Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Tues.,May 12 - Eustaquia leaves DB; Pajarote gets Genoveva a ring
DB finds Eustaquia with her wrists slashed but she isn't dead. She begs Eustaquia not to leave her alone.
Sapo and Facundo are on foot and pursued by the remaining Mondragón. When Facundo says that they should leave the area because DB knew they were there, Sapo says that he isn't leaving until he kills DB.
Not too surprisingly, Marisela chooses a life with Santos.
Juan Primito shows up and says that he hid when the bad men came. DB yells at him for hiding while Eustaquia was bleeding to death but Eustaquia tells DB not to blame JP. Eustaquia tells JP to wash his ears or she'll come at night and pull his legs.

Marisela asks Santos how he feels about DB. Santos says that at first he loved her passionately, then he thought he hated her. Now he's not sure. He thinks he might admire her because she's unique but most of the time she bewilders him because he thinks she is crazy. Then Santos tells Marisela what she feels about DB. He says that she wants to hate her but she can't. He says that Marisela can't help but love her mother even after all she has done to her. Marisela agrees and replies that she always wanted a mother's love but she knows that no one will ever fill that void.
It's love in the hammock for Pajarote and Genoveva. He tells her that he has learned from the León episode that taking lives is God's business, not man's. Geno approves of his maturity and says that she will be happy to spend the rest of her life with Juan Palacios.

The two remaining Mondragón give up searching for Sapo and Facundo and return to La Chusmita. Melquíades calls them a worthless pair.
Pernalete and Mujica hole up in the hotel guarded by the police and send the rest to search for Sapo and to shoot him on sight.

Dr. Arias tells DB that he can't do anything for Eustaquia. She only has hours to live. DB is taking it out on the doctor when Eustaquia tells her to stop. She tells DB not to be sad for her.
Mujica and Pernalete tells Antonio, Cecilia and Captain Delgado how they were held hostage by Sapo. They don't tell Antonio that it was they who told Sapo where to find Eustaquia but Federica mentions La Chusmita and Antonio decides to go there.
Pajarote is telling Geno that she smells like freshly cut flowers, May showers, the sun, mountains and ripe pineapple when Juan Primito comes to Altatmira with the news about Eustaquia.
Eustaquia tells DB that she wants to says goodbye to Marisela. DB is jealous but she agrees.
DB plays dumb with Antonio and Captain Delgado about Sapo being around but she does tell them that it was Sapo who slit Eustaquia's wrists. She tells them that she has no idea where Sapo is. She says that she wants to be alone with her 'mother,' the only person who has always been with her, the only one who has never betrayed her and the only one who has loved her in spite of her faults. [I'm sure it is no coincidence that we see Melquíades right behind DB while she is saying this. What is his devotion to her - chopped liver?]

Marisela comes to see Eustaquia. Eustaquia tells Marisela that she hasn't been good to her and wants to ask Marisela's forgiveness. She says that when DB kicked Marisela out of El Miedo, Eustaquia should have gone with her. Marisela was a defenceless 2-year old and needed a mother to protect her. She tells Marisela that she was a coward and has always regretted it. She says that when she sees Marisela so beautiful and strong, she realizes that things happen for a good reason ('no hay mal que por bien no venga') and she asks for Marisela's forgiveness. Marisela says that there's nothing to forgive. It wasn't she who should have been taking care of DB all those years. Eustaquia tells Santos to make Marisela happy because she deservess it. Then she sends tem away.
The remaining Mondragón have decided to take a powder and are ransacking El Miedo for money and valuables. They have heard that DB buried money in the walls of the house and are about to start looking for it when psychic winds blow open the windows and we hear the witchcraft music. Los Mondragón make tracks.

Eustaquia tells DB that when all this is over, she should go back to the river where she can laugh and sing. DB holds Eustaquia and sings to her as she slips away.

Pajarote gives Genoveva a nose ring for an ox as a of the fact that she has tamed him.

Facundo tells Sapo to forget his obsession with DB but he replies that he is in charge. He says that he knows where her can ambush DB.
The Inspector arrives at at the jefetura where Antonio and Captain Delgado are about to go out looking for Sapo. He has Danger's diary [presumably it was found in a search of Sapo's house.] Antonio confirms that the DB mentioned in the diary is Bárbara. The Inspector wants to find her.

DB is at the poza, naked, painted all over and calling on her gods with a pineapple.

Labels: barbara
I'm glad you pointed out that DB was yet again ignoring ever-faithful Melquiades in her grief over Eustaquia. DB has a habit of not appreciating those who care for her the most. She used to do it to Eustaquia even though she loved her very much.
My my, Pajarote has certainly become tame, hasn't he? I figured it would happen but it's still hard to fathom. It's difficult to imagine the logistics of love in a hammock.
Sapo's obsession will most certainly be his downfall. I can't wait to see him get what's coming to him.
Thanks Jean!
Things are coming to a boil. What nasty fate does DB have in store for Sapo?
Regarding Dona Barbara and Melquiades, it would seem that eventually he would tire of treating him like dirt....only calling upon him when she's in need and almost purposely saying things that would hurt his heart. Perhaps the series will end with him walking out on her at a crucial time and she is killed by Sapo.
Sure Sapo killed Eustaquia but in a pretty painless way that enabled her to say goodbye to everyone and die peacefully in DB's arms.
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