Friday, May 14, 2010
El Clon 63, Fri., May 14 - Would you like milk or lemon in your tea of vengeance?

Said asks if she went to the market dressed like that. Jade doesn't answer. She runs up to her room with Said in pursuit. When she won't open the door, Said kicks it down. Abdul keeps Ali from interfering. Unwisely, in my opinion, Jade lies and says that she bought the outfit in the market to dance for Said. Said wants to know where her clothes are that she wore to the shop. Jade says that she gave them to a poor person.
Si me vas a mentir, vas a apprender a mentirme bien.
If you're going to lie to me, you are going to learn to lie well, says Said and wants to go to the shop where Jade supposedly bought the outfit. Jade refuses to go and Said accuses her of being with Lucas.
¿Bailaste para él ... como bailabas para mí?
You danced for him (once time, using the preterite) like you dance (many times in the past, using the imperfective) for me? asks Said. Jade denies it. Said says that Lucas is in Morocco and Jade knows it. He accuses her of planning with Lucas in the States to meet him here in Morocco.
He says that she is deceitful (falsa) and this time he won't be merciful. Said says that he himself will inflict the maximum punishment permitted:
¡Te voy a dar azotes hasta que mueras!
I will whip you until you die! He demands that she tell the truth and confess everything but Jade says that she has nothing to confess.
Entonces van a confesar los dos.
Then the both of you will confess, says Said and tells Jade that Lucas is coming to dinner at Ali's house tonight. He orders Jade to make herself pretty and dance for him and Lucas.

Said goes downstairs. Ali asks what is going on but Said only says that he has things to do and reminds Zoraida that there will be guests for dinner.
Jade begs Ali not to to let anything happen to Lucas.
Desafiaste a tu suerte, Jade.
You defied your luck, Jade, says Ali. He says that she brought the walls of the house down and sowed discord in the family. He tells her that he ignored his beliefs many times to protect her but she threw it all away.
Yo sólo quería ser feliz.
I only wanted to be happy, says Jade. She reminds him that he told her that Allah created human beings to be happy.
Pero Alá no manda a que seamos felices destruyendo la de los demás.
But Allah didn't command that we make ourselves happy by destroying others, retorts Ali. No one can be happy riding roughshod over (pisoteando la cabeza, literally, trampling the head of) other people. He asks if she thought about him, about Jadiyah or Latifa's children. Jade says that she never intended to harm anyone. Ali tells Jade that no one in Fez will unite their name to a house that is stained with shame (manchada por la vergüenza). His children, her child and Latifa's children will not be able to marry because what she did. He says that he covered up her wrongdoing (encubrí tus fechorías) only to protect the name of his family. He hoped that Allah would enlighten her but she rejected the hand that Allah extended. Jade asks what will happen to her.
Sea lo que sea que decida tu esposo.. Lo tienes bien merecido.
Whatever it is that your husband decides, you deserve it.
Jade tells Zoraida that her meeting with Lucas was destiny speaking. It returned Lucas and her pendant to her.
Roberto comes home to pick up some papers and finds Lucia in her dancing girl outfit, ready for love in the afternoon.

Clara walks into the lab where Alicia is stroking Escobar's hand. She is jealous. [I thought she was going to dump the jerk. She should put a bow on him and give him to Alicia.] Alicia tells Clara that she advising 'Raulito' on how to moisturize his hands. Clara warns that it's a slippery slope doing things for Raulito. If she's not careful, she'll end up ironing his clothes and making his meals.
A mí me encantaría.
I would love to, says Alicia, I like to serve people. Then she asks Raulito if he would like his 'special coffee'. Clara gives Raulito a look.

They start to have a fight about Alicia but Luisa comes in and we get confirmation that she and Albeiri are going to Cancun.
At the pool, Fernando [isn't he supposed to be doing his intern job?] asks Andrea where Nati is. Andrea tells him that Nati has a hot boyfriend (un súper mega re contra papacito, hello).
