Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dinero 5/11: She may have a better smile, but I have better eyelashes, or, You may be his sister, but I fill out my uniform more satisfactorily

I've been away for six days so I'm far behind! Let's see if I can catch up. I just can't write a good recap until we back to one-hour episodes. Last night: Marco should win an Oscar for pretending so well that he loves Ale as well as her daffy daddy; VVV wins the "bring the crazy" for tearing Rafa's precious photo of Ale looking at him fondly while wearing her collar; Rafa and Ale slip towards alcoholism.

Vicki Vicki Vicki is losing her last marble.

VVV's interrogation of Rafa, centering on the odious photograph and the party, continues. Rafa: "It was just a bizness fiesta meeting. And that picture's nothing more than a remembrance of my first successful deal." "But she's pretty, you never told me". "No, she's actually very ugly, it's just that she's photogenic." (Hah hah that was funny.) VVV rips the picture, gives Rafa his half, she is going to keep the other half, the picture of the "witch." Probably to do voodoo with it.

VVV eerily talks to the Ale half of the photo. "If you try to take him this time you're wasting your time - he's going to marry ME, you know what, Alejandra? You're elegant, well dressed, but you don't convince me." Compares the Ale half-pic to a big glossy VVV picture: "Just look at my eyelashes!" Hits the photo over and over.

VVV dresses seductively and laughs at the pic. She asks her brother Pancho: "Am I pretty?" "Yes, why?" "Is she prettier than I am?"

Uh-oh, her brother takes too long to answer. He asks: "Is this picture from a magazine?" "Yes." "Well, she's prettier, look at her smile! How about you introduce me to her?" VVV still doesn't give up: "And if you had a girlfriend as pretty as I am but then you saw this picture?" "I'd kill my girlfriend and go with this woman instead."

VVV, come to bother her pseudo-mother-in-law and sister-in-law, notices Jaime is at their house 24 hours a day. "We're working, we are super busy." he and Julieta tell VVV.

VVV can never be swayed, she asks Julieta: "Are you way in love with Jaime?" "Yes of course!" "Even considering - everything??... do you trust him? What if you found a card written to him from another?" She quotes from the recommendation Ale wrote and then ripped up. Then she exhibits nausea. Is this the fake pregnancy she threatened?

Pointless goings-on and gossip at Auto Siglo

The team watches Marco arrive behind the wheel of Ale's nice car. Marco tells Ale he has another meeting with Urdiales, hah. Ale is distant but is yielding a bit. She says he can keep her car all day. He: "Do you feel anything for Medina?" Ale enumerates Medina's evil deeds: "He tried to kill me, he brought me to ruin, he wrecked my marriages twice, he works for the competition, he tried to kill me..."

The team gossips: is Marco forgiving Ale? Claudia says men never forgive. Merino takes off his belt and practices whipping Rafa. Jimenez thinks Marco would marry Ale just for the sake of having her car. Rosaura sez Marco has a lot of money in this "investment." Marina: he's getting back with her in order to humiliate her. Ale's arrival ends this speculation.

Susan: disgusted to see Ale arrive with Marco. "Ugh, are you back with him?" "No, but we have arrived at a new step of our relationship." "But how about Medina? You're fooling herself, you don't really want Marco." "No, Marco is stable, good to my family, he is what's real. Marco and I made it through a hard trial. I have to stop weeping for that criminal. Help me or leave me in peace!"

Chavez is a noodge

Chavez is pleased that Marco has the great car again. "Good, a licenciado of your category should have a worthy car. How about some little friends and a party to celebrate? I have some fresh meat for - you need the honey of sex...

"... or, hey! Did you get Ale (Chavez gets rumbling with excitement) in the sack last night?" "No, just a kiss, she asks patience." "Watch out -- last time you were patient Medina showed up."

Marco gets so irritated he starts strangling Chavez, yelling: "She feels nothing for him!" "Well, you better hurry, time is running against us. I'm having to bribe harder and harder to keep the un-embargo hidden - we'll be discovered soon. .."

It was, of course, another bad month at Siglo. Ale yells, but more ominously, Beltran is furious, citing "cifras de horror." "Maybe we should close the showroom and, instead of selling, we'll just pray to the saints." Zetina likes that, and besides, he's already praying a lot. That's his selling strategy.

Ramirez thinks Zetina should hit on Ale

Zetina is a little obsessed with Rafa, who has become a Siglo legend. Zetina sits, after all, in Medina's cubicle (the Escritorio del muerto). "Is it true Rafa and Ale were doing it?" "They had an encuentro carnal, muy fogoso (frisky, fiery)." "Was he rich and cute?" "No, he was ugly, and one of the poorest guys on this earth." "But she's so classy. How could she?"

