Monday, August 23, 2010

Dinero Mon. Aug. 23, '10 "When The Moon Is In The Seventh House And Jupiter Aligns With Mars...

Then Peace Will Rule The Planets, And Luuuuuuve Will Steer The Stars...."

But until that day comes, while Alejandra's planets are still out of whack, we have our typical tumult and confusion tonight in Dinero. Vicky, Marco and Jimenez are all simmering in the sexologist's waiting room from Hell, while Rafa gets dragged into the wrong Monterrey conference room to give a stuttering speech on how taking care of your woman is like taking care of your car. Keep the wheels balanced and the spark plugs firing and Love will last. Meanwhile the gossip-mongers at Auto Siglo keep on scheming and muttering and selling nary a vehicle. Just another day down at the shop.

We start the evening though with a visit from the beyond. And not a headless horseman either. Ale's mom appears, complete with heavy green eyeshadow, to give the classic telenovela sermonette on Happiness. Ale is staring at the portrait, weeping and confessing how much she misses her mother. And lo, mother appears. Gently hugging her weeping child, Mamita chides her for failing to realize that she's already got everything she needs to be happy. She's a beautiful, intelligent, professional woman with a career, a loving aunt and father. But Life isn't a whim (capricho). There are problems. One must learn to be generous, humble, forgiving....and willing to find a solution to those inevitable problems. Still, Ale has people all around her who would give anything to make her happy.

Ale: Who? Marco?
Mom: I don't know. Search your heart.

Dang. Don't you hate it when those folks from the beyond make such cryptic statements!?

No matter. Mamita continues I'll always be by your side. Anytime you need me I'll be here. But remember, your life is marvelous. Don't be overwhelmed by problems which CAN be worked out, after all. Be happy, peaceful "no pasa nada" (it's okay).

Ale cries a little more, complains that it's awfully difficult but finally concedes that Mom is right and thanks her. Enter Tia Rosario who's spent an eternity brushing her teeth and promises to "be here" for Ale as well. With that soothing bromide and a glass of milk, Ale is ready for bed. With Tia, not Marco, thank God.

Now sometimes simple phrases and gestures are deep. Or not. The blather going on at Auto Siglo definitely isn't. They're gossiping about Jimenez' early appointment with the sex therapist, the dim future for Rosaura's marriage, the speculation that Pepeto is "ganando terreno" (gaining ground) with the latter and...well, you don't really want me to go on, do you?

Let's drop by the therapist's office and see what's cooking there. Jimenez is staring nervously at Vicky, disheveled in a bridal veil and jeans, flanked by Papa and eyeballed by an equally nervous Marco. What fluke (chiripa) of ill luck brought all of them to this one place at the same time, Jimenez wonders. He manages to make things worse by bringing up the wedding disaster with Rafa. And the therapist is running late. Yikes, this is like some French existentialist play. Our perpetually high-pitched Vicky asks everyone else to lower their tone of voice and we stare goggle-eyed as the first round of ads begin.

Vicky's been thinking while the ads were running and now she recognizes Marco as that arrogant imbecilic clown who tried to take Rafa's house. I'm hoping she'll bite him but her only aggression is to get him in a death-grip when they shake hands. C'mon, Vicky, you can do better than that!

Mientras tanto, good things are happening at the office. In Beltran's opinion anyway. He gets a sackful of money from Medina's truck sale and promises of more. Rafa's asking permission to go to Monterrey with Marian to a tractor trailer truck convention. A great opportunity to flog some more used trucks. All expenses paid by Ms. Celeste of course. Well permission granted! Go sell, sell, my boy, and let her pay the bills, chortles Beltran.

So off he goes. But first he gives Susana a portion of the rest of the money to pass on to Ale. With promises of more when he has it. Susanita raises an eyebrow when she learns he's off on a trip with Marian but says nothing. Rafa and Ale narrowly miss crossing paths when he leaves, but she's off to the side with Trapito, who's nattering on about spare parts. So let's just move on with our story....

