Saturday, February 20, 2010

El Clon, Friday, Feb. 19 - Love in the ruins

Jade and Lucas have their first kiss that leaves them out of breath. Jade tells Lucas that her heart is about to explode and wonders if she is sick. "It's called love," replies Lucas. "Then I want to be sick with love," says Jade. More kissing ensues.

Diego packs up his stuff at his father's house while Rosa entreats him to stay. She says that since their mother died, Leonardo has always put his sons first and never got involved with any of the women that pursued him. Diego says that was in the in past. Now, Cristina is all that matters to daddy. Rosa's pleas fall on deaf ears. As he leaves, Diego tells Rosa to let his flight instructor know that he is back in town and wants to fly the helicopter at 5pm.

Osvaldo has not come to his appointment at the fertility clinic. Luisa gets a call from Diego letting her know that he is moving into Albieri's apartment. She decides to move in with him to keep house. The other clinic staff are sceptical of her motives but she claims that she is responsible for Albieri's apartment when he is away. Dora makes another appointment for Osvaldo.

Back to kissing central.

Luisa moves into Albieri's house and gets off on handling all his stuff.

Leonardo has decided to go back to Miami. Albieri reminds Leonardo not to forget about Lucas' problems. Albieri is surprised and alarmed to hear from Leo that Lucas has fallen in love with a local girl.

More kissing. Jade tells Lucas that she is being forced to marry and there is nothing she can do about it. She just wanted to see what it was like to kiss someone she cares about. Lucas suggests that they run away to the US. When Jade hesitates because they are not married, he proposes. He tells her that he has loved her from the first moment he saw her. More kissing.

Zoraida and Latifa return to Ali's house and tell him that they lost Jade.

Now Jade asks Lucas why she followed her heart and not her head. What will happen if her uncle locks her up for the rest of her life? Lucas replies that she did it because she loves him as much as he loves her. He suggests that they take the first flight back to the US but Jade tells him that Ali has locked up her passport. Lucas says that they should go the hotel and ask Albieri for help. Jade refuses. She doesn't want anyone to know about this before Latifa's wedding next week. Jade tells Lucas that since she has met him, she had lied and deceived, things she had never done before. She believes that she is lost - she will be punished for what she has done.

She runs away,dropping her head scarf and Lucas picks it up.

Jade returns to Ali's house. She tells him that she got separated from Latifa and Zoraida and got lost in the market. Ali asks what became of her headscarf. Ali tells her that the first time she lies to him will be her fault but the second time will be his fault. Jade asks why he is telling her that since she has never lied to him.

Back in Miami, Dora is besotted with babies. Osvaldo is dancing with another woman when Dora comes into the club. He hides and tells his girlfriend to say that she hasn't seen him since yesterday.

Diego arrives at Albieri's house. Luisa tells him that he is Albieri's favorite nephew, the son he never had. Diego says that he had a better relationship with Albieri than with his own father. Luisa tells Diego that she thinks Albieri is lonely and wants his own family. Diego explodes her delusion by saying that Albieri likes to be alone and he can't imagine Albieri with a girlfriend. When Luisa brings up Daddy's girlfriend, Diego changes the subject. He realizes that he left the charger for his laptop at the house and has to go back for it.

Leonardo arrives back in Miami. His driver tells him that Diego has gone to stay at Albieri's house.

Cristina is telling her troubles to Vicki, who seems to be the universal confidant. (It was to Vicki that Dora told her troubles.) Vicki scolds Cristina for blowing the good life with Leo for a kid and reminds her that she has done this numerous times before. Cristina makes the interesting argument that she didn't betray Leo because to betray someone you have to have feelings and she had no feelings for Diego. Cristina says that she really loved Leo. Vicki tells her to get a job and get over it.

Rosa tells Leo that although she doesn't know the details of what happened, she is sure that it was the other woman's fault and not Diego's. Leo says that he was always worried about Lucas, who was frail and romantic. He hoped to give the business to Diego so he could look after Lucas. Cristina calls and Leo has Rosa tell her that he doesn't want to speak to her ever again.

Diego is having a helicopter flying lesson. He wants to solo but the trainer says that he still has a lot to learn.