"How little you know of women. You don't know what moves them at their foundations, their aberrations, their weaknesses". Zetina: "She has weaknesses with salesmen? Do I have possibilities with her?"

Zetina gets over-excited, poor thing, and does a modified strip-tease (not really) to express himself. "I dunno, she always shouts at me." "She loves to shout! You're too timid. You haven't proven you're available. Aren't you interested?" "How could I not be?!! She hits me in the base of my sexual feelings." "Optimism, energy, man - seduce her!"

The pesky niece...

... now works at CloAutos! Pepeto hits on her but gets a brushoff. His mournful rhetorical question: "What does Rafa have that I don't have?"

Later, the niece snags Rafa and brings up that terrible night at the restaurant, when the Refri guys made fun of Rafa's mom and he came over and delivered some home truths. He tells her: Nobody messes with my family. Then he brushes her off. "Why do you avoid me?" "Right now I don't want to go with anybody." "Are you in love?" "Maybe." "Do I know her?" "Maybe."

Rubi is good for what ails Georgie

Rubi feeds Jorge, offering lots of cleavage right at his eye level. Rosario, Jorge's sister, frowns to see it. She then invites Jorge to go out to the colonies with her, but Rubi won't let him go. "You, giving orders?" "The orders are medical." Jorge is happy right here he is, with his eyeballs nestled between Rubi's knockers. Rosario: "It's the last time I invite you to go with me to the colonies like we used to. In fact, it's the last time I'll bother you. "

She calls Ale, who is, as we will see, in the midst of her own crisis, to say: "I'm leaving. Rubi has appropriated Jorge, she says I am unable to take care of him. And he was on her side!"

Ale tells Susana: "I have to go home, I can't leave dad in the hands of that white monster." "Well, you can't leave Beltran, just before your meeting with him, in order to go home."

Chavez is wondering why Marco can't just knock Ale over the head with a club and drag her somewhere by the hair

Chavez tells Marco his people are afraid - they need more $$ to keep them quiet. Ale calls: "Are you busy?" "Yes, with Urdiales." She wants Marco to deal with the Rosario vs. Rubi disaster at home. Maro tells Chavez: "Our nurse has gone too far. I better fire her before she tells things she shouldn't - she has a long tongue."

Auto Siglos loses another big deal

Merino has a great lead, one that will land him a huge commission and pull Siglo out of the slump: Transorganicos, aka Vegitrucks, will be replacing their fleet. He has their requirements, and also the "first option." He makes an offer he is confident will be accepted. But...

Medina's secretary buddy (Mireya) leaks the Transorganicos deal to him. He makes friends with the receptionist (Carolina, or is it Rocio?) at VegiTrucks and she says he can come in and wait for the boss, Padilla. Rafa talks fast enough to convince Padilla to accept a second proposal - Padilla says, call at 4 pm (the same thing he told Merino).

A couple minutes before four, Rafa's buddy Pepeto at CloAutos says, "Call now!" Padilla: "The two proposals are quite similar, but you said you could do better so come convince me!"

At four, Merino calls, but too late: "Sorry, I got a better deal, Merino." Merino: Giant temper tantrum. Ale says he should have pushed harder. "I didn't think I had to, I was the only one..."

Ale: "I will go to Padilla, I'm not gonna lose this one." Merino: "But it's mine!" "No, you lost it with your arrogance."

Beltran staggers hearing the bad news; they get him a chair, Claudia consoles him with cleavage. "Am I still young and sexy, Claudia? I should be playing golf, not suffering this martyrdom." Ale tells Beltran she's taking a taxi to VegiTrucks and will bring back the deal. "You better or it's your head."

The sweet Vegi-Trucks receptionist calms Rafa as he paces waiting for his appointment. Here comes gate-crasher Ale! Shouting, a security guard is trying to throw her out. Ah! Rafa and his ex-jefa see each other.

Padilla opens his door and tries to usher Rafa in, but Ale will not yield; "No! Ladies first, even though this guy (Rafa) has no idea how to treat a woman." There is a shouting match, Ale will not let Rafa enter the office. Finally Rafa suggests they both go in together and present, one point at a time ("cards on the table!").

Watching them bicker, Padilla comments: "You know each other." Ale: "Lamentably, yes." "Well control yourselves!"

Ale and Rafe submit their new proposals and proceed with cut-throat oneupmanship and counter-counter-counter proposals. This guy is getting a great deal! Finally, Ale gets out the calculator. Rafa: "I want to talk to you a couple minutes outside, Licenciada, about some personal things." She reluctantly and irritably follows him into the hall. He mentions "What you did to me!" (the embargo) but it doesn't penetrate. He stays to the business at had, and says they'll ruin each other with these incredible add-ons they are offering. She says she wants the deal, he says ok you got it. Ale: "Are you joking? Are you mocking me?" "Well, I need the deal in order to pay you, but with these discounts I'd have nothing left anyway. Goodbye."

