Monday, June 07, 2010

Dinero Monday June 7, 2010 Oh What A Night!

Yep, Medina got lucky again last night (though we didn't get to see it) and presumably, so did the flirtatious but dim Mariachi. Marino did not. Neither did Ramirez (unless you count escaping death at the hands of an enraged husband). And the five hapless men cornered by Rosaura to listen to her life story? Definitely not lucky. Not even close.

But these guys will wake up to an okay day, we assume. Medina will wake up to a nightmare, now that Ale thinks he's pulling a fast one selling the house. Marcos and Chavez score again. Dang!

Here's how things unfolded: We get a replay of the Mariachi interrupting every kiss and Rafa losing his temper. Some great Latino hand signals of the sort, c'mon dude, wanna fight with me?, fine, anytime,... chicken!!!!and so forth.

Next thing y'know, we're in a restaurant and Marino is wooing yet another unsuspecting "friend". Don't know her name but she's the gal who lost her job at the perfume shop. However, life is looking up. Her good buddy is taking her out for fine dining, French wine (since Marino doesn't know from "house wine") , tons of shellfish (seafood for "performance" perhaps?) and a ring to boot. She's impressed that he's "tirando la casa por la ventana" (going all out) and doesn't suspect his ulterior motives. (how long has she known this guy?)

Okay. Back to Rafa. He's ready to take on the Mariachi flirt and confronts him, with all his musician buds, in the back. Heartbroken Mariachi babe convinces them a sing-off would be better than fisticuffs and a bottle of tequila seals the deal. Rafa sings and not only is Ale entranced, the entire restaurant is in his thrall, including the head singer.

Lots of glowing Ale smiles. Some new words to the theme song. A prolonged kiss. And the flirty singer hugs Rafa like a brother and whispers "Esa hembra te quiere. Cuidala." (that female loves you. Take care of her.) Rafa returns the favor by explaining to the dimwit that the woman singing with him is madly in love with him. Duh what? And we end up with two happy couples. Mariachi guy and gal, and Rafa and Ale.

Cheek to cheek dancing. Sweet nothings. Ale's afraid her car's going to turn into a pumpkin. Cinderella needs to get some shut-eye before tomorrow morning when her "boss" will wake her up with a phone call and order her into work. Boss has a better idea. Well, you know where this is going. Dancing in the sheets. Crazy kids. Well, who needs sleep when you're in love? Even I can remember that.

Rosaura, mientras tanto, is torturing one guy after another with her endless life story. We get to hear about her and hubby's experiences in the United States, watching the snow fall (and watching the guy fall off his chair asleep). As each man reaches his limit, another is shoved into his place, ending at last with the lawyer who, like Rosaura, is separated. But he's been separated 7 years. She demands to know what he's thinking, what MEN think, but never lets the poor shell-shocked guy get a word in edge-wise.

Back to Marino and his victim of the evening. He asks her about novios and she confides that she has a pretendiente who she's crazy about. And she'd love for Marino to meet him. Not! Down to business babe. Ya think I bought you a ring, paid for French wine and dinner for nothing!? We're going to a motel! No we're not. Fine, then we're splitting the bill. And give me the ring back! Quite a tussle ensues, damsel is desperate. No job, no money. After Marino suggests the waiter call the police, she caves and agrees to the motel idea. Thank God the phone rings. It's Marino's karma coming due.

Who's calling? Our pompous Romeo Ramirez. To whom Marino owes a big one. He's skulking in a lavatory stall with a scrumptious redhead, Raquelita. Drunken husband, holding a broken bottle is skulking outside, waiting for them. Ramirez' golden tongue will not solve this problem. Only Marino's muscle will.

Will friendship prevail? Well, here's the deal. Ramirez promises to be his faithful servant again. What's more, he won't tell the staff Marino abandoned him at the bar the other night. Marino grudgingly agrees to come, makes one last lunge for the ring, crashes into the waiter, breaks some glasses, swills the rest of the wine and is off the save Ramirez' tush.

