Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Dinero #167 Aug. 3, 2010 A ruined party, a (alleged) pregnancy is confronted and a job offer

Hey everybody! I wasn't exactly looking forward to tonight's recap. Not the way last night's episode ended anyway. I had some reception problems so I there might be a pool or two of unrecapped episode. Please fell free to fill in any missing details.

So we start it off with last night's scene from Rafa's bachelor party. Suddenly we have Vicky appearing out of nowhere exactly when we have our female gorilla dancing for Rafa.

Vicky throws her usual jealousy fit and demands to know everything. Rafa claims to not know anything. Vicky soon steps over the line with our lovely dancer and then all hell breaks loose! Everyone yells at everyone-except for Dandy who is suffering from a broken love and heart. If that wasn't enough once the band starts playing again Vicky tries to go for the dancers throat.

Back at Ale's place we have the whole family and Marco discussing a possible trip for Jorge to Switzerland. Rosario offers to go but is shot down by Ale: "you don't know English, french or German." Rosario is hurt and Ale patches things up pretty well. Marco steps in and suggests that Ale go with Jorge. Ale declines citing all the work that she still has to do. Jorge thinks for a little bit and comes up with another name: Manrique. So it seems our good friend Quintana will be one step ahead of Marco if he does go to Switzerland.

We are back at the bachelor party and things aren't that much better. That is until Bebe channels his inner Vicky. He tries to talk some sense into Vicky but she doesn't want to hear about it. Others try to jump in and finally Dandy comes in and gives a small speech about love and broken hearts. So sad...

Jimenez chimes in his own suggestion: why don't they let Vicky stay and see for herself? Everybody hates the idea, well everybody except Vicky who loves it and decides to stay. Two chairs are pulled up for Vicky and Rafa and everything is about to start up again until Vicky takes a seat in one of those patented chairs. Down she goes! Really everything was worth it just for this! Vicky comes up crying. Well since that chair didn't work there's always the other... Jaime should test it out though just in case... never mind down goes Jaime! Symbolic justice? Maybe but it sure is funny!

Back at Siglo Ramirez is just coming back from his chat with Beltran and Marino is waiting for him. Marino wants to know what Beltran said. Ramirez tells him that Beltran is not sure about accepting Ale and Rafa's resignation from Siglo. Marino goes into his own little tantrum about how the company is run by cowards. Just then our own Arcadia is on her way out and hears every word from Marino's mouth. She challenges him and asks him who are the cowards. Marino saves himself by saying that they were talking about Ale and Rafa. Marino outlines his reasons for calling them cowards. Arcadia tells him that they are careless not cowards. Ramirez pipes in and assures Arcadia that Marino simply misspoke. Isn't that nice? How many problems would be solved if people just "misspoke." Fortunately Arcadia isn't having this and asks Marino for more respect to his bosses.

Marino tries to get some information out of Arcadia and asks her if she has thought who will replace Ale. Arcadia responds that she's not aware that Ale is leaving.
Back to Rafa and his party. We have Rafa and Vicky sitting next to each other and the dancer getting ready to resume her dance. The music restarts yet again and the dancer is off! We now have Vicky covering Rafa's eyes so he can't see anything the dancer is doing. Meanwhile she dances and dances not just for Rafa now but for all the other guys.

Back to Marco's house they are still discussing the Swiss bank account. Ale asks them to suppose that Jorge does leave to Switzerland. What happens to the Hacienda and the house? Well Jorge can always leave Ale and Marco in charge right? Marco loves the idea! Good news is that Ale doesn't.

Back to the party. The dancer is still doing her stuff and Vicky still won't let Rafa have a peek. The dance finally comes to an end. Vicky is not impressed and claims she can do better. She climbs on a chair to prove her point and Rafa takes her down fast. Rafa says that its probably best if they leave. Our restaurant owner suggests they have a dance before they leave. Rafa doesn't like it but he goes ahead with it. Off to the side we have Dandy thinking of Susana.

We are transported to Vicky's house and the rest of the family has arrived. They are hungry and they want Vicky to serve dinner. She's nowhere to be found so the brothers go to her room to wake her up. She's not in there either. Well now is as good a time to pick up her magazines right? The brothers pick up her magazines and out come the results of her (supposed) pregnancy test. Positive? That means... Vicky's pregnant?!

At Marco's house Rosario reminds everyone about that wedding thing that they have planned. Jorge can't possibly miss that. Well if it's for money Marco doesn't really mind. Ale of course balks at the idea. What if the wedding is postponed? Absolutely not! Ale won't have it any other day!

