Saturday, June 12, 2010

El Clon - End of recaps, beginning of discussions

Sorry folks, PaulaH, Novela Maven and I have decided to stop doing recaps of Clon. There are so few people posting comments (and presumably watching) that frankly, it's just not worth the time and effort it takes to write a recap. For me, anyway, it takes at least two hours to do one not counting the hour I spend watching the episode before I start writing.

One of us will post something every day and if people want to have a discussion about the episode, that's great. We will be happy to answer any questions about the story. I am sorry to disappoint those who don't understand Spanish and who depended on the recaps to follow the story but comments are what fuel recappers and there just aren't enough people watching and commenting to make a go of this.

Thanks to everyone for all the nice comments that have been posted and I hope you'll participate in the discussions.

Here's our picture for today:
Lucas in his ridiculous burqa pretending to be grieving widow.

Let's see how many ways Leo tells Cristina that it's over between them:
Esto se acabó - It's over.
Ya me harté de ti, Cristina. I'm fed up with you, Cristina.
Vete de aquí, fuera de aquí. Get out of here, get out.
Yo ya no te amo. I don't love you anymore.
Cristina, déjame en paz. Sal de mi vida de una buena vez. Cristina, leave me in peace. Get out of my life once and for all.
Esta reclación disfuncional de nosotros dos se termino. This disfunctional relationship between us is ended.
Cristina, tienes cinco segundos para irte de esta oficina. Cristina, you have five seconds to get out of this office.

Did Marisa tell the police that the necklace they found (an illegal search, if you ask me) in Pablo's truck was the one she reported stolen? First, there must be lots of people who saw her wearing it after she reported it stolen and before it was found in the truck. Second, she reported that a diamond necklace was stolen and this looked like an emerald necklace.

Ok, up to you folks now.


Please don't leave us. Not only are many dependent on recap to understand, but the Spanish lessons along the way are ever so helpful.

I've tried to post before and somehow cannot. I'll try again or have a friend do it for me this time.

Shades of Paul Simon!!! (There must be fifty ways to leave your lover...) The funny thing is that as I watched the scene play out, I didn't even notice all the repetitions. It's fun to look at them in the light of day. Thanks, Jean!

About Marisa's latest 'calumnia'--

She told the police:

"Acaba de salir huyendo de mi casa...Detenga a ese hombre porque yo sé que algo se está escondiendo." (He just left fleeing/he just fled from my house...stop that man because I know that he's hiding something)

She seems to be accusing him of yet ANOTHER theft and this time saying he has the goods on him.

Now unless the writers are going to give us the infuriating Keystone Kops of the typical Televisa show and Alejandro gets saddled with an especially idiotic defense attorney, this accusation should be easy to refute. After all, Alej was in the house very briefly, Nati and Lucas were with him, and Lucia (and many others presumably) saw Marisa wearing the necklace moments before. The only prints on it would be Marisa's and the cop's who went pawing around in the truck. I wonder if they could get CSI Miami to lend a hand...

I'll miss the recaps. I don't often comment , but I always read the recaps to see what's happening. The show is getting frustrating. The characters just keep going around and around doing and saying the same things over and over. No progress forward , and I have no idea of where this is going. I enjoyed your list of Leo's comments to the tenaciously demented Christina. Maybe I should record these somewhere. Thanks Jean and all the recappers for your time and effort.

OMG, it worked! guess doing the anonymous thing someone told me about did the trick. My name is Lois.

Once again, please don't stop recaps. I'm sure there are others like me that just are not terribly computer literate so don't do lots of posting.

Is the sick, sick, sick relationship between Leo and Cris really, really over? Sure hope so. It had gotten way to outrageous to even be funny anymore.

Thanks for the time and energy that you put into the quality recaps. I know how time-consuming it must be. Paula, thanks for the books that you recommended. They are great.

For those who are interested, Telemundo has a recap of the previous week. It lasts about 15 minutes and has English subtitles.

I prefer A Corazon abierto to El Clon but even it has some rather heavy, unlikely telenovela reality.


