Thursday, August 05, 2010

Dinero #168 8/4/10 Big rats, pigs and small animals

Tonight was quite interesting. Lots of little scenes and some revealing characteristics of our minor characters. We learned that Azucena is not to be messed with. That Filepe (the little one) of the brothers Grimm has a soft side for small animals and Pancho (the big goofus) would make a sweet uncle. We learned a little Japanese. We learned that Chispe (Marians secretary) is irreplaceable. We also learned that Manrique (who we haven’t seen for a while ) speaks several languages. Not much plot movement when all is said but I think tonight’s ending was one of the toughest cliffhangers we have had in a while. I am so glad I am not recapping the next episode. So here’s to it.

Our last night repeat scenes include the Brother’s Grimm trying to figure out how Vicky got pregnant, Marco getting some undeserved power, and Rafa not very happy over the idea of Juliette working for the lovely Marian. Oh and I forgot the crowing Rooster. It must be Wednesday.

Juliette wants to know why she can’t accept Marian’s job offer. Rafa tells her she needs to study. He is afraid if she starts working her studies will falter. Juliette reminds him that almost all her friends are working and going to school and the work experiencece will help her out once she finishes school. Rafa tells her Marian did not offer a job just to help her out. Lenora pipes in “Really? Than why did she do it?” Rafa bumbles about saying “I really don’t know but I will certainly talk to her this afternoon and tell her you are not taking the job.” Juliette informs Rafa that if he does that she will be really mad at him, and starts arguing. Lenora again adding her thoughts states that it might not be a bad idea, after all she could help out with the bills. Rafa retorts he is the man of the house and he will take care of the bills.

Juliette brings up a good point. He is about to get married. How does he think he is going to maintain two households. Juliette doesn’t believe Vicky would be overjoyed with that idea. Rafa doesn’t know why she would even bring Vicky into this matter. Lenora reminds him that she will soon be his wife and her daughter-in-law (nuera) as she gives some pause to the thought of Vicky as her daughter-in-law. Juliette continues her crusade as she tells Rafa sooner or later she is going to have to work and she doesn’t want to have to depend on him or a husband. Rafa bears teeth as he asks “Are you getting married?” Again Lenora feels compelled to enter the conversation defending Juliette saying, eventually when she gets married. She tells him there is nothing better than a women who knows how to work to be self sufficient.

Poor Rafa than asks why is he even there. Lenora reminds him that he is the best son and the best brother. He has always been responsible and caring but sooner or later he will have to give up this responsibility (liberarte ese carga). Juliette reminds him he has to live his life, take care of his wife and future children. But he will have to accept that one day she will go to work. Rafa says “what happens if we don’t want have kids“. Lenora reminds him that Vicky really wants to have lots of “pajaritos” Than she suggests that maybe they should have some pre-nuptial analysis done (blood test perhaps?).

Vicky is telling papa good bye and to have a good day as the men are off to work. Filepe tells her to be careful. They will be watching her. Pancho wants to know if it will be a boy or a girl, a Vickiecitta or Bofe. Vicky tells him she doesn’t know. Than Pancho wants to know if she has been nauseous. Vicky starts to kick him out but not before he has a chance to quickly belly talk to his future niece or nephew. As she closes the door she worries that things might get out of hand. (Duh!! ya think?)

Rosario and Azucena are out for a little ride when Rosario gets busted for making a turn without using her turn signal. Rosario wasn’t aware of this as the creepy cops pull her aside. She asks if they are going to give her a ticket (multar/ to fine or penalize). He tells her the fine is a “the minimum of 10 days solitary or 500 dollars (quinientos baros)”. Rosario tells them she doesn’t have that kind of money on her. They laugh at each other in that annoying way they have and Rosario steps out of the car and wants to know why they are laughing. Creepy cop number one tells her it is because "the lady from the hills (lomas/hilock or back of beyond) doesn‘t have the money".

