Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dinero 8-24: Successes and kisses!

  • Rafa's lecture on successful relationships continues from yesterday (turns out he was hauled in because he was confused with Lombardo Medina, the intended speaker). "Treat your wife as well as you treat your car; love is a big accident; we collide with our beloved; we have to pay a deductible; love with patience!" (Which last bit of wisdom goes well with the advice Ale's ghost mama gave her: "Learn to forgive.")

    He gets a standing ovation. Marian gets all mushy. Outside, a young couple gushes to him: you saved our marriage!

    Marian points out they have completely missed the meeting they were in a hurry to attend, but he'll get another chance to unload the trucks later.

    Meanwhile, she takes him on a tour of the city, adding kisses when possible. In Monterrey, the vaccine for vitiligo (bleaching of skin color) was invented. They eat goat. FF>>

    Some musicians who are ostentatiously idle, wandering around carrying instruments and wearing violently pink jackets, mosey up to our happy pareja. It just sort of happens that Rafa sings a song with them, it has great rhythm: "I'm the fizz." Closeup of his awful footwork. FF>>

  • Vicky defensively tells Marco, in the sexologist's waiting room, that little incidents such as her wedding foul-up "happen in the best families."

    Jimenez comes out floating on air, my goodness what's going on behind the sexologist's door, no don't tell me I don't want to know, then it's Marco's turn. It's not lost on him that Vicki's dad has a lotta lana.

  • Ale counts her share of the money, complaining that it's cash again. Beltran and Arcadia are happy she's back, that their "dynamic duo" will be reunited.

    Arcadia asks, why do you have this face for a funeral when you're just married? Arcadia will be throwing herself a big birthday bash in Cuernavaca this weekend and everybody's invited.

  • Marian has a buyer for the trucks and sics Rafael on him in the sauna. Rafa says he'd like the sauna fine if only it were less hot and humid, he prefers his shower at home.

    He endears himself to the guy next to him who just happens to be Engineer Morales, the live one, who is happy to be talked into the sale. He will visit D.F. to see the trucks and will pay - cash.

  • Marco comes home and tells Ale the sexologist can effect a cure, but in the mean time, they should sleep separately. Ale is pleased about that.

    (Marco thought-bubbles: "I won't tell her I saw Vicki there, that's the most vulgar family I've seen in my life!")

  • Rosaura and Generala are dining (and eating cheap cookies). Generala gets Rosaura to admit that, though Pepeto is vulgar, primitive, poor, and a Cro-Magnon, he's growing on her. "But I'm married!" "Yeah, but to a jerk."

  • Marian and Rafa are at dinner celebrating his sales and there is about to be a kiss planted on her ultra-puffy lips when - Daniel the sotted snob appears, sits down, drinks their champagne, makes fun of Rafa's occupation and his modest success ("if you were talking millions of dollars - or euros - that would be more in Marian's league!"), and apropos of nothing boasts about his time in Shanghai with educated people. FF>>

  • In the morning Rafa's mom and Julieta greet him happily. He asks about Jaime. "He asked forgivenness but I told him I hate him and socked him. He doesn't deserve pardon."

  • The Siglo salesforce eagerly awaits morning meeting - what kind of gossip will they reap?

  • Finally, Rafa enters Ale's office, there are big smiles, and - hugs! and kisses! and "I love you with all my soul," "Me too!" Mmmm! wasn't expecting that! What a nice ending to a nice episode.


Thanks so much for the recap! I finally got back from my small weekend vacation.
Well seems like things are going to be heating up soon. Looks like Arcadia's party will be great! I want to predict a Rafa song for when that happens. (I know that might be a little obvious.)
I don't think that Beltran is going to be too happy about losing his workforce for the day.
What is going on with Jorge? Did he get his money? I kind of miss him right now.
Poor Jaime he's still in the dog house... Anybody else think he should start taking drastic action? I mean he should step up his efforts, do something where he proves that he does care. Maybe camping out of the Medina house until he's forgiven?
That's all for tonight. Let me sleep on this episode for a night and then I can really start the ideas up.
Signing off... Private 057

Melinama, thanks for another one of your virtuoso recaps that bring us all the news we need know. The ending, I agree--I wasn't expecting that! It was a very nice ending indeed.

I also agree I have no interest in Jimenez's appointment with his therapist no matter how happy he looks as he leaves. What goes on behind closed doors with Marco or Vicky, now that's a little more interesting.

What was the deal with Rafa arguing over the empty chair. Even if the guy was being a jerk, why argue? Look elsewhere or ask the mesero to get a chair. Was this supposed to show Rafa could be macho (over a chair!) or did I just lose something via captioning or my translation abilities?

Looking forward to seeing Rafa and Ale together this next episode unless the ending was just a big tease.

I was too lazy to write it, but I think the point of the chair was, the guy didn't want to give it to Rafa but was all smiles giving it to Daniel who was of his class. I too fear the ending might have been a tease (a dream both of them had for that instant). Off to Boston now...

