Tuesday, August 17, 2010

El Clon Monday August 16: Summary for Discussion

In which Alejandro sees Natalia as she really is and still gives her one last chance to redeem herself; Luisa Stands by her Man; Malicia Stands by Cris’s Man; and Jadiya wants to be Daddy’s (Only) Little Girl.

Albieri’s house:
Albieri has confessed to Luisa the secret of the clone. He fears people won’t understand. They will crucify him! (Interesting choice of word). He’ll lose his reputation. They will worry about trivial concerns (nimiedades) and ignore the truly great thing he has accomplished.
Entonces era eso, (So that was it) says Luisa quietly. Now that Luisa knows that there is no ‘other woman’, she is astonishingly indifferent to the moral and emotional implications of what she has heard. All she cares about, it seems, is shielding Albieri. She promises to stand by him, whatever may happen. He leans onto her and she reaches for his hand.

Empresas Ferrer:
Carolina and Enrique are discussing Leo’s newly appeared hijo and the mystery of his lunar when Roberto joins them. Roberto is still scratching his head over the assignment he has been given – to arrange for Leo to adopt Daniel. Enrique flies into a jealous rage when he hears that Leo has asked Roberto to do this work instead of him. He stalks out and is seen taking a swig from his trusty flask.

Alej and Nati’s apartment:
Nati watches from the bed as Alej comes in and unpacks his gym bag. He says nothing as he slams his equipment on the table. She starts to apologize and make up excuses. She admits she drank but denies using drugs. He lets her talk for a while and then he explodes:
¡Ya no puedo más! !Estoy asqueado, estoy harto!
I can’t do it any more. I am disgusted, I’m fed up!
In a speech in which almost every utterance is punctuated by “Natalia” (I counted 24 Natalia’s) he confronts her with the truth: How hard he is working to build a life for them and how she has torpedoed all his efforts. How his trainer, Rudi, cancelled his session and Michael Gonzales called to say that if he lost another training fight or missed a single training session, he would be out. How a person she calls a friend, Paula, left her alone and helpless on the beach:
Te pudiste morir y te dejó botada.
You could have died and she just ditched you.
This is the last time, says Alejandro grimly. Either you stop using drugs or I leave you. She promises to stop. Cree en mí, pleads Natalia. (Believe in me.)

Ramón tells Gloria he heard that Alej lost his trainer, but to Gloria’s frustration, he has no details. Hilda comes in and orders an orange juice (good for pregnant women). Her Karla, you see, is pregnant. Maybe Hilda catches Gloria’s look of disgust because when the juice is ready, she tells Ramón to keep the money; the skanks will go somewhere more elegant. (cachetoso).

Waterfront restaurant:
Hilda is giving Miss K some motherly advice about the importance of good nutrition and rest in pregnancy. Our skank has pure gold en la panza. (in her belly). Es un cheque en blanco al portador. Antes de perderlo, prefiero matarte a ti. (It’s a blank check made out to the bearer. I’d rather kill you than lose it.)

Beach Club:
Roberto sees a hot babe as she walks by and accidentally on purpose lets her scarf drop to the sand. He picks it up and runs after her. Then he notices that there is a camera crew filming her. (And him? Is this a film set? A Candid Camera show?)
Andrea comes along looking for her father but has the misfortune to bump into surly Fernando instead. She warns him that he needs to get his act together because he’s on the verge of losing everything. For her pains, he tells her:
Vete al infierno y déjame en paz.
Go to hell and leave me alone.

Albieri’s clinic:
Anita is on the phone with Luisa while an impatient Cristina and Dora look on. Luisa tells her Albieri isn’t coming in today; she can make up whatever excuse she wants. Anita tells Cris and Dora that Albieri is home, exhausted, and he took a sleeping pill. They need to come back another day. They don’t believe a word of it and head off to his house.

When they leave, Julio comments that Albieri has a lot of explaining to do; and his problems will affect all of them.

Escobar comes in, as usual, talking to Ratoncita on his cell. He’s still asking for the papers. He wants her to send him a kiss. This is inconvenient for her since she is at that moment trying to seduce Pablo. She covers her mouth and whispers: ‘un beso’. Escobar looks less smug than usual.

The apartment that ate Clara’s euros:
Malicia tells Pablo the phone call was from the club. Pablo is getting ready to leave. She leans in and kisses him. He kisses her back.

Dora’s apartment:
A despondent Daniel has made his way back home. Estela, as always, receives him warmly. Are you afraid of me, abuela? asks Daniel. Of course not, she says. He tells her how Luisa looked at him as if she were seeing a ghost and wouldn’t even give him a hug. Estela puts an arm around him and with her other hand pats him comfortingly. He says:
Gracias, abuela, gracias por no tener miedo de mí.
Thank you, grandma, thank you for not being afraid of me.

Casa Ferrer:
Lucia tells Marisa that Leonardo is planning to adopt the boy who looks like Diego. Marisa thinks it is absurd. She’s sure Rosa and Leo are letting their imagination run wild. Rosa comes in with their coffee and asks:
Marisa, sabes algo de Diego? (Do you know anything about Diego?)
Why yes, she answers nastily: Diego morió hace 20 años. (Diego died 20 years ago.)
How can a person be as cold as you are? asks Rosa. And you said you loved him…

Empresas Ferrer:
Roberto tells Lucas about Leo’s plan to adopt Daniel. Lucas wants to talk to Leo and try to dissuade him; Roberto suggests giving him a day to think about it.