Azucena to the rescue as she pops out of the car to go to Rosario’s aide. The creepier cop starts to hassle her as he says this is just what the Dr. ordered to cure his lonely nights and insomnia. He then asks her when he should come around to collect the bread (pan/ thinking money or maybe not?) Azucena does a slow countdown as our stupid cop thinks she is telling him what time to come by. When she reaches three she smacks him silly, calling them rude pigs ( pelados cochinos) and helps a very distraught Rosario back in the car. She turns to the cops and tells them if they fine Rosario she will accuse them of lacking morals, sexual assault and what ever else she can think of, turning indignantly away back to the car as she calls them pigs (cerdos/ another creative word for pigs). Rosario cries out an embarrassed apology as they drive away. Our creepy cop is left massaging his injured cheek saying “That is a real women” (verdadera hembra /real female).

Dandy is sneaking up to Susana’s desk carrying a little plant. It is an oriental rose. He explains what he named it in Japanese and it means that is how much he is in love with her (until something happens. I didn‘t catch it). He tells her if she doesn’t water it ( riegas), it will die like he is without her love. Susana goes about her typing not bothering to look at him but we see she is softening just a little, then chides him about his night out with Rafa. Dandy explains it was just a bachelor’s party and nothing happened. He tells her Vicky even showed up. He doesn’t know how she found out but she showed up. He begs her, attempting to hug her, to not be mad at him. Susana is protesting this as Ale walks in and curtly tells him to quit bugging Susana and get back to work. He reluctantly tells her fine but before he leaves he tells them that they are both wrong in what they believe he is doing with Rafa. All they are trying to do is expose the kind of person Marco really is and he makes a hasty retreat. Ale mouth a gap, turns to Susana and tells her “that’s all I need is for Dandy to be bad mouthing Marco.

Susana brushes this off and admires her plant. Ale wants to know what it is. Is it something to eat? Susana tells her it is a floral arrangement (arreglo). Ale sarcastically says how beautiful, as she goes into her office. Susana tells her not to make fun of it. Ale tells her not to believe his lies. Susana has warmed to her gift and tells Ale that she is charmed by it.

Ale continues making fun of Dandy’s gift and Susana tells her to stop being such a bore (pesada) and asks her how things are going at home. Ale informs her about Jorge needing to go to Switzerland today. Susana asks if he won’t be going to her wedding. Ale doesn’t know if he will be back. She tells Susana that Marco has told her not to worry about anything. He will take care of everything. Including having Jorge grant him power of attorney so he can see to the recuperation of the Hacienda. Susana chimes in or to sell it. Ale is offended by this remark and wants to know why the entire world thinks Marco is a crook,. If he was going to do something bad he would have done it a long time ago. She continues that Marco is a wonderful man and he adores Jorge. Susana asks if she cares for him a lot. Ale asks Susana whose side she is on Rafa or hers? She tells Ale that if she is not in love with Marco not to marry him.

Back from break we have a cute little scene with Trapito and an adorable young boy who has brought him his lunch. Rafa approaches and greets the young boy and warns him not to eat to much or he will get big like Trapito. Claudia and Rosaura rush up to Rafa and try to get the scoop on last nights fiesta. Rafa tells them there wasn’t much of a party and reminds them about the morning meeting.

Jorge has just signed the papers giving Marco power of attorney. He tells the clerk how thankful (agradecer) he is that he was able to see them today. He tells Marco between friends no thanks are needed. Jorge looks up and says “that’s it?” The clerk says that power of attorney his now in Ale and Marco’s name. I can’t think of an appropriate despicable name for Marco right now as he sweetly goes over to Jorge and tells him all that’s left is to get his tickets and pack his bags. The clerk asks what the hurry is to go to Switzerland. Jorge tells him he is not sure, it is probably to get a gift or a cow.

Rosario is on the phone thanking Manriquez for escorting Jorge even though Jorge hasn’t always treated him very well. Quintana is taking all this in, as Rosario hangs up and tells him Manriquez agreed to go to Switzerland. Quintana says he can’t believe that Jorge doesn’t remember anything about the account. He asks if he could have an investment there? All Rosario is worried about is that Jorge doesn’t have another heart attack while he is gone. Quintana (another person I lack appropriate despicable names for) goes to Rosario to offer his shoulder. She goes off to get him a coffee as Quintana thought bubbles “I knew it. I knew that Jorge had something in Switzerland.

