Friday, April 30, 2010

Dinero #77 & 78- 4/29/10: When a Recommendation Letter is a Love Poem or The Rumor Mill is Ready for Business and Hiring New Staff

From yesterday:
Rafa has taken his bouffanted mom and sis to a fancy restaurant to treat Leonor for her birthday. As they celebrate, the Refri guys and their wives spot Leonor’s hair and Rafa and begin to make fun of Leonor. Rafa goes over to set them straight.

Rafa gets right up in lead Refri guy’s face (old Grabby) and asks what is causing them to laugh so much. The Refris then insult Rafa and his family, wondering how an elegant place like this could have let in such people. Rafa sneers at them and wonders the same thing. He points out that the two ladies are his mom and sister, and that they are far more intelligent than any of them. He brings up the lewd, cheating behavior of the Three Refri Stooges in Puerta Vallarta, and their wives get all upset again. “You swore it wasn’t true!” Rafa lets the wives know that these guys act like dogs in heat when they see a woman. This really sets the wives off and one of them even throws her drink on her husband. They storm off and Grabby grabs Rafa’s lapels. Rafa pries Grabby’s hands off, smoothes himself down, and notes that HE’S not the only liar there. He then tells them that the next time they want to make fun of someone, look a little closer to home.

Rafa heads back to his table, tells his mom and sis that they will not stay, and that they’re headed to a neighborhood restaurant for food they enjoy. And, yes, mom can take the flower centerpiece. They also take the open bottle of Champaign…both of which they place on the table of the neighborhood restaurant when they arrive. (Lol!) Rafa secretly requests that the restaurant mariachi band play Las Mañanitas and orders up a bottle of tequila. As they toast, the mariachi surround them playing Las Mañanitas and Rafa begins to sing one of the most beautiful renditions, of an already beautiful song, that I have ever heard. (I’ve always loved this song and prefer it much more than the boring Happy Birthday song we sing.) Leonor is all smiles and in tears at the same time as her loving son serenades her. She blows out all the candles on her cake and Rafa is so proud of his Jefa, he calls out “GOAL!” and strikes one of his signature happy poses.

Las Mañanitas
Estas son las mañanitas, que cantaba el Rey David,
Hoy por ser día de tu santo, te las cantamos a ti,
Despierta, mi bien mamma, despierta, mira que ya amaneció,
Ya los pajarillos cantan, la luna ya se metió.
Que linda está la mañana en que vengo a saludarte,
Venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte,
Ya viene amaneciendo, ya la luz del día nos dio,
Levántate de mañana, mira que ya amaneció.

This is the morning song that King David sang
Because today is your saint's day we're singing it for you
Wake up, my dear mamma, wake up, look it is already dawn
The birds are already singing and the moon has set
How lovely is the morning in which I come to greet you
We all came with joy and pleasure to congratulate you
The morning is coming now, the sun is giving us its light
Get up in the morning, look it is already dawn

Mamma Leonor wants another song from her hijo, and he obliges by singing another beautiful song- La Gema. Leonor smiles and cries some more.

La Gema
Tu, como piedra preciosa
Como divina joya
Valiosa de verdad
Si mis ojos no me miente
Si mis ojos no me engañan
Tu belleza es sin igual

Tuve una vez la ilucion de tener un amor que me hiciera valer
Luego que te vi mujer yo te pude querer con toditita mi alma
Eres la gema que dios convirtiera en mujer para el bien de mi vida
Por eso quiero cantar y gritar que te quiero mujer consentida
Por eso elevo mi voz bendiciendo tu nombre y pidiendote amor

Que me hiciera valer

Con toditita mi alma

Eres la gema que dios convirtiera en mujer para el bien de mi vida
Por eso quiero cantar y gritar que te quiero mujer consentida
Por eso erevo mi voz bendiciendo tu nombre y pidiendote amor!

Ale sadly goes to bed. She slyly takes out one of the pictures of her and Rafa from the wedding, longingly stares at it, and almost kisses it, before stopping herself. She does give in to taking out Rafa’s yellow soccer jersey and curling up in bed with it. Rafa also goes to sleep thinking of Ale and looking at another picture from the wedding. “I can’t forget your kisses and your aroma. Alejandra, mi amor.” They both start to dream of their kisses on the beach and in the bed in the beach house. They dream about their slow dance at the last Refri dinner, but then they both awaken from the nightmare of Marco violently breaking them apart from dancing.

