Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sortilegio, 1/22/10: Reconquest

Capítulo 78

[My DVR did not record for some reason like a bad disk. This is from memory and a few lousy video's with crappy audio that are off YouTube. Please feel free to fill in the blanks. If it jogs my memory I'll be happy to add it in if I can.--ed]

The redux: After spying on MJ at the charreado the day before, Alex realizes there's been a complete change in her. According to Fernando's observations, she doesn't remember anything about her past. Therefore, he decides to move to Toluca for a while to be close to her and to try to win her back at all cost. Meanwhile, Roberto fills Paula in on the battle for custody of Raquel's daughter and complains that Raqhell went back on her word to him about it. Bobo's afraid to take it any farther and challenge her with complaints about her alcoholism because she would challenge him as well for moral fitness. He tiptoes over the subject with her. "Raqhell might say things about me." "--What kind of things?" "--Well, we shared a dissipated lifestyle...let's just say, and there are things she could tell about me...." When Paula wants a bit more of the details, Bobo tells her she's a bit too innocent to have him unload on her about it. Just then, Alex walks over to the two of them and saves Bobo from having to go any further into it. Alex is there to invite Paula to spend a few days of vacation in Toluca with him in order to get nearer Mary Jo. She's not to let anybody know except her father. Paula's already off to pack.

In the Toluca outback at Mengela Manor, Elena tells Horrible Jorge --who's apparently just as grumpy at 8 in the morning as he is at 8 in the evening--that she's afraid they've let a viper into their midst with Bruno. If Mary Jo doesn't fall for Bruno as Damian per their plan and decides to marry somebody else, then there will be the Devil to pay. Jorge sneers back that it's her job to figure out some way to insure that MJ does become romantically interested in him.

Alex gives Arturo instructions to bring the car to Toluca and to camp out about a mile or so away from the entrance to the grounds to the rancho and to keep watch on who enters and who leaves there.

MJ/S returns from visiting her abuelo, Porferio, and joins Elena on the patio after a grumpy good-bye from Jorge. Abue's pushing her to get married she says. Although she likes "Damian" well enough, there's still something that just doesn't seem right about him. His smile, for instance, always seems false. She mentions then that Porfi wants her to hook up with Fernando. Elena advises that Fernando's totally wrong for her, especially since she found out from his sister, Katia, while she was there visiting last time, that Fernando is the lover of his boss's mother; and so he's not exactly wholesome fare. "She's old enough to be his mother so just dump him!" MJ/Sandra is disgusted to hear it. "¡Qué barbaridad!"

"On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with "Damian" whose a hard worker and sincere," says Mama. Elena even suggests to MJ that she might try getting intimate with him as a way that she might just find she really does like him. (That wasn't exactly delicately put, but pimping one's daughter out is pretty hardcore.) MJ/S explodes. "You want me to sleep with him??" Elena looks back at her kid like what's the big deal? MJ/Sandra screams at her mother that at times it seems Elena really doesn't love her; and that she's willing to do just about anything for money. When she decides to sleep with somebody, she informs Elena, it will be a man she chooses and not Elena's choice. MJ/S stomps off in a huff. Elena grumbles to herself that it might have been a mistake bringing that daughter back there also.

Arturo has a breakdown and asks a passerby for directions on the map. While he's trying to get his bearings he notices Bruno look over at him from his Zzzzzz8. There's a female passenger with him, so he looks closer. It's Sra. Mary Jo!!!

Back in Merida, Fer takes Vicki to lunch--duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnn--in public! She tries to argue Bruno's side with Fer, and says Alex could still be jumping the gun about him being involved. Fer says, no. Too many things point to Bruno being a part of it. Vicki, still trying to ignore the hard truth, still finds it dificult to believe that the woman Fer talked to at the charreado could actually have been MJ. Fer says it has to be. Her gestures, the sound of her voice, everything was MJ's. (They are twins, Victoria, not triplets! Remember? The one sans the telltale knife scar is now in a hospital in Mexico City undergoing treatment???) Vicki asks if his uncle is aware of it, but Fer says that he isn't. Suddenly Fer looks around and says people are talking about them. Vicki says after so much having happened recently she's tired of caring what anyone else might think at this point. To heck with custom and social mores, she tells him. (That's one heck of a sh!t-eatin' grin Nando's got on his face, isnt it?) They kiss and Vicki toasts to it all turning out for the best.

Meanwhile, Alex and Pau arrive at the small house near Elena and Jorge's rancho. He asks the caretaker where the clinic is, and heads into town. Once there he finds the tower of the town's church and chooses it as his lookout point. He takes his high-powered binoculars to locate Mengela Manor. Eventually he notices MJ/S out in the yard, though the surrounding bushes hide her quite a bit and make things difficult to make out. He spends the entire day looking through those binoculars for glimpses of her. As Alex watches MJ/S's comings and goings in the back yard of the rancho again, this time he sees a man join her on the grounds. He wants to find out who the guy with her is. That night at dinner Alex tells Pau what he saw from the church tower and says he thinks the guy with her was Bruno. He admits, though, it was a bit hard to determine from that distance. Arturo finally arrives at the house after problems with a flat tire. He tells Alex that he saw Bruno and MJ in the little Zzzzz8. Alex realizes then he was right about the man being Bruno.

At the same time across town, MJ/S and Bruno are eating dinner out. As for Bruno, the jerkwad may be Mexican, but his hands are roamin' as the old sayin' goes. Bruno tries to seduce her by saying he won't seduce her: he'll bring her the chocolates and flowers as part of the "gestures" she's supposedly been hinting she wants. (What a major clod!) MJ/S knocks away his hand in between taking bites of food to tell him chocolates and flowers aren't necessary. She changes the subject and tells him that she's told Abue Porfi about him. Bruno wants to meet her grandfather ASAP. He says he needs to convince the man to give him his approval and support as the best possible choice for his granddaughter. She laughs (methinks a bit too nervously) and says she'll arrange it when the abuelo's got a moment and would be in a good mood.

Alex takes Pau to the church tower so he can wait and watch all over again. (Pau has got to be bored out of her mind by now.) Suddenly he sees Bruno bring Mary Jo back home. He watches as Bruno goes in for THE KISS and Mary Jo obliges. Alex goes ballistic when he sees Bruno kissing her good-night. "They are kissing!!!" Pau looks over at him. "--What?" "--They were kissing each other! NOOOOO!!!" He is sure now that Bruno had a part in the kidnapping and is in Toluca especially to try to win her back again. She tries explaining that part of MJ's subconscious must have remembered him and they used to date after all; that has to be the only reason she would allow him to get close to her, let alone to kiss her. Alex doesn't care. He can't stand it any longer. He races over to the rancho and sneaks around till he finds her bedroom. He stares in through the window from the (supposed) shadows, enchanted, and watches her take pills from Elena. Under his breath Alex swears to Mary Jo that he'll do the impossible to get her back and that they will be together again soon.

Later on the next day, Alex tells Victoria what Arturo discovered and despite what she wants to believe, that Bruno is up to his eyeballs in it. He convinces Vicki to call Bruno and make up some excuse to get him to come back to Merida for a day to get him literally out of the picture for a while. Vicki agrees --since she recently got his new cell phone number when Bruno called to tell her he was DBI/er...doin' bidnez in Toluca. She eventually calls Bruno and talks him into coming back for a supposed board meeting at Lombardo, Inc. while Alex is supposedly in Mexico City tending to "Mary Jo" (the real Sandra) now that she's been sent to some neurology clinic for therapy.

That same day, Alex and Paula are both back up in the church tower watching Mary Jo on the hacienda grounds enjoying herself. He sends her off to see what she can do about persuading MJ to come back to the rental house with her so that Alex can re-introduce himself to her. Paula runs down to the corral at the rancho. However, Bruno is driving back down from the clinic and there's a possibility that Paula might be seen. Arturo makes a quick call to Alex who calls Pau on her cell and warns her. Eventually she starts for the corral again and pretends to be lost. She stops near MJ/S, introduces herself as "Ester," and asks MJ /S for directions back to her and Alex's rental house. Pau is so struck by being able to see and speak with her sister again she chokes up. MJ/S worries and asks what's wrong. Pau makes some excuse about having an asthma attack and being a bit frightened at not knowing the way. Mary Jo offers to walk her back home since it's so close by.

The sisters have a fun chat on the walk back. Alex calls Pau to tell her to hurry up before anyone sees them. Pau introduces Alex as her brother, "Nicolas." Alex and MJ/Sandra share some sort of locked look, but she seems to pull a blank. They all share a bit of chitchat while he thanks "Sandra" for bringing his sister back. He then tries to play host by offering her a cold drink. MJ/S takes a rain check because the family doesn't know she's there and might get worried. She gives them both a polite kiss good-bye on the cheek and leaves. The change is amazing. She's smiling and totally worry-free. Paula and Alex are amazed and remark at their good luck having found her and now having her with them so close by. She's alive and well --for now-- as they watch her take the path back to Mengale Manor.