Nati takes Alejandro to the gym where she has a membership but never goes. He is impressed with the facilities. They run into Roberto. Nati introduces Alej as her boyfriend. Alej looks familiar to Roberto and Nati reminds Alej that Roberto was at the party for the Arabs. Nati says that she doesn't want to hide their relationship any longer.

Jade wants to try to warn Lucas but Zoraida tells her not to make the situation worse or Said will kill her and Lucas. She says that Ali will be at the dinner and Said respects him. Ali won't let Said do anything bad.
At their hotel, Lucas tells Enrique that if Said wants things this way, so be it. He believes the best thing is to meet Said face to face. Enrique thinks he is nuts. They are in Morocco. Messing with a married woman here is not the same as in the US. In Morocco, he could be jailed, whipped or killed. 'But Said knows the West,' says Lucas, 'You think that he still holds the same customs of his family?' [This is Lucas the stupid at his finest. With the possible consequences so severe, you might have thought about that ahead of time, boyo.] His stupidity is driving Enrique to drink but Lucas prevents him. He says that he needs Enrique to be sober tonight. [Between them, they might have half a brain.]
Said comes to see Jade. She says that she is afraid (tiene miedo) of him.
Haces bien en tenerlo.
You should (literally, you do well to have that (feeling)).
It's nice that Jadiyah, who is normally very sharp, seems to be totally unaware of what is going on. She is playing in the central fountain of the house when Ali comes to reason with Said. We rehash the penalties for bearing false witness and the four witness requirement for an adultery accusation. Furiously, Said asks Ali where Jade's four witnesses are: those who saw her buy the clothes; those that saw her give her clothes to a poor person. Watching from above, Jade asks Zoraida to get Said.
En route to Ali's house, Lucas tells Enrique that they don't have to say too long. He can say that Enrique isn't feeling well and leave.
Jade tells Said that she wants to confess. She admits that she was with Lucas but it's just another lie to protect Lucas by putting the blame on herself.
Él no quería, yo fui quien lo buscó, él me rechazo, pero yo insistí.
He didn't want it, it was I who sought him out, he rejected me but I insisted.
He hits her. Jade says that she wants a divorce. She repeats that it was all her fault, not Lucas'. It was her temptation that he provoked. She says that her feelings for Lucas were sleeping and he woke them up. Said replies that her feelings for Lucas were never dormant. Jade says that is Said's fault too. Said asks what more he could have done to make her love him. Jade replies that it was more like he was obsessed with her. He didn't just want her to love him, he wanted her to hate Lucas and trample (pisoteara) her memories of him. That was why he would never let her forget Lucas by showing her newspaper articles about him. The worst thing was when he made her go to the States to see Lucas in his house with his family.
Yo no soy de hierro, Said. Ese es un reto demasiado fuerte para una mujer que ama.
I'm not made of iron, Said. This is too much of a temptation (reto means a challenge or a dare) for a woman in love, says Jade.
¿Lo amas? ¿Me estás confesando que lo amas?
You love him? Are you confessing to me that you love him? says Said furiously. Jade won't answer. Now we go way back for accusations. She asks why Said and Ali forced her to marry. Said reminds her that she could have told the witnesses at the wedding that she didn't agree to the marriage and the reason that she didn't was that Lucas has abandoned her, he never had guts to fight for her, that she was only an exotic Moroccan adventure for him. He says that when you really love someone, you don't let any obstacle stand in the way of getting them and Lucas' actions in getting married, etc. show that he didn't really love her. He asks Jade how many times, starting with their wedding night, has he trampled (he pisoteado, this verb is getting a workout in this episode) his pride in the name of the love he feels (siento, he's still using the present tense) for her. Jade asks again for a divorce. She says that Said has admitted how unhappy they are together. She won't go to Lucas. She just wants her freedom.
Ya tomé una decisión.