We have are boring Siglo meeting where no new news is attended to. Ramirez has a rant about who will be in charge when Ale and Rafa leave. Rafa defends Ale and says she is the one who will stay and blah blah , as Ale smiles admirably on. Once he is done and the meeting is over it is a different story as Ale tells him she doesn‘t need his help or his generous words. Leaving Rafa behind with his mouth open giving an exasperated huh.

Now lets go over to the woman who really appreciates our sweet Rafa and would do anything to get closer to him including offering Juliette a job. Marian enters her office with her assistant Chespis close behind. Marian tells her “if his sister works here I will have access to Rafa and access to information about his life. That’s without telling him he owes me a favor.” Chespis wants to know what kind of job they will give her. They don’t even know what she is studying. Marian, very pleased with her plan says “That’s not important, what matters is to have her close. Anyway just ask her when she comes what she is studying and we will find her a job. It has to be an area where she will be close by and .I have close contact with her.”

Chespis is a little worried now and hopes she won’t offer Juliette her job. Marian teasingly gives this some thought than reassures her that she is invaluable to her. Chespis is still a little concerned that Marian might be a bit to much in love with Rafa.

Rafa is drilling Dandy about Carmella. Dandy is a little worried about this. He tells Rafa that this woman is insatiable. She cornered him in the archives and tried to use him like a sexual object. Rafa grins weirdly as Dandy tells him to stop. Dandy tells him that when he called him at her office Carmella got mad and kicked him out. He is sure that Susana knows all about it. Rafa assures him that things can’t be that bad and that they will get better.

Another little worthless moment when Pepito and Marino start going at it with no apparent reason and names are called and fists ready. Rafa tells Marino that the best revenge would be that Ale never leaves Siglo. And that he would have to wait for his next reincarnation to become the boss at Siglo.

Chavez is talking with Marco about his absolute power over Jorge’s hacienda and house. Marco smugly answers yes and that things couldn’t be any better. Chavez asks what if Ale doesn’t want to sell the hacienda. Marco tells him it doesn’t matter because he has Jorge’s absolute trust and confidence. Chavez also asks why Jorge is off to Switzerland. Marco tells him that Jorge has always maintained (mantuvo/maintained or supported) an account there. He goes on to say it can’t be very large otherwise they wouldn’t be having the problems they are having now. Chavez says the important thing now is to be in Mexico. Chavez inquires if the wedding is going to be canceled. Marco asks him if he is crazy. He assures him that he was able to talk Ale into still getting married even though it will be a civil wedding, the legal affects are the same. Marco then looks off saying “Ale will be my wife and finally I will get rid of that wretched Medina.”

Chavez also asks if he has taken care of the headless thing (descabezado). Marco tells him no it would be best to keep it there to keep Ale and Rosario from wanting anything to do with the hacienda. Than
Chavez wonders if they might still need the help of Molologo to exorcise the headless thing. All this talk about ghosts has our sissy boys a little spooked when they are interrupted by the waiter as they both jump.

This was my favorite scene tonight. Buga is jumping all about in fright as he saw a rat. (Rata/rat raton/mouse). Felipe enters as Ovi is huddled between B&V as B describes the rat in sheer terror. B. wants to know who will kill the bicho (small animal). The three of them elect Felipe to take care of it. He seems frightened at first until he is comforted in the ample bosoms of Ovi. He then wants to know if this is a massage parlor (masajes disfrazados). Felipe is more interested in the charms of Ovi but is persuaded to go after the rat. Ovi is impressed that he is acting like a man and not like B&V. He goes behind the sink and retrieves a tiny little cream colored mouse dangling it by it’s tail. He holds it up in his hand and declares how inoffensive it really is as he lets it crawl all over his hand. He tells them he will go get rid of it but will be back for Ovi.

