Sunday, April 05, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Fri., Apr. 3 - DB's delusional state is a sore trial to everyone at Altamira; Sapo has a plan to discredit Santos
Antonio tells Lucía that Cecilia has come to be with her in the hospital while Antonio is investigating what happened in Progresso.
Eustaquia asks why Marisela has a sad face. She wonders if she is suffering for love.

Her delusion that she is still pregnant has made DB behave very sweetly towards everyone. She makes Santos feel how the baby is kicking and starts talking about names. Santos is very uncomfortable and his happy to escape when Carmelito comes to say that there are guards all over the place. When he is gone, DB says that Altamira needs to be filled with flowers.
Gonzalo tells Sapo that by attacking El Miedo, he put his foot in it big time ('fue una gran metida de pata'). He says that Santos suspects him but has no proof. Sapo complains that DB sent someone to kill him at point-blank range ('a quemarropa,' literally, 'at clothes-burning'). Gonzalo says that Sapo has to be smarter and that Gonzalo is the only one who can help him. When Gonzalo says that he isn't going to go down with Sapo, Sapo angrily replies that no one talks to him like that.

Costa tells Santos that Gonzalo sent the guards to make sure nothing happens at Altamira.
Gonzalo is doing pretty well with Sapo until Sapo suggests that eliminating Santos would benefit his relationship with Marisela. Gonzalo goes off on Sapo about how Marisela is sacred to him. As Sapo tells Facundo later, now he knows Gonzalo's weak point - Marisela. Gonzalo says that he wants to get rid of Santos ('sacarlo del juego,' literally, 'take him out of the game') but now isn't a good time, maybe later.
María Nieves takes Altagracia to the caney for some lovin' but they find Pajarote asleep there and can't wake him up.
DB comes to the kitchen at Altamira and tells Gervasia and Altagracia that she wants them to make something special for dinner tonight and to get out the best china. When they protest that the best china is only used for Christmas and big parties, she says that she is having an important family party that night.
Gonzalo tells Sapo that he will have to help him indirectly. He can't give orders to the guards not to do their duty. If he is suspected of collaborating with Sapo, the whole thing will fall apart ('se nos va todo al traste'). Sapo agrees and says that he will proceed with Plan B - buying haciendas and moving his merchandise over land. Sapo says that the Cattlemen's Association led by Santos is preventing the hacienda owners from selling to him. Gonzalo says that they will have to discredit the Association and Santos. Sapo says that he will take care of that. He will pillory Santos in public ('ponerse en la picota publica'). Gonzalo asks Sapo why he hates DB so much and Sapo replies that he has an account to settle with her.
DB is telling Genoveva and Gervasia to buy flowers when Marisela comes into the kitchen. Geno tells Marisela that DB is telling them what to do as if she were the mistress (señora) of Altamira. "But that is what I am," replies DB, "and what is more important, the mother of Santos' child, or not?" Marisela acknowledges that DB is the señora of Altamira and can give orders but she says that DB is pale and should lie down. DB says that she is fine. When she leaves the kitchen Gervasia says that DB is being very nice and when Gervasia was at El Miedo, DB was never like that. Marisela agrees that something weird has been going on with DB since yesterday.
Gonzalo tells Antonio that he has his full support in the investigation of the attack on El Miedo.
Santos is telling Carmelito that he is ok with having the police at Altamira after what happened at El Miedo when Marisela comes in and asks to speak to him. He calls her 'my love' and she tells him to stop. Santos says that he will never stop calling her his love even when they are very old. Marisela tells him that DB is acting very strangely like she is in another world. Marisela says that DB isn't ok.
Sapo tells Facundo that he underestimated Gonzalo. Gonzalo showed Sapo his errors and suggested another way to proceed that he hadn't thought of. Sapo says that he will use Gonzalo until he doesn't need him anymore. It will be very easy to get rid of him because he has a weakness - Marisela.
Santos asks Marisela why the house is full of flowers and ornaments. She replies that DB ordered it. DB comes downstairs to say that they are going to celebrate her rebirth. They are going to celebrate how her daughter and the man she loves rescued her from certain death and how better to celebrate than with her family.
There follows the weirdest dinner where DB is super nice and friendly to everyone, even Antonio and everybody at the table is wondering what the hell is going on.

Cecilia tells Lucía about her romance with Antonio when she was fifteen and how they became friends again before he died. When Cecilia is ready to leave, Lucía tells her how at night her worries about her baby multiply. Cecilia tells her that happens to all mothers but she should only think of how beautiful her baby will be with Lucía's fair skin and her father's green eyes.

The weird dinner culminates with DB asking Marisela and Antonio to be the godparents of her and Santos' baby. Santos chokes on his wine and Marisela leaves the table to see how Eustaquia is doing.
Antonio and Mujica interview Marisela and Santos about what happened on the night of the attack.
Melquíades comes to see DB. He says that he has been watching the borders of Altamira. DB tells him not to bother. Santos and Marisela are taking care of her. She tells him to go to El Miedo and start rebuilding it but but slowly. She wants to stay at Altamira until her baby is born. Melquíades is impactado. When she leaves the room, he says that DB has to get better. He doesn't like to see her like this.
A flunky of Sapo tells Néstor and Andrés that Santos is stealing from the Cattlemen's Association. He gives them proof of his accusations.

