Friday, May 07, 2010

Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, May 6: The case of Julia and Julia.

Tonight, Angelica Maria and Angelica Vale star in "Julia, Encubridora" (Julia, who covers up). But as they're both named Julia, I don't know who's the encubridora. Yep, it's a two-for-one night!

A black SUV rolls up and the DIEM team get out in slow-mo. They go running into a house, Aranda's curls looking gorgeous as ever. She walks up a flight of stairs past Julia the Younger, looking absent, and into a room occupied by Julia the Elder and some poor dead schmuck. Neither Julia's looking too present at the moment.

Gloria says it's gonna flow tonight. Las Angelicas are gonna bring it! From the credits, it would appear that our younger Julia will be doing the encubridora-ing.

Julia the Elder gets dropped off in front of some place with a marble lobby by a reasonably good-looking young man. He tries to ask about a second date, but she tells him he's only providing a service and to keep to his place. Julia walks in, and whatever this fancy lobbied place is, it at least includes a gym. A gym where what's supposed to be a hot trainer, who really just looks kind of sleazy, is coaching a woman on her form at one of the machines. He sees Julia walk in, but she pretends not to see him. He goes off to talk to her and another guy smiles and laughs at him. Trainer #1 is Marco, played by Eduardo Santamarina, whose work I'm not familiar with…I mean, I know what he's done, but I've never watched a show with him in it. The guy who laughed at him is Trujillo, played by Mauricio Aspe, who Mr. 5ft will remember from Dos Caras de Ana as the guy who originated the unbuttoned-shirt-as-crazy-meter. Julia sits down at a beach. Marco comes over and introduces himself and she immediately asks him to address her as "tú." She says she's just planning to walk today and (I suspect) fakes neck pain to get a massage from him. He comments on her tense muscles and says she should forget about the walk and they should do some stretching instead. "But I want to burn calories!" He tells her she can't burn calories if she's stressed. Julia smiles at him and says what would de-stress her is to be able to laugh like he does.

She takes him home, where he tells her he likes women like her, you know, women. She asks about his age and he evades the question. He tells her he likes her a LOT and proves it by getting it on with her on her couch. Julia the Younger looks on from outside and starts giving Marco instructions. His lips are on the Elder Julia, but his eyes are on the younger.

Present: Trujillo tells Det. Capellan that he warned Marco that there was something weird going on. "Do you know if he had 'relations' with both of them?" Marco says that was the plan, at first.

Past: Marco and Trujillo work out. Marco brags about having two new girlfriends. He's actually not sure that the younger one is her daughter, though. He announces that she watched them doing it. He says he likes them both and it was like having them both at the same time. He calls Julia and asks to see her again.

At her house, Julia the Elder tells him she'll be waiting for him. She notices flowers in her foyer and calls for Efren, the driver. She finds him in the kitchen with Julia the Younger, getting it on on the counter. She (JE) yells at Julia (Y) and Efren runs out of there. Julia (Y) sits down and picks a piece of fruit out of the bowl on the counter, saying she thought Julia (E) was at the gym. Well, Julia (E) thought Julia (Y) was at a meeting. Julia (Y) doesn't think it's a big deal that she was getting it on with the chauffer. Julia (E) thinks Julia (Y) was being disrespectful. Julia (Y)'s solution is for Mami to quit bringing young studs to the house. Julia (E) doesn't want to be opening doors and finding Julia (Y) behind them…"Oh, so now you open doors and get scandalized. Why didn't you open the door when you were married to Javier?" Uh, oh. Julia (E) gets upset and walks out.

13 years ago: Javier (played by Agustin Arana, aka Omar from Fea, aka Jerry from Gancho) walks into young Julia's room. She's smoking a cigarette. He starts macking on her as she says "open the door mom, open it, please."

The driver lets Marco in to see Julia (E). She offers her cheek for a kiss, or rather, avoids letting him kiss her on the mouth. She needs to be held and he obliges. Julia excuses herself for a moment to get cash to pay him for yesterday.