Time for another little Ale/ Rafa confrontation, as Rafa asks Ale if he can come into her office. He enters and approaches her desk as Ale tells him to go over to his side. She wants to know if has found any more clients for his trucks. He tells her no and she wants to know what he is waiting for. Than she gets her digs in about the fiesta last night. She walks towards him and Rafa reminds her she can’t come in, after all that is his side. Brief cute little Ale smile than she turns and continues chiding him about being busy with Marian. He is so busy how could he be out selling those trucks. Than she says “you don’t know how much I wish not to know anything about you.” Rafa seems crushed at this and sadly replies “Really?” More insults about the fiesta and a great new word I never heard of is thrown out, mujerzuelas (sluts). Rafa tells her nothing happened last night.

He tells her that mysteriously, Vicky found out where the party was going to be and showed up. He goes on to say it was Susana that informed her. Ale feigns surprise at hearing this. Rafa tells her she should be talked to about this but he can’t be bothered. The conversation eventually turns to Marian, and how she has her eyes on him. She inquires how his lunch went with her. Rafa says something did happen but it was nothing. Ale’s interest is peaked. Rafa asks her if she really wants to know what she said and tells her that she asked him not to get married and to come and work for her. Not exactly what she wanted to hear.

Ale with a more somber affect repeats what he has just told her and Rafa confirms this. She asks him what his reply was, seriously at first than feigns disinterest, as it really isn’t all that important to her. They are interrupted by Susana who tells Rafa that Mr. Ospina (Dandy) is waiting for him. He tells her to tell him he will be there shortly. Susana replies, “He says it is urgent.” Ale tells him to go, he can’t let one of his happy mates wait for him. Rafa reluctantly leaves but tells Susana first that he has a bone to pick with her.
(tu y yo nos vamos a comer un pollito/ literally “you and I have to go eat some chicken). Susana reminds him that she is a vegetarian. Once he has left Susana asks Ale why he would say that to her. Ale lets her know he found out it was her who told Vicky where the party was.

Rafa nearly knocks Dandy over as he asks him what‘s up. Dandy tells him he is going to meet Carmela. Dandy is really nervous and tells Rafa that he doesn‘t think he can do this. She practically raped him twice while he was looking at the archives. Rafa assures him that he knows how to handle this kind of situation as he gives him a pep talk. He tells him he is a professional when it comes to women. He is an artist in love and seduction. Dandy tells Rafa he is just worried because he doesn‘t want to let down Susana. Rafa continues to beg him to lend him a hand (échame la mano). He is the only one that can help him dig up the truth about Marco.

Dandy reluctantly caves in and tells him he will help him out but it might cost him his relationship with Susana. Rafa reminds him that his relationship with her is practically over. Dandy says “Ouch that Hurt but I still have hope of getting back with her, just like you have hope Ale doesn’t get married and returns to you.” Rafa grimaces and says “Ouch that hurt too.” And our two happy amigos stand shoulder to shoulder as Dandy says “We are brothers with the same pain.” Rafa puts his arm around Dandy’s shoulder and tells him “well at least you understand what I am going through.” They continue discussing their woes when Susana breaks up their huddle as she leaves Ale’s office and is within hearing distance. Rafa tells Dandy to “go take care of those clients.” Off he goes as Susana watches him. She gives Rafa the cold shoulder as he walks away.

Susana alone now at her desk wonders what is going on between those two. She decides she needs to find out. ( tengo que averiguarlo), and rushes back to Ale’s office. She tells Ale that Rafa just sent Dandy out to see some clients but they were really suspicious acting and if she followed him she could figure out what was going on between them. Ale all excited tells her to go quickly.

Jorge is in a quandary trying to remember what it is he forgot. He calls for Azucena and she comes running to his side. Poor Jorge has forgotten why he called for her. She tells him when he remembers to call her back and leaves. She doesn’t get very far as he calls out again for her. He tells her he remembered why he called her. He wants to remember something but he can’t think of what it is. Azucena reassures him that this happens to him all the time and it isn’t odd. He doesn’t remember if it is about a trip he took or a trip he is about to take. Azucena reminds him it is about the trip he is about to take to Switzerland. The talk turns to Frijoles (beans) and this wets Jorge’s appetite for Swiss enchiladas.