We are at the party again and the piece is finally coming to an end. Dandy asks who is paying for this whole thing. Jaime raises his hand. Rafa is like a brother to him. And Vicky is... she's also like a sister or maybe a little more. She claims they are united by something greater than a friendship. In the end Pepeto assures Jaime that everyone will chip something in. Rafa and Vicky leave and everything behind. The party continues and Pepeto dances with Ovi.

Back to Marco's house Ale is asked why the wedding can't be postponed. she evades the question and directs the attention back to Jorge's trip.

We are again at Vicky's house. It seems Don Gaston already knows about the lab results. Rafa and Vicky come in. Don Gaston doesn't approve of the time they are returning. Rafa explains about the whole bachelor party. They ask them if that's true or if they were off doing their cositas. They begin to explain again and then Don Gaston interrupts and asks why he would take Vicky there. Rafa wants to know the same thing. Vicky says that Susana told her where to find Rafa. Rafa finally finds out who the mole in the operation was. Don Gaston doesn't like the fact that Vicky was there in the first place. Rafa is very appreciative. Vicky gets mad and runs off. Rafa finally weasels out of the situation-barely.

Back to Marco's house. Rosario wants to know why Ale doesn't want to postpone the wedding. Ale confides that she isn't sure Marco loves her. Rosario hits the nail on the head when she asks about Medina. Ale denies it and end of story.
Rafa gets back home and Leonor wakes up and they start talking a bit. Rafa wants to know if Susana told her on purpose or accidentally, but he's pretty sure it was on purpose. By the way Marian called to offer Julieta a job. Rafa complains that Marian is harassing him.

Back to Vicky's residence we have the brothers coming to Vicky's room. She wants nothing to do with them. They confront her with the lab results and she is finally left speechless!!! Now THAT is incredible.

We have Rafa in bed thinking about Ale. Everyday that passes he is no closer to clearing things up, quite the opposite they get messier and messier. We get a little flashback to Ale and Rafa waking up together the morning of the Cocoyoc deal. Then we get as flashback within a flashback to that time of Rafa's first deal. Back to reality and Rafa realizes that it was the best day of his life.

Back to Vicky. And it seems like Don Gaston doesn't have a clue about the (supposed) pregnancy. The brothers want to tell Don Gaston but are foiled by Vicky. But they do ask her how she managed to pull it off if they are never left alone. Apparently she is not two or three months in. So they can say the baby was premature.

The cartoon that announces the end and beginning of a day comes out.
Rafa is up and wants to talk to Julieta. He wants to tell her not to accept Marian's proposition. Julieta comes out and demands to know why she shouldn't accept the offer.

Marco and Ale are also up and Ale hasn't gotten much sleep. Who will talk to Manrique? Marco will of course. After they secure the power letter they will go to purchase the tickets. Marco suggests that Ale call in sick. Ale declines and Marco puts on his little act. Marco embraces Ale and is only saved by Azucena. Ale leaves and Marco says he is hungry. Azucena stays there for a bit until Marco tells her whats up. Azucena leaves but not before she remarks how strange it is that Marco is always hungry. Marco's thinks how perfect it is that Jorge will hand him the power to do whatever he wants with the Hacienda...

Advance: Rafa tells Ale about the proposition that Marian made to him.


Private 057- Thank you so much for the recap and for having it up so fast. I actually chuckled throughout the whole bachelor party. Vicky taking part in the party, Vicky getting a lap dance with Rafa, the fight between the dancer and Vicky with Bebe in the middle getting stipped of his clothing little by little, and depressed Dandy in the middle of it all. And great music too! I loved it. :)

Private 057, thank you for the fun recap. I couldn't find your recap on the Dinero page last night so didn't comment till now. Found it this morning on the Caray site, so I tagged it for you.

Last night was a fun episode. I had almost forgotten about the chair business till Vicky sat down. That was "symbolic justice" for sure.

I must admit when this show started I couldn't stand when ever the Brothers Grimm had scenes but as time has moved on I have really started enjoying them. They were pretty funny last night. I love how they always sort of bump into or off of each other. I wonder how this whole pregnancy thing will turn out now, with them knowing. I though for sure they were going to slice Rafa's neck wide open.

Jorge in Switzterland. This will be fun. Not likeing the thought of Marco getting power of attorney however.

Thanks again Private 057 for a fun recap to a fun episode.

Wonder how

Didn't mean to leave that trailing sentence there. "wonder how" . Don't even know where I was going with that.

Good morning Private 057. Only saw part of this but your recap has whetted my appetite. Will have to go back and check out the recording, if only to see Vicky speechless!!!!