Jardinera – Thanks for the recap, and up so fast! Sorry about your DVR…. Ours did not record Grey’s Anatomy even though it is programmed for “series recording.” Aargh! I know your pain.

Arturo’s telenovela beanie hat looks more like a Sherlock Holmes wanna-be hat. How appropriate for his mission impossible spy duties.

So are those night-vision binoculars that Alex has???
How conveeeeeenient that Ale found a house right next door to Dr. Mengele’s, walking distance at that, to rent!

Loved how the heat is broken in the house, Pau & Art are wearing coats, yet Alex is in his short-sleeve cowboy shirt. Who needs a coat when you're naturally hot???

I had an eerie feeling last night that Vicki might kill Bruno if given the chance. (I have not read spoilers... just a feeling)

I wonder if Sandra will live, and recover?

Hi Jardinera...hey, we don't need no stinkin' DVR did great without it and the recap is up super-fast. Which I appreciate as I fell asleep before this came on (old folks! old folks!) and missed the whole thing. Always enjoy a good shot of William Levy before I trundle off to bed but it was not to be. Next week, talvez?

Thanks for bringing me up to date, amiga, and now I can fully concentrate on the Buckeye game, nor worrying about what went down in Sortilegio.

That was a great recap of an improbable episode. I mean, if Alex is tan desesperado, why doesn't he just sling her over his shoulder and take her home to detox from those memory pills? Instead he lets her walk straight back to the house of horrors, the doc, Bruno, and further chemical brainwashing. Ah, the conceits of telenovelas to keep us on the hook for another 2-3 weeks. BTW, I haven't watched any novelas for a year or so, but this one seems rather progressive in its treatment of homosexuality and alcoholism. (I can remember the days of Simplemente Maria, ay. . .)

Jardinera You did a great job and on just memory! It was funny watching Alex freak out after seeing Bruno kiss MJ goodnight. Anon- I think his impulse right then WAS to just sling her over his shoulders and take her home. But I'd much rather see him re-conquer her heart than take her kicking and screaming. She's already been kidnapped once.

I saw the parallels between this "first" meeting of MJ and Alex and their original first meeting. Originally Alex enters stage left as MJ is partway up the stairs stage right. They lock eyes as she decends the stairs. She terrified and trying to hide it(oh, sh*t! he's alive); he intrigued and confused (am I really married to this woman). This time MJ enters stage left, Alex is up a short set of stairs stage right. They lock eyes as he decends the stairs. He is overcome by emotion he can't show (there is the love of my life who doesn't knwo me), she is intrigued by and strangely drawn to the handsome man in front of her. Nicely done scene.

It was also fun to see Alex and Paula interacting like brother and sister in this episode- either being playful when he teases her about cooking and she teases him about who gets the bigger bedroom, or feeding each other's explosive anger when Arturo tells them about seeing Bruno and MJ together, or her trying to calm him down when he freaked out about the kiss.

Jardinera love your recap and thank you.

Vicki got Bruno new cell number when Bruno called her for a update on MJ asking if she was dead and telling Vicki he was in or near Toluca, what a complete idiot he is.

I was about to go ballistic again on Vicki for defending one her spawns from hell, but once Alex told her about Arturo saw Bruno and so did he too.

She sucked it up and got down with the plan.

Everytime Bruno gets touchy feely with MJ i just want her to haul off and smack him good. Glad she her instincts are telling her that he's acting fake and insincere.

Elena death for you would to good for you, to try to pimp your own daughter. OMG this woman is a cold unfeeling beyatch.

I also loved the Paula and Alex brother and sister interaction too.Loved how jealous and upset Alex got seeing Bruno kiss his woman and him running to go after them.

I don't know about anyone else but the actor who plays Arturo is just so sweet and bumbling i am just loving his little role.

jardinera, great recap. I couldn't wait to hear the nitty gritty of what happened last night. I was too anxious to watch it. I get too upset when bruno is seducing MJ. It reminds me of La Fea, when Fernando loved her so much and would see her with her new boyfriend, in close embraces. I wish I could watch in full detail but I either watch it and turn away and take off the earphones, when bruno is coming near her, or I don't watch until i see the recaps. I would get more from the novela, if I watched what was going on. Ret

Also it was said really fast but when Arturo told Alex and Paula he saw Bruno with MJ driving in his car.Paula mention how Maura was responsible for this too.

I don't think it registered with Alex because he was totally focused on Arturo saying he saw Bruno with MJ.

Just like when MJ kidnapping first became kown Paula knew Bruno had something to do with it, she's right this time too.

Thanks for the great recap Jardinera! And everyone else who recapped the past two weeks. I had a super busy week last week, and it took me all of this week to get caught up!

One thing I'm a little confused on... When did they tell Paula about Sandra? Did they her about her mom too? I didn't realize she knew anything - and then she'd off to Toluca with Alex to see SMJ...

I want to slap/punch Bruno every time he's near MJ, but I'm glad she realizes something isn't quite right. And I loved the scene of her and Alex seeing each other again!

Loved the recap Jardinera. When MJ starting running and spinning around, I half expected her to belt out, "The hills are alive with the sound of music." I loved how angry Alex was when he watched Bruno macking on MJ. The look on his face. I wouldn't want to be Bruno when Alex confronts him which we know is bound to happen now that Alex is sure that Bruno was behind the kidnapping. I guess Bruno didn't recognize an incognito Arturo because he went on his merry way with MJ with visions of seduction swimming in his mind. Vicky now seems (I hope) to see that Bruno is just no good. She just might be the one to finally stop him. No spoiler. Just speculating based on the opening sequence when she steps between MJ and Bruno freeing MJ to finally be with Alex. Alex now knows he has to win MJ's heart again to stop Bruno from conquering her. Let the games begin.

"I saw the parallels between this "first" meeting of MJ and Alex and their original first meeting. Originally Alex enters stage left as MJ is partway up the stairs stage right. They lock eyes as she decends the stairs. She terrified and trying to hide it(oh, sh*t! he's alive); he intrigued and confused (am I really married to this woman). This time MJ enters stage left, Alex is up a short set of stairs stage right. They lock eyes as he decends the stairs. He is overcome by emotion he can't show (there is the love of my life who doesn't knwo me), she is intrigued by and strangely drawn to the handsome man in front of her. Nicely done scene."

Totally agree Vivi. It's as though everything has come full circle and Alex is using an assumed name for now to win her back.

JudyB - See? There we go, and Looneyvision is further justified in moving Gancho to the afternoon. LOL

Vivi in DC - Very alert of you to notice the difference between the two 'first' MJ/Alex meetings. That was brilliant and well written.

Jardinera - amazing job! With the new gap between ENDA and Sorti, I keep losing track of time and then keep missing the beginning of Sorti. To all the recappers - you are life-savers.

Poor Alex having to watch his love from afar. Have to give kudos to WL in being able to express in his eyes what he can't or doesn't express verbally. It does seem a little out of normal character to just not lose his temper, pick her up and take her home. Besides the fact the writers need us to hang onto this plot for a bit longer, I think Alex is not wanting to scare MJ. He really doesn't know how she's having her memory erased and it seems he's hoping that by getting to know her a bit first, and with Paula there, she'll be comfortable with them, trust them, and maybe have her start to remember some things. Then they can make their move.

But he better not wait too long because our resident slimeball is moving in for the kill. Dance a jig that even in her state, MJ still doesn't trust him. And the way she laid into Elena. You go girl! No self-respecting mother would make those type of comments to a daughter. Elena is wondering if they made a mistake - YA THINK!

I'm still not sure about Vic. Okay, she does what Alex tells her and realized, once again, that her worthless son has been lying to her. She tells Fer that she no longer cares what people think. But she always has the bad habit of slipping back into denial. She may realize her son is a criminal, but I always have this feeling that she would rather protect him, and Raquel, than make them pay for what they have done. How she handles future events will be interesting.

Let's hope SMJ falls head over heels for "Nicholas" and mucks up everyone's plans, and fast. Hope when she regains her memory she retains some of that spunk she has shown lately.

And I love Paula without the pony tail for once. Makes her look like she's finally growing up.

Carebear- MJ told Paula about the twin/mom thing a while ago. Alex had asked her not to tell anybody, but she went ahead and told Paula. It was a short scene (I remember the scene, but not the eposide- just the way my memory works). MJ and Paula are on the patio walking around with Tiny Shoeless Sleeping Tony in MJ's arms. MJ tells Paula, who gets really ticked about it. MJ calms her down and says it's best for them not to confront dad about it given his problems at the time of being in jail, and that it must obviously be a painful subject for him. The scene ends with Paula begging MJ to let her hold Tony.