Rafa and Marian hop a private plane (he's muttering Padre Nuestro's at warp speed) and arrive in Monterrey where she's greeted by a bevy of reporters asking her how she's going to help solve the dire economic situation the country is facing. Marian briefly discusses the situation with the industry in the north, and how she's just a small part of it, but with development and "la pujanza" (vigor, strength) of these industries, things will get better. (or words to that know how I am with businessspeak). Meanwhile, Rafa, who in many ways is still like a wayward toddler, wanders off without her and gets himself dragged into the wrong conference. Not only that--he's the featured speaker! And his topic? The Couple in Today's World. Fasten your seat belts folks, while we settle in for another round of ads.

Well, gosh, it wouldn't be Dinero without a politically incorrect gay sighting, would it? Marian frantically ask an Elton John lookalike if he'd seen a trim, nice-looking guy in a blue suit. If I had, I'd keep him, quips our beau. Okay. Done with that.

Rafa is now in front of a bemused crowd and starting to babble about couple hood. It's not easy, he begins. Applause . Meanwhile the camera zeroes in on a worried looking woman and a dyspeptic guy. Clearly these folks need Medina's magical advice. So he soldiers on. When you're living under the same roof, he continues, well, you really have to have patience. Lots of it. And you have to say what you feel. Even if it sticks in your throat, don't choke it back. And if things are really bad, well, clearly you need to see a specialist. Just like you'd go to a mechanic if you were having car troubles. Ah, Medina, now you're talkin'. We ponder these deep truths while another slew of ads comes on.

When we come back, we're in the Auto Siglo meeting room and our lovely Susana is getting insulted by Marino. He calls her an "escualida y horrible aguafiestas" (skinny horrible party pooper). She maintains her composure and dignity, informs them the sales meeting is canceled and sends them back to their posts.

Whilst back at the Monterrey conference room, Marian has slipped in and is listening, entranced, to Rafa's discourse on Try A Little Tenderness. Yes, indeed, if you care for your woman like you care for your car, she'll respond with "su ternura, su cariño, su todo". Whew. And just like that it worked. Not only is Marian smitten (well she was already) but our dyspeptic fella is smiling and holding his lady's hand, all lovey-dovey again. Man, that Rafa's good.

Applause applause. Lecture ended. Hopefully everybody's off to get their wheels balanced and their ashes hauled.

And presto! we find ourselves back in the sex therapist's waiting room where Vicky is eyeing Marco like her next meal. While he's explaining that he remembers her because of her "timbre de voz especial, inolvidable", and único". Couldn't have said it better myself.

Jimenez trots out, evidently having had a jiffy lube type consult. In and out pronto. Marco goes in while Vicky does some more heavy thinking. Yep, he's that arrogant, hateful (odioso) creep who tried to take Rafa's house, she muses....but I can use him. And on that dire note, we end.

A repeat of Vicky's thought bubble about using Marco.
Plans for a big whoopin' party (pachangón) at Auto Siglo.
And Rafa and Marian appear to get cosy during their stay in Monterrey

se nubla su recuerdo = my memory of you is getting hazy (Ale talking to her mom)
no pasa nada = it's okay, it's alright
chiripada, chiripa = fluke , sheer luck
mitote = trouble
accordéon= cheat sheet (Marino was waving this around while waiting for the sales meeting to start)
cabizbajo = downcast ( Ramirez describing how Ale will look...)
arrastrando la cobija = having the hots for someone, yearning for someone
un bola lambiscones = a bunch of toadies, brown-nosers (Marino insulting the rest of the sales force)
refacciones = spare parts
me llevan las hilachas = I'm losing it (Rafa when he thinks he hears Ale's voice but can't see her)
usted se me hace conocido = you look familiar, don't I know you?
campesino de tres pesos = two bit lout, peasant (Marco's thought bubble about Vicky's dad)
sangrona = annoying person (Vicky's thought bubble about Marco)
muy apurada = in a big hurry (Marian trying to fend off the reporters)
bien regio = really regal, great (Rafa looking at the posh hotel where the conference is held)
mañoso = difficult (Rafa describing the problems a couple can face)
la pujanza = vigor, strength

