Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Breathe in, breathe out.

Folks, I am so tired I am falling asleep over my keyboard. I'm leaving tomorrow for twelve days. Be good while I'm gone. I'm afraid this recap is not even understandable. If I get a chance in the morning I'll fix it. sorry!

Vicki Vicki Vicki

Since Rafa won't answer his phone, she is ringing every extension at Auto Siglo, making enemies as she goes. She grabs her voodoo effigy of Ale. After several tries, she eventually gets through even to Ale. How menacing she is! She promises herself vengeance. "Nobody takes my pajarito!" What is a chimoltrufia?

Auto Siglo

Beltran announces the restructuring of sales department. "Considering Ale's many credentials and experience, we need her, but we also need a man well-known to all - RAFAEL MEDINA!"

General astonishment. Marino, who had been expecting the crown, snaps his toothpick in half. Rafa stands tall while praised by Beltran, who explains: "Medina is not replacing Ale. There is a new job created for him, a 'commercial sales presidency.' You all will continue to report to Ale; she will report to him. They will work as a marvellous team."

Marina yells: who would hire this disastrous clown? "I quit" "OK, go ahead" says Beltran. Marino runs out; Ramirez runs out after him (after congratulating Rafa, who then gets happy welcomes from the team.)

Ale to Beltran: "Why did you do this to me? I'd rather be fired than work with him." "What's your problem? He's a great salesman and it was your mistake with Refri, not his! You're here because we need you - Dona Arcadia, Medina and me. He only accepted the job with condition that you not be fired. It's his doing that you still have your job.!"

Marino hyperventilates at his desk, it's a fullblown panic attack. Ramirez fans him and then runs to the meeting hall seeking water for his convulsed comrade. He takes a moment to beam at Rafa and kvell: "You were my student, I'm very proud of you!"

Claudia wants the back story; Rafa says it's Beltran who must provide the details." Rafa tells his former co-workers: "I won't torture you, I want us to be friends, professionals, a team." Claudia: "Will you get her office? Her door was locked in preparation for you..."

Beltran tells Ale: "He refused to take your job, he said it was mistake to fire you and that he wants to work with you." She softens a bit but insists she can't accept: "Things are more complicated than they seem. I have personal issues..."

Rafa comes in; Beltran explains: "She thinks you will take vengeance on her." Rafa: "Even though you were offensive towards me, you are the best worker in the team. There's nobody like you." Ale softens more. Ale is mad at Beltran for concealing such a surprise. He barks: "I don't have to reveal my strategies to you! This is not a democracy." "But you can't make me stay." "Are you getting hysterical about your office? I'll get you another one." Rafa says he doesn't care at all about having an office.

Beltran reminds Ale her resignation promised a MONTH of help. She says the current odd situation was not covered. She wants her stuff, but if he won't unlock the office, "You can mail me my things - or just give them to Medina!"

Rafa to Ale, in her (his) office: "I don't know why you hate me, " "Because of your gossiping! You told the world we slept together!" "I NEVER." "Everyone said you did, and nobody else knew." Then he brings up the embargoes of his house. She denies this. "Now you have amnesia! Remember? The police? In front of my family and my busienss." "You are inventing."

Eventually, mostly because all of a sudden her family is more in debt that they were yesterday (back taxes unpaid on their house), she says she'll stay for one month. She gives Rafa the keys to the office but he doesn't want them; they are tossed back and forth angrily. Ale goes to tell Beltran she'll comply and stay for a month. He: "Then begin working immediately on new strategies. You will share your commissions with Medina. You will also share your secretary Susana." "She is not a secretary, she's my assistant." "OK, so she's your assistant and Medina's secretary."

Beltran continues: she'll share her commissions with Rafa. She tells Medina this in a fury, he points out: "You didn't have a job or a salary until I got here." they have a funny argument about who's losing - and who is working to pay whom.

They agree to intensify the search for institutional clients, but that takes time - meanwhile, they'll have to depend on the sales team. They agree they have to get Marino to stay, but neither wants to talk to him.

The salesfolk are in full mockery. "A moment of silence in memory of Marino, fallen in battle. Get a last look at him before he's buried, he'll be the first cadaver of the new administration." He says he quit, and he'll start his own business. It's suggested he could go to Cloautos - after all with Rafa coming over here, there's an opening there.

Susana tells him to go talk to Rafa and Ale, but he says he'll only talk directly to Beltran. He in fact doesn't talk to but yells at Beltran, two salient points being: "(1) the job should have been mine; (2) they had a beach blanket romance. Beltran is disturbed to hear he is the last to know about the affair and he starts to think the whole partnership is a mistake. He dangles the future management role in front of Merino and says: "You should stay, and sell as never before. You want to please them all by leaving like a rabbit?" Marino agrees to stay under conditions that include flex-time and that he will in future report directly to Beltran.