Vivi ITA with the comparison of their first meeting of Alex and MJ and now.

I don't Bruno even saw Arturo because he was so focus on MJ and Bruno believes he so damn smart that Alex doesn't have a clue about what is really going on.

Can't wait for this doofus to find out not only does Alex know, but Paula, Arturo, Ferdumbo, Vicki,Felipa and Hernan know what he's up to.

Paula was told everything by Alex about the switch of the twins and how Elena their very own mother is a accomplice to her own daughter kidnapping.

Also glad MJ called Elena out on being only interested in money, LOL how scared she got when MJ told her how her grandfather wanted her to marry Ferdumbo.

AS for MJ twirling in the fields i wasn't reminded of The Sound of Music but that's funny anyway. I was more reminded of the opening of the Mary Tyler Moore series you're going to make it after all song playing my head while watching MJ twirling in the fields.

Has anyone tune into to watch the new Novela Hasta el dinero whatever the rest of the title? Give us your point of view was it worth the big switch or not?

Anon 3:01- So far HQEDNS is off to a slow start. I am one of the folks who have signed up to recap it. It is getting such rave reviews in Mexico and other countries, and the writer is so well respected, that it seems that it must get better. Jarocha (our Caraymate in Mexico) has given it the thumbs up based on what she has seen of it in Mexico. So we remain hopeful. But honestly, I really miss Gancho.

Many thanks jardinera for the recap. I lvoe the quick pace Sorti is going at now. In other novelas, Arturo would have held on to the info about seeing Bruno and MJ for at least a month -- in Sorti, less than one episode!! BTW, someone mentioned a couple weeks back that the actor playing Arturo is an Assoc. producer on Sorti as well. Carla, loves using her behind the scenes staff on screen!!!

Also, loved seeing jealous Alex back. His seething at Bruno and MJ -- perfection!!

Vivi, I didn't get the parallels between the Alex/MJ first meeting and the "nickolas/Sandra" meeting but so true once you pointed it out!!

Also, this was probably mentioned on the GANCHO thread but since I don't watch it, thought I'd mention it here on the ODD chance it wasn't mentioned. I was channel flipping last night and noticed that in addition to its new afternoon time slot, in Chicago it also airs at 11 pm to midnight. I checked the weekly tv schedule and it was listed every weekenight. So for those with DVR problems, if you're a night owl you can watch it then!

Thanks Vivi i also read Jarocha's thought and POV on Hasta i was wonder about those of us over here who have not seen it yet.

Maybe watching it now to see what they think about it i know it's the first week of it. Some novelas start off slowly developing or becoming likeable at all. I just want to hear other people's thoughts.

I for one am not watching it not exactly into the two leads at all IMO. Wondering whether others feel this move was justified or maybe they are waiting to give it more time to see if Hasta grows on them.

Hi, people! Thanks for your patience and understanding. --Well, at least it's up for y'all this time. Hubby sends his apologies cuz he was in charge of setting up the DVR and we found out later the thing just recorded gibberish code this particular evening. Whoohie! Glad I got 99% of it on paper at least before it faded from memory. I felt really guilty I'd screw something up in the sequence or misunderstood a scene or a conversation. But then, sh!t happens. It could have been worse and done that all week long while I was gone to my business meetings. : > {

When you are very busy and tired there is nothing better than a corny joke..."As for Bruno, the jerkwad may be Mexican, but his hands are roamin'" ......too funny Jardinera, you are the best.

It is so good to know that if I am kidnapped and given mind erasing drugs, I'll be able to at least keep my values...thanks MJ for making the Caray Caray crowd PROUD by seeing the REAL Bruno for what he is especially after all you've been through.

Speaking of kidnapping and mind erasing drugs, note to my husband....If I am ever kidnapped and taken anywhere near Dr. Jorge Kruger, just break right in and take me back by force, I don't care if it is traumatic..just do it!!!

Sandy i am so in agreement with you, i think we were expecting after Alex saw Bruno kissing his woman and he sprinted from the tower. We were going to see him pick her up and sling her over his shoulder and head on home to Merida trauma be damn.

I guess Alex has grown a little bit in not wanting to shock her in her current state. Funny how he didn't think of that when he came back from Survivor's Island and wanted to talk to her over the phone about giving the shares to Maura and her sister.

Vicki had to talk some sense into our boy how this would go over with a very pregnant woman.

Now if only he would realizes how insensitive he's being by letting Maura paw him every chance she can get.

Anon....I'm sure you will agree with me, the only thing Alex needs to do in order to be the super best boyfriend/husband in the whole wide world is to STOP giving false hope to Maura. It is not about him, I don't doubt his motives, it is about HER....she can't let go!! Alex, keep you distance and NO friendly kisses!

Maura did say, if he finds out he will hate me, YEAH. He should have hated her after Mario Aguirre.

Jardinera, a great recap!!! You did all this from memory??? I don't think yo missed a thing...

Thanks again.

I forgot to sign off.


Sandy absolutely i wanted Alex to tell MJ right away after he brought her back to Merida from the stabbing.He for some reason thought it was best not to tel her and it backfired on him big time.

I also said MJ would have probably given him an ultimatum me or the skank you choose.

His accepting Maura's outright flirting and can't keep her hands to her self when he's in her vicinity alone are reasons for her false hope.

Yes Variopinta ITA he should have hated her and kept a big distance from her after the Mario Aguirre plot.Even Ferdumbo was picking up on her obsession towards Alex.

He made light of it and thought Ferdumbo was reading too much into how Maura was acting with him.

I hope we get a good payoff when Alex finds out Maura's part in the kidnapping. I think the fact that Lisette is ill is the reason he hasn't really lit into her. Once he finds out, it's over. All her dreams of being Mrs. Lombardo will be up in smoke. Let's hope MJ lets her have it with both barrels when she recovers her memory (keeps fingers crossed.)

If you did that from memory, Jardinera, you need to post your diet on the blog so the rest of us can get our neurons firing in the same way!

I thought this was a very enjoyable episode.

SMJ shows a lot of spunk and calls her mother on her selfishness.

We get to see Paula's joy in being with her sister once more. AND, Paula is shown as having fun with Alex and not being annoying at all.

The scales finally seem to have fallen from Victoria's eyes, and she can see Bruno clearly. Her reaction this time seemed to me to be to be grim determination to set things right, not weepy masochism over her eldest son's behavior.

The scene where Alex and SMJ meet struck me as perfect. He smiles at her gorgeously, but not too over the top to scare her. Since her memory really is gone, she could just interpret his behavior as a handsome guy used to flirting with women.

I don't think it was last night, but maybe the night before when Jorrible Jorge told Bruno he didn't kill off Sandra because of his medical ethics. I just about choked on my popcorn. Ethics!!!
Injecting your step-daughter with mind-erasing drugs to get access to money! Ethics!!! Participating in a frightening kidnapping! Ethics!! He's got some kind of learning disability and couldn't really read the Hippocratic Oath. My internist has it posted in English and Greek in her office, and I have read it in my sexy, open in the back outfit while waiting for her.

Novelera i don't know why we didn't cover that part the other night when Dr. Demented said he ethics to Bruno.

I was like QUE the QUE? Are you for real then i had to start LOL because it like deja vu when Bruno told Vicki me why i am innocent moment how could you even think i would try to kill my brother for his inheritance posed as him to marry this naive girl who i'll eventually marry later to get access to the fortune.

When those plans fell through i barter my own blood to get the presidency and force them to divorce each other.Madre yo estoy innocente.

What a recap, Jardinera, and without the recording! You did an outstanding job, and captured eveything perfectly (and with your usual sense of humor).

There was one minor scene (which did nothing to advance the plot), but which I found funny. Felipa and Ezekiel were in the kitchen discussing the situation, when Ezekiel said something like Cuco seemed to be Felipa's master, rather than the reverse. Felipa countered that at least Cuco could get an appointment at the beauty salon, whereas (bald) Ezekiel could only dream about it.

One more minor thing is that I think Vicky actually said that she personally would testify against Bruno, so that he'd go to jail, even though he was her own son.

Do the nurses in Mexico really wear nurses caps??? If I'm not mistaken, none of the nurses in the USA wear them...right???


Jardinera, thank you once again for a delightful recap.

Did anyone notice the stuffed crow in Dr. Mengele's lab? LOL

Filipa and Ezek remind me of an old married couple. There is always the good-natured banter between them.

I can hardly wait until Mommy Dearest runs into her youngest daughter. If she thinks she has no control over MJ just wait until Paula gets rolling with her mouth.