Quintana is talking with his associate and tells him there must be something quite important in Switzerland. His associate asks him if there is any way of finding out. He tells him no but he will wait and be very attentive. As they leave they play a little pass the drunk around as they both bump into our resident barfly who then walks over to the bartender and says “They were drunk.” The bartender replies “look whose talking.”

Rosario has just informed Ale that everything is ready for Jorge‘s trip. He will be leaving at nine. Rosario begs her not to be late tonight and Ale assures her she will be home in time. It seems however, that she has forgotten all about the party Claudia, Rosaura and Isabel were giving her. There is some sweet girl chat and Ale humbly apologizes for not being able to invite them to her wedding. After all it will be very small.

Another quick little scene with Pancho retrieving some wedding boxes that were sent to their house. Vicky all excited and twittering that her wedding dress has arrived. Pancho wants to know where to put them. She tells him to put them in hers and Rafa’s bedroom. Pancho confused about this turns and says “Whose bedroom?” Vicky non-phased repeats what she said. She than changes her mind and decides to get a look at her dress. She tells Pancho she wants him to be the Groom. He protests and tells her he is not going to be the “bofe“. He tells her none of this is important. The only thing that matters is that the “bofe“ gets to the church. Even if they have to have mass with his dead body. She assures Pancho that Rafa isn‘t suicidal enough to contemplate not showing up.

Our last scene will be brief because I found it most disturbing and I know it will be repeated tomorrow. Carmella has settled into a table at our local bar waiting for Dandy. She gropes the waiter as he leaves with a very nervous Dandy looking on. Dandy musters up courage and joins her. She tells him she would be grateful if he turned off his cell phone. She does not want any interruptions. Poor Dandy doesn’t have a chance as Carmela goes in for a saliva exchange and yes, this is the cliffhanger I was talking about. Who should walk in but Susana.


Good morning Pata. Was out for dinner with some friends and just arrived home in time to see the fatal smooch. Not a good ending to my evening!

Great recap though. I loved imagining Azucena terrifying creepy cop. And the random scene at the beauty parlor sounds very interesting too. Hopefully my VCR worked and I'll get a chance to watch at lunchtime today.

Thanks for all that nifty embedded vocabulary and the interesting observation that"as they leave they play a little pass the drunk around". Great way to describe that scene. Wonder what the actor does to pass the time while he's waiting for another chance to weave and bob through the bar? It's not exactly a meaty role. Hope he has some card-playing buddies on the set.

I guess we finally have to face the ugly truth and label Carmela a sexual predator, rather than just a generous, loving woman. That goose of the hapless waiter was disturbing. Sure hope she leaves him a good tip, at least.

Thanks Pata, stellar recap.

I hated the ending, Susanna looked crushed, good thing is that we all know she will find out the truth sooner or later.

I think that we got our proof last night that VVV is NOT preggers! Her little comment that this is spinning out of control, lol.

Thanks for the recap.
And to Kat: I've been on the side that Vicky is not pregnant since the beginning. Last night was yet another confirmation.
Now when/if Jaime confesses then things can be a little less sticky with the family.
Loved the plot that Marian is hatching. I didn't like the way Julieta was talking to Rafa about the job with Marian, though.
Carmela has always been described as a man eater by our three amigos so they aren't too far off the truth. Too bad Susana discovered Dandy in such a situation. And it came in an episode where she was starting to reclai her cool headedness!
Signing off... Private 057


Thanks for an entertaining recap.

I was happy that Susanna was following Dandy because I thought he would lead her to the juzgado office which would make her suspicious and start to question how it was linked to Marco. Then I saw Carmela sitting in the bar and my heart sank. It was obvious what Susanna was going to see. Drats! Drats! and Double Drats! -- and this after that sweet smile when she got that floral arrangement.

The preggers or not VVV story is still interesting. Her conversation with the brothers in the last episode was so full of hypotheticals and conditional tenses that it made the case for a pregnancy very dubious. Her reaction in this episode just makes it seem all the more unlikely.