Ale: "And are you going to pay me this month?" "Yes, I can't have another embargo." She gets quiet. "Medina - I have nothing more to offer this client. The deal is yours. But pay me punctually!" She cries and leaves. Her skirt is so short we can see France. Medina seals the deal but gets no pleasure from it.

At CloAuto, Rafa's new buddies exult, but he looks sad. At Siglo, Merino is furious to hear it was Medina who one-upped him.

Medina calls his buddie Jaime. "Ah, I don't want to fight with her, we were distroying each other. It was so sad." Elsewhere, Ale: "He was better prepared than me. He was honest. He said I could have it, but it was I who left." Medina: "She hates me. But she's so beautiful, this warrior, reminding me I still love her."

She goes to Beltran and has to tell him the deal got away. She admits it was Medina and says she will tender her resignation. Beltran says he'll accept it, but she must stay until her replacement is found, he won't let her desert the sinking ship: "You deal with the disaster you caused."


Thanks for the recap Melinama. You are always so quick and exact. I agree about Marco, He should win an oscar. And VVV "bring the crazy" award. She is just nuts. But it is entertaining to watch her.

That Rubi is taking her job too seriously. I think Marco is going to have a hard time getting rid of our Rubi. Should be interesting.

Even though the Ale/Rafa time tonight was quite intense it was fun to see them together. I would rather see them getting along, but I will take what they give us.

I am finding it harder to follow the two hours, not so much for the length, but that it seems they are packing them with so much information. Before it was easy to just rewind and watch parts I didn't quite get but with two hours, and an early morning I can't do that, so to have your recap before I go to bed is a gift. So thanks again Melinama.

Melinama- Your recap did not suffer at all due to your absence and the two hour challenge. Still complete,snarky and up quickly.

I saw a look of regret on Jorge's face when Rosario went off for her walk by herself all pouty and upset. I think he'll be willing to let his Nurse Rubi go, in order to make peace with his sis and Ale. I hope Rubi doesn't take it too badly, but she did accomplish what she was brought to do- nurse Jorge back to health and help re-animate his spirits. She did well, but the girl really does give every job she takes on her all! :) A little too much, actually.

I really want someone to straighten out the mess and let Ale know that Rafa never bragged about their time at the beach, and tell Rafa that Ale did not send Marco to throw him and his family out. But the only two people that could pass that info on through the proper channels are Susana and Dandy, and they're not talking to each other. Oy!

Quick and detailed as ever, Melinama. Thanks for doing over time with us again!

Not exactly the Ale and Rafa interaction we like to see but, like Pata said, it's better than nothing. Separately Ale and Rafa are great competitors but together they would make an unbeatable team. Such a shame how badly they think of each other. I'm waiting very impatiently for it to be sorted out.

A replacement for Ale, huh? New management could definitely add some tension at the Siglo. Might be an interesting new twist if they actually go through with it.

Superb, Melinama. Ditto Pata about quick and exact, and with just enough flavor. Thanks much for the recap!

(I am honestly not digging this two-hour gig. For one thing, I keep forgetting and missing some of the show! And for another, I just don't have two hours. But we will soldier on. Yes, we will.)

Where VVV was concerned last night, I wasn't sure if I was watching Dinero or The Shining. I swear the woman had that glazed, Jack Nicholson look as she careened about. "Here's JOHNNY!"

I did get a good chuckle, however, at the way the actress tore that photo perfectly in half with it facing us. Nicely done--ha.

Favorite Melinama-ism of the night: Jorge is happy right where he is, with his eyeballs nestled between Rubi's knockers. Although Her skirt is so short we can see France did have me on the ropes. ROFL

I'm still getting used to the characters and their inter-relationships, being new to the show and all. But it sure is fun.

Thanks again. :)

Favorite line of your recap?
"Pointless goings on and gossip at Auto Siglo."
Way to cut through the crap, Melinama, and we've got to with these recap marathons Univision has landed us with. You also had some nice alliteration going on "nestling in kNockers", "consoles with cleavage". This is definitely a show for bosom enthusiasts.

Thought the actress playing VickiVickiVicki did a good job playing crazy last night. Usually break out in hives when she's on screen but last night was good.

I propose we set up some home altars like Zetina and pray to the gods Univision starts Soy Tu Dueña soon. I fear this martyrdom is going to go on the full month of May and my eyeballs already feel fried. And brain?...what brain?

Thanks for another good lesson in how to blast out a funny recap quickly, with minimum bloodshed.

Melinama, thank you so much for the recap. I'll never stop to admire your "condensing skill".

Stephe, good catch on tearing the picture. Count me into the "fried brains" club. I did not think anything of it watching it twice. I also can't wait for STuD to start. Mainly because I feel like I don't have any time to do anything in the evening.