Zein’s apartment:
Jade and Zein talk about how being part of two cultural divides has affected them. Zein feels he is totally westernized although he appreciates the beauty of the rituals and customs of the Muslim world. Jade feels that she is torn in two and it is that inner conflict that has kept her from finding happiness.

Zoraida arrives. She returns Jade's letter, explaining that Jadiya refused to read it.

Said’s house.
Jadiya asks Said to get rid of all of Jade’s things. He says he will. He tries to comfort her by promising that he and Rania will always take care of her. Jadiya says once more that she doesn’t like Rania; that Rania was responsible for bringing discord into their home.

Nati and Alej’s apartment:
Gloria wants her son to tell her the truth: Did you lose your trainer? No, no, says Alej, it’s just a few sessions I’m missing. Gloria is in a state of cold fury. She wants to know exactly what Natalia had to do with this. She is so frustrated by his evasiveness that she slaps him. He finally admits that he got in trouble because he had to leave a training session to come to Natalia’s rescue. (socorrerla). Wake up, says Gloria:
¡Tú no tienes para que andar haciendo de niñera con una muchacha que no se quiere ni quiere a los demas!
You don’t have to go around playing babysitter to a girl who doesn’t love herself and doesn’t love others.
Natalia walks in to confront her accuser.

Albieri’s house:
Cris and Dora walk past Luisa when she opens the door. They demand an explanation from Albieri. Luisa shields him with her body and her words and won’t let him speak. He’s exhausted, she says. Another day. And (surprisingly) Cris and Dora leave without the answers they came for. When they are gone, Luisa tells Albieri that they will think of something, some explanation.

I did something magnificent, but I lack the indifference to public opinion that great scientists must feel, remarks Albieri humbly. Luisa tucks him in as he babbles on about how, because of his work, humanity will overcome the burden of genetic maladies… When Luisa wants to make him some tea, he tells her what she has waited more than twenty years to hear:
No te vayas, te necesito. No me dejes solo!
Don’t leave, I need you. Don’t leave me alone!

Enrique’s place:
Enrique continues feeling sorry for himself because Leo didn’t ask him to arrange Daniel’s adoption. Once you’ve been a drug addict, people look at you like you’re garbage, even after you’ve undergone treatment and remade your life, he says to Carolina. Para mí tú vales mucho (For me you are a very valuable person) she answers. Enrique doesn’t seem to notice. He tells her he needs to see his analyst.

Nati and Alej’s apartment:
Gloria isn’t holding back. She reminds Nati that she had everything given to her; Alej had to work for everything. And now Nati is destroying what he has built.

Psychiatrist’s office:
Enrique says he wanted to stop using drugs but he couldn’t admit that he was in the grip of an illness.

Nati and Alej’s apartment:
Nati promises Gloria she’s going to stop using. Gloria says:
Si yo fuera mi hijo, yo ya no estaría contigo.
If I were my son, I wouldn’t be with you any more.
Enrique’s voiceover: Their distrust hurt me, but I gave them no reason to trust me.

Cris tells Vicki she won’t trust Dora until Albieri has told them the truth.
Clara and Rogelio are chatting and when he asks if she has a good relation with her ex, she fibs and says yes. (But thought-bubbles: Ni loco le voy a contar / No way I’m going to tell him)
Cris comes over and she and Rogelio hug affectionately. Cris has a gift for him and one for Malicia, too. She sings Malicia’s praises and suggests it’s time for Rogelio to promote her. He looks a bit uneasy and then he says:
Ya tomamos cartas en el asunto. Alicia te va a reemplazar.
We’ve already addressed the issue. Alicia is going to replace you.
Cris is stunned. She can’t understand where this is coming from since she left everything in perfect order. Rogelio mentions the famous missing report, the one in the yellow folder. He sees how angry she is and begs her not to make a scene. Don’t worry, she says. It turns out that the person with no moral principles is you! Then she turns away from Rogelio just in time to see Pablo and Malicia exchanging a tender kiss.

Credits roll


NovelaMaven, thanks for the super recap! I always appreciate being able to pick up the subtleties of dialogue that I miss when watching the show. Did you-all hear me screaming at Alej "Nooooooo....don't take her back!"
Also, first time ever, Albieri was leaning on Luisa for moral support instead of brushing her off. And Daniel, who first came on as a cocky playboy type, now seems to have the personality of a confused little boy.
But the best was seeing Cristina's face as she got a load of Malicia smooching with her Pablo. Oh Boy!!!

Another fantastic recap, NovelaMaven. Thanks so much! I found the Spanish you included especially helpful today, since some of it had gone right by me last night. And how in the world did you know/find "cachetoso"? All my usual sources came up empty on that one. I finally found it in a site I'd never come upon before called LocalSpanish. Did you use that as well, or a different source, or did you just know the word without having to look it up?

