Saturday, August 14, 2010
Dinero, Friday August 13th – After the Storm
A summer storm. Thunder, lightning, and tons of water. Yesterday some were shocked, some were shaken, some were stirred, and some drank martinis (shaken, not stirred, right?) Although the weather was sunny, the waterworks were flowing, in the form of tears in many eyes, from Vicky, from Leonor, from Julieta, Ale and Susana. But when the storm has passed, it’s time to pick oneself up, deal with the mess, and seguir adelante (keep going). So how did our lovable characters react? Vamos a ver (let’s see).
Of course the storm was caused by Jaime’s mouth bursting open, a big spill of words gushing out with the volume and intensity not too far short of the Gulf disaster (well, maybe a little less). Don Gaston puts a cap on Jaime with a loud “that’s enough!”. Poor Vicky, tears streaming down her pretty face, begs all to resume the wedding. But no – it’s over, states Don Gaston firmly. The wedding’s off!
Over at Siglo, we finally get to see Doña Arcadia using those handy (but politically incorrect) “security” cameras, as she notices Susana’s desk is vacant. She reams out Beltran (whom she calls “Güero”, or Blondie, which is funny, since he’s bald) for letting this happen. After all, with Rafa and Ale leaving, Susana is indispensable. She pretty much runs the place. And….she knows our secrets! And most importantly (she adds conspiratorially) she gives the BEST massages! Beltran agrees with a smile. So go get her, orders Arcadia, offer her anything, a bicycle, double her salary, but go now!
Pancho and Felipe have a plan B. Jaime should marry Vicky! Unfortunately, Jaime’s not too keen on this, and Vicky never wants to see HIM again in her life! Don Gaston orders the Beef Brothers to take the girl home, and they carry her out, kicking and screaming. Marian offers to help Rafa, who says he’s confused (estoy hecho bolas). When Jaime tries to apologize to Leonor, she tearfully tells him SHE never wants to see him again, either. Jaime’s destroyed, what’s he to do? His sins of omission have become his perdition.
Don Gaston takes Rafa into a side room, and lays out his cards. After Rafa confirms there’ll be nothing more between Rafa and his daughter, he calmly states that means there’s no more bond (vinculo) between them, and reminds Rafa that the loan was made only because Rafa was going to be family. And let’s forget about monthly payments. Return the money. Tomorrow. He doesn’t want a problem between the families. Rafa weakly assures him there won’t be.
After Gaston leaves, Leonor comes to console her son, and Rafa informs her he has to return Don Gaston’s money now. Leonor thinks Rafa already gave it to Alejandra, but Rafa admits it’s actually tied up in a business of selling used trucks. The good news? He should get most of the money from the sales tomorrow. The bad news? He also promised la licensiada Alejandra Álvarez de Castillo he’d return the money to HER tomorrow. So, asks Leonor, who are you going to pay?
Our lovely licensiada has switched from booze to coffee now with her pal Susana, trying to recuperate. She’s also looking forward to tomorrow when Rafa will sell the trucks, and pay her both her commission and all the money he owes her. Susie’s phone rings, and Ale says if it’s Dandy, PHHHFFFTTT (she spits), to hell with him. Susana’s a little miffed at the spit on the phone (these two are still quite drunk), but it’s the office (Beltran, but they don’t know it), and there’s no way she’ll answer. She does, at least, stop Ale from any more liquor.
As Rafael buries his head in his hands, a gorgeous pair of legs glides in,
topped by the gorgeous body of Marian. She sits next to him, cuddles gently, giving him her silent support.
After the commercial, Marian’s gone, but the whole Siglo crew is trying to cheer up Rafa. As usual, they each are on private wavelengths which show their personality, Claudia being sexy, Rosaura complaining about how “low class” Vicky’s family is, Pepeto making a macho remark, Ismael telling them all to be ashamed of themselves and Dandy crying that he’s so lonely with no Noni. He gets zero sympathy from our self absorbed sales crew, of course.
