Wednesday, July 28, 2010

El Clon, Wed., July 28- Summary for Discussion

The kindler, gentler Marisa tells Lucas how drugged up Nati was. Lucas can't believe it. She never even used to drink, he says. That what I thought, says Marisa, 'no sabemos nada de nuestro hija, Lucas,' we never knew anything about our daughter, Lucas. She blames Alej for distancing Nati from them. Lucas asks if Marisa knows where Nati is living. She says no.

The Naz is beside herself with excitement waiting for her novio. She hopes he is rich and good to make up for all the years she waited for him.

Said's and Rania's little cuddle talking about her baby is interrupted by a call from Zein.

Sidi Ali tells the children how to respectfully handle the Sacred Book, the Koran. When he says that it shouldn't be handled by an impure woman (who is having her period), Zamira asks why since that is a natural cycle of women. 'Porque el libro sagrado lo dice, Zamira, y somos Musulmanes,' Because the Sacred Book says so and we're Muslims, replies Ali.

Zein says that he has to talk to Said in person.

Ali wonders why Zein won't return Jade right away. He says that Zein is more Westerner than Muslim and may understand Jade better than he does. He fears that a storm is coming.

Cristina tells Jade that Lucas has returned to the US. She says that she and Lucas waited all night for her but that he had to return to Miami on urgent business. Jade says that once she is in the US, she will run away from Zein and she and Lucas can be happy forever.

The Naz primps for her fiancé while Zamira tells her, Latifa, Jadiya and Zumaya that she doesn't want to have a husband. She wants to be a reporter and travel all over the world. They do not appreciate or share her ambition to be an independent woman.

Amin asks Mohamed if he can marry an older woman. Mohamed tells him how the prophet married a much older woman. Amin can marry any woman who is religious and follows their customs. Amin fantasizes about giving gold to a submissive veiled sKank.

An old guy and two younger guys are with Abdul. The Naz comes in with 'gazelle horn' pastries that Zoraida made. Abdul praises the Naz's wifely abilities to the skies. The Naz figures that she is for one of the young guys but when the old guy is revealed to be the suitor, she screams in frustration and falls to the ground.

Abdul tells the Naz that if she rejects this guy, he doesn't want to hear her complaining about her destiny or not having a husband ever again. '¡Yo quiero un marido, no una momia!' I want a husband, not a mummy! wails the Naz. Zoraida tells Ali what happened. He says that the Naz is pretty but she is like a storm and storms are nice but not to marry.

Zein comes to see Said.

Luisa is in Fez. She calls Cristina. Cristina says that she knows where Albieri is.

Amalia finally gets to tell Leo about Nati. He is angry that she didn't tell him before. She tells him not to use that tone with her.

Nati and Fernando are together, high, and telling each other how everyone around them does nothing but give them boring drug lectures. They assure each other that it is the other people who have changed, not them.

Andrea is still trying to protect Fernando but she can't convince her parents that she isn't taking drugs. Roberto insists on taking her to a clinic so that she can hear ex-drug addicts tell her about how their lives were ruined.

Dora and Estela are at the doctor's office.

Rosa tells Lucas that although Gloria doesn't know where Nati is living, she won't give any information about where they hang out. Lucas replies that he won't accept that and goes to see Gloria. Rosa is impressed by Lucas' activity and determination. 'Sí, es la primera vez que pone a su hija en primer lugar,' Yes, it's the first time that he has put his daughter first, says Marisa, let's hope it isn't too late.

Jade is happily anticipating future happiness with Lucas.

Said asks Zein where Jade is and accuses him of not keeping his part of the deal. 'Tampoco estaba en le trato enamorarse de Jade,' Falling in love with Jade wasn't part of the deal either, replies Zein. When Zein tells Said that he isn't returning Jade, Said hits him and calls him a traitor. Ali has to separate them. Zein says that when he agreed to help, Said, he didn't understand the consequences. Jade does not want to go back to Said. Ali puts in his two cents about how he warned Said that getting Jade back was not going to be that easy. He says that when there are differences, the Sacred Book provides the answers. Said says that the Koran requires that property be returned to its owner. Ali reminds him that Jade doesn't belong to him anymore. He divorced her. Zein would have had to return Jade to Ali, not to Said. He says that both Said and Zein acted imprudently and without thinking about the consequences.

The news reaches the kitchen. Latifa wonders what will happen to Jade. Mohamed says that he told Said not to make deals with infidels and now he's paying the consequences. He considers Zein an infidel because he drinks alcohol and eats pork. Mohamed tells Latifa to forget about Jade.

The girls are packing up to go back to the US. Latifa tells Jadiya that she will see her mother in the States.