Present: Capellan asks Trujillo if this was something Marco did all the time. Trujillo balks at calling it "prostitution" but Capellan is all for calling a spade a spade…or a man-whore a prostitute, as the case may be. He took money from the ladies at the gym to go home with them, but they called it, you know, "escorts." Capellan smiles. "'Escorts'. And in Spanish, we call them 'prostitutes.'" Trujillo shuts up.

Past: Marco refuses the money. Julia gets uncomfortable. Marco starts checking out Julia's record collection and asks permission to put on one of the records. "Ooh, you like old stuff. You were in kinder when I listened to that record every day!" Marco calls the record "a jewel" and pulls Julia up to dance. Julia asks for a kiss and Marco obliges. She gets uncomfortable again after the kiss and goes back to get her drink. They confirm that neither one is married, at least not at the moment. Marco starts kissing her lap and then puts his head in it. Julia lies to him and says she doesn't have any kids and lives alone, except for her household staff, who are all men. She claims to be the only woman in the house, because she doesn't trust women. "They're hateful, betraying, and they're all crazy." Marco informs her that he's pretty sure yesterday he saw…. She cuts him off and says it was the ghost of her dead daughter. Damn. I wouldn't have figured the chauffeur for a necrophiliac, but whatever. Marco freaks out a little, but he holds her again and says he hasn't been this way with someone in a long time. Julia says that he'll be like that for a while, because he's all hers. He sees Julia (Y) again and gets quiet.

Present: Gerardo informs Moran that the kill shot went to the heart and the other shots happened after that. "Oh, so that's why there was no bleeding from them?" Exactly, boy wonder.

Past: Julia (Y) brings in a breakfast tray to Mami, throwing open the curtains and telling her it's time to hit the gym. Julia (E) looks up, startled, looking for Marco, but Julia (Y) says he left early. Ugh, they're wearing matching nightgowns and robes. This just keeps getting sicker. Julia (E) says it's late and she doesn't have time for breakfast, but Julia (Y) opines that Mami needs to eat because she got way too much exercise last night. "Who's the giant? You hired a 24-hour trainer? Wow!" Julia (E) reminds her that, like it or not, she's still her mother, so watch it. Mami refuses to tell Julia who the guy was.

Flashback to last night and Julia (E) and Marco getting it on. It's a testament to the high quality of this show that it looks a lot more believable than the May-December stuff on Sorti. Just saying.

"Well, that 'no one' is hot. I saw him when he left. He's young, isn't he? But that's how you like them." Julia (E) says that Julia (Y) is still angry, and not about Efren either.

13 years ago: Julia (Y) smokes a cigarette and asks Javier if he liked it. "More than my mom? Why don't you leave her?" Javier is tired of hearing his from her. "If you don't leave her, she'll find out everything." Javier says no one will believe her, because everyone knows she's crazy. Julia grabs him from behind and says "What about your kiss?"

Julia (Y) laughs over the look on Efren's face when Julia (E) opened the door. Julia (E) insists that Marco is just a good looking guy from the gym. Julia (Y) says she's not sure that the good looking guy from the gym is right for her. Julia (E) looks alarmed.

Marco tells Trujillo about Julia (E) saying it was just the ghost of her daughter. He goes on to say that what got him even more hot and bothered was the thought of the "ghost" listening to them.

Flashback to Marco and Julia (E) together. Julia had told him to be quiet or someone would hear. "Who's going to hear? The ghost?" Julia (Y) stands outside the door.

Trujillo tells Marco that's some kinky shit. More or less.

Present: Moran tells Gerardo that both Julias tested positive for gunpowder residue. With his eager puppy look, he asks Gerardo if they both killed the guy. Gerardo mulls that one over.