Amazingly, it’s still broad daylight (I guess it was a morning wedding), and we whisk over to Marco’s pad, where he and Rosario are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the princess. Well, here she is, along with Susana, the two the picture definition of a bad hair day.
Marco comes back out, and Susana goes back to Ale’s room. Marco tells Rosario he knows Ale’s still thinking about Medina. Rosario rejoices that it’s too late, Medina’s married, he’s leaving Auto Siglo, and that’s the end of the matter. Marco just wants to take Ale far away. And he also wants to wrap up the hacienda matter ASAP. His phone rings, he pretends it’s Urdiales, and Rosario gives him privacy. Turns out it’s Claudia, calling from the privacy of her car,
to tell him the wedding was cancelled! Marco is muy impactado. After hanging up, he thought bubbles that he can’t let Alejandra find out about this. No way!
Rafa’s home now, and we see that that the stress has also messed the tresses of Julieta and Leonor.
The three agree that Jaime really let them down. Julieta is glad they’re finally through with Vicky, who was capricious, always having tantrums (berrinchuda). Rafa admits he’s relieved. Leonor says now we know it was Vicky’s fault, but Julieta is having none of this. It takes two to tango. She stands up. They BOTH went to that hotel, they were both involved, both ended up in their skivvies. Rafa doesn’t like her tone, so Juli says she’s going to her room, adding that what Jaime did was disgusting (una porquería). After she leaves, Rafa tells his Mom he has to pick himself up, get changed, go to Siglo, and check on the trucks. He’s going to try to be his old self again. He goes to change, and Leonor thanks God, who in his infinite wisdom, knew what to do, made it so the wedding didn’t take place, because Rafa would never have been happy.
Currently, Siglo is being “manned” by Trapito, playing solitaire on the computer, and the two leggy greeter girls. Beltran sees this, lets out a bellow, and the girls scurry away, heels a clickin’. Trappy’s groovin’ with his headphones, and doesn’t hear a thing. Where IS everyone! screams Big Belly Beltran. Trappy cheerfully informs him that everyone’s at the wedding, except Marino, who’s at lunch. But Marino left Trappy a price list, and if anyone calls, he just takes down their phone number. But don´t worry, he adds. Just about no one has shown up. This is NOT music to Beltran’s ears. He collapses in the chair, starts wheezing, and Trappy summons the sexy girls over to fan him, which should help a bit.
Time for another of the dumb cop scenes. Am I the only one who never finds these funny? This time they pull over Rosaura and the Generala, and the only good thing about this scene is that I learn the Mexican word for taillights – calaveras.
In Ale’s bedroom, she and Susana have recovered a bit, but Ale, in addition to having a headache, can’t take the fact that as soon as she tries to drown her Medina troubles, her father disappears. It’s one thing after another. Susana has an idea – let’s summon our positive energy through dynamic meditation! Ale’s not too keen on this, how ‘bout another drink instead? Susana tells her to concentrate on her Dad now, it’s too late with Medina anyway, by now he’s already married to that intense girlfriend of his. Yes, weeps Ale, with Vicky.
Although I thought Doña Arcadia was upstairs, she and Chato walk through the front door of Siglo, he leading the two doggies. She tells her big puppy Chato to take the two little ones for a nap, and sing them a lullaby. By this time Marino is back from lunch, and our tall, toothpicked troublemaker greets Arcadia, saying he has everything under control, has she come just so the two of them can work side by side? She remarks how if she weren’t so patient, she could never bear his arrogance. She also fills him in on the canceled wedding, which starts Marino chuckling. And here’s Rafa, looking determined. He and Arcadia are both relieved that divine intervention seems to have stopped the wedding, but Rafa needs to check on those trucks. Arcadia counsels him to learn from the experience he just had. She asks him to be frank, she’s like a mother, isn’t it true he didn’t really want to get married to that girl? Rafa says it’s true, he didn’t love her. Arcadia thinks to herself that she was right. Meanwhile, she tells Rafa, after he checks on the trucks, he should come to her office. She and Beltran want to talk to him. After he leaves she thinks to herself, I’m pretty sure I know whom he DOES want to marry.