Novela Maven- but later when Marisa goes to the police station, the detective shows her the necklace and asks if that's the one that was stolen, she says yes. She's only reported one necklace stolen, right?

OMG, please say it isn't so! Geez, I fail to comment for a day or so and look what happens! Seriously, though, I'm VERY VERY SORRY to read that you're thinking of pulling the plug on these excellent recaps. I have LOVED them, and I suspect that many others have as well, though they may not have told you so.

It's frustrating, I'm sure, to put in so much time and effort and not feel that your work is sufficiently appreciated. I don't think this is a reflection on your recaps but rather on the annoying bias on CarayCaray in favor of the dreck on Univision. Sigh.

Anyway, I fervently hope you'll reconsider. I have found these recaps invaluable--immensely enjoyable and VERY helpful with the Spanish. Either way, muchísimas gracias to the three of you--Jean, PaulaH, and NovelaMaven--for some of the best recaps on CarayCaray.

Juanita, you and Novelera have been very consistent in your posts and we appreciate it. But other than you two, and Jardinera now and then (what is it with J-names on this forum??), it seems like Jean, Joyce and I were just talking to ourselves. For the amount of work required (roughly three hours per recap), for a novela that's just going in circles, it wasn't worth it. But thank you all, for your kind words.

Ladies, you will be missed. Your recaps are the firt thing I read in the morning after getting hubby off. I began watching El Clon because of Jean's recommendation and haven't had any regrets. All of the recaps are very good and I enjoy them more than the episodes.
I wish there was someway to track visits to your site. I am sure you would be surprised how many people are reading your editions of El Clon. Also, a lot of the comments on the other TN are many times off topic and have nothing to do with the TN. They talk about everything!

I was surprised to learn that Leo has contined to pay Christina bills. Shame on her! I thought the bar was a way for her to be independent, boy was I wrong.

Marisa needs to take a wrong turn and end up at the alligator farm. I am sure it is always feeding time. How can anyone treat their only child as she does? No wonder her family will have nothing to do with her.

I thought the company was on the verge of bankruptcy? How could Leo give into all of Marisa demands?

I am getting a little tired of Lucas and Jade. They are middle aged and should know better. I think they will be disappointed in each other but then again, after the two they have been married to maybe anything would be better.

I have been out of town for a couple of days so the comments may apply to episodes earlier in the week.

Thank you again for all of the recaps and Spanish lessons.


Recap Ladies:
I am catching up on recaps at the public library as my computer has been dead for a week or so...very sorry to see you are not doing 'caps any more. I hope the discussion forum will benefit everyone who still wants to talk about the episodes, and clear up questions. Thanks for all the great work you have done.

Now, is Jade the most clueless person ever? She is going to hop into bed with Lucas...she's not even worried about giving birth in 9 months to a little Burqua-baby?

Jade is totally clueless and so is Lucas. They are not only endangering themselves but Zoraida as well. But they don't care. It is all about destino - maktub - estaba escrito. Imagine living your life believing in the idea of your destiny! Consequences of actions don't count.

Also the novela is entitled El Clon. When does the Clon meet Leo, Lucas and Jade - heaven forbid the latter. But it will no doubt happen as Zoraida told Jade that the future is now.

I had some or other Trojan from surfacing some of the Telenovela sites while at work. It was quite a bit deal to get rid of it. So I only visit this website over weekends and evenings. By the time I get home, it's almost time for the next episode.

Again thanks - and for getting me to go to Telemundo.


I too want to say, Please don't leave us. Not only are many dependent on recap to understand, but the Spanish lessons along the way are ever so helpful. I only read one recap and was amazed at how well written it is. Clever, informative for a non-Spanish speaker.

I cannot stand the stupid music. What do the producers think, we don't have the mentality to feel the correct emotions. Personally I TIVO all the programs so I can fast forward thru as much of the music as possible.