Melquíades is interviewed by Santos, Antonio and Mujica. He says that he heard that El Miedo was going to be attacked but he didn't see who was talking. Santos tells Melquíades to tell them what he knows. Santos says that is the only way to help DB. Melquíades says that the only way Santos can help DB is to stay with her and keep her company.

Marisela brings DB some jello because she heard it was good for babies.

While DB is eating it, Santos' investigation team comes to ask her who it was who tried to kill her.
Eustagquia tells Melquíades that she is sure that DB is pretending to continue to be pregnant to get Santos. Melquíades says that he doesn't believe that it is a stunt (payasada, from payaso, a clown). He says that it isn't his 'Doña' speaking to him. She has a sweet look ('los ojos blandos') and a smile like a silly little girl ('una muchachita boba'). He says that his Doña isn't there anymore.
DB tells Santos et al that she has no idea who tried to kill her and when they press, she says that she is sleepy and lies down on the bed.
Santos tells Antonio how frustrated he is that DB won't tell them who it was who attacked El Miedo. He says that he can't stand having her around at Altamiara disarranging everything. He has an idea and leaves the room. Antonio tells Mujica that he wants to interview Sapo.
Facundo reports to Sapo on the smear campaign against Santos. Sapo says that they have to invent more horrible things to accuse Santos of.
Juan Primito is at El Miedo getting clothes for Eustaquia when he finds the famous picture of the rapists. He recognizes the men and wonders what the picture is doing in Eustaquia's trunk.
Santos asks Carmelito, María Nieves and the other Altamira vaqueros to repair El Miedo so that DB can leave Altamira as soon as possible. Marisela comes in and asks if Santos is kicking DB out of his house.
DB comes into Eustaquia's room with a pillow or something under her nightgown that makes her look about to deliver. She asks Eustaquia if she isn't the prettiest mother she in the world.

Labels: barbara
Eustaquia has surprised me with her insensitivity to Marisela. A while back Eustaquia suggests Marisela should 'leave' Santo for DB's happiness. Now, she wonders if Marisela is suffering for love - ouch.
The way that Gonzalo continues to act and the information we've gotten recently, has me thinking that he was a 'bad guy' from the beginning. That is, he was always more interested in power than democracy and jealous of Santos.
I had some doubts about DB's miscarriage and niceness. But, if Melquiades think the Dona isn't there anymore, well...
This one is entitled “El Espanto de la Sabana” (the terror of the Savannah). Incidentally we have an ongoing joke in my Spanish class. The word sabana is used a lot in the novel, since this is part of the terrain in Venezuela where it takes place. Of course there is another word: sábana, which means sheet. You have to pronounce sabana perfectly for it not to come out as sheet instead of savannah. In the beginning some of us placed an accent where there was none, inadvertently saying that there were lots of birds on the sheet! Now, we all say the word correctly, with much vocal emphasis, and everyone laughs every time the word comes up in the text.
OK. The first sentence of this chapter is a marvelous one. A Melquíades podían tenerlo trabajando todo el año sin paga, siempre que fuera en hacerle daño a alguien; pero en cualquiera otra actividad, por bien recompensada que fuese, se aburría muy pronto. You could work Melquíades a whole year without pay as long as the work involved harming someone; but he soon got bored with any other activity, no matter how well you paid him.
This chapter involves also the source of M’s nickname: El Brujeador. The novel says that the most innocent of the occupations he did for DB was horse hunting at night. This involved surprising the wild herds sleeping at night on the savannah, then constantly pursuing them, sometimes for several days and nights, eventually driving them into a corral (disguised by bushes) from which they could not escape. Because M was known to be a brujo or sorcerer and because he introduced this method of capturing horses, this hunting at night came to be called brujeando, and he was called El Brujeador.
On the night in question, M is approached by Balbino Paiba telling him that DB wants him to pursue a herd in a certain region. M is very suspicious of any order from Paiba, knowing him for the crook he is. To confirm this, Paiba asks if M could put a few of those horses in a certain corral. M knows this is where he keeps livestock he steals from DB. M refuses. Then he sets off, having his horse at the moderate trot that can go on all night. He finds the herd. The description of M driving these horses is wonderful. There’s a full moon, which somehow makes M appear as an elongated dark shadow to the horses, frightening them into running away from him. He lets them get a bit ahead. They think they’re safe and lie down. But then he appears again and they have to keep running. Finally, just at daybreak he succeeds in driving the stallion toward the hidden corral. To be sure they go in, he stampedes them, shouting and rushing towards them. At the last minute the stallion, Cabos Negros, sees the trap and gets away with two fillies. M thinks he’s the most beautiful horse he’s ever seen and thinks he will return for his mares and he’ll be able to catch him.
But Cabos Negros is described as pausing only long enough to engrave the image of that man into his memory and gallops away in a rage. After running away for a while he spies another herd. He runs up neighing loudly, announcing the challenge to the other stallion. There’s a tremendously described horse fight with hooves and teeth (martillazo de la dentillada del rucio en el aire – the loud sound of the gray horse’s teeth snapping viciously). Cabos Negros wins the fight, and unites his fillies with the rest of his new herd. Melquíades returns some nights later hoping to catch the horse, but Cabos Negros doesn’t get fooled and in fact fools M. M goes back to DB telling her that this seems like an evil omen to him, and DB agrees.
I'm looking forward to reading the novel, but I can tell it's going to be a slow read for me...
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