Más adelante lo sabrás.
I've already made a decision, says Said.
What is it? asks Jade.
In a little while, you will know.
It's the usual party at Ali's: musicians and Jadiyah is dancing. Lucas and Enrique haven't arrived. Said comes in and Ali tries to offer him advice but Said says that he may have committed some errors,
pero lo hecho, hecho está
but what is done is done. He has made a decision. Ali warns Said that in his house, he has to treat guests with respect. No one should raise a hand against guests in his house because it would be like attacking him. He retreats and Abdul comes over. Abdul says that he has never believed anything Jade said. If he were in Said's place, he would have taken another wife a long time ago. He proposes an eligible prospect and Said tells him to make the arrangements. He doesn't even want to meet the woman first.
Lucas and Enrique arrive.

Said is very polite and welcoming but the music is very menacing. Ali is confused. Jade is sent for. The dancing girls perform at the party. Enrique looks like he is having a good time, Said glares at Lucas and Lucas looks like he has a toothache.
Jadiyah dances for the party.
Back in Miami, we edge closer to discovery of Nati and Alejandro's relationship. Leo, Marisa, Roberto and Lucia are having coffee when Nati and Alej come in.
Simpático el novio de Natalia.
Natalia's boyfriend is a nice guy, says Roberto. What? Oh no, that's her driver, says Marisa and everyone laughs at how silly Roberto is. He's thinking to himself that he is pretty sure that is the same guy Nati said was her boyfriend at the gym.

Alej doesn't want to keep lying to Rosa. He is about to tell her the truth about Nati and him when Nati says that they have to leave. Rosa looks thoughtful.

Maybe the old brain cells will start working: handsome guy; Nati very happy; proximity; vulnerability; evasiveness - it shouldn't be that hard to figure out for someone who isn't a finalist in "The Person Most Self-Centered, and Most Oblivious to Everyone Else’s Needs" contest. Those who are finalists in that contest, Marisa and Leo, say that Nati has a boyfriend but they don't know who he is yet. Leo says that he would like to meet Nati's future husband. Lucia says that it's a little early for that.
Lucas tells Said that Enrique isn't feeling well and they have to leave. Said says that on the contrary, Enrique is the only person there who seems to be having a good time sharing the water pipe with Ali.

Said puts some powder into one of the tea glasses and Zoraida sees him do it.

I guess Zoraida can't say anything. She tries to warn Jade silently but she doesn't understand. Zoraida tries to take the tea tray but Said won't let her. Lucas tries to leave again but Said won't let him. He says that in Morocco they have a saying:
Lo que es para uno, finalmente le cae en la mano.
What is yours will eventually fall into your hands.
Said starts to serve the tea to Lucas but Enrique grabs the glass, drinks it and instantly keels over. [That is some fast acting poison.] There are some loooonnng reaction shots and credits roll.
Labels: clon
As for Escobar and Clara: "She should put a bow on him and give him to Alicia." No truer words!!! LOL!
As for Jade actually admitting anything that was S.T.U.P.I.D.! You think she'd have learned something about the Middle-Eastern male ego after living in that part of the world for 2 plus decades in the midst of the worst of it. No pity party from me! However, she doesn't have 4 witnesses to that admission, whereas we have ten times that many to a poisoning. Would it be too much to wish that he goes to jail and Jade's left a free and wealthy woman after all of this nonsense? Probably.
Now Said's committing this crime of passion in Ali's house am I right that Said grunted beforehand that he understood that any harm to the guests would be like attacking Ali? I took that as a warning that he blamed Ali for Jade's actions also. JMHO.
Well, it looks as if you got an episode where things actually happen! I wonder whether Enrique is dead. I got the impression he was. I guess Said's respect for Tio Ali only goes so far.
I can't wait for Monday's episode. Actually, Monday may be more than I can handle, between "El Clon," an apparently decisive episode of "¿Dónde Está Elisa?", and perhaps the start of "Soy tu Dueña" on Univision and "A Corazón Abierto" on Telemundo. ¡No puede ser! ¡Ayudame!