Albieri finds Lucas and wants to know who is the woman that he told his father he has fallen in love with. Lucas replies that he isn't in love; his father was exaggerating. Albieri warns him against getting involved with Muslim women because their customs are very different. Lucas asks if Albieri knows this because he fell in love with a Muslim woman. Albieri replies that people here don't fall in love, they marry. Going out with girls, kissing and flirting is considered prostitution and is punishable by prison or, in some places, death. Albieri says that the customs in Muslim countries aren't better or worse than in the West, just different.

Lucas reassures Albieri that the woman he is seeing isn't Moroccan. Albieri says that he and Diego are not romantic and Diego might end up a bachelor like him. In response to Lucas' question, Albieri says that sometimes he is lonely but he would never want to live with someone. He is too set in his ways. Lucas asks what Albieri would do if his lost love appeared magically in front of him. Albieri replies that he doesn't believe in magic. He is a scientist.

Ali tells Zoraida that Nazira is in the market to buy the gold for Latifa. He warns Zoraida that he doesn't want any crappy 14 carat [the Spanish word for carat is kilates] gold, only 18 carat. Zoraida assures him that she can identify crummy gold. She asks if she can bring Jade with them but Ali tells her no. Zoraida asks if Ali knows where Jade went. He says no. He asks if Zoraida knows something she isn't telling him; she seems tense. Zoraida denies it. She says that since he isn't allowing Jade to go with them, she wondered if he had found something out.

Zoraida and Latifa look at gold in the market.

They meet Nazira, Said and Mohammed. Nazira continues to drop hints about being a candidate to be one of Ali's wives. Said asks if Jade has come with them - he wants to meet his intended. Meanwhile, Latifa is ostentatiously not looking at Said.

Ali tells Jade that he is going out to visit his second wife [I guess she doesn't live with him?] and then to the travel agency to buy a ticket and he won't be back for dinner. Jade can barely control her joy.

Back at the market, we find out that Mohammed doesn't have enough money to pay for the amount of gold that Said had offered for Latifa. He will be shamed and will never marry. He tries to borrow money from Said but Said says that he's going to need all his money to buy gold for Jade, bring her back to the States and invest in his business. Mohammed tells Nazira about the problem. Nazira whispers something to Latifa who in turns tells Zoraida.

Jade sneaks out of Ali's house and is followed by two guys. Are they Ali's servants or kidnappers?

Ali runs into Albieri at the hotel.

Back in Miami, Diego asks Rosa to give the charger for his laptop and some shirts to the driver. He doesn't want to go into his father's house. Rosa tells him that his dad and Cristina have broken up but Diego says that Leo has to apologize for hitting him. We get a little lesson in cloning as Leo finds out that Albieri has cloned six calves from Leo's favorite cow.

Jade meets Lucas in the ruins. She tells him that her uncle is going away on a trip and wants her to be married before he goes. Lucas begs her to run away with him. She says that she will give up everything for him but she can't lose him. Jade arranges to meet Lucas tomorrow when Ali goes to the camel market. They are being observed.

Cristina shows up at Leo's house just as Diego arrives.

When Jade leaves the ruins, two men grab her. She yells at Lucas to run away or they will kill him.

The credits roll.


Thank you for the recap, Jean. Your pictures are fabulous - you always capture just the right moment. e.g. the foursome in the market, Lucas' glowing face, and especially Jade and Lucas, almost united, but with Ali's rep symbolically between them. Perfect!

I sure am glad that you are recapping this. I can already see that I would have regretted trying to do it solo. I honestly don't know how you manage to cover a show solo. My hat's off to you.

I love that you cover all the significant stuff so well, but you don't get bogged down in unnecessary details. I'm not very good at separating the wheat from the chaff; I'm still working on that skill.

Deb: I removed your comment since we don't know what Nariza whispered to Latifa yet and it is therefore a spoiler from the Brazilian version of the novela.

I did learn from the posts on TW that 'sidi,' as Ali is sometimes called, is a term of respect for a descendant of Mohammed and that mark that you can see in the middle of Ali's forehead is supposed to be a callous that a devout Muslim gets from bowing to the floor so often in prayer.

Jean: Thanks for the terrific recap! I am able to stream from the Telemundo site it seems, but since there isn't any CC I do miss a bit of the dialogue. I did a marathon this weekend to catch up with the recaps. They help me as I go from segment to segment. Many thanks to you and Paula for taking this on and getting me over the humps. ! 8 ? )

Thanks for the recaps. I intend to watch El Clon.

sorry Jean...