Past: Marco lets himself in the front gate of the Julias' house. Efren, busy buttoning up his shirt, goes to answer the front door, but tells Marco that Julia (E) isn't there. Julia (Y) practically runs to the door to see who it is and says "Ah, it's Mom's 24-hour trainer." She snaps at Efren, "Don't you have anything to do?" She introduces herself to Marco and asks if they haven't seen each other before. "Like you were a ghost," he replies. "Oh, my mom must have told you I was dead. It's one of her fantasies, like finding someone like you at the gym. I see it went well for her. Maybe I should join the gym too, what do you think?" Marco says that would be a good idea. He gives Julia (Y) her mom's necklace and asks her to return it. "Ah, right, it must have fallen off when she was doing some exercises." She keeps trying to put the moves on him and he's trying to shut her down. She ends up pouting, "Oh, that's right, you're a human being and you hate being treated like a sex object." She cackles as she shuts the door in his face, saying "Well, you came to the wrong place! Ciao!"

Marco and Trujillo hang out at the pool. Trujillo found the "sex object" thing funny. But he also thinks Marco needs to date a normal woman, not a crazy one. Marco objects that it's only the daughter who's crazy. Now, Julia (E), on the other hand is sweet and tender and blah, blah, blah. Trujillo calls him "cursi" (cheesy, sappy).

Marco and Julia (E) are out somewhere when Marco is effusively greeted by an attractive, though younger, woman, Yolanda. He kisses her in greeting and then introduces both Yolanda, and her date Juan Carlos, to his "girlfriend" Julia. Julia doesn't know what hit her. She gets kissed by Yolanda and Carlos and just looks shocked, but tries to laugh at Yolanda saying it's funny they all met up.

Marco drives her home, but he wonders what's wrong, she's been quiet. Julia (E) tells him there's nothing wrong, but he persists. She wants to know if she's his girlfriend. Marco laments that he shouldn't have said that without asking her first, but he loves her. Julia (E) returns the sentiment and calls him her "boyfriend." She asks him to close his eyes because she has a surprise for him. It's apparently his birthday and he's surprised that she found out. Inside a polished wooden box with a bow is something that he says is beautiful, but instead of answering whether he likes it, he says he likes her.

Julia (E) walks into the house and Julia (Y) is setting the table, walking around in a robe. She tells Mami that the cook prepared something really tasty for them. Julia (E) notices the necklace on Julia (Y) and Julia (Y) says Mami's "boyfriend" brought it over the other day. Oh, ok, fine, he's not your boyfriend, your trainer, then. Julia (E) says she ate late, so she's not interested in food, but she'll keep Julia (Y) company. She asks if Julia (Y) didn't have a meeting, but Julia (Y) says she cancelled it. Julia (E), however, knows that Julia (Y) got fired a month ago. Julia (E) seems threatened when Julia (Y) turns the conversation back to Mama's new boy toy, and alarmed when Julia (Y) declares that Mami is in love with him. "You don't have to be ashamed! Besides, I give you permission to sleep with him." Julia (E) says she knows things have been difficult between them, that they aren't exactly normal, but she'd like them to get along, you know? "No." Well, Marco's a very special friend, and Julia (E) would like Julia (Y) to respect him. Julia (Y) gets upset. "You don't want to share him do you? You're afraid he'll like me more? I'm younger, prettier. I've taken them all away from you, haven't I? Do you remember when you found me with the gardener?"

Five years ago: Julia (E) busts Julia (Y) with the gardener and smacks her around, yelling "How many gardeners? How many chauffeurs do you want me to bring you?"

Julia (E) tells Julia (Y) to forget it. Julia (Y) is upset that Julia (E) has already forgotten it and doesn't think about it.

Present: Aranda informs Capellan that she's turned up some stuff. Javier killed himself in Julia (Y)'s bedroom 13 years ago. There was no investigation and he was buried immediately. Capellan assumes money changed hands to bring that about. Javier killed himself with the same gun that appears to have killed Marco.

Past: Julia (E) and Marco wake up in bed together. Julia wants him to hightail it out of there before Julia (Y) sees him. Marco isn't concerned. He asks her why she told him Julia (Y) was dead. "Because I feel like she died a long time ago."