I just copied what the Spanish subtitle for what Andrea said. I have no idea if that is what she said (they are often wrong but not as often as the English subtitles) or whether it means anything. I thought it was amusing.
Unless they find a packet of poison on Said, the only witness to the actual poisoning is Zoraida.
If Said was trying to kill Lucas by poisoning him, it is very strange: a) that he would do it in Ali's house even if he blamed Ali for some of Jade's conduct and b) that he would use poison rather than a knife or some more macho weapon. Moreover, he told Jade that he was going to make Lucas confess. Well he can't do that if he's dead unless he wants to prove their relationship by provoking a reaction from Jade. She has already confessed to that.
FYI- Over on TW, they say that the full hour episode of Clon was shown at 2pm on Friday. Typical Telemundo.
I don't think Enrique is dead. Said wanted to force Lucas and Jade to confess. So it was likely some fast-acting drug. Said wants his vengance before he gets on with this life - and a new wife. I think Jade will get a divorce but lose her daughter. Jade has to meet the clone. We'll see.
I'm pleased that that awful 12 Corazones is being moved to another time slot. I can't bear to watch it even for a few minutes while I wait for El Clon. I read somewhere that Telemundo is supposed to have quality programming. 12 Corazones is the ultimate in trash.
Jardinera, pleased you have joined us here. You did yeoman service on Friday recaps - thanks for that.
Great recap, Jean! I agree, the line about putting a bow on "Raulito" and handing him over to Alicia (de las maravillas!) was premium snark.
Jardinera, if you'd like to brush up on airheadspeak, check out this Mexican comic strip:
I think it's ... tipo.. hilarious, hellooo. :)
As for needing four witness to the crime, well WE all saw it clearly. Maybe be could get some kind of group deal on a flight to Fez so we could testify against Said...
Lynne: Thanks, amiga. I'm taking a few needed Saturday AM's off I guess until the production begins, so to speak.
~ 8 ? )
NovelaMaven: I went to that site and signed up for the tiras. That cartoon is "Goooeeey" material. ¡Tipo! What a hoot! Andrea to a T.-- Thanks!
This episode was disturbing in so many ways. Said has definitely turned to the dark side. No redemption for him. Abdul is the devil in disguise. One of these days I bet we see him with his pitch fork. We will never see the tail because of the gown and never see the horns because of the fez. I thought it very inappropriate for the young daughter to be dancing for the out-of-towners. To dance for the family is one thing but strangers is something else.
Nat looks really happy these days. Of course Leo and family look totally clueless as usual.
How long are Alberi and wife going to be in Cancun? There is no telling how much trouble Alicia can cause during their absence. Yes, Alicia you can have Escobar, Clara can do much better.
Jean and Jardinera, so glad you agree that Cindy's a hoot. She's been a guilty pleasure of mine for a few months now...I even follow her on Twitter...tipo... Hellooo!!!
Lynne 12 Corazones used to be shown in the afternoon why Telemundo ever decided to move it to 7pm i have no idea.
It seems right now the novela wars are heating up, since Univision in the past several months have pulled two novelas from their primetime slots.
As Juanita said i'm loving Donde Esta Elisa and i love Perro Amor that comes before it. Both to me are top quality novelas that while they are remakes they aren't the usual silly nonsense that Univision keeps churning out.
It could be since this new novela A Corazon Abierto is going head to head against Mi Pecado.
Ni Pecado is the only novela i'm watching now on Univision it's well written and pretty much well acted. Even with all of that going for it, it is not doing well with the ratings
I know some have said on Caray that they aren't able to get Telemundo but some how Telemundo is getting a lot of audience to threaten the hold Univision has had on audience who love to watch novelas.