The recaps have been great fun to read and have really helped me with the missing caption problem, too. I'll miss the clever snark, and the cultural info was always a plus. Bummer! I can't always write in as many times when I return home from work it's time for the next episodio's broadcast. I never missed a recap, though!

How many espisodios are left? About 22 or so?

Jardinera, I read they had projected 130 episodes for this TN. We are at #83 so that leaves 47. They have a lot to resolve so that is probably about right.


Thank you to everyone for your nice words. Believe me, we appreciate them!

Jean - it's not absolutely clear but it does seem that Marisa has reported two thefts and now is indicating that this particular necklace has just been stolen from her house.

I figured she realized her first accusation wasn't going anywhere because there was no proof against Alejo. This time she's accusing AND planting evidence to bolster the accusation. Or at least that's how I understood it. I guess we'll find out on Monday.

I don't trust the writers of El Clon's version of the cultural clash. Some of the commentaries on Telemundo stated that Marisa dressed as a prostitute. Maybe that dress is acceptable for special occasions - but not on a daily basis - well at least in the circles in which I move.

I was also looking up the penal code in Morocco. Attempts have been made to improve the status of women. It appears as if there can be equal punishment for men who commit adultery. Maybe that is why Said agreed to the divorce so quicky:

Revisions to Morocco's criminal code in 2003 also helped to improve women's legal status by eliminating unequal sentencing in adultery cases. Article 418 of the penal code had granted extenuating circumstances to a husband who murders, injures, or beats his wife and/or her partner, when catching them in flagrante delicto while committing adultery. While this article has not been repealed, the penalty for committing this crime is at least now the same for both genders. Furthermore, revisions to Article 491 of the penal code now permit the state to sue either a husband or a wife guilty of adultery while the spouse is out of the country. Previously, only an unfaithful wife could be sued in these circumstances.


i appreciate your recaps, and frankly, never knew you wanted comments from me. Did you ask for them? I missed it. I am sorry, as I would have posted some if I knew you had been looking for them!!

Lynn, thank you for the information about adultry. The middle east totally baffles me regarding their treatment of women.

Does anyone remember what Marisa's one and only friend was laughing about when she dropped her off?


Rosemary -- Marisa was talking about how terrible it would be to be related to Alejandro's mother. She says:
"¿Tú me imaginas llegando al brunch al bar de la señora esa?" (Can you imagine me going to brunch at that woman's bar?)
Then Lucia cracks up at the image and says: You'd have to wear slippers (chanclas) and curlers (rulos)!

NovelaMaven, thanks so much. That is really funny, no wonder she was laughing. Lucia needs a new BFF. Marisa is no fun at all.
Also, thanks for the two new Spanish words.


My pleasure, Rosemary! And I couldn't agree more -- Lucia seems like a nice person who definitely needs a new BFF!

Rosemary, not only does Lucia need a new best friend but possibly a new husband. She is very insecure about Roberto - possibly with good reason. Karla wanted to get her claws into him and he did not seem too unhappy about this.

My problem with this novela is that they are treating Morocco as if it were the Sudan. I can imagine these things happening in an African country but Morocco?? They are trying to reform their code as far as women are concerned - lots of French influence. I can see honor killing taking place in the rural areas of Morocco. But the story is about a wealthy, educated family living in Fez.

My relatives in South Africa are constantly amused by the antics of Zuma, the president of South Africa. He is a Zulu. He has had several wives - some divorced - currently has 3 and about 20 children. Reputedly the wives don't get on together. He is not a Muslim. South Africa has also tried to reform the code as far as women are concerned. Of course, laws can only go so far and not transform a society overnight.


Lynne, you are right about the laws can only go so far. Changing society is very difficult. It is not just the Middle East but here as well. We have the cult thing going in the states that is just plain wrong. I had a long conversation with two Federal Prosecutors that deal with cults and it is scary.

Lucia needs to stay home and take care of her husband and child instead of driving Miss Marisa around and picking up her bad habits. Every once in a while I see her raising an eyebrow to Marisa's behavior.


