Monday, July 26, 2010

El Clon, Mon., July 26- Summary for Discussion

One exciting episode and it's back to the same old thing with our least favorite characters.

Jade does the sword dance

and Zein watches appreciatively.

Alej comes home looking for Nati. He doesn't want to call Rosa and worry her. Pablo suggests that they check hospitals and police stations.

Marisa asks Andrea when Nati got started taking drugs. Andrea replies that it was 'cuando empezó todo el rollo con Alejandro,' when the whole Alejandro business started. This confirms Marisa's belief that Alej was the source of Nati's problems. Andrea clarifies that Alej wasn't involved, he is an athlete and hates drugs. Andrea says that Nati is insecure and weak and she thought she could escape reality by doing drugs.

Si me lo hubiera dicho, if only she had told me about it, says Marisa, [you would have just made the situation worse, bruja] nada de esto habría pasado, none of this would have happened. Marisa and Rosa look back and realize how Nati's behavior changed but Marisa says that she attributed it to a teenage crisis.

After the dance, Jade drugs Zein's drink but he doesn't drink it. He takes both drinks and puts them on the table saying that Jade is a woman that he could love for the rest of his life and starts to kiss her. Jade moves away, takes the drinks back and insists on a toast but now she isn't sure which glass has the drug.

Outside, Lucas tells Cristina that he can't wait any longer. He asks Cristina to explain what happened to Jade and tell her that he loves her forever.

It looks like it was Jade who got the drugged drink.

Zoraida gives Rania her cure for morning sickness - hold a spoon. She asks Zoraida how she can give Said a boy. Zoraida replies that is up to Allah. Rania says that if she has a boy, she won't fear Jade any more because she will have given Said a whole child, not half a one, i.e., a girl, like Jade did. Zoraida protests that Said adores and will always adore Jadiya. Yes, replies Rania, but he will love my son more.

Rania asks Ali the question we had: does Jade stay first wife or become second wife when she remarries Said? Ali replies that Rania would be first wife. She cannot conceal her glee.

Latifa takes Jadiya, Sumaya and Zamira to the medina. Jadiya wants lots of gold and Zamira doesn't want to wear a veil or have her husband chosen for her.

More trouble from Mohamed's children who grew up in the West. Mohamed tells Amin that his betrothed is named Nadia and she is from a very religious family. Amin does not have confidence in Tío Abdul's determination that Nadia is beautiful. He asks Mohamed if he can marry a Westerner if he doesn't like any of the women in Fez. No way, says, Mohamed.

Zein asks Jade if she slept well from the sleeping pill she took. Zein says that women never take him by surprise but he like ingenious ones that he has to figure out. He says that he won't tell anyone what happened. It will be a secret that brings them together.

Amalia takes a call from Marisa [who is now sporting a dress with VNP] for Leo. She wants him to call her about the Nati situation. Leo refuses to listen to the message and goes out to play squash.

Albieri tells Daniel, 'imagina que tú no hubieras sido creado por Dios, sino por un hombre,' Imagine that you weren't created by God but by another man. Like us, Daniel is fed up with the 'what if' game.

Hilda and the sKank are having their usual discussion about how much they can get out of Roberto for his love child.

Alej comes home from searching all night for Nati to find her asleep in bed. She tells him to relax and let her sleep. Poor Alej tells her that he has been searching for her all night.

Jade begs Zein not to return her to Said. He guesses that she wanted to run away and asks why. She says that she wants to live in the West and be free to choose her own life just as he does. She begs him to help her but doesn't mention that she is in love with another man. He doesn't answer and takes her into the medina.

Mohamed tells Ali that he has a bad feeling about this business with Jade. Ali replies that he leaves the future up to Allah. The Naz delivers her usual diatribe again her brothers' 'odalisques' and Jade in particular and her brothers' failure to get her a husband after all she did for them.

The prospective bride and groom for Amin and Zamira are coming over to Ali's house. Once again Zamira states that she will not have her husband chosen for her. Jadiya can't understand why Zamira doesn't want the gold that a married woman gets. Zamira cannot understand why Jadiya wouldn't be grossed out by having to have sex with someone she's never met. Zoraida counsels Zamira that as the weaker party, she shouldn't confront the stronger party but use more subtle means. Zamira doesn't believe that will work because Abdul will bring suitor after suitor until Mohamed forces her to marry one. Zoraida tells the girls that Abdul is stuck in the past and doesn't understand that things have changed. 'What is it that I don't understand? asks Abdul overhearing. He accuses her of spreading corruption to the girls.

Latifa begs Mohamed to wait on betrothing the children but he won't budge. He says amazingly stupid things like, 'if they're engaged, they will think about their betrotheds in Morocco and won't fall for Westerners. If you turned that around, it would be more likely true.