Like Vivi, the part I did see, with a frantic peace-loving Bebe in the midst of a tug-of-war, which left him more disheveled and undressed that our Dandy post Carmela was a hoot. The visual comedy in this is very good.

Sorry Marino was able to weasel his way out of the blooper with Doña Arcadia but agree with you....if we could just fix all our grievous mistakes with "I misspoke" life would go a lot more smoothly!

O57, thanks for getting this up so fast. I can't wait to get back this afternoon and watch the show.. The bachelor party sounds hilarious.

Are we finally going to find out for sure about the pregnancy? Even with the results I'm not sure what it's all about. If Jaime is really the father there's a huge telenovela dilemma.

I agree with Pata about the brothers Grimm. At the beginning they really annoyed me but I'm starting to enjoy their antics.


Great recap, Private 057!

I don't think Vicky is pregnant. The "certificate" she has looks very amateurish, with great big printing, not like a report from a medical lab. And I don't even think it has the lab's name, address, etc. It reminds me of the "certificate" that was given to Leonor saying she won the contest. Remember how Ale said that wouldn't prove anything, someone could easily just print it up? So, to me, Vicky's certificate looks like that. But I could be wrong.

I hope Rafa confronts Susana about telling Vicky where the party was. That certainly was not appropriate for her to reveal her boss's private info, even to his novia.

It's agonizing watching Ale trust Marco over and over, and treat Rafa so badly. But one day.....

Thanks 057, funny!

I was hoping that the brothers would over react as always and say something to Rafa in front of VVV so that he would have and escape route from the wedding, but alas, we have to wait some more. I still don't think that she is preggers.

Ale looks so good in black, that top she had on last night towards the end really looked good on her.

Private 057,

Great job. Excellent details and nicely seasoned with humor.

Hombre, I admire your tenacity and consistently holding fast to the certainty that Vicki is not pregnant. I have been equally certain that she is even though this pregnancy has seemed fishy from the beginning. It will be interesting to see what the truth of the matter really is. If she is not, she she is certainly dogged in sticking to her story even now that it might be wise for her to abandon it.

My favorite scene was when Rosario and Ale were expressing concern about sending an elderly man with failing memory to Switzerland alone. Jorge, bless his heart, asked who they were talking about. Funny, sweet, as well as a little sad.


Thank you Private 057. I am feeling so sorry for Dandy. He is just lost without Suzanna. I could just slap Rafa for getting him involved. I am pretty annoyed at Suzanna also though for believing things so easily. I thought she was smarter than that. I had her figured as the smart one of the bunch.

Excellent recap Private 057! That was a really fun episode. The entire bachelor party was a hoot, especially the gorilla stripper, Vicky and Jaime breaking chairs, and Bebe getting in the middle of the fight. This show is so entertaining! I thought for sure the Brothers Grimm would tell Rafa about the supposed pregnancy. I hope they do so he can get out of the wedding!

Hey everybody. Great great comments!
I also agree that Vicky is not pregnant. However, I got some more reasonable assurance when the brothers asked Vicky how she got pregnant if she is (almost) never alone with Rafa.

@Vivi: Yes the bachelor party was very funny. But somehow I didn't think it was appropriate for Rafa's gang to throw him one knowing he doesn't want/love Vicky.

@Pata: Thanks for tagging this. Somehow I always seem to forget to tag my recaps.

@Judy: Yes I wish I could solve all the problems I've gotten in with a simple "I misspoke" ... no further comment :-)

@Güera: The brothers are becoming a little more useful now. The thing with Vicky's pregnancy is that I don't think she is pregnant at all. So Jaime is home-free to be with Julieta- after he confesses of course.

@Hombre: see my pregnancy comments before. Totally agree with you. As for Susana she has gotten numerous directives from Rafa about not giving Vicky too much info. She definitely went over the line.

@Kat: The brothers were very restrained. Highly unusual for them. And Ale always looks good...

@Carlos: Yes I liked that scene as well. When Jorge asked them who they were talking about they said Manrique. Very funny.

@Lynda: Yes Susana is much smarter than that. But I also think she's going to be the first person to help Rafa once she understands everything- if they ever tell her.

@Tracie: The bachelor party was definitely nice. I really wanted to know who the person in the other suit was. I thought it might be Ovi since that's how Jaime announced them but I guess we'll never know.

Private 057, my husband would've loved it if Ovi had been the other gorilla stripper! He loves the skimpy little outfits she's always wearing. And I agree with you that Susana will help Rafa - if they ever bring her in the loop that is. Maybe tonight if Rafa confronts her about giving Vicky the bachelor party location?

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