Saturday, March 13, 2010
El Clon, Fri. March 12 - Jade gets hitched; Lucas takes the veil and Dora's eggo gets preggo
At Albieri's house, Luisa is gradually insinuating photos of her and Albieri and hiding those of the dead Laura. When Albieri comes in, Luisa asks him why he was at Dora's house.
Cristina comes home to find Lucas in her house. He tells her that he 'got held up at home' (with flashback to the attempted slap and tickle session). He couldn't get to the beach on time and Jade has gone to Morocco. He asks Cristina what he should do. He loves Jade. She is the only thing that means anything in his life and now she's going to marry someone chosen by her uncle. Cristina almost asks Lucas where his balls are but changes it to his 'manhood' and tells Lucas to take a plane to Morocco and bring Jade back. She tells him to kidnap Jade if necessary but not to come back without her. Lucas looks at her as if he could not have come up with this idea on his own. He'll do it.
Luisa says that Albieri told her he was going to Mohamed's house, which is on the other side of town. How did he end up at Dora's? Albieri produces a totally lame story about looking at a car for sale and pleads exhaustion.

Lucas sneaks out of his house.

Jade is summoned to Ali's study to see Said. Glumly, she obeys. Zoraida says that Jade looks like she has lost her soul.

Meanwhile, Lucas is in Morocco lurking outside the door to Ali's house.

Then she

out to fulfill their zakat duty. Ali tells Said that he can't cheat Allah by not giving 2.5% of his income to the poor. (For more about zakat, click the link above.) Lucas lurks.
The Mouth is pouring out her grievances about the marriage to Mohamed. She says that she will be all over them on their honeymoon to get the truth on the virginity issue. Latifa tells Mohamed that Jade hasn't been with anyone else. She says that Jade made it all up because she didn't want to be married so young. Mohamed replies that he hopes that is true, if not a great misfortune will fall upon her.
It's waxing time again at Ali's house. Ali, with his water pipe, sighs and says that he never thought this day would come. Zoraida needs to get some more incense and goes out of the house. Lucas pounces on her. Zoraida tells him to go away. Hasn't he brought enough sorrow on their family? Lucas asks for her help to take Jade away. Zoraida tells him that Jade is getting married this day and she won't tell Jade that Lucas in in Morocco. Lucas tells Zoraida that Jade is marrying against her will and will be unhappy the rest of her life and it is Zoraida's fault.
The Mouth tells Uncle Abdul that she is in her best dress with all her jewelry to go to her brother's funeral. Abdul doesn't understand her concern. If Jade is no good, she'll just be sent back. Nariza claims that Said won't be the same if that happens. Adbul blesses Said while Nariza wails. Abdul rolls his eyes at Said.

A religious person (an Imam?) tells Said (translated by Abdul for our benefit since presumably Said speaks Arabic) that the Prophet said that a good wife is one of the greatest things a man can have in this life (the others being a big house and a nice car.) The Imam details the characteristics of a good wife, which Jade seems unlikely to fulfill. A woman says a poem over Jade to bring her happiness. All it brings her is flashbacks to being with Lucas. Jade is asked whether she accepts being married to Said. Jade hesitates but finally accepts.
Osvaldo tells a friend that he didn't come back to make up with Dora. He will get another girl - prettier and with fewer issues. Dora finds out that Osvaldo is back in town. She is surprised he hasn't come looking for her. Dora tells Vicki that now that the day has come, she is afraid that she isn't preggers after all. Vicki says that she is sure that Dora is pregnant.
Albieri asks Luisa about Dora. She coldly tells him that Dora is coming in for her pregnancy test today.

Ali tells Said that he is giving him a treasure and tells him to make Jade happy. Said says that he will. The Egyptian belly dancer performs. Lucas gestures to Jade to leave but what a dummy. How is she going to do slip out in the middle of her wedding?
On the home front, everyone is very tense waiting for news of Lucas. Leo manages to insult Enrique.
Back in Morocco, Jade is carried in on the palanquin. She tells Zoraida that Lucas has come for her. Zoraida asks if she wants to be left in the street again. She says that if Jade leaves with Lucas, both of them will surely die.
The Mouth warns Said to beware of any trick that Jade might pull on the wedding night. Said (who seems to have changed out of his business suit) says that he can take care of himself.

Now Ali and Abdul notice the strange veiled
woman. Lucas bolts from the house. Since cross dressing is probably frowned upon in Morocco, he is chased by some guys in the street. Once again, Lucas has let Jade down and she is crushed.
Lucas goes to the ruins where he is dazzled by the vision of Jade dancing for him. Then he acknowledges to himself that he has lost Jade and collapses in grief.
Julio asks Albieri where the cells that he cultured from Lucas are. Albieri says that he had an accident and lost them. He is told that Dora has come for her pregnancy test. Albieri is sure that she will be told that she isn't pregnant and the nightmare will be over.
Back in Morocco the newlyweds are about to leave Ali's house. Zoraida tells Jade that the materials for her to fool Said about her virginity are in her purse. Jade refuses to use them. When Zoraida asks if she wants to die, Jade says that she won't escape her death. The wedding party leaves the house.