Phrase of the Day:

Para eso me pinto solo That's what I'm really good at. (Could be said about Rafa who seems capable of talking his way out of any mess)


Great recap Judy! I laughed out loud at "I'm hoping she'll bite him but her only aggression is to get him in a death-grip when they shake hands. C'mon, Vicky, you can do better than that!" Perfect! The scenes in the therapist office were fantastic. Marco's facial expressions when Vicky was talking were priceless. I'm very intrigued to find out how Vicky plans on using Marco. This is going to be great!

I also thought the little bit with Marino mimicking Rafa and Ale was funny. And Dandy falling face forward and Rafa's nervous squeaky voice. There were a lot of funny scenes tonight.

I don't know what to think about tomorrow night. The Auto Siglo party is sure to be a hoot, but I don't want to see Rafa getting closer to Marian. Don't give in Rafa!


Love the title. Yes, the Age of Aquarius may dawn soon but not for 60 episodes or so and for now the stars are in disarray.

Your recap is full of lovely turns of phrase -- Padre Nuestras at warp speed -- lol.

At last Marco & Vickie may join forces. It should be fun to watch them each try to use the other. They were so funny eyeing one another and trying to place where they had met before. Marco's description of VVV's voice was spot on , as was your description of the scene in the reception area as looking like a French existentialist play.

Thanks for an excellent recap.


Good morning Tracie and Güera...yes, there were lots of funny scenes that more than made up for the "cursi" sentimentality of some of the others. Vicky and Marco as co-conspirators and romantic terrorists is just too scary to contemplate. The wild ride and the planets askew are just getting started!

PS word verification "jagarr"...makes me thing of la Pantera.

Ah Judy, love that song, Aquarius. Aren't we are all waiting for love to steer the stars? What a clever, smart recap. Loved the observation that the waiting room from hell was like some French existentialist play -- we are all "goggled-eyed" as we share the passage of time with its characters. Thank you so much for your exceptional review of last night's episode!

Güera, wasn't Marco's comment about Vicky's voice just so funny? How can stating the obvious be so amusing?

And Tracie, I agree-- Marino mimicking Rafa and Ale was comical. It is rare that I can laugh when Marino is on the screen.

"Rafa, who in many ways is still like a wayward toddler" -- LOL!!

As usual Judy thanks for the very excellent vocabulary. The expression "arrastrando la cobija" was just used in STuD this weekend as well! I think the translation of "dragging the bedsheets" provides quite vivid imagery to help remember this particular saying of "having the hots for someone, yearning for someone".

Our show didn't advance much last night, but at least the money got safely to Auto Siglo!

Judy, you piqued our interest with your wonderful Age of Aquarius title, held us at rapt attention with your stellar recap and had us sighing appreciatively with an all-encompassing fabulous vocabulary list and dicho. Bravo!

So many wonderful lines. My favorites were: "...simmering in the sexologist's waiting room from hell", "Meanwhile the camera zeroes in on a worried looking woman and a dyspeptic guy" and "Our perpetually high-pitched Vicky asks everyone else to lower their tone of voice and we stare goggle-eyed...". You also incorporated one of my all time favorite words "blather". Excellent!

I'm taking an unkind and rather fiendish delight in anticipating what Vicky might have planned for Marco. Think that shrewish Vicky is child's play compared to the spectre of avenging Vicky. Hmmm.


Nicely done recap.

Looks like Claudita did not take Ale's advice from a few weeks ago about wearing more professional business attire--she had a lot on display last night! Too bad she is not very likable.