Creepy Seducer arrives at the bar, storms into the bathroom and peeks into the wrong stall. Outraged shrieks. Then finds the guilty couple. Grabs drunken hubby , twists his arm, gives him a little tongue-lashing (if your woman's unfaithful it's because you didn't measure up as a man) and Ramirez and his sexy redhead scoot out unharmed. The sermons don't stop there. Why are you going out with married women Ramirez? Grow up! (Goodness? who knew Marino had a moral code?) And off they go.

Next morning, Marcos opens the door to Frank. No handshake! No hug! That's about as close to "good morning" as Marcos can get. Wants to grill Frank about the papers but Frank has no memory when he's hungry. After scarfing up Marcos' orange juice, he proceeds to dismantle the refrigerator. Eggs? yes. Tamales? Are you kidding? He makes do. And Marcos seethes.

Make that "Marcos howls "...when he finds out Chavez is waiting at the house and Medina and Ale are just now arriving( in Marcos' "ex-automobile".) Where have they been and what have they been doing? Bars and restaurants close at 3 am. Ah, but motels stay open all night, Chavez notes helpfully.

Hmmm. Most sweet nothings. Lingering kisses. Te amo's. Me haces tan feliz. Plans to introduce him to her family and make everything all right. Plans delayed while Rafa hails a taxi (Can you believe a taxi appears the minute he hops out of the car? Me neither.) He'll go home, shower, change and then they'll do the meet the family thing.

Our Cinderella creeps in the door and is surprised by Azucena. She's cool with keeping the secret that Ale is just now getting home. Fast nip into the bedroom to shower and change but first a cozy phone call from Rafa. More sweet nothings. Giggles. Goofy smiles. ( (Enjoy folks 'cause we're gonna be on short rations real soon.) Tia knocks on the door to awaken her. Big yawn and a promise to be out for breakfast soon.

Breakfast, as it turns out, is downright chilly. Jorge turns his head away when Tia tries to kiss him good-morning. Turns out he checked the movie listings and no Don King movie was being shown last night. Liar liar pants on fire. Tia explains that the movie was King Kong (not my idea of a romantic date) and he's still not mollified. Quintana is okay as a friend and socio, perhaps, but certainly not as a brother-in-law! Sniff sniff. Tia is equally sniff sniff. She doesn't like being treated like a 15-year-old.

Our Cinderella bids them cease fighting and enjoy the beautiful morning. She's so radiant, even our two fusty old folks realize something is up. Indeed. And she wants to tell them right now. It's great news. Not easy to tell perhaps but still....

Ding Dong. Jorge thinks it's the telephone. Actually it's the doorbell.....of doom. A large envelope that must be delivered personally to Alejandra Alvarez de Castillo. Let's skip the depressing details. Pages of legalese (read in Frank's voice) tell of being offered the house for sale, depositing money in the account, and then finding out that it's not free to sell, because of the debt to Ale.

We hear those fatal telenovela words...."No puede ser". Our deflated Cinderella stammers to herself "Rafa is lying to me.". Ack. Double ack. More misunderstanding and suspicion. Just when things were getting juicy. Sorry folks. And there we end.

Nothing too exciting. We see Rafa talking to Jaime and exclaiming that something is weird.
And we see Vicky talking to Rafa and doing her dying swan number.
And we see that goldurned infernal Marcos working his number again. A pox on the man!

tirando la casa por la ventana = going all out, sparing no expense
ya es muy noche = it's really late
existe en el país de nunca jamás = exists in never never land (General talking to Rosaura)

Dicho of the Day

Palo dado, ni Dios lo quita. Don't cry over spilled milk.

But dang it, I want to. Don't like these reversals of fortune. We know eventually our lovers will be reunited but for now, it's stormy weather and no lovin' in sight.


Judy, what a speedy, excellent recap. Thank you so much. I missed the first 1/2 hour, and I guess I missed the best part.

I will look for the sing off online.

Judy, that was an absolute hoot to read. Your recap had me on the floor. I actually read it twice it was so much fun. Thank you!!