Rafa hears the sad end of his replacement Zetina and immeditely thinks of Pepeto as a replacement.

Next Rafa goes to clear up the gossip. He asks Nelson/Dandy and Jimenez (who warns Rafa that VVV called and was nuts that he hadn't answered the call) to meet him in the conference room and asks them who started the horrible gossip. Eventually I believe Dandy admits it came through his romance with Susana. Rafa asks them to help prove he didn't do it. Jimenez: tell Rosaura and she'll broadcast it. Susana to Ale: "Nelso said it wasn't Rafi who gossipped about Puerta Vallarta."

Rafa does ask Rosaura where the gossip came from. After hyperventilation and denials, she admits she passed the story on - but without embellishment! - and that she'd heard it from Claudia.

Marco venting (hyperventilating) with Chavez about the taxes and that worm Medina. Chavez says: (1) There aren't many cows left to sell to cover your expenses; (2) the embargo on the hacienda has been lifted so I don't have access any more. Marco: "I will tell her it's Rafa or me!" "An ultimatum is not a measured response. Remember, without the marriage, you'll have nothing. My contacts can't help you, you just have to pay. And we can't sell more cows, do you know how many it would take? We're done milking this golden goose. And cows, they can't reproduce from morning till night... I suppose you could tell the truth, and then they can pull the money out of the property themselves and pay the taxes." He then suggests (I think) that they find some down-and-out guy to buy the foreclosed house and then sell it back to Marco at a lower cost. I think.

Phone! It's Claudia, downstairs - remember, she wriggled and breathed all over Rafa to get the afternoon off to go see a "client." Chavez wants to see her. Marco throws him out. Pulls her in. She: "Don't commit suicide - I'm here for what you need."

Jorge on phone to Ale: I forbid you to stay there with that delinquent who destroyed your life and ours. Quit immediately. She says they'll talk that night. Jorge: "I can't let her do this to Marcario..."

... Who is that very moment making out with Claudia. They fall into bed, but he jumps right up at seeing again that hallucination of Rafa and Ale on his same bed, in a close embrace. He panics, Claudia ministers to him in the kitchen, though reproachfully: "I thought you were a gladiator of love. But now (peeking), there's nothing." "I'm distracted." "I have a trick to wake the dead." Ale calls and Marco throws Claudia out. He goes nuts hearing Rafa's voice in the background

Papeta will get Zetina's job. Some guy comes to build a wall down the middle of Ale's office so Rafa can have half.

Ale tells Rafa she's leaving for the day, but he says, "It's barely seven. We have to prepare for a meeting tomorrow." Ale calls Marco back to say she'll be later than she thought but she swears she won't see Medina. "He ordered me to stay! We have a report due tomorrow."

Finally VVV reaches the Generala who won't give Vicki his extension. "He is busy behind closed doors with Alejandra." The others think this may get Rafa killed, Isabel doesn't care: "It's his problem if he has a baby for a girlfriend."

At or about the hacienda - and the house, which is now also owing back taxes

Rubi: riding, walking, eating pink stuff with Georgie. She tells him not to worry about the taxes on the house, that's his daughter's problem. "Your health is what I care about." "You are a strange nurse. Young and beautiful." She kisses him each time he says it. "Are you going to take me to the hacienda?" He really wants to.

Now, it's time for exercises. She'll be teaching him to pole dance next! He needs an icecream because looking up her skirt he's worked up quite a sweat.

Marco tells Rosario the house is getting embargoed now, for the back taxes. "It's too late to do anything except pay. There are hefty fines, interest, ... it's lots and lots of money." Neither wants Jorge to know. Where to get the money?

Rosario calls Ale about the taxes. Marco offered to pay so she won't be upset. "You've done enough."

Claudia calls Marco with this unwelcome news: "Your girlfriend didn't tell you? Sit down. Rafael Medina is back - as her boss." Marco hyperventilates.

Marco yelling at the olds. "She'll stay with him! I can't take any more, I quit!" He clarifies: he would never quit being lawyer representing the hacienda (heh, if they only knew), but he will no longer represent Ale in her suit against Medina. He hands the papers to Jorge...

... who looks through them for Rafa's address. Rubi finds it for him (in the papers regarding the law suit). Jorge's going after Rafa!


Thanks for the recap Melinama. Have a great time while you're gone and take care.

Loved how VVV would be calling and they would be telling her Rafa was with Ale. When she calls his office, Ale answers. She was really getting steamed. Loved how after the one phone call they had VVV posed in from of the horns, so it looked like the horns were coming out of here head. Quite devilish. From the avances, looks like VVV meets up with Ale tomorrow.

