Sunday, May 10, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Fri., May 8- Santos disappoints his mother and DB tells him that now they are the same
The mysterious person at La Chusmita was DB. She tells Eustaquia that she is sure that Sapo is close by.
Santos tells Tigre that he was just defending himself. Tigre points out that Santos was using him as a shield and calls Santos a murderer again. Santos replies that León killed Carmelito - he is the murderer. Tigre calls him a coward and a murderer and Santos tells him to shut up.

Federica takes care of Mujica and says that he is her hero.

Marsiela tells Altagracia that she isn't sure she should go to Altamira. She needs to think. María Nieves tells her the obvious, "You love him and he loves you. What else do you need to think about?"
Here we see that León has been shot in the side of the head. This becomes significant later.

Cecilia tells Antonio how she got Don Encarnación to forgive her. Antonio tells her how much he loves her and how their suffering has made him appreciate her more.
DB tells Melquíades that she should have gone to Progresso with Santos but when she heard what Juan Primito had told Pernalete, she knew that she had to guard Eustaquia. Melquíades tells her that he heard some shots by the crossroads.
Melquíades finds the scene of the shooting and can tell by his nose that many horses went to Progresso. He deduces that Santos must have won since Los Mondragón would have headed for the forest.
Pernalete is comforting Josefa after Sapo forced her to have sex with him when they all hear Santos yelling outside. Reluctantly, Sapo lets Pernalete and Mujica go deal with the situation but he says that they only have an hour. After that, Sapo says that he will start killing the women and children.

Marisela finally admits to herself that she should be with Santos since they love each other. Then she sees Santos drive through town [what did Melquíades smell then, horsepower?] with Tigre and León's body.
DB tells Eustaquia that she can't sleep. She has a strange feeling that she getting to the end of something [the novela!] and there is fear and joy. She says that she will be free to live and smile again. Eustaquia says that she will be free, too (meaning presumably that she will be free of her body, i.e., dead). DB doesn't want to hear that and asks Eustaquia what she means and Eustaquia lies and says that she didn't mean anything.
Melquíades goes to Progresso to find out what is going on. When Costa tells him that Santos shot León, Melquíades is surprised. He didn't think Santos was a good shot.
Meanwhile Santos is giving his statement to Pernalete and Mujica. Santos says that he killed León. "In self defense ('en defensa própria,')" says Mujica briskly. Santos repeats that he killed a man. Marisela comes into the room. She takes up the self defense mantra but Santos keeps repeating that he is a killer, a murderer. Santos' statement is taken in record time and Pernalete and Mujica hustle everybody out and get home just in time to keep Sapo from killing the women.
Santos and Marisela return to Altamira. Santos tells Marisela that by killing León to save his life, he is just like his father who killed his own son in a rage. He tells Marisela that he wants to be alone.
Santos paces the halls of Altamira and has flashbacks to when his brother was killed and his father killed himself.
It's the next morning and MN doesn't like oatmeal Altagracia is feeding him. [He can't feed himself?] Dr. Arias say that it is a sign that he is getting better. The doctor tells MN and Altagracia about León. MN doesn't believe that his boss killed someone.

Santos is still brooding about being a killer and telling himself that he has failed the promise he gave his mother when DB comes to see him. She says that it is kill or be killed. She asks what is bothering him - killing a thief and murderer or finding out that he isn't as good and holy as he promised his mother he would be.
Pajarote is in church praying. He tells Father Pernia that he wants to confess.

DB tells Santos that he has done what he always criticized in her. "We are the same," she says, "beast that cannot be caged up or threatened because they kill to defend themselves." Santos says that he doesn't want to be like her.
Marisela tells Santos that he couldn't have killed León because he was shot in the temple and Santos was facing León.
DB tells Leóncia and Celeste that León is dead. Leóncia curses DB.
The news about León gets around. Here's a pic of the hunky Captain Delgado. Antonio gets the report that the bodies in the burnt up plane weren't Sapo and Facundo.

Pernalete and Mujica have just convinced Sapo to let them go the jefetura when DB comes knocking at the door. Santos and Marisela come to the jefeturaa to see Pernalete and Acosta is sent to his house to fetch him. Santos and Marisela discuss how strange it is that León could have gotten shot in the temple when he was facing Santos. Pajarote comes in and confesses that it was he who shot León.
Labels: barbara
I can see that Santos would be upset that he killed a man but to conclude that he is now the same as his father is ridiculous. And to even give the appearance of accepting the idea that now he and DB are the same is even more ridiculous.
Santos should have gone to Marisela and told her that now he understands how she must have felt after she unintentionally killed Meléndez. She could have helped him accept it as she ultimately did.
Did Marisela go and examine León's body? How on earth could she have figured out that Santos' couldn't have shot León? It would have made more sense if Dr. Arias had come to this conclusion. So now Pajarote is going to be the one who shot León and then just left Santos there alone with Tigre and a dead body? I hope it doesn't make Santos feel any less guilty because he shot at León and it was only his bad aim that prevented him from killing León.
This is not the quality of writing I have come to expect in this novela.
Not much logic here. Would it be better to let Leon shoot him and thus be honorable but dead?
Thanks for the great shot of Captain Delgado!!!
It seems clear as clear can be that DB cannot survive, but I sort of hope Leoncia's curse doesn't have anything to do with it. That woman is ridiculous.
Yes, it was really tedious to have Santos so upset about killing Leon in self defense.
Maybe the 'original' writers went on vacation, because it was definitely different than what we've gotten before.
Eustaquia seems to know that she and DB will probably soon be free. DB will remain delusional to the end...
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