Interesting night, huh? I wanted to strange Marino when he told that poor girl she had to pay half the bill or sleep with him. I was ready to stop watching. I should have known the writers had something clever up their sleeves. That was sleazy but quite entertaining when he left to help out Ramirez. Especially since our sweet thing not only got a free meal but the ring as well. "Karma" for sure.

Rafa's second song was so sweet when he was singing to Ale while they were dancing. And I agree with you Judy "enjoy because we are going to be short on rations soon". I wish Frank would have crushed all of Marco's bones!!!

I fear black clouds and ugliness are upon us soon. What with the whole Vicky deal and Ale getting that letter. I bet we don't see Mariachis for awhile. Thanks again Judy for such a fun recap.


"Oh what a night" indeed. Like probably a lot of folks here, I guessed your perfect title. Once again you matched up with a very romantic episode and in your inimitable style, made the very most of it.

I think my favorite line was:

"(how long has she known this guy?)"

I can't believe that she actually called him. I have to say, as detestable as he is, he is a marvel to watch. What a well-written, well-acted part. I grudgingly award him points for going to Ramirez' aid. Maybe there's hope for him after all.

I loved the singing, I loved Rosaura's endless story, and I enjoyed watching Marino in action, both with his crude and odd seduction and his rescue of his friend. Most of all I enjoyed your magical recap. Yep, "Oh what a night!"


Judy, thank you for the wonderful retelling of our story. Your recap was entrancing, sweet and funny all rolled into one. And, as before, your vocabulary and dicho are much appreciated.

Ramierez's sexy, scrumptious redhead was young! She must be intelligent too. I say that because I think she must be interested in Ramirez's mind and not his body. But heck, what do I know?

Carlos, regarding Marino: " Maybe there's hope for him after all." You must be a half glass full vs. a half glass empty kinda guy!

Good morning Maria, Pata, Carlos and Barbara! The songs were great, weren't they? And the second song to me, seemed like a lullaby. Singing his baby to sleep was Rafa.

Another thought that didn't make it into the recap was how the cameramen on these shows love legs. That long lingering pan up Ale's shapely gam as she stepped out of the car on "the morning after" was something. Great landscape.

Interesting how Marino was willing to help out Ramirez to save his reputation. For some reason, with all his unapologetic sleaze, he's unwilling to be seen by others as a Bad Disloyal Friend. A scumbag with women, fine. Bad Friend, no!

I'm with Carlos though. Why not be optimistic about the possibilities of redemption? I never want to write off anybody as completely lost. And these telenovelas all seem to be about lessons learned and outlooks changed, along with lots of sexy romance.

Good morning everyone.

Judy, you title had me smiling and I knew this would be superb - and it was. So many wonderful lines: "...French wine (since Marino doesn't know from "house wine") , tons of shellfish (seafood for "performance" perhaps?","Heartbroken Mariachi babe convinces them a sing-off would be better than fisticuffs and a bottle of tequila seals the deal.)" and "Actually it's the doorbell.....of doom." Excellent!

I thought the romantic scenes between Rafa and Ale were just lovely. I enjoyed the singing and I never get tired of hearing the theme song. Thank you for your descriptive words which captured the sweetness and sincerety of the moment perfectly.

Marino is simply a sleeze. Not sure his bailing Ramirez out is any indication he can be redeemed but it's a step in the right direction.

The vocabulary and dicho were great and much appreciated. Looking forward to tonight to "..see that goldurned infernal Marcos working his number again. A pox on the man!" :)


hi Diana. Yes, "a pox" would be quite fitting for Marcos, even if he is funny in his scenes. I'm becoming quite smitten with Frank though. He does menacing and homicidal so well. And switches to game show host hyper with equal ease. Just bummed that he went after sweet Leonor.

Have a great day. I'm off to dance on linoleum over concrete as the ballet studio is under repair. Advil, here I come!

Good morning all! Thanks for the great recap Judy! The scenes with Rafa and Ale last night were so romantic. I loved the songs and they look so happy together. Too bad it looks like the romance is over for now.