OT - I cannot remember who wrote about the sausage pinwheels over the holiday but thank you, it is now officially my husband's favorite snack. I told him to thank my Caray Friends.


Hombre de Misterio what exactly can Vicki testify to to get him convicted and thrown in jail like he deserves.

Bruno paid everyone off at the wedding and who took care his apartment. He killed the judge who presided over the wedding. Katia is still so hung up and in love with him, so she won't testify that he had sex with a minor.

Until MJ gets her memory back completely no one who helped with her kidnapping will give up any of the other accomplices which would mean hanging their own selves.

The only one i see who could bring down Bruno for every thing he has got away with so far is Pimp Daddy E.

He knows every thing unless he given immunity for helping Bruno with his crimes i don't see him talking either.

So Vicki can talk all she wants but that's all it is just talk.

Thanks Jardinera! I laughed out loud at those silly scenes of Alex with the big goggly red binoculars up in the tower. He must have felt like such a goofball filming those scenes. I was very mad at Paula when she was so indignant at the idea that SHE might be expected to do any cooking. What a nouveau princess.

I think Mechi & Gabriel could testify against Bruno, he did show his face to them one time. I doubt it will come to that however, there will be worse things for Bruto.

Funny Hombre, I didn't catch what they said, just that they were polishing the silver. Felipa & EZ belong together.

Still thinking of those that can testify against Bruno

Katia, underage sex
Maura, kidnapping plot

Of course Elena & Jorge, but they wouldn't.

Anon, you're absolutely right, you made an excellent analysis, and there are no facts that Vicky could testify about. I also don't think she actually used the word "testify", it was more like she wouldn't be opposed to "denouncing" him, or filing a complaint (una demanda) against him. I was just summarizing (imprecisely) when I used the word testify. Sorry about that.

I think she was just showing that would no longer support Bruno's lies, and that if he were going to jail, she wouldn't be a positive character witness. As others have pointed out, though, it's very unlikely Bruno will go to trial. His punishment has to be much more than that.

Thank you for the recap Jardinera. As always it was like being there. I'm not so fond of this part of the novela but I felt for Alex when he had to watch MJ kiss Bruno. I think this is one of the times when he should make use of his impulses and snatch her or simply call the police.

Vivi: Should I mention that while I'm a casual viewer of Dinero I didn't started until around 30 episodes in?

Ann-NYC: Yes, nurses in México wear their caps. Why nurses in USA don't wear them?


Thanks, Jardinera. Well, the plot is rolling right along. I get a big kick out of Will dressed in his cowboy garb. The bandana around his neck gave me a Howdy Dowdy flashback. I, too, thought that Al and Paula would just run off with Sandrajo. I wonder how this will play out. I love Arturo. Did anyone watch the new series Spartacus ? It's kind of a Roman X-rated telenovela with lots of blood, gore, flying body parts, sex, and nudity. Yikes. It makes the novelas and even the movie Gladiator look tame by comparison. I prefer the romanticism of Amor Real. I am enjoying rewatching TBLMOE .

30 episodes in! Ay, yay, yay! I hope we don't have to wait that long for it to get good! ;)


I'm with you on the comment by Paula that she doesn't cook. Is she the biggest twit of all time? Remember, when she and MJ were back in Saqui, she was very disinclined to lift a finger to help. What is her contribution to the world that she feels so entitled!

This is just a guess, but if and when the big anvil drops on Bruno,I think it will have Eric's prints all over it. He is seething with anger and he has the guts to give it the ole heave ho.

OOOOOh, Doris. You think Vicki could kill Bruno? Never had that thought crossed my mind. Very original thinking!

Vivi, I too, love Alex and Paula. They were darling together. I swear, that man has chemistry with ALL women.

You guys all know that I am a Paula fan—I know her screech and her entitlement are annoying—but I LOVED it when she tagged Maura for this whole thing.

AND WHY DIDN'T ALEX CATCH PUALA'S GOOD CALL? Again, I say willful ignorance. Call me a shrink (wink-wink) but I don't buy Alex's convenient memory losses and poor observational skills. The writers are doing a good job with this, actually, because in real life we all have blind spots. Alex likes female attention and that is consistent with the rest of the way his character is conceived. I still say Alex gets something out of his connection with Maura and both actors are making me believe this twist.

Some would say that Alex never really said goodbye to Maura. He just sort of dumped her when He found out that he had "married" MJ.

Elna June good points, Alex didn't catch Paula naming Maura's part in kidnapping because he was too consumed with jealousy and anger that Bruno was kissing his woman.

Alex did dump her when he found out he supposedly married MJ, and he led her to believe that they will get back together again too.

Alex absolutely does have a blind spot for Maura because he used her to make MJ jealous when he came back from his first accident.He hinted he would get a divorce and let Maura believe they would be each other like before MJ came on the scene.

All of that good will for her should have ended when she confessed her part in the Mario Aguirre plot.

Alex is not used to working to get his women like he has to do with MJ before and now, so i guess he needs his male ego to be stroked by Maura.

Remember the girls at the club who came onto him and Ferdumbo, the guy doesn't really have to try and women are tripping over themselves to be in his company.

I guess that's what Maura is for him, but it's a selfish and bad move on his part he would definitely not tolerate MJ acting the same way.

Too right, Anon. Alex is a pretty jealous fellow. MJ would never get away with similar behavior.

I wonder what the writers will do to Maura. According to TN 'rules", doesn't she have to die? I mean she was partially responsible for MJ's first injury with the Mario Aguirre plot and now she assisted the kidnappers in taking MJ. I think she's a goner.

Dear Jardinera:

Please forgive my poor manners. In my first posting I meant to say, Thank you very much for a dandy recap. I enjoyed it enormously and I would never have known you did it from memory.I always look forward to your Saturday wrap up of the weeks happenings on Sorti.

With kind regards,


Hi, guys! Laptop went bogus on me today! I spent hours getting my internet to work. Thank God for Iphones, though. Don't know what I'd do without it.

Anyways...great recap, Jardinera. As usual, extremely funny and informative. Can't believe you did it all from memory.

Elna: Vivi, I too, love Alex and Paula. They were darling together. I swear, that man has chemistry with ALL women.

LOL, you're right, but that's so discouraging for the actress who plays Paula. I mean I wouldn't want to be seen as the girl who looked cute playing William Levy's SISTER! Heck no. Not in my worst nightmares. What say gals? :-)

Seriously though, they were very cute together.

Vivi, great observation about the two scenes. I went and watched both again on youtube after reading that. Very interesting.

Anon, Can't wait for this doofus to find out not only does Alex know, but Paula, Arturo, Ferdumbo, Vicki,Felipa and Hernan know what he's up to.


News flash folks the producer who just keeps giving us Novela Masterpieces Salvador Mejia will be producing Cuna de Lobos a remake of the same name version from 1986-1987.

Senor Mejia who gave us the classic FELS and now highly lampoon i mean talked about Corazon Salvage will be the producer of this famous classic.

William Levy who be making his Hollywood movie has found a way to work around his movie schedule and star in 13 episodes so far from the news i have read.

Why can't Mejia wait and just recruit his 50 year old telenovela hunk Eduardo Yanez.

Let's hope this role doesn't leave a bad mark on William's career.

As for Mejia can't we get his producer's license revoked or something?

Glad to see you posting, when we didn't hear from you most of the day yesterday I was afraid that the rain might have gotten too high and we'd see a smart, funny guy along with a busty woman rescued off of a hill top in Sonoma CA!

While I feel differently than you do about Paula, for me she is an unabashadly social climbing, money sniffer "twit", I think you are right on with your analysis of Alex, he does likes the attentions of women and is guilty of a strong case of willful Ignorance. Fortunately for both Paula and Alex, their flaws are certainly minor in comparison to all the murderers, rapists, kidnappers and Dr. Mengelas living in Sortiland.

Mornin' y'all. Thanks again to all of you who read and comment! It makes the effort so worthwhile for all of us recappers.
Elna June: thanks for the terrific psych work up and profile about Alex. You have a great way of putting those kinds of questions to bed for us all --and don't pardon that pun! ; ? )
Anon. 1:48pm - Thanks for the assist. I added it in for clarification.
ViviDC: The contrast in the re-encounter between MJ and Alex was not lost on me, either. ? 8 > )
I really appreciated the simplicity of it, too. It's as if the writers were saying this is the kind of first encounter theirs should have been and this is the happy and carefree Mary Jo --the way she deserved to be-- from the getgo. However, I don't know IMHO, if I'd have wanted the caveman grab 'n snatch as many have suggested. It would have put Alex in Bruno's position and probably scared the crap out of her in her current mental state. Again, that's JHMO of why the writers didn't do that. `; ? )


FYI: that was SandyTN's recipe. We've been way too sick in our household to try it yet, but I'm glad to see what a success it's been in others!
Hombre, et al: Please give me the proper sequence for the 3 parts you mentioned that I left out and I'll place them into my recap for future readers. Thanks!!!

