Wednesday, August 05, 2009

You had so many great ideas I made a second "lens" on squidoo!

Oh wonderful readers,

You poured out so much great stuff it was too much for one lens, so I made another one, and if there's more, I can make yet another! Here's the second:

Telenovela Fun
The first one:
Telenovelas: a fun, painless way to learn Spanish

(On each lens, the link to the other one is just above the guestbook.)

If you want attribution on something I forgot, let me know. I also may have mis-translated some dichos.

Also, I vaguely remember there was some great discussion on "what is a naco" but I don't remember where. Anybody?

I think squidoo may turn out to be a wonderful place to store peoples lists of interesting stuff that gets lost here at the blog now that it is so huge.

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I think the quote "Hablando del rey de Roma y que se asoma" can be loosely translated as "Speaking of the devil..."

P.S. melinama - can you put links here on CarayCaray to the squiddo lenses? The 2nd lens didn't have a link to the first (that I could find). Thanks!

Melinama, I missed out on the memorable deaths talk yesterday afternoon. My most memorable demise would have been hohum had it not occurred to the main galan in perhaps(certainly for me anyway) the best TN of all time, Ramona.

Both main characters, Ramona(Kate de Castillo, be still my heart) and Alejandro(Eduardo Palomo, que en paz descanse) were being held in jail by the evil sheriff(Sergio Sendel, before cell phone invented)on trumped-up charges. Alejandro was convicted and sentenced to hang. Well, no way the main galan gets bumped off, I think. WRONG! Imagine my amazement as I'm wondering just how he will escape. The trap door to the gallows drops, surprisingly small looking little moccasined feet fall through, give a number of furtive kicks and twitches then dangle lifelessly swaying in the breeze. I was stunned.


Carlos, that went straight on the second lens! Hah! Doris, the mutual lens links are just above the guestbooks. Thanks everybody, keep 'em coming!

Nacos and Fresas: Check this page. Look for Jarocha's posts. She has at least two very good posts about fresas.

Though I never really followed it except for random episodes and the gran final, I think it was in guapos. Check the Al Diablo con los guapos section.


It wasn't particularly dramatic, but one of my favorite villain endings was when Andrea on Guapos had been killed in a car accident while fleeing town with her new lover Damian, and Damian gave the urn with her ashes to his brother-in-law and Andrea's ex-lover Constancio, and Constancio just shrugged and flushed them down the toilet.

JQ: Cesar Luis's fireball ending driving off a cliff was pretty good.

Julia, what a nifty end for a baddy. I like.


Another common phrase is paloma blanca, meaning white dove, meaning innocent. Plenty of people are declared to NOT be white doves.

Gosh, I'm really late with my comment on this subject, but I did check out the squidoo page and I love it! In our beloved telenovelas sometimes the funniest phrases are those uttered in dead earnest. I'll never forget the first complete sentence I ever learned in Spanish...Hipólita in Alborada summed up her relationship with Luis thusly, "Gracias a dios que soy la ramera de solamente un hombre", i.e. "Thank God I am the whore of only one man."

Here's one from Alborada: I believe Hipolita said it to Luis before she slammed the door in his face --
"vete al infierno!" (Go to Hell!)

..And let's not forget how often people in novelas are ''impactada/o'' due to happenings both large and small.

Melinama, these are wonderful new sites. Thank you!

Melinama, I love your new Squidoo lens. To have everything in one place is great.

My favorite word since I started watching TNs is nunca, nunca. They always say it twice. The next is nunca mas, which is great when you see a black crow.

A word that was used a lot in FELS and I have heard in other TNs is "Largarse" meaning - get away from me or get out of here (col. to beat it). Gabi in FELS was famous for this one. There was a lot of discussion about the word at the time.


Telenovelas employ composers and lyricists. They write some of the most beautiful love songs never heard on American television. What stopped my surfing and introduced me to telenovelas was the sound of Placido Domingo, singing a song I never heard before... that was Alborada.

OH oh oh, Melinoma, you explained the difference between te quiero and te amo. It'd be nice to have that again.

Another that we hear a lot is "No tiene derecho." And the answer is always: "Tengo todos los derechos" or "Tengo todos los derechos enel mundo." hgr

The phrase is actually "No tiene ningun derecho." (I think). hgr

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