Judy- Thanks for the fantastic, breezy recap. We knew it was coming, but it was still so hard to watch that anvil come crashing down at the end of last night's episode. The writers were obviously fattening us up with all these love scenes the past week, so that we can survive the lean weeks that are obviously coming. Why oh why would Ale first jump to the conclusion that Rafa is deceiving her? Why not first think that there is a mistake, or that there is some logical explanation, and speak to Rafa? Why not give him the benefit of the doubt first? (sigh!)

I'm glad we got to see Marino in action. He's quite smooth when he wants to be. I can see how many of these ladies fell for his act. When he lets his mask drop though, as he did when his lady friend balked at the motel, then he's really scary and disgusting. I'm wondering how Ramirez and the red head met. She didn't tell him she was married, but he didn't seem so bothered by it- other than being worried that her hubby would break his face. She seems to really like him, and they were still holding hands as they exited the bathroom. I'm happy for the guy. I don't want to see him go back to being Marino's toady, even if Marino did just save his hide.

Loved the singing, the dancing, and the playful banter about where they would be sleeping that night. I don't mind that they didn't show us the actual deed. The foreplay (singing, dancing and flirting) was enough. :)

The mariachi lady was played by the actress that played Maribel (?) in Salvaje at the beginning of the show. She's out of black face here. She's a beautiful actress. Hope she gets more roles where she gets to shine.

I laughed out loud at Rosaura and her ability to bore the socks off the General's pals. I am still impressed by how patient and sweet the General is with her. She's a good friend.

Not looking forward to the next few days (weeks?) as Marco/Chavez and Vicky will surely get the upper hand.

Great recap Judy! Love all the snark.

This is the main thing that I do not like about TN's. Ale knows that Rafa is an honest, loyal man, yet the first little bit of bad news that she gets, she just assumes that he is guilty and lying to her.
And I bet she WON'T go to him and ask about it, she will just start giving him the cold shoulder and he won't know why, bla,bla,bla.
But yet when she was with Marco the slime ball, she never doudted him once and he is the dishonest one.
At least we know that they will unite later, just have to deal with my issues, and enjoy the craziness. And I guess it is ok, cause I kind of miss the mean Ale, and how she and Rafa fuss/flirt when they are not together.

Hi Vivi and Tracie. Yes, very romantic...and very doomed for now.

I must say I beyond surprised that Ramirez had anything going with anybody, married or otherwise. He looks like a never-been-kissed-by-anybody-but-mama guy. Evidently I was wrong.

Alas, looks like toadyism is back for Ramirez, along with feudin' fussin' and fightin' for Rafa and Ale.

Close your eyes, think of England and be patient! "This too shall pass."

Judy, thanks for another delightful recap. I especially liked "Dancing in the sheets".

Marino really has a cynical outlook. He must have been hurt, and now figures that everybody is just out for money, sexual conquest, getting ahead, etc. So why should he be any different. He's blind to the caring, human side of so many of the other characters. But I do hope that he'll wake up, and see that everything's not just a game, that a person can be sincere. On the other hand, if he keeps up with things like forcing a young woman to go to a motel when she can't pay "her half" of the bill, maybe a little punishment is in order. We'll see.

Where I live, if you sign a contract to sell your house, and take a deposit, and say that there are no liens, if it turns out that there are liens, either the liens get paid off, or the contract is void and you have to return the deposit. But it's not a CRIME!

Hi Kat. Somehow miss your comment earlier. Good point about the blind faith in Marcos (also maybe because he's from the right social strata) and quick rush to judgment on Rafa. But you managed to find a bright spot in these gathering storm clouds...Rafa and Ale can be just as cute fighting as they are billing and cooing. So we'll see.

* * * *

Hi Hombre. Well of course you'd like "dancing in the sheets" 'cause it's quite a song too.

I remember about liens because it often seemed to come up in my dad's concrete business. And sometimes in my brother's construction business too. Don't know if the laws are different in Mexico or if this is just a "telenovela law" for the purposes of distracting our lovers.

But my! aren't you kind to Marino. Some old wounds that made him cynical, eh? Well, join with Carlos in championing the villan. Somebody has to, I guess. I would like to see him redeemed and I would like to see Vicky get her noodle straightened out. We have enough obsessive crazies in this world already.

