Monday, May 31, 2010

El Clon 74, Mon., May 31 - Nati runs away from home; Jade dances dirty for Said and Alicia breaks up a marriage

Marisa sashays in to the bedroom in one of her her broccoli band dresses and breezily asks if Lucas has any message for Jade. She tells him that Jade just got back from Morocco and Marisa is having dinner at Said's house. She is out the door before Lucas' slow wits react.

Alej is showing Nati fighting moves or tango dips when Marisa comes in. She says that she can't stand seeing Nati wasting her time with someone who is useless to her. Then two bad things happen: Nati goes after Marisa and gives her the opportunity to spew a lot more hatred and Alej leaves. You shouldn't let you girl be abused like that, Alej!!

Alicia gets Escobar to give her a ride home. They are leaving the building when up drives Clara. Alicia invites Clara to come to the lab sometime and they can have coffee. 'Don't hold your breath,' says Clara, (espera sentada, o pronto te cansarás, wait sitting down or soon you'll get tired.) Clara collects her husband and drives off.

Marisa arrives at Said's house and they make small talk and exchange looks of burning passion. Rania is jealous that Jade is dining with the guest and Jadiya makes sure that Rania knows that the first wife has more privileges. Privileges that Jade would gladly give up when Said orders her to dance for him and Marisa. At first she refuses, but finally agrees.

Jade appears in a jade green outfit and instead of dancing the sensuous way she did for Lucas, she does something more like an exotic dancer (i.e., erotic dancer without any subtletly). Obviously, Said doesn't like it because he stops Jade and tells her to go to her room, then follows her. It's not clear if anyone got any dinner.

Luisa finally flips out on Alicia when she finds her organizing Albieri's desk for him.

Julio and Albieri are in a taxi talking about the Alicia/Luisa problem. Albieri wants to get Alicia another job while Julio replies that the clinic is running much more efficiently with Alicia in charge. When the cab stops at a light, Daniel sees Albieri. Albieri doesn't see him and the cab drives off before Daniel can do anything.

Luisa throws Alicia out of her room. Alicia says that no one treats her like that.

Alej tells Pablo that he won't take Nati's calls and he won't go to her house again and be insulted. Pablo says that if thing are that bad (así de gruesas) he should break it off. Alej replies that he probably should be he can't. When Pablo suggests that Alej get a place where he can live with Nati, Alej asks if Pablo has seen the mansion when Nati lives. He can't afford a place like that. Pablo replies that Nati has to love him with or without money or it won't work.

Nati is packing up her stuff. She tells Rosa that she is going to live with Alej because she can't take any more.

Rosa tells Lucas that Nati left the house after a fight with her mother. Then Leo comes in and without even asking how Lucas is feeling, he tells Lucas about Said's purchase of the available shares of the company. Then Leo tells Lucas about his fear that Lucas would sell Said his shares of the company to get a divorce for Jade. Lucas replies that he would never be so irresponsible. Just to protect you from yourself, says Leo, I'm having the lawyers see about my taking control of the shares. Nothing like having your dear old dad for whom you've worked for 20 years treat you like a kindergartner.

Mohamed refuses to let the Naz and Zamira go to the gym in spite of the Naz's arguments that the prophet favored exercise.

Nati shows up at Andrea's house and asks to stay telling Roberto and Lucia that she can't live in her house anymore.

Lucas approves of the fact that Nati has the guts to do what he could never do.

Marisa tells Rosa that she is the only person in the house who cares about Nati. She says that Nati doesn't love Alej. She has an inferiority complex and feels secure with the guy. She wants to speak to Nati to make her feel more inferior than ever but Rosa tells her that Nati has left the house.

Nati tells Lucia and Roberto that she wants to live with Alej or marry him. She doesn't want them to tells her parents where she is. Lucia advises Roberto to agree to what Nati asks so that they know she is safe and then they can tell her parents.

Alej is not taking Nati's calls. Gloria tells him to stop mooning around and get job.

Daniel tells Osvaldo that he saw Albieri and that he will never consider anyone else his father. Osvaldo tells Dora and Estela that he is upset that Daniel has rejected him having just gotten used to being called, 'Dad.' When Dora asks how Daniel dared to tell Osvaldo that Albieri was his real father, Daniel says that it is Dora's fault. She never told him who his father was and everyone has the right to know where they came from. He says that he has nothing against Osvaldo but he will never see or love him like a father.

Alicia is brooding about her revenge. She decides to call Escobar. Foolish Escobar takes the call and tells Clara that he has to over to Albieri's house and console Alicia because she had a fight with Luisa and is crying. If you go, says Alicia, I won't be here when you get back. Escobar leaves anyway, followed by Clara. [It's not clear to me how breaking up Clara's marriage hurts Luisa.]

Nati tells Andrea that if she loses Alej because of her mother, she will never speak to her again. She hopes that Lucas divorces Marisa quickly and leaves her in the street without a penny.

The Naz and Zamira show up at the gym. Pablo is happy to see them. He starts leading an excercise class. The Naz is shocked by the half-naked exhibitionist odalisques pushing themselves on her suitor. Poor Zamira is embarrassed by the Naz and by looking different than everyone else. Zamira asks for help.
Alá, mira el oso que estoy haciendo. ¡Ayudame!
Allah, look at the fool I am making of myself (literally, making the bear). Help me!

Mohamed comes home and asks where the Naz is. Latifa says that she is out shopping with Zamira. Mohamed rants about the sinfulness of the gym. Presumably Latifa knows or guesses where Nariza and Zamira are because she is praying, too.

