Wednesday, August 18, 2010

El Clon, Wed., August 18 - Summary for Discussion

Jade gets a divorce ring; the Chump gets a nasty surprise and Albieri finally wakes up to reality.

Jade repeats to Zoraida that she is going to go back to Said. At least then she will be able to be with Jadiya and see her grow. She will forget all the crazy things she did for Lucas. 'Lo voy a borrar de mi memoria,' I will erase him from my memory,

When Dora comes home from work, Estela tells her about Dr. Silvia's visit and how strangely she reacted to Daniel.

Silvia lays out to Julio how she concluded that Albieri made a clone. Albieri had told Julio that two embryos were switched. Silvia says that there weren't two embyros and even if there had been, no embryo was another twin of Diego and Lucas, nor was Leo a sperm donor. Julio concludes that she is right.

Albieri wakes up and Luisa tells him that the secret of the cloning is slowly unraveling. Albieri is suddenly worried that he might be arrested since human cloning is a federal crime. Luisa reiterates that she will help him. She is worried that Dora or Leonardo might denounce him. [Albieri apparently is unconcerned about what might happen to poor Daniel.] Albieri asks Luisa to send for Julio right away.

The Chump tells Anita that he is all confused about how his sweet Malicia suddenly turned ugly on him. Of course, he believes that the cause of the problem (putting the apartment in Fer's name) is Clara's fault. Anita won't let that pass but the Chump doesn't want to hear. However, Anita agrees that he should go to the apartment and work things out with his ratoncita. 'Don't forget the flowers,' says Anita. Julio asks who is getting flowers. Anita answers, '¿Pues quién recibe flores? Las vividoras. Las tontas no,' So who is getting flowers? The social climbers, not the stupid ones.'

Meanwhile, Malicia is telling Pablo that she ended her relationship with her old boyfriend because he became envious, competitive and selfish. Pablo says that he first noticed her when she told him that Cristina was cheating on him [I had forgotten about that]. That showed that Malicia cared about him and that she is sincere, pretty and transparent. She goes on to say that she never wanted to hurt Cristina. Dumb old Pablo buys this tripe, hook, line and sinker.

The Chump arrives at the apartment to find that Alicia has changed the locks. 'No puede ser,' he says, it can't be.
Of course, Tío Abdul arrives at Mohamed's during a street fair where there is a lot of flesh on display. Abdul gives his usual diatribe against Westerners.
Pablo is at Alej's. Alej is worried that he doesn't know where Nati is. He also tells Pablo about the missing stereo. Pablo asks, why Alej continues to carry this burden. He cares about Nati but she doesn't care about him. '¿Hasta cuándo vas a hacer el papel de idiota, Alejandro? asks Pablo, How long are you going to play the role of an idiot? Alej decides to go to Gloria's and leave Nati a note.

Nati is with her druggie friends, Fernando and Paula. She says that she wants to leave but is easily talked into staying. Diana sees them so that she can report this to Alej.
Carolina tells Clara that she keeps an eye on Enrique and periodically checks his stuff but she is giving him another chance. They are getting married. In a thought bubble, Clara wonders if she should be checking Fer's stuff.

Lucas flashes back to when he overheard Lucia telling Marisa about how Jade was crying when they ran into each other at the mall. He calls Jade.

Jade doesn't answer. She tells Zein that she wants a divorce so that she can go back to Said. Zein asks if she wants to be happy. Jade replies that is what she has been looking for all her life. Zein assures her that he can make her happy. Jade replies that she has concluded that there are people in the world who are born for love and there are those who are not. She says that she keeps chasing love like a mirage in the desert but never gets it.

Once again, Zein tells her that he can make her happy. Jade is sure that if she loved Zein, he wouldn't care about her anymore. She asks Zein to divorce her. Zein says that he needs Ali as a witness and anyway Said doesn't want her back. Jade is sure that Said only said that in anger and will change his mind. Zein tells Jade that he will give her until the evening to think better of her request.
Alej is at Gloria's. She asks why Nati isn't there and Alej lies and says that Nati wants to be with her family.

Andrea finds Nati sitting alone. Nati tells her that she is having a lot of fun. Andrea tries to take her home but Nati refuses. Andrea tells Nati that she is trying to help her as a friend. She mentions the rehabilitation center where Roberto took her. The unlovely Paula joins them. Nati and Paula claim that they aren't drug addicts. They could stop anytime. Andrea says that if drugs were so great, rehab centers wouldn't be so full of people. Paula and Nati call Andrea a party pooper and leave.