Zein tells Said and Ali about his deal with Jade. Said says that Zein sacrificed their friendship purely out of vanity. Zein shoots back that he made a woman marry him who didn't want to out of vanity. Now Said says that he has thrown Jade to the winds (arrojo a Jade al viento) - he never wants to see her again and she will never see Jadiya again.

On a lighter note, the Naz is demonstrating exercises to the maids and telling them about her personal trainer in Miami. When Zein, on his way out, glances at the spectacle of the Naz doing deep knee bends, she is sure that she has made a conquest. When the maid tells her that Zein has fallen in love with Jade, she accuses the maids of jealousy and says that they will suffer in hell.

Zein returns to the hotel and tells Jade that it was Said who hit him. 'Pero tengo que agradacerle. Porque gracias a ese golpe te tengo aquí, cerca de mí,' But I have to thank him. Because thanks to this blow, you are here next to me, he says.

Our latest PSA subject - The doctor is shocked that Dora hasn't had a Pap smear since before Daniel was born and doesn't seem to know what one is. [Ladies - you need a Pap smear every year even if you feel fine. Next, maybe Leo will get gum disease and his dentist will demonstrate the importance of flossing.]

Lucas finds Nati. He asks where she has been and they embrace. Lucas seems overcome with emotion. Nati - not so much.

The credits roll.


Thanks for the summary, Jean. Whenever I miss an episode I know I can catch up with your excellent summary and pictures.

I appreciate all of your talent and hard work.


Thanks, Jean. Wow, the actor playing Zein [I loved him in Dona Barbara] is great at playing lovesick puppydog. Those eyes. Jade seemed to be touched by his words and the fact that Said hit him. Is there a chance that she will fall for him ? I'm really tired of Lucas/Jsde. Nazira is just...too...much. Her hissyfits just keep escalating ,

Great summarcap, Jean. I always appreciate the help with Spanish, and your snark was in fine form. I burst out laughing several times, especially at your remarks about PSAs and the prospect of Leo's dentist demonstrating the importance of flossing.

I'm back to thinking "You hypocrite!" when I hear Marisa. Qué cara, criticizing Lucas for his lack of attention to Nati, since I can't recall a time when Marisa put Nati first.

I was a little surprised at Latifa's answer to Jadiya's question about why she has to wait until they get back to the States to see her mother. If I understood Latifa correctly, she replied "That's life." A bit harsh for Latifa, and especially as a response to a child. But I guess it shows that Latifa has had it with the whole situation and that her nerves are frayed.

I have to admit, I've just about lost all patience and liking for Jade. I guess it's not surprising that she plans to leave Zein as soon as she gets to the States, but I like Zein a lot, and he doesn't deserve to be used that way.

Thanks all. Yes, Latifa did say, That's life, (Es la vida) but I think she didn't know what else to tell Jadiya.

I felt the opposite way, Juanita, when Lucas was sarcastically saying to Marisa, 'you don't even know where our daughter lives?' when he hasn't been around at all and just left town when Nati asked him for help. There's really not much to choose between those two parents. [Granted, Lucas never tried to frame someone for grand larceny.]

So Jade plans to break her word to Zein and run away to Lucas when she gets to the US. How typical. I was surprised that Said didn't rat out Lucas and Jade's relationship to Zein. And once again, Jade seems to care nothing about Jadiya.

Thanks for another fine job, Jean!

This episode had some prime Naz moments. Even though the unsuitable suitor shtick was predictable, it was still hilarious. And I love how quickly she recovered from her set-back to lead the servants in an impromptu exercise class. I was surprised to hear Latifa call her a 'mentirosa', and not just to her face, but in front of all the women. In the past, as far as I can recall, Latifa may have complained about the Naz to Jade, but always bit her tongue before the hyperbolic Naz.

And on other stuff I found interesting --

Said leaves Rania so abruptly in mid-snuggle to take the phone call, she almost falls off the couch. 'That damn Jade!' she says without saying a word.

We've heard a lot of "You will never..." and "She will never..." from Said up to now. Although his threat to keep Jadiya from Jade sounds ominous, it's hard to know how seriously to take it. Actually, I wonder if he will keep Jadiya from leaving with Latifa's family. I don't see how he can keep mother and daughter apart unless they are in different time zones.

I found Jade's taking charge of Zein's wounds, mothering him, touching. And so, I guess, did he.

As for Dora and the doctor, maybe the message was a little preachy, but very consistent with the plot. Consider the audience for this show. This message will hit home, may even save some lives. Seriously.

Jean, I disagree that 'there's not much to choose between those two parents.'