I was thinking that was a part of the original story but glossed over in this version. You are right though in that we don't know that as yet. My apologies.

Love your recaps!

Thanks Paula, your recaps are excellent also. I have had a lot of practice! I am so grateful to you for sharing the recapping with me. It makes it more of a pleasure than a burden.

Welcome to Telemundo novelas Jardinera.

No problem, Deb. Thanks for understanding.

Thanks Jean for a thorough recap. I look forward to viewing El Clon and appreciate your recapping it.

I don'tknow if I missed it or not, but why is Dora so hungup on becoming pregnant...???M

I forgot to sign off.


Ann-NYC: Darned if Dora's hang-up with getting pregnant wasn't starting to bug the heck outta me! My thumb was itching to FF>> through the baby-clothes scenes. As for her possessiveness and nagging, sympathize with the soffocating Ozzie who makes moves on all the cutie-pies, it seems, just to feel a bit of independence and manliness. Loved the crack the pony-tailed partner made behind her back when he went to hide.

Thanks so much, Jean, for the very helpful recap. Earlier in the week, I had Spanish captions, but the last two days they were missing. Even with the captions I miss a lot; without them, I'd be toast without the recaps.

I too am puzzled by the subplot with Dora and Osvaldo. I missed the first few episodes of this TN, but I thought I had read the recaps. Perhaps the explanation went in one eye and out the other?

I don't think there is any explanation for Dora and Osvaldo yet. They are characters who have been introduced and we will see how they fit into the story. There are lots of women who are desperate to have a baby. It's not hard to imagine how a woman who is desperate for a baby would fit into to a novela that is about cloning, which presumably would involve a surrogate mother.

With Dora, I think they're setting us up to bring her into the main plot. If it's called "El Clon," someone has to be cloned. And that cloned embryo will need a host.

Dora has ties to Albieri's clinic. She has closer ties to Luisa, who's unstable and would slit her own throat if she thought Albieri would like it. Dora is desperate to be pregnant. If she's a manicurist, she can't put up a lot of money for various procedures to get her pregnant by nonconventional means. I predict that Dora will be the host of whoever is cloned.

This is not a spoiler, only a guess.

Jean, we were writing simultaneously. Great minds think alike.

How true!!

Jean and Paula, what you say makes perfect sense. I had totally lost sight of the TN's title.

Jean and Paula: Yes, I've been rather myopic so far. Your explanations do make perfect sense. I guess the marathoning destroyed a few too many of the old brain cells. Thanks! !8 ? }
--Mauricio sure is a fine specimen and his kisses do sizzle in this thing whichever twin he's playing. I've not seen the earlier version, so I cannot make comparisons, but so far I'm really enjoying this tn.

Jean, thanks very much. I miss so many of the subtle (and not so subtle) bits of dialogue, so great to be able to read your recap. I'm liking this so far, and ITA that Dora is going to become involved with the cloning plot line.

Hi Jardinera: glad a familiar face is on board this one. Mauricio is cute!!

Thanks so much, Jean. As always you distill the essence so well and always seem to include something that went over my head.

The actress playing Luisa is typecast! She's doing a good job, but she was exactly the same obsessed female in Victoria, except the object of her obsession was Mauricio Ochmann's character. I'm sure she's a fine person in real life, but she's very annoying playing the person who tries to snag someone who isn't interested. Albieri is going to have a fit when he finds out she's installed herself in his house.

Now this will never happen, but Jade's perfect move is to marry Said, move to the US, and get a divorce as soon as the plane lands. She has plenty of grounds, saying she was forced into it. She can then have a normal courtship and eventual marriage with Lucas. Short novela, though.

You guys are very astute. I hadn't thought about Dora being the surrogate, but it makes perfect sense. The only flaw in the argument is that they'll have to trick her because she doesn't want to give up the baby after it's born.

Over the weekend I was driving the car and my wife was in the passenger seat. I don't even remember the topic, whatever it was I said "why not? why can't you do that?" to which she replied "es haram! es pecado!" We laughed for miles.

mrslmgallego: Hi back! I wouldn't miss this one.

Because I'm streaming this thing I'll have to wait until they post the next few episodios and play catch up to post, i.e., like TM's site obviously won't have #6 till tomorrow. Perhaps Youtube has it up and hasn't forced anybody to take it down yet. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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