Melinama: BTW - I kept thinking of red insect eyes everytime I saw those binoculars. Have no idea, but maybe they were "accessorized lenses for the man who's got everything but his woman" for filtering out the sun; and then at night he accessorized to "night-vision green".........

OT - IMNSHO Salvador Mejia can only cause havoc and wreck a classic like Cuna de Lobos. Looneyvision would do better to remaster the original by adding CC and show it at midnight than to mutilate it by giving to Mejia to rework.

Anyway, with the billions Televisa has, they could buy up tons of never-before done original works and stuff 'em full of our familiar and favorite actors and please the hell out of telenovela fans world-wide. Who is running that organization, anyhow????????

Anon, we might have touched on this before, but how much of Maura's lingering obsession with Alex is due to the ever so slightly mixed signals he has given her? to me his mouth was saying no, and his body was saying yes....just a little bit. Am I off on this?

If anyone wants to fix "oozy, gooey chocolate cake" with peanut butter centers, actually really great lava cakes, for Valentine's day, I'll be happy to share my Food and Wine recipe!!

Jardinera, I can't really fill in the sequence of the scenes I remembered, because I didn't tape the show, and just sort of recalled them. I guess the part about Vicky telling Alex that she would not oppose Bruno ending up in jail came when he told her Bruno was with MJ in Toluca.

Another minor scene I remember is that near the end, Vicky called Hernan to set up the board meeting with the rest of the partners. I think she initially didn't want to tell Hernan what Alex had found out, but she may have let it slip. We'll probably see that scene repeated at the start of the next episode. If not, it's not really important anyway, except to show that Hernan is on the good guys' team (and knows about MJ and Sandra).

Jardinera: Unfortunately Mejía has a high position in Televisa right now. He has the right to say which telenovelas go and which don't and he sometimes picks the novelas that producers should do. For example Angelli Nesma the producer of Gancho had already picked her next production and had reunited her work team and started casting for the roles but he decided he didn't want her to do that story so he picked a 2005 novela from Venezuela and told her to remake that one, so she had to change many things from pre-production. He has that power. I don't understand why someone gave him that position but that's why he has been able to pick and choose all the works he wants to do even if they are considered classics like "Corazón Salvaje" and "Cuna de Lobos".


Paula probably never had to cook or clean in Saqui because Pedro probably had MJ doing it. A typical scene in their house probably went down like this:

PAULA: Papa, I can cook some ______{insert food here}!

PEDRO: No, princesa, your mejor hermana MJ will do it.

MJ: {sigh}


PAULA: Papa, when I grow up I'm gonna go to college just like MJ!

PEDRO: No, princesa, you'll meet good hombres who will take you away from me.


MJ: And then who will look after you?

PEDRO: {sad Pedro music} Oh hija, don't mind me as I stay in this poor old apartment, by myself.

MJ: {Sigh}

PEDRO: No, hija, don't mind me. You just promise me you'll always take care of your sister, even after I'm dead and gone.

MJ: {sigh}

No wonder Maria Jose hurried up and got married to Brulex, she was trying to get the hell away from Pedro and Paula.

Fernanda from MEPS did not see Camilo administer a beat down to Steve, nor did she see Camilo drug and rape Aurora, but she sure did go down to the jailhouse and swear out a warrant saying he did, and that's probably what Vicky will do.

Jarocha: As for Mejia, perhaps it would be too much to hope for that he'll produce but give his directors free hand at casting and directing or editing? That might save Cuna from the same fate as CS ala Eduardo Yañez. Just a thought.

Thanks so much Jardinera. You made the summary informative and entertaining without the DVR.

I like it that the good folks are generally smart here at the end. I feared that we'd have a whole thing with Alex never catching on to the switch, believing that MJ was dead (or purposefully hooking up with Bruno) -- you know the drill.

I have to laugh at Arturo, with his highly unusual car, as the look-out.

I've been watching Hasta because I need something to keep me away from CS. I so loved the original, I am boycotting (would Televisa really care) the new version and have to have something to fall back on. Hasta is silly, lots of shrieking and emoting, like most Mexican comic novelas. Pedro Fernandez is surprisingly good, IMHO, as is Victor Noriega. They've dominated the screen so far. It's mindless fun.

Well, the director for the first 60 or so episodes of the new CS was Salvador Garcini, the same that directed Fernando Colunga in MEPS. He has dropped out to go work on "La Dueña de Tu Amor". I must confess I don't like him all that much and I actually think by watching CS2009 without him now that the actors are performing much more naturally than they did before. I think he likes to make them exaggerate their gestures and the way they speak and they end up looking fake. If Mejía picked a better director like Jorge Fons and gave him more power to work the series, then I'd like to see what they could do.


Have to say the Hasta previews looked great and I dislike comedies, but the actors really caught my fancy, whoever they are. They looked to have good timing and didn't seem forced as most of the schtick on Uni usually does. It's a shame I simply haven't the time for 2 novelas.

Does anybody wonder if the kicker in this might be Porfi's actually knowing about the Lombardo's recent public scandals so that after meeting "Damian" he squashes the lie? Somehow I think it will play out and he'll meet and prefer Nicholas over Damian or even Fernando.

Jardinera- I think Porfirio will see through Bramian's BS right away, just like he sees through Elena and Jorge. So I don't think we'll have to worry about him giving his stamp of approval to him to marry SaMJ. Stupid Bruno thinks he's going to charm the old guy. Ha!Can't wait for that meeting.

Sandy in Tnn it's not Alex body at all it's totally about feeding his ego or shall we say psyche. Haven't all come across a male or female version of Alex in real life.

These men and women need a constant assurance that they are attractive to the opposite sex. IMHO to them just the fact that someone gives them even a little attention is an aphrodisiac to their ego.

It's like they've already conquered that person so there's no need for them to take it to a physical level and be intimate.

Maura is the same if you ask me she's responding to Alex subtle openness to her flirting but unlike Alex she needs the intimacy to validate how irresistibly attractive she is to the opposite sex.

There are a lot of men and women who are like that also we have seen them on shows like Oprah or Dr. Phil.

Mejia didn't hurt Colunga's career.
He was in Usurpadora & Abrazame muy fuerte, two horrors. But he was just beginning his career. The only thing is, I think this novela has established Levy & maybe Mejia could do some damage. How does he get anyone to work for him, dinero I guess.

Jarocha thanks for giving us the info on why Mejia gets so many of the classics and remakes them. I was wondering how in the world did he get pick to do Cuna de Lobos is another novela classic.

Especially since CS is so horrible as a matter of fact if you go to esmas you can get some opinions from others about Mejia.

LOL they are up in arms over how he has mishandled CS and the casting of Yanez being to old to play the part.They absolutely don't want him to be apart of Cuna de Lobos saying he would ruin that also.

I googled the a article about it so far he William Levy, Rebecca Jones and Cuno Becker they said this time he is going to try to hire and put young actors in the roles for this novela.

Like you have said Jarocha Univision does need to be more open minded and get creative and bring in some new fresh writers with original ideas.

I even read this complaint from another fan on the esmas page it self. I guess as long as Univision is getting it's rating which means dollars they won't change the status quo.

Jarocha i have one more question from the power you described that Mejia has with Televisa it's on the level as the position of say the guy who is in charge of each channel NBC,ABC,CBS or FOX.

They decide which shows get renew or cancelled and have a say who produces what show and directs it.

It's too bad we the audience has to suffer because they put someone in charge who seems to be ill equipped to do it.

Jardinera~~~I just reread your recap. You always do an amazing job of summarizing the episode. I can't believe that you did the recap from memory. I agree that Abuelo will see right through Dam Bruno. Now, we'll have to wait and see if Al will patiently court Sandyjo, or if he and the very impatient Paula/Ester [Paulyester ???] will just hijack SMJ. I can't wait to see DamBruno's meltdown when he is ''Curses, foiled again ..Maldita !!!'' I don't think Maura will die , but there is some kind of really heavy anvil headed her way...Perhaps , as someone suggested, Lisette will die. I think RaqHELL must die in order for Roberto o o to get Li'l Vicky. He is so sweet when he coos to her and her roommate Tony .Rob definitely seems to have turned toward the light and seems to be well on his way to being a upstanding citizen and an integral part of Al's posse. I like Marcelo in good guy roles, and I would love to see him as a lead actor in a novela instead of his usual role as a good or bad second banana.