Once again Albieri chickens out on bringing Daniel to meet Ali. He insists on having Ali meet his godson in some isolated place (the ruins) because when Ali meets Daniel, he will understand Albieri's sin.

It looks like our hopes that the Chump might begin to wise up about Malicia were in vain. He has already decided that it is Clara's fault that Fernando is taking drugs. Malicia skillfully supports this conclusion suggesting the Clara is capable of doing anything including getting involved with her son's friends.

Dora comes to see Osvaldo. He says that he misses her and asks for some good news. She says that she hopes he rots in jail. She says that she will regret loving him until the last day of her life. She says that Karla told her everything. The money she made doing two jobs, that he told her was for his sick mother, [I think we definitely have some cut scenes here - first we've heard that Dora was helping Osvaldo pay Karla] was going to that slut. She says that she has always forgiven him before but she is tired of waiting for a man that will put her first. He promises to treat her like a princess but she says that it is too late. Love is like a crystal - once it is broken, it can't be repaired.

Rosa comes to see Gloria.

Alej wakes Nati up and asks her to tell him why she couldn't be there on the most important night of his life. She spins a tail about studying for an exam and not being able to find anything to eat and crashing her car.

Jade asks Zein why he just looks at her mysteriously and won't say anything. 'I don't want to betray Said but I don't want to return you,' says Zein.

The credits roll.


Thanks, Jean, for an excellent summary of a far-from-excellent episode. As you say, we're back to same old same old. Just about the only difference I could see is that Jade was even dumber than usual. She knows that her plan depends on her getting Zein to drink the drugged drink, but she doesn't keep track of which drink is which. Jeez, even I knew she was reaching for the wrong one.

Hmmm...maybe I'm just in a rotten mood, but I found myself with very little patience not just for Jade but for Nati as well. When she finally bothers to concoct an explanation of why she wasn't present at one of the most important moments in Alej's life, it's insultingly lame. Gee, Alej, I had to study for an exam and then I got hungry and there was nothing in the fridge and....

I was really bummed later tonight when I went to watch ¿Dónde Está Elisa? only to find that it had been cut from an hour to 15 minutes. Or, at least, by 10:15 Telemundo had switched to some new TN they were promoting. I think I'd have been happier if they had cut back on El Clon tonight and given us a full episode of ¿DEE? At least exciting things are happening there. Oh well.... At least your summarcap was up to its usual very high standards. Many thanks!

I think Jade should just stay with Zein because Lucas's actions just gets dumber and dumber and Said's obsession for Jade is becoming more pathetic.

Thanks Jean. You're right that a lot of this was old news about our least favorite characters, but not all of it was. I think Jade and Zein are interesting together. She has to throw out the Jade playbook with this guy: he's not evil, he respects her (sort of), and he wants her. I'm interested to see how they'll work it out.

It was also good to see Osvaldo again. You may be right that we missed something about him giving some of Dora's money to Karla. That makes him less sympathetic, but not unforgivable. He's just a bit of a blockhead sometimes.

By the way, you mentioned Marisa's "VNP" (I had to google that one), and it seems to be kind of common on this novela, and some others I've seen. Is that considered slightly risque or not? I think on an English-speaking network it would be. I also get the impression that in Central and South America it's nothing special.

Thanks, Jean! I especially loved the photos today!

Luke, I agree with you, I like the possibilities that Zein's presence introduces. (Not only that, it is a delight to have a beautiful man to look at whose habitual expression is neither a scowl nor a simper!)

Even so, I'm more than ready to have some of the pitbulls who've been nipping at the heels of this novela put down. It's time for Miss K to pay! Maybe we need to bring in Hercule Poirot from PBS so he can use his little grey cells to demonstrate Osvaldo's innocence and get K put in jail for extorsion; he could also expose her plot with Consuelo and Hilda so these lovelies could share a cell with her.

And is Marisa going to escape prosecution for her false accusations against Alejandro, for actually planting evidence? Not if the little Belgian detective is on the case!

And Malicia... well, unfortunately, taking advantage of Escobar's over-inflated ego isn't a crime, but blackmailing Luisa surely is. Let's throw her in the cell, too!

And then we can sit back and enjoy and be shocked by and horrified at what happens to the characters we are here to see!

I don't usually think of myself as Google-challenged, but I couldn't find a satisfactory explanation of VNP. Would someone please explain. Muchas gracias.

Still running behind and using summaries & comments to advise my review of the tape. So, Thank you, Thank you.

I goodled VNP and still don't understand! Guess I'm just to old for subtleness (is that a word?)

I'm still enjoying this TN and seldom find it dull. Lois

VNP=visible nipple protrusion

Ah. Thanks, Jean!

Marisa's VNP: waddaya' think? Ice, or buttons?

Jean, thank you once again for a recap that was better than the episode.

Did Nati really wreck her car or was just saying that to Alej?