Clara is worried. She tells Enrique that Fer didn't come home the previous night and won't answer his cell. Enrique says that Fer is in denial that he is an addict and if he doesn't want help, Clara can't help him. He also tells Clara that Fer isn't in his band anymore because he stopped showing up a rehearsals. He also tells her that what Fer does isn't her fault.

Leo thinks that Cristina is hiding Daniel from him to get revenge on him for having an affair with Daniel's mother. He wants to find Daniel.

A hangdog looking Chump comes to the club and asks Malicia why she changed the locks of the apartment.

Leo goes to see Cristina and demands to know where his son is.

Zein goes back to the hotel. Jade is packed up and ready to go. He begs her to think about what she is doing. Jade reminds him that he promised he would not hold her against her will. He repudiates her 3 times. She thanks him and says that she won't forget him. He gives her a goodbye ring saying that the end of a relationship should be as a nice as when it starts. Jade says that it is too bad that they met too late. Zein says that they met when they were destined to meet. Jade replies that in that case, they are destined to say goodbye now.
A clone and his true love pass in the night.

Cristina refuses to tell Leo where Daniel is and accuses him of betraying her and breaking her heart. Leo calls Amalia. She blows him off.

At first. Malicia is really nasty to the Chump, telling him that she already told him that she needs time to think. When people start noticing in the club, she gets all nice and kissy and tells him that he is very understanding and she'll talk to him at the clinic. The Chump buys it and leaves without making a scene.

Alej calls Rosa looking for Nati.

Diana tells Pablo about how she saw Nati doing drugs with two people she didn't know. Pablo tells her that he has told Alej to get out of that relationship 1000 times. Diana says that Pablo isn't doing much better ('tú no te quedas atrás', literally, you aren't remaining behind) by hooking up with Malicia.

Jade shows up at Said's house. [What is this? The third or fourth time she's done this?] He comes outside.

The credits roll.


Thanks, Jean, for another excellent recap. The photos were great, the Spanish was helpful and much appreciated, and I think you hit all the important parts of the episode.

What struck me most about this episode was how incredibly sexy/sensual/hot Zein's "te repudio" scene was. I can't imagine how Jade went through with the divorce after the first two muy caliente utterings of te repudio. Offhand, I can't recall another scene in the entire telenovela that seemed to me so super-charged.

I think I'll stop now and just keep remembering that scene.

Thanks, Jean. Ya basta ! I've had it with Jade. Zein is hot and crazymad about her. What a wasted life of just wishing and waiting. Jade is a lesson in the result of not being proactive and moving on with your life. How is this tragedy going to end ?

People are wondering why Jade doesn't stay with the sexy Zein. Well, it's obvious that she doesn't love him. She can be with Zein just like she was with Said. People wonder why does she waste her time with Lucas and the answer is simple, "SHE IS IN LOVE WITH LUCAS". She can learn to live without Lucas, she did so for 20 years and just as easily do so for the rest of her life, but that doesn't mean that she's going to stop loving him. She reminds Said and Zein that she will always love Lucas so that they won't get any false illusions. In other words, she's being true to herself no matter how dumb it looks to our perspective.

Agree with the unsigned annonymous statement that Jade has always and still loves Lucas. She's never lied about that. I think she puts too much blame on his shoulders, but how many of us blame ourselves?

And speaking of blame, I hope the Chump finally sees Malicia for whatshe is -- and himself for what he became. May he get nothing back that he so willingly threw away. Lois

Thanks for yet another fine job, Jean.

Juanita, I was also impressed by the exquisite 'te repudio' scene, but I saw it a bit differently. It finally occurred to me that Zein is, essentially, an aesthete. He appreciates the beauty of romantic love the way he appreciates the ritual and forms of Islam. The end of his idyll with Jade is marked by pretty words, a perfect tear. No snot-wracked sobbing here, thanks.

Lois and Anon 1059, I'm with you. If you look at romantic love as something exchanged or shared and not as a one-sided obsession, then the Lucas/Jade relationship is surely the one that meets the definition of love. And for both Lucas and Jade, the only thing that can compete with and possibly trump romantic love is love of a parent for a child.

A beanie-tightening moment for me: Seeing the gorgeous, bejeweled, high-heeled Jade pulling the magic telenovela maleta (you know, the one that holds Heidi Klum's entire wardrobe and still fits in the overhead bin on Aeronovela) along the pitch-dark bridge as if she were in Mayberry, RFD and not crime-ridden Miami. And then the oblivious Jade pulls her noisy bag right past an oblivious Opie... er, Daniel... who sits on a curb, scratching his head. I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd met up with an equally oblivious Barney Fife (aka Enrique)along the way too.