Susanlynn: You and doris come up with some of the greatest stuff here. Take a bow. Pauleyester???? That's a keeper! If you two only did recaps you'd have us all in stitches.

I'm so in agreement that Sandra's grandfather will see right through phony Bramian if MJ as drugged induce Sandra knows there's something not genuine with damian how could grandpa Porfirio not see it also.

The old coot is nobodies fool he knows exactly why Elena and Dr. Demented are nice to him. He let's them know beyond a shadow of a doubt they ain't fooling nobody this way.

Jardinera~~Thanks. If only I could understand Spanish much better than I do. I haven't even opened the Rosetta Stone box I received from my daughter for Christmas. I fear that I am a slacker as far as my dedication to learning Spanish. The novelas are my form of escape from my own for realz telenovela , so I am not studying seriously or diligently as some here are....just picking up bits and pieces of Spanish by accident. Will you be joining us for Corazon Salvaje ? I'm in , and I think that Connie, Capn Sylvia, Diana, and Karen might sign on as well. I'm not sure about Carlos, Hombre, Judyb, Mike, Emilia, Julia, and others over at Gancho. I'm ready to set sail with Big Ed. Will the crew be small for this one ? People complained about Pasion before it aired here, but many of us liked it very much. Oh well, as long as it helps me relax, learn a couple new words, and maybe giggle a bit, I'm happy. ~~Susanlynn, staring out at the gray, drippy weather

Susanlynn, I'll probably watch Corazon Salvaje, although I'm currently watching Perro Amor on Telemundo, which also comes on at 9 Eastern, and is a fun show with a super attractive cast. I have to tape it and watch it after Sortilegio.

But what's really wrong with Mejia? He's just overly melodramatic, silly, with lots of beanie adjustments needed. Sure, it's not great art. But it's definitely an escape. I enjoyed FELS, with its donkeys, actors way too old for their parts, no telephones, snake motifs, etc. The more outrageous it got, the more I liked it. So maybe Corazon Salvage will be similar. Great art, no. But fun.

Anon: The most powerful man in Televisa is Emilio Azcárraga Jean. He is the grandson of the funder of Televisa: Emilio Azcárraga Vidaurreta, then the enterprise went to his son Emilio Azcárraga Melmo and finally to Jean. Televisa Group has 3 channels on national network television in México: Channel 2 ("El Canal de las Estrellas" - the most important) , Channel 5 and Galavisión (or channel 9). It has also 9 channels on cable: Telehit, Bandamax, Ritmoson latino, TLnovelas, Clásico TV, De pelicula, Unicable, Golden 1 and 2 and Televisa deportes network. And finally 12 channels on regional tv (in 9 states). I'm sure I'm even missing some channels here.

Televisa also owns Editorial Televisa. They own the rights for 156 diverse publications in México, USA, the rest of Latinamerica and soon parts of Europe.

There's also Televisa Radio and they own practically almost every radio station in México.

They have two studios in México City and three more in Puebla, Guadalajara and Monterrey.

Televisa also has alliances with other companies and networks like in the case of Univision that most of its programming now comes from Televisa, they also own the 30% of a Canadian network called Teletoon, the 40% of a network in Spain called La Sexta. As of last year they now have an alliance with Telemundo.

Azcárraga Vidaurreta and Azcárraga Melmo kept Televisa growing inside the Mexican Republic and since they basically had to fight no competence for the audience they were able to supervise more carefully the products. Azcárraga Jean has been all about expansion so he compartmentalized more and delegated more power than his grandpa and daddy.

The department of Televisa Espectáculos has its own sub group of departments with different directors, that's where the department in charge of Telenovelas is. Salvador Mejía has been the coordinator of the Telenovela productions from just a few years now (I'm not exactly sure but I'm thinking since 2003-2004). So he has a great deal of power as far as saying which novela will be made but he is not that important for the Televisa Group in General. He can be removed and we HOPE he will get removed soon.


Hombre and Susanlynn you will definitely from what i have read be splitting your sides from watching CS so i don't think you have to worry about that.

Hombre i with you on Perro Amor on Telemundo once Sorti ends i'm heading over there until CS is over or moved to who was it suggested that all Mejia novelas should be shown at 3:00 am hour?

Jarocha thanks once again you are a jewel and a foundation of information. Is there a public out cry to get him removed from his position?

It seems that his ego has gotten out of control, it seems him wanting to be the producer of another classic Cuna de Lobos is a way for him to save face and maybe try to redeem himself from the mess he made of CS?

Anon, lol at the conversation between Paula, Pedro, and MJ you described. As for the Cuna de Lobos, you think it'll be bad? I have no idea who this Mejia person is, but from what you say, I assume he isn't the best of people to work with. In any case, I greedily accept any and all opportunities to see WL. Hope Mejia manages to help Levy's career. BTW, I was looking up the cast of the show. William Levy is supposed to play the character of Alejandro. That is the main character, right?

Cielo de Levy that wasn't me that was another anon. I read that he supposed to play the Alejandro part.Is it a main part i wouldn't believe so because he's only doing 13 episodes so far.

I guess we'll have to keep waiting for more information to come out on this. They still haven't announced all of the cast yet only three people so far. Still don't know when they will begin filming it either.

Susanlynn: I'll be around for the 8PM Central/9PM Eastern whatever it is. CS advances looked enticing, but only if you totally forget the images of the original CS and the intended ages of those again. EY is a bling-bringer, period. Maybe he got jealous of FC always getting the period parts and grabbed for this. Dunno. Sebastian Rulli and Wm Levy would have been better in this --much closer in age if nothing else-- and they could have carried the role very well, even with dyed hair. Oh well. More caray to cry about --or laugh about.

Jarocha: the magnates you describe remind me very much of the milk magnates in MEPS because just because you come from money or, as they say up here, were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, doesn't mean you can successfully run a company, or that you automatically are a programming genius. It means that you're so powerful, have the government bigshots behind you, and are "de familia" --one large and powerful enough that nobody will say no to you. IMHO it's so big an enterprise that it fairly well runs itself. Mediocre men are in charge of programming and apparently there is no real competition, as you say.

Gracias Jaracha por the info on novelaland.

I see a commercial with Sebastion Rulli while watching Amor Real & he has long dark hair.

Cristian de la Fuentes will be better in the roll that Ariel López Pedilla played at least in CS.

thanks for the great re-cap, I missed the last couple nights and watched wed. with only one eye. so the recaps are really appreciated!

Re: the OT Cuna de Lobos conversation, thanks Jarocha for the background info.
When I first read about this I thought "what a disaster", because I'm such a huge CDL fan, but my impression is that this will be a short run novela or miniseries format and the story will have a different more "romantic" emphasis than the original, so I'm hoping that it will be so different than the original that it won't really matter, it won't be as much butchering as completly re-inventing.

Cuna de Lobos was so well written, so well acted, and was such a huge success that my real question is why it seems so difficult to make something that good, how many telenovelas since then have been up to that level of quality? I'm asking those who know more, but my impression is that there haven't been many.

Jarocha: No, nurses in NYC don't wear them. Any way I've never come across it for years now.


Oh, sorry for the confusion, Anon! Anyways I looked up the story, and it seems that Alejandro is a major character in show. Hopefully, it'll be enjoyable despite the lack of artsy aspects like Hombre said.

Jarocha, Do you have a web site or newspaper that gives you all that good info?

I don't think Raquel will die. I think Bruno has to die (kicking a pregnant woman in the stomach? dissing your mom?). I don't think the writers would have both of Vicky's children die. That means she would get the worst punishment, not the terrible twosome.

I don't know how they will wrap up Raquel's character but probably something will happen and she'll end up saving the life of Lil' Vicki and Lil' Tony, and falling in love with her daughter, thereby redeeming her.

Maura will probably end up in the jail cell next to Rebeca Sanchez.

I don't know if we've seen the last of John Seagull, he'll probably return in the gran final and say he was lurking and spying on Maura and unearthed her role in the situation. One can hope.

I don't think Porfiro is going to die. He's too mean and crusty to die so the only thing he has to do is find out Elena & Jorge's role in the Sandra dumping/MJ brainwashing and leave the money to somebody else (Pollyester?)

And Bruno charming Porfiro? Please. Porfiro will see right thru him. I wouldn't be surprised to see Bruno pull a Fernando Escandon and toss Porfiro out of his wheelchair like Fernando did Don Agustin.

Anom, Bruno must die. ITA with you on that. That man is EVIL. Raquel...hmmm maybe she'll be redeemed. I don't see her dying either. Unless her drinking causes some sort of liver problem, which makes her realize her errors and die redeemed. Porfirio is old, but he's got a strong personality. I don't know if he'll live, but I'd like it if he did.