The best part of this episode was Zein's smile. It was funny that Jade couldn't keep track of the drugged drink. Was that Allah's work? It would be fine with me if Jade ended up with Zein and Said was stuck with Raina and her wicked sister forever and ever.


I'm present everyday, but don't always comment. 'always appreciate the summarcaps, though.

I was kinda surprised by Marisa's 'vnp.' i think it's kinda sexy... you see that a lot in miami.

I could just drown in Zein's eyes... he is muy caliente!!

I think Jade thought that Zein switched the drinks.

Thanks, Jean. Well done.

Maybe the VNP is because the men on set usually wear more clothes and they keep the air conditioning at meat locker temperature for male comfort.

I also saw Jade pick the wrong drink. I didn't see that coming. But, of course, they have to be thwarted once more. She still doesn't know Lucas has returned to the US, but surely the $%it will hit the fan when she finds out.

The whole Ozzie/Dora/Karla thing is very confusing, probably because of cut scenes. Dora says K told her everything, but what did she tell her? Surely not that she was blackmailing him. If Dora knew that she might be sympathetic to his desire to stay out of jail. And why didn't he tell her that instead of just repeating that he loved her? OK, tighten my beanie.

For those of you who didn't see the novela, this may not mean much, but I'd like to see Marisa, Malicia, Karla and Hilda turned over to Doña Bárbara. She'd sort them out in a NY minute. If they wouldn't sort, she'd take them to her piranha pool.

Yes, indeedy, Zein has amazing eyes. They're so stunning in such a dark-haired man. He's the real deal, totally sexy.

OK, time for Nati to get her rear end into a program. I was astounded she tried that lame lie on Alej. I sincerely hope he didn't buy it. In any case, Mama Rosa is likely to run into him soon and spill the beans.

Another thing occurred to me. Rania is rubbing her hands together with glee at being the first wife. Something tells me that, if Jade does return to Said, Rania won't be the same kindly first wife as Jade was to her. Jade treated her very well (of course because she doesn't care if Said has 20 wives) and tried to form an alliance. Jade only got her back up when Rania started stabbing her in the back.

And, of course, to Said it won't matter whether Jade is second or 32nd, he'll still have a big Jones for her.

muchas gracias for all the nice comments. I was at a meeting today and could only post from my iphone, which is not conducive to typing things of any length.

Yes, I wonder what Karla did tell Dora? That Osvi had had had an affair with her and was supporting her?

All I can say is that I'm embarrassed when I have VNP and I wear a bra, unlike Marisa. I hadn't noticed it before on her.

It will be interesting to see what arrangement Jade and Zein make. If he is really in love with her, he is going to have a problem with her relationship with Lucas.

I too am ready for the wheel to start turning and the bad guys start to get their just desserts.

Has anyone else noticed that as provocatively as Marisa may dress, no man seems to pay the slightest attention to her? (Said is only interested in her as a way of punishing Lucas.) Compare the way all the men (even Ali and Abdul) react to Cristina, or the way most men look at Jade.

Who has ever looked at Marisa like that? Maybe Diego used to?

Thanks for your summarcap, Jean. I was dozing on and off and not sure how much I missed.

Juanita, I'm glad you wrote and commented on DEE. I didn't know what was going on. I thought that it went on at 9:00 instead of 10:00. Thanks for clearing that up for me, but it was a gyp. Cecclia is really losing it...


There's a DEE forum of sorts on the telenovela-world site. That's where I learned that they were cutting DEE back to half an hour, but apparently they cut it back even more last night and also started before 10. People on the DEE forum were understandably NOT pleased.

Thanks Jean. Zein was the only interesting addition to the same, boring, repetitious stuff.


Thanks for the info Juanita. I'll have to check it out.


I never saw the first version of this but Jade would be stupid to keep trying to make it work with Lucas pick Zein just to look in his eyes alone is enough for me. I think he said in the previews for tonight's episode that Jade is the woman he never expected to fall in love with or his dreams? Jade time to switch plans big time i would like to see her end up with Zein.

Juanita and Ann i was so pissed after El Fantasma ended before 10:00 came there was DEE and it was like Juanita said only fifteen minutes i was like WTF is going on?

This tells me this new novela may not be so good and they need a strong lead in to carry and keep the DEE audience to stay watching Telemundo when DEE ends. But come on fifteen minutes? That's pure butchery of a great novela big BOOOOOOOOOOOO to Telemundo. As soon as that new novela came on i went right back to STUD.

I get the feeling that Rania glee will be shortlived if Jade stays with Zein you all know Said will go more BSC than he already is and probably try everything in the book to get her back. I was laughing at her sister trying to get Mohammed to marry her and he told her no. LOL.

I missed this episode but your excellent pics and summary helped.
Thank you.
I liked the comment about the spoon.

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