Gosh darn Melinama. If this is how you write when you're half asleep, you could possibly go for a Pulitzer if you were at the top of your game. Very entertaining and complete.

So happy we get to see Ale and Rafa back together again. I enjoyed the little scene of them dumping the office keys back and forth between each other.

Jeff, the VVV vs. Ale meeting. Definitely anticipating that. Should be a good time. Though Carlos may be rooting for his crazy chica, I would like to see Ale somehow get the
upper hand.

Rubi and Jorge in the park--sweetly funny when he kept telling her how pretty she is to get a kiss. I sure hope Rubi never turns out to be more than she appears. And I hope Jorge isn't too indignant or doesn't go into righteous drama queen mode when he finds out she is not really a nurse.

turns out i do not have time to fix this it will have to stand as a testament to how I type when I am falling asleep (I actually found places where i had free associated and wrote things about my own life in the middle of the recap hope i got them all out) back for June 1 recap hope it is just 1 hour. be good.

Hi Melinama. Wish I had gotten to the computer early enough to wish you Bon Voyage.

Like Barbara, I'm impressed that you write so well and clearly even when you're comatose. Love the word "kvell" and your description of Claudia who "wiggled and breathed all over Rafa to get the aftenoon off". I was hoping Claudia would change, Ramirez and Ramiro also, after their soulful "despedida" talks with Ale, but alas, it's too early for our peripherals to get un-kinked, much less our main squeeze couple.

We're in for the long haul, but Univision is promising you there'll only be ONE hour to recap for your next Tuesday stint. So take heart and enjoy your trip.

Soldering on to do this recap in spite of your exhaustion is greatly appreciated Melinama. Enjoy and be safe during your travels.

Vicki is relentless and obviously doesn't care who she alienates (which seems to be just about everyone at this point). Jeff, I also noticed the horns on the wall - very funny and certainly appropriate.

I felt sorry for Ale - she realy got ambushed. Unfortunately, her experience is not unique in the real world where such scenes play out all too often.

Tonight shouyld be interesting.


Thanks for the recap Melinama. I have to echo the compliments of others regarding your recap abilities even when exhausted, wow.

It was nice to see Rafa and Ale together in those quiet moments where it is evident they care for one another.

Wow, Melinama as everyone on this blog I admire your writing skills. Enjoy your trip and the graduation.

I didn't even notice that they said that Pepeto is going to replace Zetina. The Siglo team will be even more attractive now.

Here is a speculation: did anyone think that Ruby was overly interested in the hacienda? Could she be interested in Jorge now that she knows that he is rich?

Thanks for the recap Melinama. You are the All Star of the double-headers. You blew this one right out of the ballpark!! (it's baseball season so I feel like using baseball metophors.)

I thought the horns being placed behind Vicky was pretty fuuny too. I have a question though about another dicho. They seem to be using the "putting the horns to someone" alot or "ella le puso los cuernos a Marco". My understanding of the dicho is someone is stepping out on their mate. So was the horn placement signifying Vicky is a bit devilish or that she thought Rafa was
"putting the horns to her?" Either way it was funny.

I love seeing Ale and Rafa back together. Their last little scene where they snuck looks at each other while working was so cute.

Thanks again Melinama and have a great trip.

Pata, it's funny, but I've never got the devil association. To me she looked like a she is a bull ready for a fight. Even the breathing looked like in an angry animal. I can't stand this Vicky character, but the actress playing her is phenomenal.

Has anyone noticed what a wide mouth Vicky has, especially when angry? She must be a dentist's dream. He can get a drill and maybe an entire backhoe in there. I'm so distracted by that mouth I only subconsciously registered the horns. Devil or Raging Bull...both work for me.

My workday is dragging today, so I can't help to check this blog every few minutes.

Judy, I always find it funny when she starts crying and her mouth becomes a perfect square shape.

Exactly, Maria. Square, rectangular...something. And totally weird.

I'm having a slow day too. Should be out in the backyard trimming bushes and pulling weeds but it keeps raining! This means housework looms next, until I go to teach class. Ugh. Must face up to DUTY and abandon the computer.

Melinama, Like everyone else, I think this is great. Have a great trip.

I enjoyed these episodes. I can't decide who is crazier, Vicki with her murderous mood swings or Marco with his jealous hallucinations. Both need a sitdown with Elna June. Marino's meltdown was fun to watch, but even more fun was watching poor Jimenez desperately trying to keep all his bases covered. Also, I really starting to warm to Claudia. She seems very generous and warm.

I wasn't there for the Puerta Vallarta thing. What is the thing about screws (tornillas)?

I know that Rubi is very sexy and feminine but does anyone else find her to be oddly androgenous?


Maria, You and I have the same worry. I'm hoping and thinking that Rubi is just excited about seeing a big fancy home and not that she is a gold digger. Also, I too completely missed any comment about Pepeto working at Siglo.