Jardinera and Hombre~~Glad that you both plan to set sail with us on CS. It has been disparged so much that I am afraid that a lot of people are being scared away. There are so many familiar faces : Helena Roja [the greedy, scheming mama of Matilde in Amor Real], the actor who played Padre Tadeo on FELS [Rene ?], the actress who plays Connie on Gancho, the actor who plays the guy married to Romina on ENDA, the actress who plays Romina's mama on ENDA, yummy Christian de Fuentes, etc. Also, I always enjoy the scenery and costumes in the period novelas. I am looking forward to a fun ride. If nothing else, it will generate lots of fun comments, and I always need a laugh. Thank you, Jarocha for all the inside dish ! Do you work in the entertainment industry ? I always appreciate your knowledge of Mexican culture and the telenovelas. We are so lucky to have you posting here.

Variopinta~~~Are you enjoying Amor Real ? I am !! DO NOT miss Mondays episode. Things are going to heat up. I imagine that you are enjoying all the details and side plots that were cut from the dvd.

Re : Nurses and caps. I never see nurses wearing caps anymore. I think that the distinctive caps used to indicate the nursing schools from which they graduated . I wonder when they stopped wearing them. Can anyone remember ? I guess one reason is that Americans are dressing so casually nowadays. My daughter is a teacher, and the other day, she went to work wearing BRIGHT red pajamas. It was ''pajama day.'' Gone are the days when girls couldn't even wear slacks to school and women never wore slacks to work. I just watched a Doris Day/Rock Hudson movie. Doris always went to work dressed to the nines...hat, gloves, stockings, high heels. What's the next stop in our clothing evolution?....Star Trek type uniforms ?

Bruno will have a great death, looking forward to that one. It is sth that we know about. Remember Gabriella, she was afraid of being closed in. Babs FELS set fire to her parents house. All I can think of are snakes & scarfs for Bruno.

I'm thinking Maura will come clean & cry & everyone will feel sorry for her because her sister died. She hasn't murdered anyone.

Raquel will probably be redeemed. She & Roberto had sth at one time & maybe they can get it back because of little Vicky.

Erick will die, maybe whacking Bruno.

I think Sandra is going to recover & live happily ever after, close to her long lost sisters & maybe with Fernando. I just don't think Fernando & Vicky will end up together.

It's a joy to have people here who can get to the bottom of the psychology of the characters. It's fun to analyze fictional characters and not get into a gossipy thing about your friends or neighbors. Anon, yes, it does seem to be that Alex's ego needs constant reinforcement. You hit on something, "There are a lot of men and women who are like that also we have seen them on shows like Oprah or Dr. Phil." I’d rather see known recognizable characters like Alex than bigger than life demons like Dr. Mengale.

Jarocha, you bring an insiders perspective to our little family blog....keep the info coming!

What to do with Raqhell.....Alcoholic?...redeemable, horrible mom?...redeemable in novela land, but how do you reconcile the fact that Roberto has stepped up and taken responsibility for a baby that he knows isn’t his...If they they give little Raquita to Raquel rather than to Roberto..........oh, I’m getting a headache just thinking about all of it.

I thought that Raqhell would have to die so that Rob could have Vicky, but as someone pointed out, we know DamBruno MUST die some awful death , and the writers are probably not going to kill off both of BigVic's offspring. Will RaqHELL reform, stop the boozing and subsequent eternal tanrums, and become a human being ? Will Rob forgive and forget the stabbing, drinking, and general nastiness? It's hard to see Raq, Rob, and Vicky as one happy little family. I think Paula is going to end up weaving with insipid Gab of the curled lip. I am hoping that Sleeping Beauty [aka Useless Ulysses] awakens soon and helps to blow the whistle on Jorrible Jorge [great name !!!] I hope that Sandra is saved, but I still think that Fer and Vic will end up together because we are continually reminded that they are in looooovvvveeee. Maybe Sandra will end up with Jonathon Livingston Seagull. EZ and Aruro can fight over Felipe. Meiche and Pedro will be paired up.

Sandy i wonder if Alex's needing constant attention stems from the abuse he suffered at the hands of Bruno growing up.

While we saw Alex being consoled by Vicki it wasn't his fault why Bruno kept picking on him and try to forgive him.

Maybe that's why Alex even though he was angry and upset with Maura after finding out about the Mario Aguirre plot chose to forgive her.

Perhaps Vicki's raising of Alex is some reasons why our hero has some not likable but hopefully curable flaws.

Also maybe the reason why Alex also needs constant reassurance he is likable, imagine being constantly abused mentally and physically on a daily basis by a bully like Bruno.

I have to say other than his jealous hot temper and flirting the guy not all that bad.

Thanks for the recap, as always.

Susanlynn - I too would like to see R0berto in a leading or maybe bigger role; he's attractive and has a hot bod.

HdM - I also started Perro Amor, and really enjoying it. so glad it's on T'mundo, with English captions.

CdL - 'I greedily accept any and all opportunities to see WL.' ditto!

Ale is allowed a couple of flaws; no one is perfect - not even in TNland.

Jarocha - I don’t know when nurses in the U.S. stopped wearing caps, but I think it has been decades. Maybe since the 1970s?
***I just Googled it and some say 1970s or early 1980s.

”I'm ready to set sail with Big Ed.” susanlynn – you are a diehard fan! LOL

Cielo de Levy – all of Mejía’s ‘novelas are complete circus, some more watchable than others. Mostly we watch and then say---Que the ****?

Elnajune – Most likely Vicki is not capable of killing anyone. It was wishful thinking on my part. ;o)
Bruno must die! I think Erik will go with him, since he has been accessory to many of the crimes.

I think RaqHell will sober up at the last minute, re-think her direction in life, and try to make a second 'go' of things with Roberto. They can't kill off both Vicki's children.

And Felipa will end up with Cuco, The Most Intelligent Character in this 'novela. ;o)


This quote...

"I was afraid that the rain might have gotten too high and we'd see a smart, funny guy along with a busty woman rescued off of a hill top in Sonoma CA"

...had me in stitches. I got this mental image of a woman and a man in a small boat, nobly braving the elements. She is standing in the prow, wearing her Viking helmet (the kind with the horns) and a fabulous breastplate with built in lift and separate.(Talk about underwires)! He is wearing a long green cape, which billows in the foul storm.

Oh, no , wait, that wasn't us. It was Tristan and Isolde. Drat, I was liking that image.

So far we have not had to be rescued by boat although, if it keeps raining, boat rescue may be in our future. If that happens, I won't want to miss my chance at real life drama. Anybody know where I can get a cheap breastplate?

I don't agree with some of the analysis today of Alex's supposed need for constant attention. He seems pretty well balanced to me. After all, he had a wonderful, loving father into adulthood. It's clear that Vicki also loves him. She's the only mother he can remember. They showed Bruno bullying him when he was little, but once Alex stopped being smaller than Bruno, I doubt that continued.

I don't know if it's written that way or the way Levy acts the role, but I just think he's such a handsome devil that he's totally accustomed to women falling all over him. Up until he falls in love with MJ he was apparently taking full advantage of his catnip quality for women.

So I think he just doesn't even really notice Maura's behavior. It's sort of like background noise to him. A man less used to female attention would totally notice that Maura was trying to get him away from MJ. He's oblivious. And he has a sort of noble idea that he can make a friend out of a former lover. Sometimes this does happen, but not with our obsessed Maura.

Novelera- ITA about Alex. A rich handsome man, who's smart, charasmatic and a natural flirt, who never had work to get a woman (until MJ) because they were always throwing themselves at him. I think he also has some issues of guilt tied to his feelings for Maura because he did drop her like a hot potato without explanation when MJ came on the scene. I think this contributes to his willful blindness about how obsessed and dangerous she really is.

Novelera, yes, yes, yes. That's how I see it as well. I don't blame him so much for all the crap that Maura does. I think he did a pretty good job of distancing himself from her after he got with MJ. Though he should've told MJ everything he knew about Maura, he has made it pretty clear that he has no intention of getting back with his formal gf.

Doris, thanks for the heads up on Mejía.

Cielo de Levy, I'm having trouble posting on the Squidoo-William page, so I'll try to answer your question here (sorry to Caray Caray for being off-topic here): according to a 1/22 ESMAS article Meija said Cuna de Lobos is supposed to start filming mid-Feb. and begin airing in May 2010. Problem is the leading lady is still not selected (the matriarch is however). The show is NOT a telenovela but a serial and will air only on the weekend.
Sorry again for going off-topic.

Oops. meant to write Televisa article not ESMAS in my previous post.

The best thing we can say for CS is it will be great fodder for the recappers.