Great recap, Jean...

That I can't stand Malicia goes without saying. But when she brushes his hair down on his farhead, I feel like punching her in the mouth. It's like she shows what a fool she is making of him...!!!

12:49 -- forgot to sign.


Novelamaven. You're explanation about the Jade/Lucas state of their love is one of the best ones i've ever heard. I've always said that true love is the type where one become oblivious everything that's around them. It doesn't matter how much money or handsome Said or Zein are. This same dynamic can be seen with Daniel. Everyone who meets Daniel immediately sees Lucas and become oblivious to the fact that he's 20 years old and obviously not Lucas. Am I making sense?

Anon 0124, I think in general, people who never met Diego will see Lucas in Daniel, despite the age difference. But if you knew Diego, that's who you'll see when you look at Daniel. After all, Diego never had a chance to age.

I'm very curious to see how Marisa reacts to Daniel -- and how he reacts to her. Will he find her attractive (as Diego did) or will he be somewhat indifferent to her (as Lucas has always been)? Will she be drawn to him or appalled and frightened by him? Will she meet him before or after he is revealed to be a clone?

Jean thanks for the great recap.

I'm going to disagree there's nothing wrong with having the love for Lucas that Jade has had for him or vice or versa. But when both parents and i'm stressing the word parents here selfishly put their needs and wants before their respective children needs and wants that's when i have a problem.

Lucas finally decided but be there for his child and childlike Jade throws a tantrum that he abandon her.Jade has never grown up mentally she's still stuck with the mindset she had when she first met Lucas. Now after all of these years and her childish stunts she's beginning to feel the consequences of her selfish actions. If she loves her child as much as she says then she needed to put her first.Now for the first time she is doing that by going back to Said and begging him to take her back.

I'm not happy she is doing this but she's the one who put herself in this position.

Novelamaven. Your comments about Daniel being perceived as Diego and Lucas are interesting. My feeling is that most people would identify Daniel with Lucas because he's been around for 20 years. Only those people such Leonardo, Mama Rosa, Albieri, etc. would see Diego in Daniel. As to Marisa, she may see Diego in Daniel but remember she saw Diego in Lucas when they first met. Remember, she was surprised that Diego felt any affection for her meaning that she didn't really know Diego all that well. She was just getting to know Diego. So it stands to reason that because she's lived with Lucas for 20 years, she would most likely perceive Lucas in Daniel. As to Lucas showing indifference to Marisa, I think Daniel's reaction would depend on how Lucas felt about Marisa the moment when he was cloned. In other words, it's quite possible that Lucas may not have loved Marisa at the time but rather was willing to make his marriage work. Remember, he thought that he had lost Jade forever so it's quite possible that Lucas originally intended to establish a working marriage with Marisa. We'll see.

NovelaMaven, what a tremendously interesting response! I can see a lot of support for your describing Zein as an aesthete, but I'm still not sure I agree. I think there may have been more emotion in his response to Jade rather than just an aesthetic appreciation of romantic love. I'll have to think about this some more.

As for Jade and Lucas having romantic love, yes, if one defines romantic love as a two-sided obsession. I don't think that Jade and Lucas really know or understand each other; for me, what they have is two-sided obsession rather than love.

BTW, I love your description of "the magic telenovela maleta (you know, the one that holds Heidi Klum's entire wardrobe and still fits in the overhead bin on Aeronovela." With more and more airlines charging for checked luggage, lots of us would love a magic telenovela maleta.

Juanita, what Lucas and Jade have is the beautiful memory they have of that initial love at first sight they experienced. Their love now is more obsession based because that initial true love was never consumated. Jade and Lucas problem is the absence of each other in their lives. For the past 20 years, they viewed their spouses (Said and Marisa) as other people in their lives. Jade views Zein in the same way. Remember when she told Zein that she viewed Said as an obstacle. Jade views the presence of Said and Zein in her life as incidental. In other words, they only exist because of the absence of Lucas in her life. Lucas feels the same way. He never loved Marisa and he married her because of the absence of Jade in his life. He thought he lost her forever when she got married. Unfortunately, in true love, no one other than the object of your love can ever be an actual but rather be an adequate subsitute. Jade can learn to live without Lucas for the rest of her life. what she can't do is erase him from her heart.

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