Carlos, Claudia can be warm but her warmth with Marco is definitely gold digging/ husband mining.
Rubi is somewhat androgynous. If you took away the long hair and the fake chest, she could look like a young guy.

Carlos, Marco told Claudia that Ale and Rafa had a romance in Puerto Vallarta. Claudia told Rosaura and Rosaura told Jimenez and Marino. Marino added to the rumor that Ale and Rafa slept together and that Rafa said that she is really bad in bed and when they were making love the screws and nails form her leg surgery were making sounds.

I don't know if you know that, but in the first 40 episodes or so, Ale wore a cast on her leg and had a terrible scar on it. Then she went to the US to have a plastic surgery and I guess some other therapy on the leg, and she came back more beautiful than ever and the scar was gone.

Great recap Melinama, and have a nice trip.

Pata, I also liked the scene where Ale and Rafa were working together, across from each other. He took a drink of water, she took a drink of water. Then they both reached for the paper clips at the same time. Despite their mutual mistrust, they just can't help being drawn to each other.

Carlos, I understand what you're saying about Rubi. She doesn't have a classically beautiful face. But her niceness shines through, and makes her more attractive (besides her other assets).

As for Claudia, she may be one of those people who waver between bad and good, and finally end up on the good side. She's caused a lot of problems by spreading the gossip about Rafa (that she got from Marco, who she slept with, also not good). But I'm hoping she ends up putting Marco in his place.

I think the info about Ale and Rafa in Puerto Vallarta actually went the other way. Claudia pried it out of Dandy who knew because Ale had called Susana. It was Claudia who told Marco. I keep wondering if Dandy is going to lose Susana's trust again for having told Claudia. I didn't hear him admit to that last night as Melinama said, but maybe he did, I hope so!

VVV is so good at being crazy - I can't stand her, so the actress is doing a great job! I thought the bull horns were really funny, too.

I remember what made Marco the craziest was the information that Marino blackmailed out of the bookkeeper about Ale and Rafa sharing the hotel room. Claudia brought that information to Marco. Marino spread it through the Auto Siglo staff as well as adding the part about Ale being bad in bed.

Yeah, for sure! Claudia pulled the accounting out of the trash and gave it to Marco. I love that he can't cheat on Ale anymore because he starts having hallucinations of her and Rafa! Marino was the one out to get Ale and Rafa at work, Rosaura was somehow involved, too, but I don't quite remember. She traded information with Marino.

Thanks for all the hard work, Melinama. Enjoy your time off!

Marino hyperventilating, VVV on hold, and Marco hallucinating. Our villains were having a tough time of it last night. Those horns on VVV were a great touch.

I liked seeing Ale and Rafa work together too. Even if there's a lot of unresolved issues there, it was still nice to see them in the same room without any shouting.

Ivy, this is right, I was never good at following any gossip. Now I remember. And Rosaura gave the information to Marino in exchange for letting her know who is the father of some girl's baby.

Thanks, Melinama, and have a great.

That scene with VVV smack dab in front of the bull's head on the wall (poor bull) was hilarious. And she not only looked like she was growing horns, she was snorting with anger as well. We just needed some steam coming from her nostrils. The writers are are a bit crazy, thank goodness. VVV is beautiful but her eyebrows have been supersized maybe to balance her mouth.


GinCa...did you watch Querida Enemiga? I only ask because, as annoying as VickyVickyVicky is in this one, I far prefer her crazy role to the downtrodden emotionally and physically abused girlfriend she played for most of that novela. Much more feisty in this one! Annoying...but at least no one's stepping on her daily.

Judy, I watched bits of Q E. I remember the Hot Chef. Did the VVV actress in Q E en up with the dull doctor or was she his sister? I think her portrayal of VVV is over the top great...too funny.



Vicki was Diana in QE! Wow, what a contrast. Vicki is certainly more assertive and possibly... less stable.


Hello all- I still haven't had a chance to watch last night's show, but the recap had me picturing it. Safe travels Melinama! And have a great time.

Looking forward to tonight's episode and seeing Ale and Rafa in their shared office space.

Yes- the actress playing Vicky played Diana, the sister of Lorena who was the abused wife. She was so meek and plain there. Very different role this time and she is running with it.

Ay yi yi...a testament to her acting that you didn't recognize her Carlos.

GinCa...Diana ended up marrying an "environmentalist", the grandson of the rich wicked grandmother, head of the food empire. He happily adopted the baby she had by the nasty abusive doctor.

But hey, who cares? Chef Hawt, yeah, he ended up with the heroine. And the dull doctor ended up with the pretty brunette doc who was married to a scumbag.

The comment I posted earlier disappeared and never came back. :( Thanks for the recap Melinama. Safe and happy travels!

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