Monday, February 15, 2010

Dinero 2/15: Ale wants to invest in her man. Meanwhile, even the cows are depressed. But not Chavez.

Here are the plot points:
  • Rafa's sister, in her sexy little mini-skirt, gets Rafa's friend Jaime to help her take another load of the wedding booze to the customer Peteta found her. He buys the whiskey and massages her thigh and drools over her. She tries to find a safe hiding place at home for the money. Her mom is kind of suspicious. This sister is telling a lot of lies. Her justification: "But what can I do? This booze may be sacred to Rafa, but he doesn't have time to sell it, and we need the money now." She tells Ma that they can afford to get the TV out of pawn.

  • Rafa has not had any luck selling cars. Today it's his turn to go out and meet possible clients at their offices. On the way out he meets up with Marco and they have a testosterone conflict, shouting in each others faces, basically: "You Medina are an imbecile and you haven't sold any cars and you are going to get fired and I hope you putrify." "You Marco are a kept man and you drive around in your car and make your fiance take a taxi."

  • Rafa has no luck on the beat and even gets his pants ripped by a dog. He does find a "live one," ready and willing to buy cars, but it appears the guy knows Marino. Bummer. Back at Auto Siglo, Rafa gets ripped by Marina for trying to steal customers. That's one of the two sacred things at Auto Siglo, the other being your compadre's women (except Marino has been messing around, we hear...)

  • Marco has come to Auto Siglo to try and smooth things over with Ale (after throwing her out of his apartment and making her take a taxi home alone in the dark of night so he can have sex with a bimbo in purple underwear)... He promises to make it up to her this night. Then Chavez calls to say he's throwing himself a birthday party, with fine whiskey and excellent "female material."

  • Ale is as eager to be loved as a puppy. She tells her doubting friend/assistant Suzanna that Marco was very tender that morning, and now she wants to buy him an expensive white gold pen. "But you can't even pay the light bill." Ale grabs Suzanna's little New Age Buddha and pretends Buddha wants her to whip out a credit card and buy the pen. "You have to invest in a man, Suzanna, you're an old maid because you don't do it."

  • Ale needs a credit counselor, but instead she goes to her boss and begs for an advance. He says no way unless the new salesman Medina does wondrous things in the next two days.

  • Ale's dad decides to drive to the club and hang with his ol' friend what's his name. I refuse to go along with these ikky Alzheimer's jokes. He shouldn't be driving - but he makes it to the club and...

  • Dad sits with his friend over an unplayed game of chess discussing the unraveling of the hacienda finances (unwise investment in costly European machinery on credit, for instance). "We had to sell a lot of cows and the ones we still have don't give much milk, they're depressed." His enumeration of the precious, "intact" treasures of his dead wife are interrupted by...

  • Scenes of Marco and Chavez and a large number of girls in bikinis playing in the hacienda's indoor pool, spending the hacienda money and wrecking the precious items left by Ale's mom - the items the dad says are sacred and have been preserved like a museum.

  • Rafa drags his butt back to Auto Siglo saying it was the worst day of his life.


Thanks Melinama. This was a pretty depressing episode. Things have to get better for Rafa soon, right? I'm actually fine with Ale not being successful with Marco because he is such a jerk. But I feel stressed watching poor Rafa strike out over and over again. I also fear for Julieta's safety. That guy get's more and more hansy each time she goes to sell him whiskey- and what was with her wearing that mini skirt? Rafa is really going to blow a gasket when he finds out she has been: 1) neglecting her studies; 2) lying about having a job; 3) selling the whiskey on the black market; and 4) selling the whiskey to a shady character and using her sex appeal to do so. Right now Susana is the only ray of light we have. I want to see more of her. :)

Vivi you are so right. That sister is creepy and manipulative, I hate the way she wheedles Jamie. The mom should get a job! Rafa's luck is surely going to change soon. How I wish Marco would get busted but alas I fear he will get away with everything till the last episode!

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Thanks for the recap Melinama. I was thinking the other day that mom could perhaps end up getting a job at that cafe where the sales crew ate. But now that I think of it, not sure if want mom close to that riffraff. :)

Definitely need some more upside for poor Rafa, besides up a tree.

What's the opinion on this one so far? I'm having a hard time getting into it but maybe that's just because so much is going on with the other two novelas. What's to love?


Thanks for the recap, Melinama. I've been sort of half watching with the sound off, so I'm grateful to the recaps to keep me up to date. I agree that Julieta is pretty bad for a good character. This probably means something bad will happen to her (and then way later, she can be redeemed).

I enjoyed the pool scene for the bikinis, didn't really know what was going on - perhaps it was better that way.

I have faith that as soon as everything is going wrong for our hero, and we just about can't take it, something will go right. This means that within 2-3 episodes, something happy has to happen to Rafa. I think.

You're right that the Mom should get a job -- but a few days ago she suggested it and was put in her place by Rafe .... I'm the one who takes care of you.. I'm the man...yada yada yada.

Yeah, I'm half into this also. Sort of like it but not yet hooked. I like some of the characters and and super annoyed by some of the others i.e. Vickie and her whole family.

I agree that Julieta is riding for a fall. She's being very manipulative but in the end she'll probably be all right. And yes, Vivi, we need more Susanna!!

Güera from Syracuse

Thanks for the recap Melinama.
I agree with Vivi, this was a hard episode to watch. That Marino guy, I just want to take those toothpicks and shove them up his nose.
I really like Ale. The actress playing her does a good job of letting us see her vulnerable side. As nasty as she is to Rafa you can tell shes warming up a bit to him.

Mildred, I do like this show, I think some of what we are seeing is ground work, and some of it is a bit tedious but I really like the scenes with Rafa and Ale, and really enjoy Ale and Susanas' scenes together.
Rosario and Jorge are pretty sweet to watch together too.
If Vickys' voice wasnt so irritating I wouldnt even mind her so much as she is pretty funny but her brothers drive me nuts. (I've said that before havent I). So yea, I think it is going to be worth the ride.
I agree with you Jeff we need some more upside for Rafa. I had to leave the room when he was up that tree.

I think this is the kind of show that won't do well with a gringo audience because, like Juan Querendon, it has a lot of people talking fast and lots of slang but not that much action (stabbing, etc) - mostly standing around the car dealership. But I like the leads very much and am looking forward to seeing how things develop. That Marco is SUCH a putz, he is hysterical. My main objections: lame stereotypical joking at the expense of gays and people with Alzheimer's.

I was figuring by the end of the week that Rafa would come up with something and surprise everyone by actually meeting is quota, 6 I believe. Still hope so.

Mildred, what's to love? The leads for sure. Susanna. Mom. As noted, Vicky has some funny scenes, but that voice. Hard to get past it. Sis seems to be getting worse as we go along. Jaime is a good guy.

Melnama, I agree with you somewhat on the lame stero-typing with the hairdresser/salon owners but not so much with Jorge.

I adore his character. I adore his tenacity. I see him trying to retain his dignity. He loves his daughter so much and you can just feel his pain and frustration.

He reminds me so much of my mom, the forgotten names, the scary driving untill she thankfully lost her liscense and the sweetness and gentleness I see in her everyday.

I guess i wasnt seeing that they were making fun of him so much as letting us see how hard it has all been for him and doing it in a humourous but somewhat realistic way.
I also agree that Marco is a putz. I dont think I would use such a kind word though, in describing him. But he is funny.

Are we setting up a place to discuss Tuesday night's show even if there is no official recapper?

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