I feel a bit proven right here. I have never been as fond of Said as some others have been. His stubborn, macho insistence in hanging onto a woman who doesn't care for him drives me nuts. And, he doesn't seem to be thinking much about his daughter. Does he think whipping her mother to death is going to endear papí to her?
I hadn't thought of Enrique's merely being drugged to sleep. I thought he was dead as a doornail and Said completely revealed as a poisoner. Too bad Zoraida probably will be too timid to rat Said out.
ITA about Clara and her husband. I suppose they're probably going to give him a "Come to Jesus" moment at some point and have him realize what a gem he has in Clara. But I'd also like to see her dump him on Alicia with a bow.
I thought the scenes with Jade and Said were VERY well acted. They were fierce. Jade refused to take all the blame, correctly assigning Said a good portion for his repeated attempts to flaunt their marriage in front of Lucas. And she called it right. His feelings for her are more obsession than love. His male pride can't bear the truth, that she's always loved Lucas.
Novelera: I'd like to see Alicia put money where her mouth is with Escobar. I wonder if she's really a husband stealer or would rather take the easy route and grab up the bachelor -is it Julio?
Said had the younger Lucas of yore figured out also. We all thought Lucas was a bit of a wimp back then, too. On the other hand, Said didn't give him credit for coming back the second and third times, and he couldn't have known what Jade did to save Lucas's life and later, by lying to Lucas and shunning him in order to keep her daughter and to keep her "promise" to Allah.
However, once Jadiyah was born, the situation was very different. Jade would lose custody and access to her daughter if she leaves Said. Add to that the physical danger to her and Lucas if they got caught seeing each other in Morocco. That was why I titled my earlier recap - Jade and Lucas return to adolescence. They are behaving like teenagers who can't control their actions and don't believe bad things can happen to them.
This is my scenario if Jade and Lucas had acted rationally-
They meet again after 10 or 15 years when Jade comes to the US and the passion is still there. They discuss their current situation and realize that it isn't possible for Jade to leave Said. They agree to make the best of the situation - they will pretend to be indifferent to each other in public to reassure their spouses and take advantage of Said's business dealings and frequent travel to the US to meet whenever they can at Lucas' bachelor pad. If they can appear to be over their relationship, then the suspicions of their spouses will be allayed and Jade will have more personal freedom.
It will never happen. Only the evil characters can hide their feelings.
My favorite lines:
* Between them, they might have half a brain.
* Lucas looks like he has a toothache.
Why would Said want to kill Lucas? For vengence of course, and he feels it's his right because Lucas was with his wife. But there's one other factor. Jade wants a divorce, and Said's probably getting to the point where he can't stand the sight of her. She says she won't go to Lucas; she just wants her freedom. Yeah, and if you believe that I'll sell you the Rock of Gibraltar. If Said is going to give Jade a divorce, he wants to make SURE she doesn't end up with Lucas.
1. Said put some kind of truth drug in the tea so that he could get Lucas and Jade to confess in front of everyone. Then he would have his four witnesses. However, this plan won't work as Enrique took the tea that was intended for Lucas.
2. Alicia is a friend of the clon. She has come to the house to find out what really happened with the artificial insemination. She expressed her contempt for Albieri - to herself.
As far as evening telenovelas go, Telemundo is becoming a worthy rival to Univision. I promised myself that I would only watch one telenovela each evening. The rest of the time I had allocated for a Spanish grammar book. However, my good resolution doesn't last long :).
By the way, when Alicia first came on the scene, and was shown to her room by Auntie Luisa, she threw herself on the bed, hugging a magazine and muttering "I'm coming for you, my love", or similar. On the magazine cover was a photo of ...looked like Leo, not sure. Anyway, she's got a major agenda!!!
I wouldn't mind seeing Cristina and Alicia fight it out for Leo!
I was rereading the recap and it seems strange to me that neither Ali nor Said have told Jade that a consequence of her seeing Lucas was that she would lose Jadiyah. Of course, if Said kills Jade, she would lose Jadiyah but I am surprised that Ali didn't mention it in is his list of bad things Jade had done to the family.
