Tuesday, August 17, 2010
El Clon, Tues., August 17 - Summary for Discussion

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When Dra Silvia says, "Conozco la matriz", I assumed she was using the medical term for "uterus" and she meant something like: "I know my reproductive genetics." But according to the RAE, the secondary meaning for matriz is: a mold for casting identical metal objects. So maybe she meant: I know about the uterus and I know how identical copies are made.
I was struck by how sad the Naz looked in the mall scene when Jadiya rejected her mother. And I was amazed that when the Naz recounted the story to Said, she referred to the "ingratitude of a child." It's pretty remarkable that she is the first person to criticize Jadiya, however obliquely, for the way she is treating Jade.
Reading this summary, I have to say: "Go girl," to the Naz.
The English subtitles translated 'matriz' as matrix and I didn't even look it up. Uterus doesn't make much sense either.
The word matriz intrigued me too. I always use it for "womb" or "master copy/original," and had to look up the def. for "matrix," which concerned me even more.
Something from which something else originates, develops, or takes form.
The dictionary also clarified the original Latin meaning: Etymology: Latin, female animal used for breeding, parent plant, from matr-, mater. (so sick because it reminded me of how Albi essentially used Dora)
I'll tune in for what she really meant, because I'm getting that she knows either the womb, the master copy, or the mother used for breeding. (shudder) You're the best at getting my cogwheels turning, Jean. :-)
I too wondered about the meaning of "matriz." I've got nothing to add to what others have already said.
I hope that Alej finally breaks with Nati. Nothing else is likely to motivate her sufficiently to get off drugs. I suspect that she's not going to do it by herself. Probably Lucia will tell Marisa about the treatment center that Andrea visited, and we'll then be subjected to days of Nati going through hell at the center. And, to make sure that we go through hell, too, all this will probably be accompanied by still more PSAs from Enrique. ¡Ya basta!
Though the Naz's rants to her brothers are the same old same old, in other ways she is becoming a much more caring, gutsy, and appealing character. Surely this telenovela can't end without her finally finding a husband. I wonder whether that person has already entered the novela, or whether he will drop from the sky in an episode still to come.
Does anyone know how many more episodes remain?
Jean, thank you for today's recap. It is good to see you back and in fine form.
Yes, I do believe that the Naz is becoming human. I wonder if the "ingratitude of a child" was really about her brothers and not Jadiya.
I also wonder if Dra Silvia comment "conozco la matriz" was in reference to the computer genetic graphs she was looking at in an earlier episode. I would assume that she did the DNA testing on the embryo that she intended for Dora and knew that Daniel is not the result of that embryo. Matrix is also a mathematical term.
I do not want Jade to end up with Said. I don't think he can or will ever change.
If Jade showed Said love in return he would never have turned on her this way. He is only human.
I also thought uterus when Silvia said matriz.
Will this finally, finally be Alej's last straw or la gota que se derramó el vaso?
I also noticed Nazira's pain in the encounter with Jade in the mall, and that she managed to keep Zoraida out of it.
I'd be surprised if Jade returns to Said, not because he wouldn't take her back. I think he would. But I don't think Zein will give her a divorce. I think he'll hold her to their 6-month agreement.
Ann-NYC: I think Jade did her best with Said in the years between Jadiya's birth and when he stubbornly insisted on taking her to Miami. They showed some scenes in Ali's living room where Said looked very happy in his marriage, but Jade just looked resigned. I think Said had settled for her tolerating him during that time period.
I do disagree about Rania, though. I think she's really in love with Said. She's wildly jealous of his feelings for Jade, and, even though Jade is out of the picture, can't get over her gut feeling that he still loves Jade. Of course she wanted a child, but her main obsession was that it be a male child. She unrealistically thinks that giving birth to a male will make Said forget Jade. I think the only thing that would make Said forget Jade would be a lobotomy.
I think Cristina is in shock right now from seeing Daniel and thinking Dora betrayed her with Leo. To losing her position to Malicia and catching her with Pablo she is going to need a moment to exhale and then unleash her fury on the most deserving Albieri and Malicia.
I said this before if people with a medical degree are reacting the way they are towards Daniel once they know his true origins. How in the heck are those who don't have a medical profession going to react?
All i can say to Jade is don't do it, going back to Said will not help you.
Chris disappointment me. I expected her to blow up at alicia.
And jadiya, the salt incident was just too funny.
Lastly, please allah, reward naz with a handsome young husband.
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