13 years ago: Julia (Y) sits at the foot of her bed, crying. Julia (E) calls out that she's home. She opens the door to Julia (Y)'s bedroom and sees Javier lying on the floor, shot in the head. She goes over to Julia (Y) and asks her if she's ok.

Past: Julia (E) feels like everything happens too late. Marco says he loves her.

He gets himself dressed and is heading out when Julia sees him and doubles over, crying out like she's in pain. He walks her back into her room, where she attacks him, kissing him and asking him to want her. He says he doesn't want anything to do with her. "But you did get hot when you saw me in the window. I want to be a client too!" He says her mother's not a client. She insists that this is nothing, she and mom always share men. He calls her sick and tries to pry her off him. She says he's on the payroll of the house. Julia (E) walks in and busts them. And the way you know this is not a novela is that he didn't experience paralysis when she kissed him and did make an attempt to disengage her.

Present: Capellan questions Julia (E). She asks why Julia never told her about the suicide of her second husband. Why did things happen so quickly? Julia (E) says her husband abused her daughter and his own guilt killed him. "Did you ever think your daughter provoked it? Did anyone ever tell you?" Julia (E) says "once."

5 years ago: After she smacked Julia (Y) around for getting it on with the gardener, she accused her of seducing her husband. Julia (Y) says she hates her and walks off.

Present: Capellan posits that Julia (E) still thinks that Julia (Y) seduced Javier. "Mothers tend to blame their daughters in cases of abuse, but it's never the case. What happens is that we blame those who are weaker for our own faults." Julia (E) asks them to leave Julia (Y) alone. "I fired, I killed Marco!" Capellan asks her to tell her what happened. "I was in my bedroom. I heard noises, yelling, I got scared. I went running into her room, I opened the door, and he was forcing himself on her. I was only defending her!" Capellan: "With the same gun your second husband used to kill himself?" Brief flashback to Javier. Julia (E) doesn't answer.

Back in her office, Aranda gives Capellan the psychiatric report on Julia (Y). The verdict is severe Bipolar Disorder. Capellan asks to see her in interrogation.

Someone lays the gun on the table. Capellan asks if Julia (Y) recognizes it. Julia says it's the only inheritance from her father. "Your mother declared herself guilty of the death of Marco Rodriguez. Do you have anything to add to this?" "Nothing. If my mother already confessed, what do you want me to tell you? That she killed her lover in an attack of jealousy because he wanted me?" "What do you mean, he wanted you?" "He harassed me all the time, he wanted to touch me, caress me, sleep with me. My mom couldn't handle it." They're interrupted by Gerardo.

Behind the glass, he shows her some lab results. They both fired, but only one is the killer.

Capellan gets the mother-daughter act into the interrogation room together. She arrests Julia (E) for false testimony and covering for her daughter and asks why she's doing it. "I'm the only one responsible for everything. In spite of everything, I'm her mother and she's my daughter." Capellan has them take Julia (E) away. She gives Julia (Y) a kiss on the cheek. Julia (Y) has a hard time letting go of her hand. Capellan arrests Julia (Y) for being the first one to fire on Marco, and therefore the one who actually killed him. She asks her what happened that morning at the house. "Marco wanted to separate us. But my mom and I love each other a lot. Nothing can separate us. Marco wanted my mother, but he didn't want me.

Past: Julia (E) walks in. Marco tries to explain, but Julia (E) doesn't want to hear it. She says he's trash, just like all men. Julia (Y) asks what the problem is and Julia (E) and Marco turn to see her pointing the gun at them. Julia (E) tells her to calm down. "He said you were pretty and that he loved you, but he didn't tell me any of that. Do you remember what I had to do with Javier so he wouldn't leave me alone?"

13 years ago: When Javier was walking out of the room after refusing to leave Julia (E) for the millionth time, Julia (Y) came up behind him, asked "What about your kiss?" reached around, and shot him in the head.

