doesn't want Santos dead; she wants him by her side. Eustaquia says that she can't believe it's the same old song again. DB says that if Santos won't come back of his own free will, she' ll get him back the hard way. She says that everything that has happened has been Sapo's fault. If she hadn't lost her baby, Santos would be with her now. Melquíades asks what the plan is. DB says that before anything else, she wants vengeance. She wants Sapo's head at her feet.
Gonzalo asks if Santos deserves respect after what happened at the Governor's conference. Antonio says that he doesn't care about Gonzalo's personal problems but he should not insult Santos or Marisela when Antonio is present. If he continues, Antonio will resign his position.
DB has changed into her black lace up corset thingy so we know that she back to her old evil self. I don't think we'll see her knitting again. She and Melquíades go in search of her employees who are missing from the hacienda.
Marisela returns to Altamira and Altagracia tells her that Santos threw DB out and that he found out that both DB and Marisela had lied to him about DB's pregnancy. Marisela finds Santos and explains why she didn't tell him the truth. "You," says Santos, "the person that I trusted the most, the woman that I love. You lied." Marisela asks him to forgive her.
Facundo finds Los Mondragon in the bar. He asks them to choose between 'the old witch' (la vieja bruja') or the 'Don' in the war that is coming. Mujica overhears and scurries off.
Gonzalo says that he won't talk about Santos or Marisela any more. Antonio says that he is ready to go back to work. Gonzalo gives him a payment order. Antonio says that he can't sign it. He has already signed one for the same thing.
Mujica comes to where Pernalete is sitting with Federica's 'chocolatito'. He tells him about Facundo's appearance in Progresso and that Sapo has declared war on DB and they had all better find somewhere to hide.
Facundo tells Los Mondragon that only those who are with Sapo will survive the coming war. DB appears and holds Facundo at gunpoint. She says that Facundo is one of the men who sent the hacienda on fire. She has has been loyal to Los Mondragon and protected them from those who were persecuting them. Now they have to decide if they are with her or with El Sapo. If they betray her, she will find them wherever they hide. You can see the tiny Mondgragon brains trying to figure out which will be the winning side.
Marisela tries to get Santos to say something. She tells him that he was right. She has broken up with Gonzalo. Santos tells her that she did wrong. She should go back to Gonzalo. As a pair of traitors, they make a great couple. He says that Marisela has broken his heart. He can never trust her again. He tells her to leave. Poor Marisela is impactada.
Labels: barbara
The vaqueros are right. Pajarote needs to keep it in his pants. What does he plan to do? get all the slutty women in town pregnant? Then Geno will never take him back.
I thought that Eustaquia deserved to be called a liar. I know she's DB's co-dependant, but she's defended her actions or looked the other way too many times. I suppose my sympathy for DB reached it's limit a long time ago. She chose the path she's on.
Yikes, I hopw nothing happens to Carmelito. I felt the storm clouds move in when he was talking about their future.
Jean, great title, cause Santos sets really high standards. ;-} Of course he leads by example...
I didn't find Santos' coldness very believable. Not that Christian didn't do a good acting job, but it's too rapid a switch from weeks of begging for Marisela to acknowledge she loves him to cold disdain. And the lie that she told was an understandable one. She had concern about her mother's mental health. She was not covering up anything bad she herself had done. Please, please, I hope this doesn't mean another engagement with Gonzalo.
Al fin Antonio realizes that he can't just sign everything Gonzalo gives him!
I also meant to comment that it's great fun to see DB threatening Facundo and the Mondragones, being her old bad self once again. When this is directed at the evil guys, I love it!
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