Rosemary, NovelaMaven is right about "chonclas." With the reference to curlers, the best translation is slippers. But since you're adding it to your vocabulary, I wanted to tell you that in Mexico anyway, the most common meaning is flip-flops (rubber thong sandals). And my friend tells me that a self-respecting Mexican would never wear chonclas away from home, except to the beach.

So far, we have only seen one professional woman .. a doctor who determined that Jade was pregnant. So, in some ways, I think that the representation of women's position is insulting. We only see slave-like women dancing to please their husbands - otherwise they are only mothers and take care of the household. I found another article on women in Morocco: Advancing Women’s Rights

Greater freedom of choice – and not just on paper

Although seven women have held cabinet seats since 2007 as ministers in the Moroccan government, this level of representation for women remains the exception in Morocco’s political and professional scene. With the Moudawana, the new family code of 2004, the government conceded to women virtually the same rights as those enjoyed by men. However, it will still take a long time before they can exercise these rights as an everyday reality.

This comprehensive process is already showing success: thirty enterprises have accepted the ‘Label of Social Responsibility of Enterprises’, thereby pledging to integrate their women employees into company life with equal rights. A far larger number of women than ever before ran in the most recent municipal elections in 2009 and the share of women serving on city councils is now 12 %, in contrast to 1.5 % five years ago. ‘It makes a big difference that women are now considered to be decision-makers as well - not only secretaries as before,’ says Meryem Benkirane, a young student at the caricature exhibition.

Incidentally one of Zuma's ex-wives was the Minister of Health in South Africa.

Well - now I'm off to go and have the privilege of earning my own salary!


PaulaH -- Thanks for the comment about "chanclas". "Flip-flops" or "rubber thongs" is a great translation.

Actually, the last time I heard the word "chanclas" in Mexico, it was referring to something you eat -- a sort of drowned in tomato sauce sandwich -- rather than something you wear! (and it didn't look half bad!)

As for the kind of "thong" Marisa is likely to wear under her broccoli rubber-band dresses, the word I've seen is "tanga" or even more colloquially, "hilo dental" (dental floss)! jajaja

Paula H, thank for the information about flip-flops.

NovelaMaven, LOL funny about Marisa and the dental floss. No wonder she never worries about her panty line.


Rosemary, just be sure to stick to NovelaMaven's correct spelling: chanclas. Not my misspelling.

I have always wondered where Gloria was from. She is very Carmen Miranda to me - way over the top. Miami has a lot of people from the Caribbean. I thought maybe she was from Cuba with the huge platters of pork she tried to serve Ali. She does not seem to be from Mexico. Does anyone have any thoughts on the subject?


Lynne, I have been read two novels by Klalid Hosseini "Kite Runner" and "A Thousand Splendid Suns" that told of the plight of women in some Muslim countries. I think Jean sent a link to an article about Muslim women in America and I read one over the weekend as well. My heart goes out to them and their inhuman treatment. I can understand Jade clinging to Lucas. She was raised in Miami and all of sudden she is sent to live on the alien planet of Moracco. Lucas was probably the only person she has been able to relate. I do not think her parents were devote Muslims.


Hello Ladies-

I am so sad to hear the news that you are giving up on recaps. You all do such wonderful recaps here, with pictures and great vocabulary! Don't give up!

I don't watch the show because I watch and recap Dinero, but I do read your recaps most days and feel like I am watching this novela, just through your recaps. We don't get that many comments on Dinero most days either, but we know there are plenty of lurkers out there reading them. Same as here. I hope you recondsider. Even if you don't, I want to thank you for all the wonderful work you have put into this novela so far.

Ladies, after looking for an alternative to your recaps I googled "El Clon Recap" and low and below you are mentioned several times by name. I even checked out and you are mentioned there also. Like I said earlier, I wish there was some way to check the number hits your recaps get per day. I think you would be shocked. Also, when these TN go into reruns they are read again by a whole new group of fans. I recently watched Zorro for the first time and could not have done without the your recaps. So your work lives on!


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