Isn't it amazing how Rafa steps into situations that ought to sink him but he always comes out looking better than ever. The speech in front of the wrong conference was so funny. La Pantera as a symbol of love and caring. Who would have thunk? On second thought Rafa's relationship with his Pantera is his most successful one.

Excellent, Judy, and you got the money safely delivered. My favorite as well:

"...Rafa, who in many ways is still like a wayward toddler..."

Gotta wonder what went on in Jimenez' attenuated therapy session. He certainly had a blissful look on is face when he exited.

It's good to see Vicki's little hamster spurred back into action by Marco. Moping catatonia does not become her.


Good morning again you all.

@Barbara...Age of Aquarius often plays around in my head, so when Susana told Ale she had to get her planets aligned, I knew I had my title. Often I don't have one until I've actually written the whole recap. This was an easy call.

The automobile motif for romance is a classic. I remember a counseling book that offered the example of a woman trying to win back her husband who'd trysted with a younger woman. She made a plea for the old reliable and trusted Mercedes rather than the new flashy sportscar. It didn't work...but it was a nice try.

@Diana...the sexologist's waiting room reminded me of a Jean-Paul Sartre play "Huis Clos". The dominant theme being "Hell is other people".

Who knew that my long ago French lit training would come in handy for recaps? Sure never was useful in any other way the last few decades.

@R....sooooo, does Claudia's nasty disposition interfere with your enjoyment of that sumptuous cleavage? Let's just say she has good qualities and bad qualities and the good qualities are on bodacious display at all times. She DOES make a distracting landscape...hills and valleys and who knows what else?

@Carlos...comparing Rafa to "a wayward toddler" was inevitable, given that I'd spent the weekend with Baby Jack. He is still a lovable snuggler in his footed jammies, listening to bedtime stories.

But during the day he's a willfull Macho Piglet, stamping his feet, yelling "No Way!" when he doesn't like the agenda, pitching a fit when his mama pulls her long blonde hair back into a pony tail (he actually tries to pull the rubber band out so it will hang down loose again) and expressing his outrage if she's wearing an outfit he doesn't like. Whew! don't tell me Biology isn't Destiny. Didn't know testosterone could peak this early. Fun to watch though.

Thank you very much Judy for the recap and the vocabulary. Very much appreciated. Also thank you to Carlos for yesterdays recap. Having internet problems and was unable to thank him. Hum, wonder what VVV has in mind for Marco. He just might have met his match.

Sorry, I meant thank you Carlos for Fridays recap.

Judy, thanks for another terrific recap. I was having trouble following some of what Rafa was saying, but you explained everything perfectly.

We were all so worried about the end of the month. How was Rafa going to pay back Don Gaston and Alejandra? Well, he just paid part of the money to each. He also paid part of the money to Beltran. I guess we weren't thinking outside the box, but Rafa is always finding ways to do that.

Thanks Judy! You are a wonder! This was a pretty good episode.
Lots of action.

I am glad that they got the money and divided it all up.

Wonder what/how VVV is going to use Marco, should be intersting.

Can someone tag STuD so that we can comment on it also, thanks.

Kat, you don't need STuD to be tagged in order to comment. Just scroll down CarayCaray's home page, find the recap, hit the comment line and there you are. But I will see if I can tag it for you.

I think we all are looking forward to seeing someone "use" Marco. Turnabout's fair play. I figure he'll underestimate Vicky and it will be easy indeed.

@Lynda, glad you were able to enjoy Carlos' recap even if you couldn't comment at the time. He and Hombre both spoil us with those pictures and their fine writing.

@Hombre...yeah, pretty hard to follow Rafa's babbling lecture, however the "content" was fairly simple. The Golden Rule (always good) dressed up with a little Car Talk imagery. No greater love than the Pantera!

I still remember the hours my teenaged brother spent on his first very-used sports car. Out there day and night tinkering, painting, vaccuming, buffing, polishing. If he'd been that devoted to his wife, he'd probably still be married.