Luisa is getting eerier and eerier. I don't know why she stuck with Albieri all these years, when a puppy dog would probably have better met her needs. But now apparently all her sick "loyalty" is paying off: Albieri needs her, and she will defend him like a lioness defends her cubs. Blech.

I can't wait to see Cristina light into Malicia. Though perhaps Malicia's kissing Pablo will so demoralize Cristina that it will take several episodes before she springs into action as only Cristina can.

Oh, BTW, you had a typo of sorts near the end of the recap. You wrote: "Nati promises Gloria she’s not going to stop using." That's clearly not what you meant.

Again, thanks so much for the great recap!

Joan, thanks!

I was also frustrated with Alej, not so much because he took Natalia back but because he didn't use the opportunity to get Lucas involved so they could figure out how to help her. I suppose Alej, like Gloria, assumes Natalia is behaving willfully and really could stop doing drugs if she chose. It was interesting, though not surprising, to hear Gloria explicitly reject the idea that Natalia is "sick".

I've never found Luisa an interesting character but I confess her behavior in this episode shocked me. I can understand supporting someone you love even when you know they've done a terrible thing. But the fact that she never reflected, not even for a moment, on the pain that Albieri had caused and was going to cause to others, that all she cared about was keeping him tied to her and dependent on her -- well, to me that is evil. Is she as evil as Albieri? I'm starting to think so.

Great recap, NovelaMaven. I should have stayed home and done the recap instead of wasting my time at the Yankee game when the team has apparently given up hitting.

Since I didn't get home until 1am, I only watched the very beginning of last night's episode - to see Luisa's reaction to Albi's confession and the very end so I saw Cristina get her double blow.

Re: Luisa and Albieri- His concern was all about him - his reputation. Apparently, neither he nor Luisa is concerned about Daniel or the rest of the people that his actions will affect. I was a little surprised that Luisa was so accepting of what he had done. I guess I hoped that she really wasn't so besotted with Albieri that she would accept whatever he did as long as he didn't leave her.

Poor Cris. I had a lot more respect for Pablo before he took up with Malicia without a word to Cristina.

You wrote:
Nati and Alej’s apartment:
Nati promises Gloria she’s not going to stop using.

I assumed that you meant to write that Nati promises Gloria that she would stop using although what you wrote is probably closer to the truth.

Juanita and Jean, Thanks for finding that error. I just corrected it, although as Jean said, promising NOT to stop using would have been more truthful on Natalia's part.

Juanita, "cachetoso" was new to me. I googled it and figured out its meaning from context. I'm assuming it's related to "cachet". Can we call it Spanglish or would it have to be Frañol or Sprench?

Too bad about the game, Jean. But trust me, you made the better choice :)

NovelMaven another great recap even though you corrected the wording in that sentence i consider it a Freudian slip because Nati is not willing to admit she is addicted and doesn't have a problem.

Great point about Luisa i was shocked how easily she accepted what Albieri had done also.Is she evil well you have another good point here. I have to say yes she's not even concerned how the impact of Daniel's existence will effect all parties involved with him.Especially Daniel himself, who last night when he asked his grandmother if she was afraid of him may you want to hug him. Poor Daniel the family he rejected while he was growing up i suspect will be his main source of strength and comfort when he discovers the truth about himself.

Great recap NovelaMaven. I agree with you that Alej should get Lucas , Leonardo and even Marisa involved in how deeply hooked Nati is on drugs. It may even get them to appreciate what a good guy he is and how he has been sticking by her through all this.

Ordinarily, I would say dump her, but we all know she will kick the habit.

I can't wait for Cris to laceinto Malicia. Her day is coming soon.


Excuss me. I meant to say I agree with you. Joan....


Thanks again, folks!

Blu, what worries me is what might happen when Dora and Estela learn that Daniel is a clone. Will they still love him? Or will they look at him in horror seeing only FrankenAlbi's monster? Will Daniel be ostracized by everyone is his world?

Usual great, great job, NovelaMaven. Your recaps get even
better you answer others'
remarks/questions. The recaps
and comments so increase the understadability and thus the enjoyment of this novela.

I think the novela itself is so good. It deserves you all.

Perhaps Cris will be the person to finally out Malicia and ruin all her plans (whatever they may be). I sure hope so; and SOON! It'll be fun to watch. And I hope Cris drops all those who caved in to Malicia's act. She
needs to be with Leo anyway.

Always though Luisa was just dumb; turns out she's thoughtless of all but her crazy husband (and his crazy wife). Not surprised, but disappointed. Lois

I agree i want Cris to take down Malicia and expose her for the lowdown backstabbing conniving skank she is.Let's hope her seeing Pablo who disappointed me greatly last night will wake her up to what Malicia is really like.

NovelaMaven i can't even imagine how Dora and Estella will react to learning about Daniel. Thank goodness it looks like Sylvia once she sees him tonight recognizes what happened immediately. We already saw what someone who is supposed to have a clinical out look respond to Daniel after seeing him as adult. Can we even begin to imagine how the real world will receive him? Like you said FrankenAlbi's monster,we all know what happened when the monster discovered he was created in al lab and not the natural way.

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