Thank you Judy for the great recap, funny and insightful. ITA, why does Ale jump to the worst conclusions about Rafa? I hate it. I can hardly stand to watch when things go to hell, low pain tolerance, I guess!

Who knew about Ramirez, a young hot red head? Wow.

Marino seems eternally sleazy, nasty and mean to me, don't see much chance for redemption. Couldn't believe the way he treated that young woman.

Hi there Ivy. We must be on the same wave length. I just commented on your rollicking recap of CS. Funny how the telenovelas love those overhead shots of lovers entwined in giant hearts....shades of FELS!

But, back to our Dinero. Marino sure qualifies as a super sleaze to me. I was really hoping the waiter would slug him and make him pay the whole bill. So pitiful when the little gal kept squeaking," I have no job. I have no money."

On the other hand, wish she hadn't insisted on keeping the ring. Why would you want a ring from a guy like that anyway? Guess she's hoping to hock it for a little grocery money.

Still...finally...must hope for redemption. If only because Marino will have to be hit by a super big anvil for him to get the message. So c'monnnnnnn Life Lesson. This guy's due.

Thanks Judy! I don't know how you guys manage Dinero, it goes so fast and isn't online to fill in the gaps. Great job!

You're right, Ivy. The conversations in Dinero are very rapid-fire. That has been true of all the comedies I've recapped. Juan Querendon, Gancho, same thing.

After a while, you get so you can "listen faster" but it's a challenge. My first full telenovela to watch was Heridas de Amor, and I loved the father figure in it because he talked really slow and deep. Who am I kidding? He was the ONLY ONE I could understand!

One thing I noticed last night on both Dinero and STuD was that the CCs were very good. I haven't heard back from the Univision people but maybe they're getting it together. I haven't watched CS from last night yet.

As for Marino, I'm undecided. He's certainly no Coni. She early on demonstrated a capacity for love and certainly wore nice clothes and wore them well. Marino doesn't seem to have a warm and cuddly side, but he is a good salesman, he is straight forward, and he certainly handled Ramirez' little emergency cleanly and efficiently. I'm not emotionally invested in him but I'll pull for him until hr kills someone. Do any of you ladies view him as a worthy project?


Thanks for a great recap Judy. I bet you miss those two hour episodes. ;) So how long will this break up last? Some shows make them last a long time, others get over fairly quickly. I can't think this will take too long to resolve, at least if Ale talks to Rafa. They should talk it out, they are in the same office and work together. That should speed reconcilation up. Unless Rafa is off settling things with Marian.

I see Vivi hit on Mabel from CS. I was wondering if Carlos caught that as he was quite taken with her. :)

Glad to see Marino's latest failed conquest appeared to get out without having to pay. What a chump. At least he saved Ramirez. He looked to be tough there, so back down bully. A fight between him and Rafa would look to be a big one, no let up by either one of them. Not that I would want to see that happen.


I did notice how beautiful the mariachi lady was but didn't realize that she was Mabel until Vivi pointed it out. I was very annoyed when they bumped off not only Mabel, but also Coni in CS. Not the main reason I abandoned CS for a while, but certainly did not endear me to the show.


"Do any of you ladies view him as a worthy project".

Putting forth a noble effort here. In principle, all people are salvageable. In reality, few of us believe that.

WILL SAY that Marino is not hiding from his women and children. They all get a portion of his paycheck so at least he is doling out support for all those offspring.

And, he saved Ramirez' bacon....after a little verbal arm-twisting...

Soooooooooooooo.....And he hasn't killed anyone yet. That we know of.

Any other positives anyone can think of?

Maybel! That's the name. Yes, she is quite beautiful. This show has not backed away from bringing in a long line of beautiful and/or shapely women- even for small roles. Hope some of you Gancho guys saw when "Paula" did a 2 episode guest stint.

And Carlos- no, I do not view Marino as a worthy project. Too much baggage, particularly all the women and kids!

Judy, re. Marino: nope not one

Carlos - It would take someone with more patience and forgivenss than I could possibly come up with to take Marino on as a project. But, you never know!

Ahem. Well so far, Marino has a very short list!

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