Marco knocks on Ale’s door, can he come in? Ale says yes, and Susana leaves them alone. Marco then goes into his supportive, caring mode (and does a beautiful job of it). He gently sits next to Ale on the bed, lovingly takes her hand, and looking straight into her eyes, tells her that since she’s so upset, with her father being unaccounted for, does she want to postpone the wedding? He’ll do whatever she says. Ale doesn’t know, but this would be the third time, and her Dad did want so much for them to get married, this could almost be like his last will. Marco comforts her, don’t worry, with the time difference, it could be really late in Europe, and they could have decided not to call, or just forgotten, you know how they are. I’m sure they’re just fine. Ale, makeup in ruins, cheeks still covered with tears, begs Marco’s pardon. He’s been so good to her, and she’s been so unjust with him. And she’s so thankful for the help he’s given. He sensitively tells her he did it out of love, and when he kisses her softly on the lips, this time, she doesn’t pull away.
Leonor comforts Julieta, it really was sad to find out what Jaime was like, and she doesn’t know which is worse, Jaime’s betrayal of Juli, or his betrayal of Rafa. His LIES were the worst thing, spits out Julieta, rising to her feet. If things were the way he said, why didn’t he SAY something? Why didn’t he tell Rafael? Because of his guilt. He was always so nervous, the guilt was killing him. Leonor walks to her, don’t worry about him, I’m concerned about YOU. Don’t worry, Mamá, replies Juli, wiping the last tear from her face. What doesn’t kill, makes you stronger. I’m going to move forward. Tomorrow I’ll call Marian Celeste. I’ll ask for that job. Because I’m a Medina, a Medina Núñez, too, Mamá, a strong woman like you, because when my Dad abandoned you, you weren’t intimidated (no te achicaste), you had the intelligence to keep going for your children. You’ll see, Mamá, today, a new Julieta has been born!
Marian’s back at her office, telling Chepis that she really was at the point of stopping that wedding, although it turned out she didn’t have to. And she would have stopped it not because she wanted Rafael, but for justice, because she knew he didn’t love that woman. But you ARE pleased with what happened, right? asks Chepis. Well, sure, but Rafa still has feelings for Alejandra, so the problem is only half solved. Chepis guesses that Marian won’t rest until she gets what she wants. Marian agrees, and asks Chepis, can you think of any time I wanted something badly, and DIDN’T get it? Chepis can’t. But what about Daniel, he’s so handsome, he’s the brother of your best friend, he’s been calling. Not interested, says Marian. And listen. I now know that Rafael owes a lot of money to the family of his ex-girlfriend. Maybe that’s why he had to marry her. But now he’ll have to return the money. And another thing. Why wasn’t Alejandra at the wedding?
In the Royal Suite, Arcadia and Beltran are seated as Rafa enters to tell them the trucks will be ready tomorrow for Mr. Román. Beltran is worried that the payment will be in cash, and that’s dangerous. Rafa says he has a car now, and he’ll be careful, go out early, and try to get back as fast as possible. What about the other trucks? Rafa has a problem there, as tomorrow is his last day at Siglo. Well, that’s precisely what Arcadia and Beltran want to talk to him about. They want him to stay. It was going to be a wedding gift, and now, although there’s no wedding, they still want him to continue working here. After all, says Beltran, money, money, money! Rafa doesn’t know what to say. He’s grateful, but, ummm…. What about La Licensiada Álvarez de Castillo? Beltran lays it down. Someone has to pay for what happened. You’re going to stay. So she’s out! Rafa bolts to his feet, muy impactado,
and that’s all for today’s episode.