Thanks Melinama. Traveling Mercies for Boston. Always love your descriptions, "violently pink jackets", "closeup of his awful footwork", "ultra-puffy lips" were some of my favorites.

I was really uncomfortable during the chair-borrowing scene (but can understand your leaving it out, I frequently jettison scenes for just the same reason). The man was rude, Rafa was defensive, and Marian was embarrassed for him and trying to smooth it over. Indications that ultimately, a relationship between them could never work out. On the other hand, Daniel, a drunken layabout, is no prospect either...regardless of class. Guess we'll have to find some other galan for our ultra-puffy lipped maiden.

I couldn't even get excited over Rafa and Ale's kiss because I'm sure it's a delusion. Dang!

Thanks Melinama. I too fear that the tease of hugs and kisses will turn out to be only in the mind of Rafa or Ale or both.

This episode was quite the travelogue with its tour of Monterrey. Each time I saw a mountain top and heard a change of music I thought that we were heading for Switzerland. At least I hoped we were. Monterrey is lovely but .......WHERE is Jorge???? This is a really odd plot twist, having him disappear for all this time and miss his daughter's wedding.

Bring back Jorge and Rubi!!


Thank you Mel. Short, sweet and to the point!

I can't believe that they would leave us hanging like that about Rafa and Ale. I too fear that it is a dream, but to leave it at the very end and make us wonder for 24 hours is toture!!!
If this is really happening, I am sure that it won't last long and Ale will back away and say soy casada! But I have to say that I really hope that it is happening, but doubt it.

I too thot the last segment between Ale and Rafa must be a dream sequence

Can't wait for the plot to thicken between Marco and Vicky


Thanks for the recap! I'm excited for tonight to find out if that kiss is real or not. That was a surprising ending and seemed to come out of nowhere.

The sauna scene was pretty funny when Rafa's towel kept dropping. An awkward situation and he still manages to sell trucks. He's good!

Thanks Melinama for the recap.

I could not get excited about that kiss at the end of last nights show at all because I will be shocked if it turns out not to be a dream in their heads.

I really like Rafa and Marian together instead of Ali but I know that won't happen. I am just so tired of all the angst between them.

I am with Guera: Bring back Jorge and Rubi.

Great recap, Melinama, I always appreciate your succinct but playful style.

I agree with Barbara about the chair scene. If I took a chair, and the guy said put it back, I'd put it back. Life is too short to get into confrontations over every little thing.

And Rafa is so unworldly, naive and bumbling. I know it's not supposed to matter because he's so hard working and earnest, but I really think he shouldn't be with either Marian OR Ale. He really is from such a different background from them (not worse, just different), that in real life, there could be lots of problems down the road.

That's not to say that Marian should be with Daniel, or Ale with Marco - no way! But Rafa is just so out of it - won't eat lobsters, never heard of a sauna, afraid of airplanes. And he doesn't seem to want to change, either. Can his kind heart and other charms make up for this? In telenovela world, yes.

Hombre I totally disagree, 1. Oposites attract, 2. Rafa has changed very much since the beginning of this show. He is just still learning and I think that he would be willing to try lots of new things with Ale, maybe not lobsters, but I wouldn't try those either. He even changed her mind about them and she helped free them. LOVE TRIUMPHS MOST OBSTICALS.

Kat, you make some excellent points. Thank you.

On a separate topic, I think Jorge's absence has less to do with plot development that with the extension of the show, where they give some actors vacations. This happened on FELS and I think on Gancho, both long shows, where certain characters disappeared for a few weeks.

Great job Melinama. I felt a twinge of envy when I saw not only the travelogue but the song as well.
I said to myself that Melinama will have the recap posted before I finish watching STuD. I was right of course.

Why didn't Rafa ask before taking the chair? Why did the waiter show them to a table with only on seat? You would think that the mayor (alcalde) would have been a little more gracious.

Yikes, another cash deal?


I want Rafa to hurry up and let Marian down gracefully. No need in leading her on anymore just to have her heart broken, she is a very good person, so I hope that they don't drag this out too much longer.

Kat, I'm not so sure that Rafa isn't trying to be open to a relationship with Marian now that Ale's married. I think I remember him saying that perhaps she can help him forget his licenciada.


well, yeah, I know, but we all know that in the end it will be Rafa and Ale, that's all I am saying.

And I bet allowed the opportunity, she could give it a very good shot.


Thanks for the fun recap Melinama. I always enjoy when Rafa sings, but it is never the same if he is not singing to Ale.

That Daniel character. Ugh!! He just replaced Marino as my least favorite character.

I agree with Kat that I want Rafa to hurry up and stop this thing with Marian. I'm very impatiently waiting for Rafa and Ale to get back together!

Carlos, you make me laugh. Only a recapper would feel that way - happy when there is a travelogue! Heh heh. Or a lot of flashbacks. Or lovey scenes. Yes, I hit the jackpot!

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