As you said, Pata, not a lot of forward movement but a lot of interesting character development. This was fun -- up to that final scene.


Great job, Pata. Very funny.

We got to see a tender side of both of the Bros. Grimm. I fully expected that cute little mouse to be sacrificed but Felipe treated it gently and almost affectionately.

I was a little disappointed in Carmela for grabbing the waiter. Neither very delicate nor classy.

My certainty of Vicki's pregnancy took a near fatal hit with her little declaration last night. If indeed she is not, that's a very good thing, and it was certainly never a well thought out plan. I doubted that she had the sophistication to come up with the fake document.


Thanks for another fun and informative (the vocab) recap, Pata. I loved the opening paragraph, and I agree, there are not names suitable for Marco and Quintana, and least not ones we can print!

It really does seem as if just about everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong. They give us little bones (a smile from Ale, a comment for Vicki, Susana liking her present), and then they crush these feelings with another anvil. And with over 60 episodes to go, they're probably going to keep up this pattern - getting our hopes up, then smashing them. Oh well.

Since Susana doesn't know who Carmela is, she'll probably just completely lose faith in Nelson, and won't listen to any of his explanations. As some of us have said previously, the only one who can really get the info from Carmela is Rafa. He's the master salesman, the best at gaining people's confidence. He sent Jaime, Pepeto, Dandy to do the job HE should be doing. Hopefully he'll be next to try to get the info from Carmela. And if Ale caught Carmela kissing him, well of course she'd be mad, but it might also make her curious, since she knows who Carmela is!

BTW, where's Zetina these days?

Wow, what a thorough recap! Nice job.

Azucena stole every scene she was in last night. The slap was the best, but the look on her face whenever Marco is around is priceless too.

And finally Marino almost got decked. Maybe soon he will get what he deserves.

Thanks Pata for a wonderful recap. I said yesterday that I just wanted to slap Rafa for getting Dandy involved in all this and after last night where Susana saw him and Carmela I really want to slug him. Why didn't he just go find out what he wanted to know himself. I think he will eventually have to do that anyway. Hated seeing Susana so disillusioned with Dandy. If they told her what they were doing she probably wouldn't believe them, after all Rafa told Ali about the whole thing with the house and Marco and she didn't believe any of it.

I don't think VVV is pregnant either. Hope Jaime finds out soon before they have to put him in a mental hospital. He is still in trouble though just because of the possibility that it was his.

Thank you Pata for the recap - it cleared some things up for me. I do have trouble following the fast dialog on this show. Thank you to the other recappers as well. I haven't commented in a while, and I sometimes don't watch the show because I am finding it so frustrating right now!

I thought Felipe was cute with the little mouse, that was sweet. And Ovi seemed rather friendly to him, surprisingly.

I, too, am not looking forward to tonight, but it might help if Susana describes Carmela to Ale, because then it would seem really strange to her, it might start her thinking it is connected to Marco.

I'm still hoping Marian helps Rafa out with money so he can get out of marrying VVV!

Well, I got to see the beauty parlor scene at least. Methinks Felipe's motivation to brave the little ratster was his eye-level view of Ovida's cleavage. Given that his head is right at bosom level , this is a match made in heaven. Shall we hope this romance flourishes and Felipe becomes a happier and nicer guy?

@Hombre...nice analysis of the roller-coaster ride these writers are putting us through. No wonder we're tempted not to watch sometimes. Built up just to be smashed down... "How long o Lord, how long?"

Not much time to comment today, but I wanted to say thank you for the stellar recap Pata. (Hope you saw my e-mail to you yesterday too.) I am not looking forward to recapping the Susana/Dandy scene tonight. Ugh!

Those of us on the not pregnant side got some more evidence last night (finally!). Lynda, Jaime will certainly get in trouble for helping Vicky instead of exposing her. But, he didn't really do anything with her that could have made her pregnant in the first place. She got him drunk, he passed out, she stripped him, and then told him they had done the deed.

I agree with everyone about liking the softer gentler side of the BGs, and seeing the tigress come out of Azucena. :)

Good afternoon, and thanks for all the nice comments for reading my very wordy recap. I know I get a little carried away sometimes but I loose all track of time when I don't have to get up early in the morning.