Ale shoots straight up in bed, looks at the clock, sees that it’s already 8:30 in the morning, and from reflex calls Rafa. Rafa picks up as soon as he sees it’s her, eager to hear her voice. “Hello? Ale?” She doesn’t say anything and hangs up. Leonor rushes in wondering how that woman could dare to call him when he doesn’t work for her anymore. Rafa assures her, it wasn’t Ale and she leaves. He looks sad and disappointed that Ale didn’t speak to him. At breakfast, Julieta and Leonor note Rafa is down. He tells them that he has postponed his wedding to Vicky until he can take care of his financial obligations. Julieta thinks the real reason is because Vicky is driving him crazy and because he doesn’t love her anymore. Rafa gets offended and leaves the table. When he’s gone, Leonor confides in Julieta that she thinks the real reason Rafa is in such ill humor and he postponed the wedding is because he’s in love with Ale! (Very perceptive Leonor. Points for you.)

They’re having breakfast at Ale’s house too. At least, Ale and Tia Rosario are. Jorge has decided to be a drama queen and has holed up in his room with the blinds drawn, refusing to eat. He’s even not eaten the meal from yesterday that he brought into his room. Tia wants to know if Ale has tried to call Marco (no), and admits that she did. She reminds Ale again of all Marco has done for them. Ale sarcastically says, yes, Marco is a saint.

Said saint is still in a depressed funk (literally, as he has been wearing and drinking in the same clothes for three days now). Chavez tells him he must regain his dignity. He mentions to Chavez that Tia Rosario called and told him that nothing happened between Ale and Rafa while they were pretending to be husband and wife to close the business deal. He doesn’t believe her. He also tells Chavez that Rosario said Jorge did not take the news well and is doing poorly. Chavez panics that their golden goose will kick the bucket before they’ve had the chance to claim their prize (the hacienda). He gets to work trying to set Marco straight and get him back on track with their plans. He puts on his glasses and puts his lawyer hat on. The lawyers on Law and Order have nothing on Chavez. He’s almost as good as Matlock, with the same kind of folksy demeanor.

Chavez sits Marco down on the witness stand (i.e. a dining room chair) and starts peppering him with questions about proof of Ale’s infidelity. Does the hotel receipt say they had sex? Was there video, photos, recordings, a witness? No, but Claudia told him something happened between them. And who is this Claudia? Uh…a friend. A friend who works for Ale and whom Ale can’t stand. A friend who has been in your apartment? Uh…yes. You’re a victim of Eros! Is she a trustworthy witness? Uhm… No more questions. Case closed! Marco starts to cry and Chavez needs a drink.

But Marco can’t let it go. Chavez reminds Marco that he has been no saint himself. “But I’m a MAN!” (Oh Marco, mi amor. You chauvinist you.) Chavez tries another strategy. This has now become a revival and Chavez is the charismatic preacher who will save Marco’s soul. “You have to go on an act of FAITH! BELIEVE that she is telling the truth. Believe in her. Hallelujah!” Marco, hand over his heart, has felt the spirit. He’s a new man (for the moment). “Let’s go take a bath”, Chavez urges. “Let’s?” Marco questions. “Uh, I meant you go take a bath.” (Lol!)

In the vecinidad, Rafa is calling Pepeto up to arrange to meet so that Rafa can get the rest of the sales money from the Panther. Pepeto wants him to come to his dealership to pick it up because he has a surprise for him. Rafa agrees, and as he leaves his house he runs into Vicky. This is a very different Vicky. She is very subdued (no squeaky voice), obviously sad and dressed in black. She says she’s dressed for mourning, and Rafa freaks out thinking someone in her family or that they know has died. No, she assures him, it’s our love that has died. (She and Jorge could form a club of drama queens.) Rafa tries to explain again that the wedding is just postponed and why. Vicky, like always, isn’t listening. She notes that ever since that woman came into their lives, they haven’t been intimate like they used to. (How in the heck did they ever manage that with the Brothers Grimm around?) She decisively tells him, “Today, you and I will make love like before.” This is said more like a military order, and Rafa looks perplexed and frustrated as she gives him a kiss, says she’ll call and stalks off.

In the sales meeting room of Autos Siglo, everyone is all atwitter with the news of Ale’s cancelled wedding, Rafa’s resignation, and the Refri deal that fell through. On top of it all, Ale is late! She comes in and begins the meeting, reminding the team that they just have two days left in the sales month to meet their goals. Beltran soon comes in and proceeds to rudely ignore Ale as he talks to the sales team. He wants to know who will bring happiness back to the Siglo home and thinks Marino is just the one to do it. Ale reminds Beltran that they need to replace Medina quickly, but Beltran thinks they were just fine before Medina and will be just fine without him. He continues to override Ale’s authority and demands that the reports be given to him directly. (What a jerk!)