Alex might not be perfect but, he's kind, sweet, guapo, rico, generous, caring. So he has a bit of a temper, as far as I can see it's all been justified.

Pedro is in Amor Real & so is Erick.
Haven't seen Cuco yet.

Gracias Cubs Fan!

Variopinta, I think Alex's amazing positive characteristics completely allow me to disregard his temper and whatever behavior he has with Maura. The guy is unconditionally loveable to me.

Just enough time to check the latest comments before I head off into the rainy day. Al is a heartbreaker, dreammaker . Pat Benatar knew the type, and we've all met guys like goodlooking that women just fall at their feet. What's a guy to do. Elna June, have you tried Breastplates R Us ? By the way, the rain has reached us here in the Northeast. At least it's better than snow and sleet. The temp is expected to go to 57 here today. I'm so confused. ~~~Susanlynn, looking for a boat

Thanks for the recap Jardinera. Sometimes isn't technology a pain in the nalgas? I haven't had a chance to read the comments yet so more later. What is the end date for this novela? I thought I wrote it down but couldn't find it on my calendar.

Comadre Jardinera, you're amazing! I want your memory, not to mention you're great skills!!

I'm struggling to stay with Sortilegio till fin, but I started Amor Real and well, enough said. It's fantastic! The only problem is that Amor is showing two episodes a day. Wish there was/were recaps on that one...

If Maura gets killed I don't think it will be a direct killing. More like a bullet that ricochets and hits her accidentally type of thing. She'd really like to stroke something but I don't think it is Alex's ego! (Did I say that out loud? Sorry!) :-P I hope her days are numbered and soon.

Connie, I looked it up on google, and it says Sortilegio will ends around February 15.

First day of Spring semester, today! Do you go back to work today as well Susalynn?

Sortilegio will end around February 15*


(so many typos...)

Vivi, Novelera : In my heart of hearts, I think that Alex is a little flirty, as you all have said “ a natural flirt”, or has a “catnip” quality. I didn’t really didn’t think so much about it until the club scene with the little “harmless” kiss on the cheek of the “skank.” The Maura/Alex relationship is very complicated, it needs a heftier psychological mind than mine to analyze. An example, FC, in my perspective, almost never plays the flirty role...more the straight arrow type. Anon and I were just having a “intellectual” conversation on what might have caused this flirtyness, if in fact it exists. I agree with all that have said that this flaw is just about the only one in a really super great guy.....and as I have said before, Hollywood seems to agree with us....

All my comments are in fun, I really don’t feel strongly about anything that happens in a novela...I have been in the same book club 20 + years and love a lively discussion, especially on an overcast day like today!

Cielo, if our hero William moves to the West Coast, meets you in a cafe, asks you out.......... I need to be your driver, your mom will understand the reasons for this and she will want me to go...

EJ, fun visual with the “underwire Breastplates are Us”, Viking hat and long green cape. I was thinking something more like the rescue of the German Shepherd of the other suggestion, wear slacks until the rain stops!!!!!!


Sandy- Keep the psychoanalyses coming! I love all the different theories, and also have the same kind of lively discussions in book groups. :)

Sandy, ROTFL! I humbly accept your proposal. As long as I'm in the back seat with WL, I don't care who's driving! :-)

The flirty behavior is so not a problem in the beginning of a relationship. Later when MJ has 5 kids, starts to sag, has put on a few pounds, is when flirtatious meets cute and willing and things go south.


thx for the gr8 recap.
I loved Alex and MJ meeting. The look that MJ gave Alex/Nicholas was priceless reminded me of the look she gave him the first time they made El amor. I dont think it would take Alex/Nicholas 3 or 4 wks to get with her this time. It Must be destiny for them to be together.

Just when I thought Elena could not sink any lower she offers her hija to Bruno as if she was a whore.

Death is to good for any of the villians in the show.

Elena, Raquel, Bruno, Dr. Doom, Maura all need to be dropped on the same deserted island that Alex and Fer were on but it should be used as their prison.

Paula is a whinner but aleast she finished school. And since MJ was kidnapped she doesnt seem to have a problem staying at her pops place.

Katia is a lazy buen para nada whinner. Fer needs to kick her out of his house and let her take care of herself for once.
She may be the one to punish Bruno she's obsessed with him and if she finds out that he dumped her for MJ it could push her over the edge. Lets hope so, 2 for the price of 1. Bruno dies and katia goes to jail.

Maura needs to lose Lisette, Alex and her money.

What was Bruno and Elena talking about in the kitchen? my cc went out.

Jardinera - I always enjoy your recaps, they're simply great. This is getting better daily...It will be fun to see how everything gets resolved.

Wonderful comments.

I'll be watching CS with Susanlynn, Hombre and others. Can't wait.


I don't think the TN gods will be that hard on Katia. Although she is a brat and a snob, she has been manipulated and lied to by Bruno and hasn't taken part knowingly in any plots. When Bruno asked her to get info, he made it seem like she was helping to defend him against Alex's unfairness. Plus, she's just a kid, 17-18, and I don't think I've seen a character that young get a super harsh punishment at the end of a tn. A broken heart and humiliation will likely be the extent of it. Which is like, the end of the world, when you're that young. :)

Cielo~~~Our spring semester started last Monday. I teach Mondays and Wednesdays , so today was our third class. We move fast. My students gave their first speeches today. On Wednesday, they will hand in their first book reports. They've already written paragraphs about themselves. Next Monday, they take their first test from the reading book. We hit the ground running. Time and tide wait for no man as they say. I have a lot to teach them between now and finals week [the second week in May]. I hope that your classes go well this semester. Good luck. Diana~~~I'm glad that you will be on board for CS. I am trying to rally some mateys so that I do not sail alone. ~~~Susanlynn, searching for her cutlass

You know you won't be sailing alone Susanlynn...I'm right there beside you. Saw the advances--woo hoo!

I think now we have at least 5 people who will watch! :P

Ahoy ! Connie~~I've checked out some of the episodes on Youtube , and they looked good to me. I read somewhere during my ...ahem ''research'' that CS-2009 is really 2 different tns mushed together. The storyline and characters are not exactly like CS, so maybe we can look at it and not compare it to the other Corazons. Let's see. So far I think that these mateys have signed on : 1]Connie 2] Cap'n Sylvia 3] Diana 4] Hombre 5] me. I'm still waiting to hear from more of our amigas/os.

Susalynn: You are right. CS2009 is actually a mix between "Yo Compro Esa Mujer" and "Corazón Salvaje". The first 5 episodes are almost completely the same as YCEM starred by Eduardo Yañez and Leticia Calderón back in 1990 (20 years ago!). Even the character's names Montes de Oca and Aldama and the main villain Rodrigo Montes de Oca are used here. The actor who played Rodrigo Montes de Oca in YCEM Enrique Rocha plays the same character in CS2009.

The whole background of the characteres is changed, how they meet each other and how they were raised comes from "Yo Compro Esa Mujer" not "Corazón Salvaje".


Jarocha~~~Thank you for the information. You know a lot about the novelas. The actor playing Rodrigo is an excellent villain. I did not realize that he had played the same part before. I appreciate your knowledge. Do you work in the telenovela or entertainment industry ?

No, I worked in a radio station during my second year in university and I learned alot of stories and gossip about the entertainment. I also took two semesters of Television Workshop and we studied Televisa, TV Azteca and other local networks, but that's it. Most of the info about novelas is given by entertainment magazines and programs like NXclusiva, Hoy, TVyNovelas, Ventaneando, etc., so it is easy to put on the national channels as a background and you can listen all about Telenovelas and actors.

Aw my word verification is "cines"= movie theaters.


Now Enrique Rocha is the only reason I'd want to watch CS. I have loved him in every role he's played. He's usually a villain, but I've seen him play a villain who is cultured and interesting.

Plus, he vaguely resembles an old friend of mine.


giggle, giggle

I'll trade you a cutlass for a long green cape. I am taking your suggestion and I will make my way to Brestplates R Us as soon as the water resides. LOL

I hope the rain in the NE is nothing like it has been here. Also,just what subject do you teach?


Thanks, Susanlynn. Good luck to you too, sounds like you've got a busy semester ahead. :-)

Elna, Susanlynn teaches ESL, I believe.

We need to get Molly onboard and Stephe if she has time.

Connie~~~Are you still in contact with Molly ? She hasn't posted for a long time. How about Stephe ?

EJ~~Cielo is correct. I teach ESL to adults at a community college. The program is academic and intensive and designed to help them prepare for regular college courses.

Susanlynn, I'm not. I thought maybe she was readingg and not posting. I don't think her email is on her profile. I'll see what I can find. Not sure about Stephe. She was commenting for awhile but then had some computer trouble or something. I do some checking.

I emailed Molly. Waiting to hear back.

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