Judy,Glad you got to see the mouse scene. I actually (can't believe I am about to say this) thought Felipe was looking sort of cute yesterday. Loved your comment about hime being the right size for Ovi. And all of you who believe Vicky is not pregnant, I am still waffley on that. Kat I thought her comment that things were spinning out of control was because too many people are finding out.

I agree with you Private 057 and like Marians little plan. She is just always so sweet to watch.

Double drats for sure Güera about Susana catching Dandy. My heart just sank.

And Carlos and Hombre, what fun it will be when you start recapping, I always enjoy your comments and enjoyed your Gancho recaps.

R, I think last night was a lot about all the incidental characters and I too enjoyed her slapping that creepy cop.

Lynda, I have been wanting to slap both Rafa and Ale for a very long time now.We seriously need another little playa break of something. Even Mariachis.

Back again, I was wondering about that little boy that brought food for Trapito and thought maybe it was like one of those little "make a wish" things they do for children with chronic illnesses. If his wish might have been to see Pedro in person and have a small walk-on scene. Rafa was very sweet to him.

Ivy I find this show very fast paced as well and the reason my recaps aren't up within a couple of hours is I have to rewatch it very slowly to catch parts I miss.

Vivi I got your e-mail and thank you. I was up late last night and if I had to work I would have only gotten a couple hours of sleep.

Oh and Judy I also think we are going to have to start considering Carmela a sexual predator.

And I also thought that Jorge was just such a dear soul last night, so lost and perplexed about the whole Swizterland thing. I just adore his character and am glad it is Manriquez and not Quintanna that will be accompnay him.

Pata- I also thought the little boy was a walk on role/make a wish type thing for a child with cancer. He really lit up when he got to exchange words with Rafa.

Pata, thanks for your exquisite detailed recap. I love them all. The vocabulary included was great. You picked out several words and phrases which were helpful for me. Sorry you were up so late with this episode, but it was so good.

Yea! I'm finally caught up! I've missed you all--I fell horribly behind last week and am so grateful for all the recaps helping to keep me on track. Judy, I agree with your statement a while back that we are slowly being starved to death. Romance between Ale and Rafa seems like just some distant memory. Dinero is still my preferred telenovela, but thank goodness I can have FC and Lucero now to help out in the romance department.

I too am still in the non-pregnant Vicky camp. I will be really surprised if she is pregnant. Very surprised!

The scene where Ale teases Susana about Dandy's gift was cute. Ale's teasing was just the way two good girlfriends would be.

Finally, can someone please, please tell me why Ale just doesn't pick up the phone and find someone (Manrique?) to help her find out what is going on with the bank in Switzerland? The idea that anyone would fly all the way to Europe in response to a vague letter is just absolutely ridiculous. This is definitely one of those beanie times.

Hi Barbara, I am glad you are caught up. Always look forward to your comments. It is kind of strange that no one seems to know what is going on in Switzerland. It seems even stranger that they would send the one person who doesn't have a clue about a clue. At least they are sending Manriquez along. Don't know why no one calls either unless thaa's not how they do things in switzerland.

Thanks for the recap Pata! I didn't have computer access at work today or I would've commented earlier. Poor Dandy just can't catch a break. I hope Rafa will help him get Susana back - Rafa owes him!

Hi pata I am rewatching the novela on Univision and love your ladies recap. Brief history las lomas in Mexico city refer to the elite part of town. Like Calabasas CA will be for all those Hollywood people or like DC, Maryland and Virginia area are for all the political people. And cuenavaca is what jersey is to new York people. Like a get away where are the elite have a casa de Campo to get away from the city noise and smog. Casa de Campo= country home. Thank you again.

Quando vas por El pan means when are you taking your afternoon break to go shopping for the evening bread. Most Mexicans have the custom to eat pan dulce (sweet bread like conchas) with coffee or hot chocolate after dinner.

And that is when the live in maids get to see their boyfriends since most only have Sunday off.

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