Friday, April 17, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Apr. 17 - Santos suspects that DB isn't pregnant anymore; Pajarote lets the bottle and his litle birdie make a stupid decison

[The online NBC/Telemundo calendar indicates that DB is not going to end before the end of May.]

Deceitfully delusional DB tells Marisela that she thinks Santos has another woman and she can't live without her man.

Genoveva tells Pajarote that until he changes his tomcatting ways (escoba con falda) she doesn't want anything to do with him. He says that he won't change on her orders.

Cecilia tells Antonio that he has to leave. It doesn't look good that they are together so soon after Lucía's death. They musn't give Don Encarnación any ammunition.

It looks like Melesio's visit to DE didn't do the trick. He has hired the shady lawyer who represented DB in the case of the transfer of the hacienda. He says that they have to ruin Antonio's reputation.

Marisela reassures DB that there is no other woman in Santos' life.

Marisela tells Santos that they can't be together. DB is the obstacle between them since she is threatening to kill herself if she loses Santos. She leaves and tells him not to follow her. Marisela goes back to San Fernando with Gonzalo.

Melquiades is in the bushes with his blowpipe to kill Marisela and Santos if they try to leave. [It seems like pretty long range for the blowpipe.]

Marisela tells Genoveva that things at the beach were marvelous and a disaster. She doesn't know what to think or what to do.

Gonzalo tells Sapo that he can kill Santos (and DB) after he marries Marisela in two weeks.

DB tells Eustaquia that she is sure that Santos will realize sooner or later that he loves her. Eustaquia is doubtful. Santos comes and asks to speak to DB.

Santos angrily tells DB to stop pretending to be crazy. He knows that she is lying. DB says that Santos is the father of her baby. Her baby that is still there in spite of what happened with her enemy. Santos is instantly suspicious. DB covers up as best as she can but when she is gone Santos wonders if the baby is just one of DB's tricks.

Pajarote is telling the other Altamira vaqueros and Cósme about his troubles with Genoveva when Celeste comes into the bar. The guys warn Pajarote against getting involved with her but he won't listen.

When Geno tells Marisela that Cecilia is going to rent a house in San Fernando to continue taking care of Lucía's baby, Marisela says that she wants to stay there, too. Gonzalo comes to say that he wants to talk to Marisela.

Juan Primito comes to where Santos is eating in the kitchen at Altamira. He says that he is afraid of dark, empty houses. He tells Santos the list of other things that else he is afraid of, which includes blood. He tells Santos his understanding of what happened to DB after the fire at El Miedo.

Marisela tells Gonzalo that she slept with Santos when they spent the night on the beach. When he asks why she says that he knows perfectly well that she is in love with Santos. She tells Gonzalo that she thinks it is better if she stops working for Gonzalo and ends their relationship.

Pajarote is horrified when he wakes up in bed with Celeste. He curses himself for being the idiot he truly is.

DE demands that Cecilia not have access to his granddaughter any more.

Marisela tells Gonzalo that she is confused about a lot of things but she has decided that she has to tell Santos that DB lost the baby.

Santos reviews in his mind all the hints and suggestions that indicate that DB isn't pregnant any more. The next morning Santos pretends to have a severe headache and gets DB to take him to the doctor...

where he grabs DB and demands that Dr. Arias do a blood test on her to see if she really is pregnant.


Excellent concise review and photos, Jean.

My fingers are crossed that Marisela means it this time and has really broken off with Gonzalo. The actor has done such a good job that, attractive as he really is, I shudder every time he attempts to plant a kiss on Marisela.

We know things will resolve, but Don Encarnación really is behaving like a total jerk. It's insane to deny that tiny preemie love and breast milk from Cecilia.

Can't remember if they showed him last night or the night before, but Toñito is, hands down, the most adorable and best behaved child I've ever seen in a TN.

I was cheering when Santos tricked DB into Arias' office, but I can't believe she's not going to wiggle out of it somehow.

Thanks for the great summary of the chapter in the novel.

Yes, Toñito is incredibly cute. He was on on Wed. when I didn't get to do any pictures.

I agree that Dr. Arias will probably refuse to forcibly take blood from DB. I don't see why Santos can't insist as the father of the child, that Arias examine DB to make sure her pregnancy is going ok. But if Santos doesn't find out for sure that DB isn't pregnant tonight, it can only be a matter of time. Eustaquia would tell him if he asked and Marisela wants to tell him.

It seemed to me that Marisela's most recent parting from Santos was half-hearted at best. It's getting harder and harder to come up with any reason why they shouldn't be together.

Thanks, Jean. This novela really rocks. I always look forward to tuning in to find out what the writers come up with next...great writing and great acting is a winning combination. Parajote is his own worst enemy.

I don't watch this novela but I'm hooked onto this story thanks to your recaps Jean. They're well-written and fun to read. I can't wait to see how this pans out and what happens to DB eventually.

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