Lucas has been close to Nati all her life. He is the one who 'gets' her -- or at least he did until very recently. And Nati herself has acknowledged this more than once. And even though he hasn't exactly embraced Alej, he did agree to try to get to know him. I think he has been a good father.

Marisa has consistently demeaned her daughter, made her feel small and unattractive. Instead of appreciating her for who she is (or was) -- a quiet, thoughtful person with possibly a bright academic future -- she insisted on trying to make her into a ... well a Clone of herself. She may have been in the same room and appeared to be listening but has never been able to hear what Nati was saying, not about Fernando (when Marisa was promoting him as the perfect boyfriend) and clearly, not about Alej.

OK, I'll give you that one. But Lucas is so passive that I don't think he really supported Nati against Marisa. He didn't like what Marisa was doing but he didn't do anything about it. And I stick to my belief that Lucas' obsession with Jade made him unavailable to Nati when she needed him the most.

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Thank you once again, Jean.

It seems that Roberto is the only one that is into good parenting. Jade, Said, Marisa and yes, Lucas are not the best at this very important job.

Marisa's intellect stops at her skirt line. Everything is someone else's fault. She thinks she is perfect. She doesn't understand that she has a daughter that hates her, a husband that barely tolerates her, her own family will not have anything to do with her, etc., etc.

The Naz was funny as usual. She wants some young, rich stud, not some old guy, who can blame her.

Ali and Zorida are like an old married couple, they sit around the kitchen table and talk. He needs to marry this woman.

I am not sure that Zein deserves someone as selfish as Jade. Maybe he can make her see the error of her ways. As I have said before, Said is going to rue the day he took a second wife and the wicked sister (I think they are package deal).


I just saw a promo for the 'etapa decisiva' of El Clon showing Daniel finding out that he is a clone. That's good. It means that we're nearing the end.

how lucky can one girl get, with 3 very attractive men after her? no wonder the Naz has a hissyfit.

Rosemary, isn't Roberto the sleazeball that the SKanK is after, the guy who seems to spend all his time at the country club while lying to his wife and claiming that he's hard at work? Somehow, I don't see him qualifying for a Good Parenting award--he's a terrible role model.

Jean, I was happy at your remark about this TN nearing its end, but how does that fit with what was said not long ago about it ending in October?

Juanita: If you want to judge the parents by their children then Roberto and Lucia (Andrea) and Gloria (Alej)get the prizes. I think Roberto wants to cheat on Lucia but he doesn't seem to do more than ogle ladies at the club and get massages.

I still believe that Clon is ending in October or maybe late September but there are certain things that have to happen to confirm this. An 'etapa decisiva' announcement is an indication that things are beginning to wind down. This should be followed in a few weeks with an 'ultimas semanas' announcement and then we will know that we are in the end game.

Thanks, Jean. Your summarcap was a marvel of concise explanation and good translations.

I used to have a very funny novio who would describe someone of any age who was not getting their way as a toddler "stamping their feet and shaking their curls". That described Said to a "T" last night as he insisted that Ali make Zein give him back his reluctant wife. I was thoroughly enjoying his rage at not getting back his "property". He says he's thrown her to the wind (for the umpteenth time). I don't believe him. He's capable of trying to snatch her off the street. I do believe he plans to keep her from seeing Jadiya, not sure how.

I do agree with NovelaMaven that Lucas has been the more understanding parent. He only started dropping the ball when Jade showed up in Miami. We were led to believe that Lucas had been the understanding parent until that point in time - and they had a very loving relationship.

I sure hope The Naz gets a handsome marido (maybe with a little grey at the temples) before this is over.

Naz's fainting reaction over her
geriatric suitor was just too funny. I guess she isn't that desperate to be married.
Now zein, he's an extremely likeable character that I now feel sympathy for. Jade's probably going to leave him broken hearted.

Excellent summary & pictures.


Thanks again Jean! I was going make a bunch of comments, but NovelaMaven already said everything I was thinking. Great minds, huh?

This was a real feast for Nazira fans (all three of us). It's hard to describe what I like about the character. I'm usually against comic-relief characters, but she doesn't seem like an irrelevant side-show, and she's often actually funny. The performance is over the top, but it's because the character is a drama queen, not because the actress is doing a comedy routine that happens to be on a novela set (which is how I feel about some of the exaggerated acting I've seen on Univision). I imagine once she leaves the room, the characters not under her power laugh and tell Nazira stories. That kind of person is interesting in real life, and funny, from a distance. Like Tío Ali said, "storms are nice, but not to marry."

Thank you jean for the summary.

"I don't want to marry a mummy"
was hilarious! Thank god for zariza, don't you just love her. SHe's my favorite character. I always look forward to seeing her zany commments and escapades.


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