Wednesday, June 23, 2010
El Clon, Wed., June 23- Summary for discussion
Jade tells Lucas that she is being sent back to Morocco without Jadiya. She asks him to kidnap Jadiya from Latifa and bring her to Miami. Lucas is about to tell her that he can't possibly do that when Said shows up and Jade has to hide in Rania's bedroom. [What can we say - the brilliant Jade has asked Lucas to commit a serious felony. I guess while Lucas is in prison for 30 years, Jade could meet and fall in love with Daniel.]
Said tells Rania not to do what she has already done - help Jade. He says that if he finds out she has helped Jade, he will send her back to her family.
The mysterious Arab who is opening the club where half the cast is going to work is named Sain - only one letter different from Said. The similar names continue on this novela. Marisa asks if Lucas knows this Sain and mentions that Alej is his chauffeur. Lucas says that he doesn't know Sain and begs Marisa not to ruin the kid's life. He might as well talk to a stone.

The Skank (with a k) and her mother are lying in wait for Roberto at a club. He arrives and Karla moves in on him.
Luisa hires a dectective to follow Albi.
Nati and Alej are preparing a romantic dinner. While looking for a lighter for a candle, Alej finds Nati's stash. [This was right before the credits. When the program resumed, something was obviously missing because we had a shot of about a second of Alej holding Nati. Did anyone else see more?]

Hilda implements the plan to leave Karla alone with Roberto. It would have worked, too except that the insanely jealous Lucia calls. Roberto tells her that he is in a restaurant getting something to eat. Lucia tells Roberto to get back to the house in 20 minutes or she is coming back to Miami and setting the house on fire. [FYI Roberto - with Google Voice and other services, you could get your home number to ring on your cell phone and answer it anywhere.] Alas, Roberto doesn't know about these things and he has to go home and leave Karla unimpregnated. She is sure that it will work out, Esto ya es pan comido, literally, this is already cooked bread.

Is there some kind of Muslim prohibition on a man going to the woman's side of the bed? Jade hides in full view on the floor on Rania's side of the bed presumably while Said and Rania get undressed, have sex and fall asleep. Finally, Rania wakes up and signals Jade to leave.

Mohamed finds Latifa confessing her love to her photos of him. He forgives her for what happened.

The Chump comes to see Clara to give her an earful about going out with the young stud.
Things are closing in on Albi. Daniel is suspicious of his explanation of the Luisa problem. He asks Dora to go see Luisa and find out what she thinks about Daniel.
Albi goes to see Daniel and conveniently (for the detective) meets her outside the apartment so the detective can get photos.
Latifa and Mohamed disagree about Jade. Latifa thinks that it is unfair that Jade can't see Jadiya while Mohamed is going to scold Jade on behalf of Ali.
Albi confesses to Padre Andres that he created a human clone. The Padre is horrified and begs Albi to destroy the embyro, not knowing that the clone is a 20-year old man.
Dora comes to see Luisa and drops the bombshell that Daniel is back in town and Albieri knows this.
Jade is leaving for the airport but she asks to say goodbye to Rania. While pretending to embrace her, Jade begs Rania not to give away anything she might have overheard.
Dora tells Daniel that Luisa doesn't have anything against him and is happy that he is back. Luisa has invited Dora and Daniel to dinner.
Albieri return home to be scolded by Luisa for not telling her about Daniel's return.
The credits roll.
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Here's what I saw in the pot in the mochila scene:
After Alej finds the stash, he confronts Nati, demanding an explanation. She tells him she got it from Fernando and admits that even though when they first met, she had never used drugs of any kind, recently, with all the problems they've had, she's resorted to smoking pot occasionally to relieve stress. He tells her that's how all the drug users he knows started, that her behavior is unacceptable, and that he's throwing the pot in the trash. She promises it won't happen again and they embracing.
So that whole scene was missing for you?
And the Arab who owns the bar is NOT Said, but Sain. And Marisa knows him or knows of him. Qué demonios..!
For once, I can add a brief note about the Spanish [trumpet fanfare here]. The expression "pan comido" is often used to mean something that's very easy to do, "a piece of cake."
Yes, Albieri did not make it clear to the Padre that the clone had not only been created but had been born and had grown up.
How did Marisa know about the Arab and the bar and that Alej is employed there? Even if Said was an investor, he isn't interested in Alej. More deleted scenes????
I think Jade is losing it. Does she really think Lucas would kidnap Jadiya??? If he does he's a jerk. I'm bored with them both. If Jade cared just a little for Said she would have such a good life because he loved her and only her. Oh, well...
I'd rather they concentrate more on Nati and Alej.
I posted so late, I didn't I would receive an answer.
I bet the new bar owner(Sain) might be a friend or possible distant relative of said. And who knows, maybe said himself, spreading a rumor about the owner name being sain.
Nevertheless, I'm sure marisa will convince said to have alej fired or somehow "set him up" again.
I also see future problems with the "pot" for Nat & Alej. She's probably going to continue smoking, but in secret.
As for Karla & her mom, they are skanks but they're funny ones. They make laugh with their silly schemes & antics.
And lucas, he's not going to kidnap Jadiya. When jade finds this out, she's going to be hurt & resentful. After this, I bet that is when Jade will meet the clone.
As for the priest & alberti. This priest seems too nosy. I bet he'll reveal alberti secret sometime in the future.
The new secretary who works for the clinic, I think her name is anita. I might be wrong, but oh well. To me her face resembles the
character "Bonnie" on the show Vampire Diaries. I had to take a double take when I noticed her.
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