1. If you haven't learned much grammar yet, my favorite is Practical Spanish Grammar by Prado. It explains things very well. If you know your English grammar, that will help.
2. If you know a fair amount of grammar, but you need to polish it a bit, I like Countdown to Spanish : Learn to Communicate in 24 Hours by Gail Stein. It goes very fast, but it's a great refresher.
3. My very favorite resource, 1001 Most Useful Spanish Words by Resnick. A marvelous little two-dollar book. I memorize the sentences and it helps my vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. It's not your usual "where is the train station" kind of phrase book. Instead, it's things like,
Merece un premio por lo que ha hecho. / He deserves a prize for what he’s done.
I guess we all learn in different ways dependent on our background. I went to school and college in South Africa and our educational system was still based on the British at that time. Most people took five years of Latin at high school. I took a further four years at college which trained me to be a Latin teacher. That was eons ago as I have worked in IT most of my life.
The reason that I started watching telenovelas was that I was struggling with "hearing" the Spanish.
Do you remember your Latin at all? If so, for your grammar, I would recommend that you start with a very concise grammar handbook (what used to be called "a grammar" in the old days), such as Spanish Grammar (Barron's Grammar Series) by Christopher Kendris. That will be a reference book so you can look up, for example, the pronoun chart or the preterite verb endings.
Then a grammar instruction book. I really do love the Prado one. Don't be afraid to skip the exercises. The teaching is clear and complete.
Here's a study plan for you to consider. (Remember, free advice is worth what you pay for it. A sort of ping-pong study plan. Study a chapter of your Prado. Skip the vocabulary - you'll catch that in other steps.
Then do something with real language, not workbook exercises. Read a bilingual reader (same story in both languages). Transcribe a scene from a favorite novela. Get 1001 Spanish Sentences and memorize sentences from there. Find some favorites from the Dichos page on my site (link below), memorize them, and try to start using them. Whatever it is, do something with real Spanish (not workbook exercises) that forces you to think, not just letting novelas wash over your ears.
As you do, you'll start noticing some grammar structures you learned about in your Prado chapter. And you'll notice other grammar things that you don't know what they are. You can use your Barron's handbook to figure those out.
Then ping-pong back to your Prado and read another chapter, then back to the reading/memorizing.
Along the way, start building your own list of vocabulary you want to learn. That will be much more meaningful than a list in some book. I keep mine on computer so it's easier to add to, and to delete words after I've mastered them.
As for listening comprehension, check my site, the page about learning by TN's. Essentially, you replay certain scenes with the recap in hand, and you try to hear key words that tell you that what you hear is what the recap says. Some speakers are easier than others. You might want to check Dinero for this. It's a fairly low level of Spanish, and some of the speakers speak VERY clearly.
Okay, that covers grammar, vocabulary, listening comprehension, and reading. The only missing components are writing (you can probably skip that part), and speaking/conversation. For that,
try to find a Spanish speaker who wants to learn English and invite them out for coffee. If that's not an option, check internet sites like LiveMocha.
My site: Resources for Learning Spanish.
I remember most of my Latin grammar - we were taught rote style to memorize the conjugations, declensions etc. So grammar is a snap for me.
I also took two semesters of German, 4 of French. Then I took one of Italian and fell in love with it but they don't offer many course in the Community Colleges here. So I know enough Spanish, Italian and
French to get confused! It was helpful when I travelled but now I want to concentrate on Spanish.
Thanks for the advice.
I had never thought that one reason there aren't as many Telemundo novelas up on Caray, Caray! was because most people do not get the Telemundo network! They are having a good run, after a series of rather boring novelas though! And I am grateful for these recaps!
I don't think Enrique is dead either but yes, Said has clearly gone to the dark side. Fingers crossed that the Clon shows up this week.
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