After the meeting, Claudia and Rosaura continue to gossip. Rosaura would just love to be the bright star in her gossip circle, and juicy news of why Ale broke off her wedding would do just the trick. They are caught by Ale and Susana and Ale does a great sarcastic impression of Rosaura. “Honey!” Once Susana and Ale leave, Claudia begins to tell Rosaura her salacious version of things. (The rumor beast has now been unleashed. Let’s see where this thing goes.)

In her office, Ale is stressed and says her life is a disaster. Rafa calls, and she admits to Susana that she is not ready to talk to him. She doesn’t answer and looks even more stressed out. Susana gives her a massage and some good advice (what a wonderful friend!).

At ClauAutos, Pepeto not only has Rafa’s money (I’m surprised), but also lets him know that his jefe wants to speak with Rafa. Licenciado Antonio Gomez not only looks like a more reasonable guy than Beltran (time will tell), he is also offering Rafa a job as a salesman, with a better salary and commission than he made at Siglo and with the freedom to be the boss of his own time. He can’t believe Siglo let their star salesman go! Rafa can even take some time off before he starts. Rafa only needs time to put some financial affairs in order. No problem. Lic. Gomez has offered him an advance on his salary to take care of his responsibilities. (Is this too good to be true?) The only thing they need from Rafa is a clean medical exam (huh?) and a recommendation from his last boss. (Uh, oh!) Rafa doesn’t let on, but this is problematic for a number of reasons: 1) he’s going to work for the competition; 2) he didn’t leave Siglo on the best terms; and 3) Ale won’t answer his calls and they have lots of unresolved issues.

While Claudia has been spinning her tale to Rosaura, Ramirez has been trying his best to hear what they are talking about. He and Marino figure it must be about the jefa and they must know. Marino offers Rosaura an exchange of info. He’ll tell her who Clara in Accounting’s baby daddy is (as if he’s not the guilty party), if she tells him what she knows about Ale, Rafa, the cancelled wedding and the fallen deal. Rosaura thinks this is a fair exchange, and Marino then lies that Trapito is the father of Clara’s baby (sucker!). Rosaura is sufficiently horrified and titillated. She spills the beans about Ale and Rafa. “How do you know?” Claudia told me.” Marino later tells Ramirez that he doesn’t know who the baby daddy is (liar!) and gloats that he now has the tools to destroy Ale. They wonder how Claudia found out. Susana? Nah! Ale’s fiancé? Nah! (Silly boys.) Must have been Medina himself who told Claudia. (Really guys? Does Rafa seem like the kind of guy who kisses and tells?)

Ale and Susana are still speaking about the Marco situation in her office. Ale says she can’t get through to Marco and convince him she and Rafa didn’t have sex. But, she admits, she was unfaithful in her heart. Susana believes she needs a break from Marco, a change. She’s putting everyone else’s needs before her own.

Beltran barges into Ale’s office with no other purpose but to rub in her face that he is taking their important clients away from her and to once again blame her for the Refri deal falling through. It’s all her fault, since Rafa was a rookie. Ale wants to know what else she could have done. Her only choices at the time were to throw the deal out the window, or to let those guys have their way with her. He then insults her by saying that Claudia would have known how to handle the advances of those guys (I bet!) and closed the deal. Ale is insulted and announces it would be better for her to leave Siglo if she’s going to be treated this way. Beltran basically agrees and leaves her office.

Ale is seething with rage after this encounter, when Rafa calls. Susana urges her to answer, saying she needs to close this cycle in her life (my new agey friend from Colombia tells me this exact same thing all the time). “Thank him. Tell him what you shared was important. Don’t hide from him. See him at least one more time.” Ale thinks. When Rafa calls a little later on Susana’s office line, Ale decides to take the call. They both tentatively ask how the other is. They both downplay how much life sucks at the moment. Rafa then lets her know he needs a recommendation letter. She agrees and wants to know who to address it to. He hedges and tells her to just address it To Whom it May Concern. “If we see each other, I can explain.” Ale agrees and suggests a restaurant where they can meet at 5 PM. “Perfecto. One more thing. Have you seen my t-shirt?” Ale’s eyes go wide and she guiltily lies. “Nope.”

After they hang up, Ale gets to work writing Rafa’s recommendation letter. Later when Susana enters her office, she is touching up her make-up and fixing herself up. Susana gets the scoop on the call, the letter and the 5pm date. She is all smiles and wants to read the letter. Ale hands it to her, but is a nervous wreck, dropping and spilling things in the background, as Susana reads the letter out loud (we see some memories of Ale and Rafa moments). It is the most glowing recommendation letter I have ever heard. “One always smiles when near Rafael…I do not know a better human being.”