And this Monday: Will Alejandra find out Rafa’s wedding was cancelled? Will SHE get married? Will things go right with the trucks? And who will Rafa pay, if he DOES get the money? The sparks keep flying, as our novela has really heated up. We’ve finally reached the fabled “end of the month”!
Güero – Blondie, can also be a form of address to a light-skinned person (thanks, Private 057)
Estoy hecho bolas – I’m really confused, it can also mean things are really “piled up” or “messed up”. estoy hecho polvo is I’m really exhausted
Vinculo – a bond, or a link
Berrinchuda – a woman prone to tantrums, which are berrinches
Una porquería – trash or filth, in our case, it meant disgusting
Calaveras – tail lights, you can also say calaveras traseras. The word calaveras also means skulls
Achicarse – to feel intimidated. This is related to the word chico for small. The word chico for boy and chica for girl are also related to this idea of something being small, or chiquita.
Labels: dinero
I'm a little worried about the new person Julieta intends to become. She's always been sassy, but has a real sweetness too. I don't want her to lose that sweetness. Jaime, ironically enough, has always been a good moral compass for her. Counseling her when she started selling bootleg liqour, when she was being too influenced by her materialistic classmates, and putting on the brakes when she wanted to take things too far in the bedroom. He's going to have to work hard to win her back. I hope they all get a clear understanding that nothing happened between Vicky and Jaime in the hotel- that Vicky lied to him about that too, not just the baby. But he still has much to appologize for beyond that. And as Julieta said, he should have come clean to them from the beginning.
I am really curious to see how all the end of the month obligations work out in the next day. I don't think Rafa will have time to stop Ale's wedding, even if he wanted to. He's going to be all over the place dropping off trucks, picking up payments, and making payments. But Ale looks even more determined now to marry Marco, and since it's a civil ceremony, it might just happen. We will see.
Liked your BP diaster simile? (metaphor?)...whatever, for the eruption at the wedding. The scene also reminded me of those unfortunate news articles you read every few months about a raucous wedding party where someone gets killed. Oh well.
Also appreciated your noting how each of the Auto Siglo employees was on his or her own private wavelength when trying to console Rafa. How true!
Special thanks also for the very helpful vocabulary. Wonder how "calaveras" came to mean taillights? That and achicarse are new terms for me.
A delight to read and to learn from. Thanks Hombre.
There is a lot of stuff hanging for Monday like who will Rafa pay, will he stay with Siglo, will Ali get married, will she find out about Rafa's canceled wedding, and where is Jorge and Rubi.
Next week should be good.
I loved the episode.
There were just a two things I didn't like last night:
1) The CCTV tricks of Arcadia. I hate those kinds of bosses.
2) The Julieta post breakup. We all know what emotional instability can lead to: just look at Ale.
Other than that I really loved last night's episode. I think that Ale will probably get married. Rafa will have his time cut very thin. He has to go close that truck deal. Unless he can get Susana on his side it will be very hard to infiltrate the wedding.
Just one other thing before I sign off. I was under the impression that Arcadia called Beltran güero because of it besides blondie it can also refer to someone who is fair or light-skinned. Its just a thought though.
Signing off... Private 057
I'm excited for the coming episodes. Rafa has a lot to do on Ale's wedding day! Private, I agree with you that he really needs Susana's help to stop Ale's wedding. An added bonus would be if he could get Susana to forgive Dandy.
I enjoyed your intro. And we certainly are having some stormy wheather. I do feel a sorry for Jaimie. Vicky had him in such a trap. I actually feel the betrayal was greatest towards Rafa than Juletta. I may be alone in thinking this, but she was a bit of a pill last night. Jaimie did them all a big favor!!
Those cop scenes are just icky!!
Ale and Susana are so fun to watch when they are together. You captured them so perfectly with your picture of them coming home.
So lots more events to come with our "fabled" end of the month.
So thanks again Hombre. What a sensational debut recap to Dinero. My stress level from my crazy day has practically gone down to zero just by reading and enjoying your recap.