The credits roll.
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Wish they would decide whether to make Lucas' character totally spineless or just having a momentary wobble. He's not the hero he was in the first couple weeks...
I don't know what to think about Lucas. I have hopes for his clone, though. If he is a combination of Diego and Lucas, that would be perfect. Maybe that's the idea. Diego and Lucas are each halves of one person and thus incomplete. One assumes that there is a reason that the person who is cloned is a twin.
I'm about as worn out from Lucas and this marriage nightmare scenario as Jade seems to be. I've developed a sincere respect of sorts for both Mo and Said considering the patience and self control they show towards La Nariza. She's enough to give anyone a never-ending cluster migraine!
Susanlynn: I expect quite a few sparks to fly between Jade and La Nariza. In fact, I can't wait! I think Jade will awake from her lovelorn stupor and make life just difficult enough for The Nosy One to get even without getting in trouble for it. At least I'd like to hope she will.
A minor thing: I sure hope they don't have Dora reconciled with the despicable Osvaldo. I had high hopes when they moved him to Mexico that we'd seen the last of him. Dora does not deserve to be hooked up with this macho egomaniac. Of course his talk of another, better woman is protesting too much, and he still loves her. But I can't stand him.
The wedding was SO interesting. I had no idea the bride wasn't even in the room when the groom gets married by an imam. Jade looked gorgeous. Said isn't really picking up the signals or else he thinks it's maidenly modesty. But surely he should have noticed how unhappy the bride is.
I had an insight into a scene they showed for the next episode, but even mentioning it might spoil it for someone else, so I'll callarme.
I was pleased to see Mama Rosa finally at least hint that Leo, who's lashing out at everyone else, is in a large part responsible for his son's death for ignoring his cell while in bed with the blonde.
As to Cristina, she's turning out to be a much more sympathetic character than we had supposed. She doesn't seem to be written out of the story yet. Maybe she really will get Leo in the end?
They can write Luisa out right now as far as I'm concerned. I'm bored to death with her harassing Albieri all the time. He never has a moment either at work or at home when she isn't following him around. As I might have mentione before, this could be a carry-over from the stalker she played in Victoria. In that one she was obsessed with Mauricio Ochmann's character.
I rewatched the last few videos of Friday evening. Did Enrique tell Leo that he was at his side for smuggling drugs?
I've always been somewhat bemused by what I see as a contradiction. Wives and women in the household have to dress modestly.Yet everyone happily watches the scantily-dressed belly dancer at the wedding. What does Islam have to say about this?
As is often the case with recovering addicts, he's turned to faith to get him through. Right after Diego's death, Enrique was trying to get Leo to turn to God. Apparently, he's also into paranormal stuff (seems like a contradiction) because he was recommending a psychic who could put Leo in touch with Diego in the afterlife.
I also have wondered about how having a belly dancer performing at the wedding is ok. Respectable women only dance for their husbands so is this woman not respectable? Why would you want a such a woman at your wedding festivities?
I'm hoping that after Monday's episode all the business of marriages and virginity will be over.
for an interesting history of bellydancing. The Wikipedia article states:
"Since the 1950s, it has been illegal in Egypt for belly dancers to perform publicly with their midriff uncovered [3] or to display excessive skin. It is therefore becoming more common to wear a long, figure-hugging lycra one-piece gown with strategically placed cut-outs filled in with sheer, flesh-coloured fabric.
If a separate bra and skirt are worn, a belt is rarely used and any embellishment is embroidered directly on the tight, sleek lycra skirt. A sheer body stocking must be worn to cover the midsection. Egyptian dancers traditionally dance in bare feet, but these days often wear shoes and even high heels."
It seems pretty clear that our idea of belly dancing has roots in the Middle East but is mostly something Westerners expect to see in nightclubs [and in novelas that take place in Morocco] and would never have been performed at a real Moroccan wedding.
You folks have covered most of it. I wanted to toss out one comment. Juanita, you mentioned the similarity of Arabic and Hebrew words. It's not just a coincidence. Both are in the Semitic language family, fairly closely related. Three enlightening images:
1. Common Vocabulary in Semitic languages. Note it lists the salama / shalom for peace, which we talked about last week.
2. The Semitic language tree. Note that Arabic and Hebrew are not only in the same tree, they are both in the Central Semitic branch.
3. For comparison, the Indo European language tree. Note that, for example, French and Spanish are in the same branch of the tree, so that MAY be comparable to the relationship between Arabic and Hebrew.
When I was on a conducted tour in Morocco, we were subjected to a sleazy belly dance - fat lady! It was law that we also had to have a Moroccan tour guide. I asked him about the belly dancing. He had been at the event the previous evening and obviously enjoying it. He looked uncomfortable at my questions. But then we were tourists :)
You asked a question somewhere asking what was up with the little girl with straight hair and earrings?? could you clarify...
Also..anyone else LOVE Jade's earrings on her wedding day?? Wish I knew where I could find them!!
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