Ale is worried that it’s too corny. Susana disagrees. She thinks it’s not a recommendation letter. It’s a poem of love. Ale tries to downplay. “I just want him to get a job so he can pay me back.” But she cannot suppress her huge smile and good humor as she heads out of Siglo to meet Rafa. Ramirez and Marino are suspicious and call her a hypocrite for breaking the rule forbidding employee relationships (Marino’s don’t count because he’s not the boss.) The General overhears this part of the conversation and is brought up to speed on the latest gossip. Rosaura and Claudia gather and act like this is the first time they are hearing this news. The General doesn’t believe it and wants to know where they got this info. Rosaura and Claudia look worried for a moment, but Marino swears it was Rafa himself that spilled the beans. The General is scandalized, Rosaura looks relieved, and Claudia looks pleased that her evil little plan is working.


Vivi, thank you so much for the very thorough recap. It seems a lot happened and I had to miss almost all of the two hours. I wish I could have heard Rafa's two songs.

Gotta run. C S in 4 minures at midnight.


great recap of two great episodes, they sizzled! I love how Rafa is maturing. He looks comfortable and confident in his snappy suit and takes care of things very well. I love how he just - hangs in there. and is good to everybody. In comparison, Ale is a baby.

Vivi, Loved your recap, loved the title, and loved watching this for two hours!!!

I am so glad Rafa gave what for to the Refri guys. Very impressed that it did not come to blows.

Loved the songs. Thanks for posting them. Lenora was so touched by Rafas' singing. She actually looked like royalty while he was singing.

Chavez and Marco are so much fun to watch together. Your Matlock refrence was perfect. They are my second favorite couple. (Ale and Rafa of course are my favorite).

Okay guys, how can you not have a tiny tiny little soft spot for Marco. I know, I know, he is such a macho chauvanistic cad, but still... And now I really do feel bad for Chavez for being so ugly. He is so much fun to watch!!

Marino on the other hand is just plain evil.

And the "rumour beast". Those guys are scarier than the Brothers Grimm when they go into action.

Thanks again Vivi. These two hours of recapping are not easy to do but you did it with such completeness and humor.

I only saw part of this so I enjoyed your recap all the more Vivi. Thanks so much for the translation of the songs Rafa sang. I agree, Mañanitas is a far more beautiful song than our saccharine Happy Birthday. And I love those old tyme movies where folks are serenaded by this song underneath their window.

Well-written, nicely paced, just enough detail, clearly your fluency in the language is a great boon, and I loved the mention of your new-agey friend's chronic advice. I have a new agey husband and hear this sort of thing all the time. Plus the warning that this "problem" will just keep manifesting in my life until I deal with it.

The singer playing Rafa enunciates so well that I can understand every word of his songs. Heck, I can't understand every word of songs in English, but this guy really puts it over.

Looking forward to their 5 pm date almost as much as they are. Thanks Vivi.

PS The lawyer grilling session was a hoot. I howled when Chavez said, "just answer the question sir." With his bulk, I see him as a sort of disheveled, down market Ironsides.

Great job. Thanks again.


I too, love the Marco/Chavez couple. Pigs? Absolutely. Funny? Definitely.

The judicial therapy was great. I cracked up when (while feigning dignity) Chavez asked whether Marco had pictures proving the "acto consumatimes". Marco yelled "No, and I don't want to see them either!" Chavez's response was both sleazy and classic. "Well, I would like to see them in case there were some". The look on both their faces said it all.

Scenes like this are why I love this novela.

Charlotte- I loved that bit too. I would have put the whole scene in there instead of condensing it had we just had only the 1 hour episode. Tahat whole scene was just priceless. :)

Vivi, great recap of great episodes. Thank you!

Was anybody freaked out by Vicky 2.0? If this is her interpretation of giving a person space, I don't think there is any hope for her.

Glad Rafa has a new job. And I'm glad everyone is getting over the lost business.

Great recaps, Vivi! You've got an excellent eye for detail.

I wonder if Rafa's could-be-new boss is as decent as he seems. Considering Pepeto's shady business deals, I've got a feeling something isn't right about him.

Only Chavez could snap Marco out of his funk in such a hilarious way. What a great team!

Rafa and Ale finally reunite after such disaster. Hopefully Marco doesn't ruin it again. I'm afraid my recaps probably won't be up until Saturday since I won't be home until late tonight. Fingers crossed that the DVR gets it all!

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