Judy, maybe tail lights look a little like skulls (at least on older cars like Rafa's Pantera).
Private 057, you're probably right about Beltran being light-skinned, that's why Arcadia calls him Güero. I hadn't thought of that. It still seems like a funny nickname for him.
Pata, I also think Jaime should ultimately be forgiven, because he did finally do the right thing, just in the nick of time.
Fiddler, Lynda and Tracie, thanks for your comments. I agree this coming week should be great!
Like Judy, I took pleasure in "Of course the storm was caused by Jaime’s mouth bursting open, a big spill of words gushing out with the volume and intensity not too far short of the Gulf disaster". What a great, descriptive passage.
"Time for another of the dumb cop scenes. Am I the only one who never finds these funny?" Really , the question is--does ANYONE find them funny? And I laughed when you said the only thing worthwhile about the scene was learning that "calaveras" meant taillights because I thought EXACTLY the same thing after I looked it up.
Yes, Marco is unparalleled in his supportive, caring mode. I mentally have to kick myself a little each time and remind myself he is a lying, cheating, stealing bas#*rd!
Vivi, that's an interesting point about Jaime having been a moral compass for Julieta earlier in the show. The fact that he had knew and had always followed the right path before is what tore him apart. The guilt was killing him. And, just like Watergate or Clinton-Lewinsky, for Julieta, the betrayal and outrage comes more from the lies to cover up than the act (real or perceived) itself.
Tracie, if Susana would come around enough to help Rafa, then I think it would have to follow she would forgive Dandy. At least I would hope so!
Pata, hope work was left enough under control that it won't be in your head all evening. I know Dinero helps me forget aggravations and worries for awhile! But it's even better when there are no aggravations and worries when we come back to the real world.
And, yes didn't you love the scene of Ale and Susana coming back to Marco's house? Ale and Susana holding each other up (as well as the wall) and then Ale's hair! It was too funny.
Yes, I agree, this team does have the best telenovela and you are all doing a terrific job.
Thanks Hombre for a great recap.
The near riot at the hospital was such a hoot and is not really that big a leap from reality. Every so often an emergency will move a party in it's entirety (guests and all) to an unsuspecting emergency room where the personnel on duty do not share the festive mood. Always fun.
Like you, I'm not that amused by the bumbling police nor do they seem to plan any significant role in plot development. Maybe it's a Mexican thing that we just don't have the capability to appreciate.
Laura, indeed, Ale called Marco Marcario and he didn't even bother trying to correct her.
Vivi, thanks for your observations of Jaime as a moral compass for Julieta. Arriving late, that is someting I've completely missed. Bootlegging? Sorry I wasn't here for that.
I'm guessing (in contrast to other opinions here) that Ale's and Marco's wedding will be derailed. I keep worrying that something bad will happen to Jorge while he's away. That, or something else will throw a wrench into the plans.
Let's hope Julieta doesn't embrace this "new side" too much. A little growing up on her part would be fine as long as she avoids becoming bitter.
I'm curious where this Jorge-missing-in-Switzerland plot is going. On the optimistic side, maybe he just got confused where he was supposed to go and ended up in Sweden by accident.
Fingers crossed that the third time won't be the charm for Marco and Ale's wedding!
Well, finally we are moving right along. I always love to see what is going to happen, but hate when the show comes to an end!
I am not liking how things are looking for Ale, looks like she will be getting married. But hopefully she will have an easy out. I will be glad when she starts believing/finding out stuff about Marco.
Going back to the hospital scene, Vicki was marvelous, her shrieks were earsplitting, but everyone played his part perfectly, including the extras.
One thing I wanted to point out that made me crack up (from the previous episode, actually), is how the doctor announced pregnancy test results to the room at large. I don't know if Mexico has a version of HIPAA, but they must have some kind of doctor-patient confidentiality! Only in a telenovela ...
The pictures and vocabulary were stellar as always. I have felt a lot of pity for Julieta but none for Jaime. Is that wrong?
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