Prince Amin sees Karla heading home. He asks Mohamed if he can go to Hilda's house to try and sell her some veils (and, ulterior motive, see Karla in her underwear). He gets an eyeful but uses the wrong compliment - he calls them 'hens' (gallinas) and they throw him out.

Jade wants Jadiya to ask Said to see Latifa. She replies that she already did and she is going after lunch.

Rania is dancing for Said but all he can think about is Jade doing the sword dance for him.

Abdul brings Amina to say farewell to Ali before she goes to the US. Afterward, Zoraida tells Ali that she doesn't want Mohamed to be pressured to take a second wife. While Ali doesn't appreciate Abdul's interference, he has faith in Mohamed's judgment about whether and who to choose as a second wife. Zoraida doesn't want to leave such things to chance and asks Ali to let her go to the US to see how Jade is. They haven't heard from her directly. Ali considers this idea.

The credit roll.


Jean, thanks for the recap. There was a lot going on in this episode - it should be an interesting week.

The look on Marisa face while Jade was dancing was fantastic. She got a lot more than she bargained for. I was LOL. Said does not love Jade, he is obsessed with her. Marisa is not in love with Lucas, she is obsessed with his money. These two make a perfect pair.

Why is Said cutting Jade off from the world? It seems that Said's house is larger than Mo's so the Naz should move in Said and stir some things up in that part of Miami. She could flirt with the guards.


Great recap, Jean! I chuckled when I read your statement about Marisa's saying Nati has an inferiority complex and so "she wants to speak to Nati to make her feel more inferior than ever." How true!

I continue to be mystified by Alicia's equal-opportunity malice. I don't think there's a connection between her trying to ruin Clara's marriage and her wanting to hurt Luisa. My feeling is that Alicia just wants to wreak havoc en todas partes.

Finally, thanks VERY much for the Spanish. I had never heard the expression hacer el oso and had no idea what Zamira was saying, though the emotion was pretty clear.

Thanks Jean! Well done! And I had missed the "Espera sentada o pronto se cansarás". Always good to add another insult to my quiver!

You all know that I'm cheering for our girl Jade and I was glad she was able to take the intended humiliation of the forced dance for Said and Marisa and turn it around in a way that made these two seethe with resentment (and jealousy!) instead.

I'm also glad to see that all is not peaches and cream between Jadiya and Rania, that Jadiya speaks up for her mother. I was afraid that Jade's daughter would be seduced by the affections of the new wife, making it easier for Said to separate her from Jade in case of a divorce. [Oh well, that may still happen. The writers don't always remember what they've done a scene or two back, do they?]

Although I would love to see Jade and Lucas end up together, I'm afraid Lucas is going to back down again. I think Leo is going to present a false choice -- support your daughter or your mistress -- and Lucas will opt for Nati, leaving open the possibility of something between Jade and Daniel. I really hope I'm wrong though...

Wow, you covered a lot of ground tonight, Jean. Thank you! Nice to see something other than reruns!

Great recap and photos, Jean.

I was cheering at Jade's dance and watched it twice. Said thought he'd humiliate Jade in front of Marisa. Instead she showed Marisa exactly why Lucas has loved her for 20 years. Of course, Lucas loves Jade for more than her beautiful body, but it was wonderful to see the egotistical Marisa see Jade's beauty AND sensuality. She's only ever seen her dressed modestly before.

Said knew very well that dance was not for him but was a defiant demonstration of the passion of which she's capable - passion he's never even had a glimpse of.

I didn't think it was like an exotic dance. She thought bubbled at the end that the dance was for Lucas.

I'm fairly irked at Alejandro. It's not Nati's fault she has a witch for a mother. Every time Marisa does her thing, he punishes Nati by refusing to take her calls. The first time he really meant to break it off. This time he tells Pablo he can't give her up, but still makes her suffer. I'm hoping that Gloria gets the opportunity to meet Nati and gets off the "ricachona" kick soon. I feel confident she'll like her a lot.

Escobar is a total idiot. How dumb can you be to waltz out on a clearly jealous and suspicious wife to comfort the object of her jealousy.

Thanks, all.

Hi Novelera: I wasn't sure what to think about Jade's dance. It was certainly different than how she has danced for Lucas (and for Said in the sword dance) before.

It was very agressive and self confident, which was good and Said clearly didn't like that. It also seemed much more sexually obvious and, well, vulgar than her previous dances.

BTW, at the end, Jade said, 'Bailé. Bailé por el.' I didn't interpret that to mean that she was dancing for Lucas but that Said told her to dance and she danced and he didn't like it.

It's always interesting, and Rorschach-test like, the way we interpret scenes in these TNs. Jean, when Jade said "bailé por él", I immediately thought she meant that she danced as if she were dancing for Lucas, which removed all the humiliation for her. She just danced as if her lover were there. And, we could interpret the sexier way she danced as the dance of a more mature woman, not the (I think still virginal) dance she first did for Lucas at the ruins. And I also think she was very aware of the effect this would have on her would-be tormenters.

Sorry, anonymous. I'm removing that comment as too spoilerish.

Jean, another great recap. I was interested to read everyone's thoughts on Jade's dance.
I think when Said was telling her she must perform for him and Marisa, he said something like "You will dance for us the way you danced for Lucas." So she was flaunting in front of them the passion she reserved for her true love, Lucas.

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