Looks like Marino is after Ale's job. Though I hope she will stay at Siglo.

Melinama, thank you for the great recap. I enjoyed your posting style - the headings were informative and very funny.

I enjoyed Vicki's crazed mutterings to herself and Rafa's response that Ale isn't photogenic was a hoot. Vicki does not lack for confidence, does she? Bless her.

This was a good romp and the bidness competition was fun to watch.


Thanks for the excellent recap, Melinama. I liked the bold section summaries.

Even though I haven't been watching this show faithfully, I seem to recall that Vicky slept with Jaime one night when he was drunk, or at least they woke up in bed together. Most of us felt nothing really happened, but if it did, could that explain her nausea?

I bet the picture was pre-torn, reglued and marked, so she could tear it perfectly from behind. They also had another scene where she was looking in a mirror and holding the half picture right next to her face, which was also pre-planned to make it work from the camera angle.

BTW, why does she think it matters if Ale is prettier than she is? They're both beautiful, but could she possibly realize that Rafa is turned off by her crazy personality, but turned on by Ale's hard-working, earnest (if a little over the top) personality?

If Ale leaves AutoSiglo (which I doubt), she could work at CloAutos!

Hey thanks everybody. Diana, what he said was even funnier - he said, actually she is very ugly, it's just that she's photogenic (ie looks much better in a picture than in real life). HAH!

Thanks for another great 2 hour recap. I'm impressed you get these done (so quickly) as well as manage the entire Caray site as well. You are superwoman. Your comment about VVV performing VVVooodoo on Ale's pic--I thought that as well!

Hombre, I was one of those that thought nothing happened between Jaime and Vicki. But I'm a little worried now after I saw the scene of Vicki and her little conscience people. She talked of being unfaithful to Rafael with Jaime. Did she mean all the kissing or something more? Let's hope there are no VVV spawn incubating. Stephe, comparison between Vicki and Jack in the Shining--LOL!

If I was Tia, I would be annoyed by Rubi being quite so overbearing but to leave home over it? Come on, I think the drama queen gene must have been passed down to both Rosario and Jorge.

Pata, I also feel that these 2 hour marathons don't let me enjoy the show as much as I would like. It's such a rush to try to keep up that I'm unable to savor some of the moments as I would like. And, I'm not even recapping!

ITA on the 2 hours - it is hard to enjoy it, and it does seem like they talk faster on this show.

The competition between Rafa and Ale was interesting but sad - she was impressed with how good he is, though, how well-prepared.

VVV and the Shining! For sure! She really does a good job at crazy, and it seems like she hasn't been shrieking as much, instead she is being manipulative and pushy (with Jaime and Rafa's family).

I hope we get some Susan and Nelson time soon - I'd like to see them start to reconcile.

Happy to know it's not just us beleagured recappers who are having trouble stomaching the 2 hour chunks.

And Ivy, I swear they DO talk faster on comedy shows. Every one I've recapped seems to have slangy conversation going at the speed of light. The heavy, dramatic ones go much slower.

That being said, the speed of these comedies will better prepare us for everyday conversation.

A gal who works at the school where I teach exercise classes speaks very fast Spanish (Dominican Republic) and her mama even faster. I'm grateful for these galloping comedies when that happens.


Great recap and great title. I am still in awe of you guys doing two hrs each night. I'm liking Vicki more and more. She clearly has the ability to focus all her attention and energies on a single purpose. Perhaps not in a healthy way, but in a way that makes her very entertaining and interesting. Unfortunately, I don't see a lot of hope for growth. Meds might help.


Thanks for the great recap Melinama. I didn't get a chance to see all of the show, but your recap filled in what I missed.

Carlos, would those meds be for Vicky or us? :)

I think Marino's plan would be to tell Beltran that he is the one to take Ale's place. I think in the beginning of the show he was upset that he was passed over for Ale. Ugh, having Marino as boss, not my dream job!

Melinama, thanks for the succinct and very entertaining recaps. For a comedy, this novela is producing a lot of angst and multiply that by two per night.

I wanted both Ale and Rafa to win the big contract but if I were the boss of Transorganico, I would have chosen the salesperson with the stable personality (Rafa) and not the overwrought one (Ale,) especially, if there are any future dealings. Did Ale back out because she wanted Rafa to pay her back even though she knew she was probably going to be canned if she lost the contract anyway.
Poor Ale, wait until she finds out Marco's financial help is actually putting her deeper in the hole but that may be a longtime from now.

Wonder if there is bun in the oven for Vicky. Her spawn might have to be called Damien. It may be a false alarm since they'd have to break up Jaime and Julieta or unless someone else is introduced for Julieta.

I hope Rubi's medical career is not cut short. She seems to have found her true calling.


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