@ Barb...yes, "arrastrando la cobija"....actually "cobija" means blanket (although Jardinera used the word "sheets") and I've always visualized a little kid dragging his favorite blankie around, refusing to be separated from it. But who knows what the original image was? Could also express, I suppose, the tossing and turning one does when wrestling with a new infatuation.

Okay Kat, I've tagged StuD. But remember, you can always find it by scrolling down the main page....and you might pass some other interesting recaps on the way. Enjoy the scenery. ( I know, I know, you're at work and you're busy)

Thanks for another great recap, with your usual funny take on it all. I will hold on to the hope that Vicky will bite Marco before all this is over. Even though in real life I would tell Rafa to head straight to Marian and leave Ale to stew in her own self-absorbed juices forever, in this telenovela world of course I want him to hold out for true love and wait for Ale - who's marriage is unconsummated, so she's still technically available, right?

Greetings Sheila. Yes, Ale is available, technically and otherwise. We don't know the extent of her relationship with Marco previously (at least I don't) but when Rafa tossed and turned, suffering and thinking that she was in the arms of her new husband, he was dead-wrong...and hopefully he'll find out about their particular bump in the road...soon!

But of course, no doubt Vicky and Marco will both work very hard to make sure that does NOT happen.

For some reason, I'm not deeply invested in Ale and Rafa together, even though I loved their beach scenes (that's what got me hooked on this). I agree with you that in real life, Marian seems like a better choice. Ale, from the get go, has been a P.R.O.J.E.C.T. But since his previous novia was Vicky, maybe that's what our Rafa likes, a steep, uphill climb.

Judy, a couple of dictionaries I consulted also had bedclothes as a definition of cobija. I have to admit, my imagery was quite a bit different from a child not wanting to be separated from his blankie! Quite a bit different and quite a few steps into the gutter. I was picturing someone dragging sheets around to be prepared to fling them down in front of the object of their devotion should they appear. Here I am! Take me now! I'm yours! But that was just the way my mind took it, not sure what to say about that.

"in real life, Marian seems like a better choice. Ale, from the get go, has been a P.R.O.J.E.C.T. But since his previous novia was Vicky, maybe that's what our Rafa likes, a steep, uphill climb."
Though I do like Ale-- I find her funny and maybe she is a little bit what I would like my alter ego to be--the above assessment of her and Rafa's attachment seems quite astute.

@Barbara....Hah! I love comparing how we visually imagine words and expressions. I wouldn't say your interpretation was "in the gutter" Just earthier (and probably more accurate) than mine). Given JM and Val's thrashing around in the Love Shack last night, maybe that was "arrastrando la cobija" also. Works for me.

Decades ago, when I was studying German, I remember being fascinated by the word "reizend" if I remember correctly, which could either mean "charming" or "irritating". I found that quite profound. When we first fall in love with someone, their quirks, and all else about them, are absolutely charming. As time goes on, some of those quirks become incredibly irritating and off-putting. Eventually they may end the relationship altogether. Is all that embodied in the German word. Who knows? It was for me.

Judy, Thanks for the fun recap. I just got home and will be back out the door, may even miss tonights, but wanted to say thanks. Great comments and discussions.

Judy, speaking of earthy comments, I thought your "Jiffy Lube" remark about Jimenez's sexologist session was probably rather apt. It was very very funny. Thoroughly enjoyable recap.

Hey Judy, That was my comment earlier, my name didn't go through. So thanks again for the fun recap.

Hey Julia. Glad to see you over here. I promise to stop by your neighborhood tomorrow. I don't think Jimenez is seeing any action at the sexologists, although he does have a crush on her. But he DID look mightily relieved when he exited. Who knows?

Oh good, Pata. I was wondering who that nice 'anonymous' person was. Enjoy whatever you're off to......

He certainly looked like he'd had a workout of some kind in there, whether or not it only happened in his mind.

You nailed it Julia. The only action Jimenez is getting is in his mind.

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