Julia (Y) shoots Marco in the heart. He collapses against Julia (E), and Julia (Y) is now pointing the gun at her mother. "Again!" says Julia (E). "You loved him a lot mom. More than me. You love all of them more than me. That's why you didn't open the door when Javier touched me and…. It wasn't my fault, mom. He told me he was going to buy me a doll if I gave him kisses so that I wouldn't tell you because you were going to get mad. You wouldn't love me anymore. And I got scared, mom, scared that you wouldn't love me anymore. Don't you love me anymore, mom?" Julia (E) says she does. She gets the gun from Julia (Y) as Julia (Y) collapses against her and cries. Julia (E) shoots Marco a few times. She kisses Julia (Y)'s hands and tells her to go wash her hands really well. Julia (Y) looks back from the door and asks if it's true that Mami's never going to leave her alone.

"Miss Julia Espinoza was condemned to 18 years in prison where she receives psychiatric therapy. Her mother, Julia Laviada completed a sentence of 1 year and visits her daughter regularly in prison."


Damn, those Angelicas done brought it!

Thanks so much for recapping my favorite Spanish-language show! I have been bumbling through enjoying the performances on merit, but as I am far from fluent in Spanish I have had to piece every episode together as best as I can. This recap really helped fill in the blanks. Subscribed!

Kat, you do such a great job recapping theses grim shows. Your wicked wit is fantastic. I watched this week's episode because of the beloved familiar faces. Leti, her mom, and Omar from LFMB and Juan from Juan Q. I must admit that I felt icky and sticky and in need of a shower after watching the episode but your recap (as ever) was light-hearted and very entertaining. Imagine, our precious Leti as a BSC murderess. Boggled my mind. Thanks, your're great.


Thanks for the recap, Kat. I meant to watch this one and forgot. It probably would have bothered me to see the two "sweet" Angelicas in this semi-sicko drama, but now I'll never know for sure.
La Paloma

Kat thanks again for a great recap.

La Paloma you may find the episode on youtube.

Talk about sick and sicker what was the mother thinking when she covered up the first murder? She should have told the authorities and maybe her daughter could have gotten the help she needed.

Excellent recap Kat. All I can say is wow. You're right. Both Angelica's brought it alright. This was the kind of episode that stays with you once the show is long over. I hope we see both Angelica's in something else soon. Who would've thought of sweet Leti as a coldblooded man swapping murderess.

Great recap Kat. I'd imagine the trouble using the name Julia again and again but you resolved it nicely.

This episode reminded me of how much I miss Angelica María in my tv. I grew up watching her old movies on saturdays and she (already in her 50's) starred in one of my favorite novelas while I was growing up.

Both Angélicas did great, oddly enough it was Eduardo Santamarina's character who gave me the most icky feeling of this episode when he was enjoying being watched by the younger Julia while he was with the mom, ew.


Heh, I meant that Angélica Maria was already fifty when she made one of my favorite novelas. I must have been thinking of the 50's era or something.


Kat: Although one of the less gory of the series, this was one of the more psychologically troubling. As Carlos noted, this was very grim indeed. You did your always outstanding job with excellent analysis and detail. I enjoyed the humor including "some poor dead schmuck".

Jarocha, I agree that Marco watching the younger Julia while with the elder Julia was cringe-inducing. Blech.

Thanks again Kat.

Ooops, that was me. Diana

Thanks, Kat. Great snarky recap.

I found this one a bit confusing. There were lots of allusions to the Julias sharing men. And it seemed like it was going there at first with the creepy scene with Julia (Y) watching through the glass. But as the episode went on, Julia (E) didn't seem like she was guilty of anything except falling for her personal trainer. And he seemed to be really in love with her (or did I miss something).

Your recap helped clear up something for me. It seems there really was abuse of Julia (Y). But that was only described verbally. It looked like she was a very willing participant in the scenes they showed of her with Javier.

I agree. Excellent acting all around, including Santamaria.

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